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Hi Greg,
I recently got into Gargoyles again after ten years and I fell into love with the series all over again for different reasons. It was an amazing childhood action cartoon and now as a young adult I love it for it depth in characters. But my heart broke when I found out that the remaining part of Season Two has not been released on DVD. I bought Season One and the first half of Season Two to support Gargoyles the best way I could but it's not enough for me now.
I have been trying to e-mail Disney with numerous e-mail accounts and they keep sending me the same copy-and-paste reply so I even went to make a Facebook group to get all my friends and other interested people to join the group and e-mail Disney themselves. But I really want to know, will Disney ever give in if people keep on e-mailing them? It's the best I can do since I can't force all my friends to buy the DVDs. But seriously, and honestly, do you really think Disney will release the other half of season two if enough people e-mail them? And please, don't tell me you can only hope. I really want to know if all I'm doing is just in vain.
It's not in vain, and it certainly helps, but I'm afraid it's NOT the most effective tack to take.
E-mail is wonderful, but money speaks loudest.
No, you can't make people buy the DVD, and no, you can't possibly buy enough copies yourself to turn the tide. But figure if you tell ten people about Gargoyles, about the DVDs, the Gathering, the comics, the SHOW itself... if you turn ten people on to Gargoyles, then maybe one will make a purchase. One out of ten doesn't sound impressive. But if you tell 1,000 people, then you'll have sold 100 DVDs. And if everyone YOU tell, tells 1000... Well, you get the idea.
I am NOT telling you to cease and desist with the e-mails to Disney. Quite the reverse, we need Disney to turn its eyes toward Gargoyles again and look at the sales figures anew. But if they look and the figures are still weak, then the e-mails didn't do much. So in addition to e-mailing DIsney, I'd say that job one is SPREADING THE WORD.
Now, I've been taken to task before for doing everything from being an ungrateful bastard to an apologist for Disney... so to be clear, I think the FANS are great! GREAT! And they've done great by me and by the property. Should this be the fans' responsibility? No. But if they don't take responsibility for spreading the word, then who will?