A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hi Greg,
Big fan of the show, and really think it's admirable that you keep in direct contact with the fans. My question for you is if it's at all feasible to arrange some sort of preorder, with say, a $5 or $10 deposit. It seems there's tons of dedicated fans who are willing to commit, and then you would be able to make a stronger case with hard numbers, guaranteed purchases, plus potential future sales from those who weren't in on the preorder. I understand that such things are most likely pipedreams, but when I read on the news about people sending in peanuts to petition that CBS show to come back for another season, and did so successfully, I thought it's a good sign that there's really room in the industry for unconventional methods of pursuasion.
Alternatively, is there anyway you could purchase the rights from Disney to release the DVDs independently? I would imagine funding (if you needed it) wouldn't be too difficult to procure, given the relative certainty of turning a profit.
Well... I just wanted to put out some suggestions on how there might be ways to actively get the ball rolling. I've got season 2 on the tivo, but I'd rather see it on my shelf! Best of luck!
Procuring funding is, I've found, exponentially more difficult than people seem to think. (Why people think it's easy is beyond me, but there you go.)
I like the idea of non-traditional methods, but they can backfire.
But say you wanted to send Disney Home Entertainment, I don't know, a walnut (for example) to prove that you'd buy the DVD. Sounds like a fun idea. And it could work if we had thousands of people sending walnuts in. They'd assume for every one person who bothered, about ten didn't, who would still buy the DVD. But what if only, say twelve people sent walnuts. Then what started as a good idea becomes the reverse. Proof positive that the fandom isn't out there.
So BEFORE one can organize something like that (and let me be clear that I do NOT have the time to organize this stuff in any case), you have to SPREAD THE WORD and make sure that you have a significant number of people willing to send walnuts.