A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Howcome there's still been no word on Season 2 Volume 2? I can't speak for everyone here, but I've loved this show since I was 4 years old. I didn't really get to start seriously watching it until I was a bit older. I understand that the sales on the other dvds were not as high as what Disney wanted, but what does that tell us? Most of the time all Disney is interested in, is squeezing every last penny out of every person they can. So the sales could've been high enough to do the rest of Season 2 and Season 3. But still, what of the true fans? I've heard that some of the fans just didn't spread the word or just didn't buy the dvds. But what of the fans that did buy them? I went and bought season 1 and Season 2 volume 1. I can promise that I WOULD buy Season 2 volume 2 and Season 3 if they were released. Plus being a hardcore Star Trek fan, I also have a special loyalty to Gargoyles with having so many Star Trek actors voicing characters on Gargoyles. I'm not trying to demand the rest of the series right this second. But I still really want to at LEAST see the rest of season 2 out on dvd. Do you think that the second half of season 2 and season 3 will ever come out? I think Disney should finish what they started. I mean it would be different if Gargoyles had been on for years and had like 7 seasons or something with full 26 episode seasons. But it only had 3! 2 of those seasons only having 13 episodes. Disney has so much money as it is, I don't think asking for the rest of Gargoyles is really asking all that much...
Benji, you are preaching to the converted.
I'd love to get at least the second half of Season Two. But right now, I don't even have a liason at BVHE. (There's been quite a bit of turnover there over the years.)
Again, I'm not BLAMING the fans -- particularly the hardcore fans, who have been so great. But it doesn't change the simple fact that the DVDs didn't sell enough to MAINTAIN BVHE's intense interest. So now we have to get their attention all over again.
You can complain all you want about how it SHOULD be. I'm simply trying to tell you how it IS.