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With all the direct to dvd movies now a days and the pile of crap Disney puts out direct to dvd. Why won't they consider a line a of direct to dvd Gargoyle movies. It would sure make more money than a lot of the other crappy sequels that they keep putting out.
No, actually, it probably wouldn't -- much as we'd like to think otherwise. MOMS, the main purchasers of these things, are way more likely to buy Cinderella VII or Land Before Time LIX than Gargoyles. That's just a FACT. Now, do I think we could make them some real money on an original DVD? Yes, indeed I do. But it's very difficult to convince them of that when the most recent product they put out sold ... poorly.
And, yes, MARKETING. But their attitude is let's not throw good money after bad. They throw money at Cinderella because they feel confidant they'll get return on that money. The irony is that if Gargoyles sold more, they'd be willing to give it a marketing budget.