A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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So I've finished outlining the second book in the RAIN OF THE GHOSTS series. Now, I need to start writing Chapter One. So, of course, I'm here at ASK GREG instead, procrastinating. (Hey, that first blank page is VERY intimidating!)
Anyway, as part of my process, I broke the entire book down on index cards: SIX HUNDRED NINETY-THREE index cards to be exact!!! They completely cover a huge six foot tall bulletin board, a decent-sized table and nearly an entire pool table. They're multi-colored. I think they're very pretty.
I've also transcribed those cards into a document, because, frankly, carrying around a bulletin board, a table and a pool table was getting SO unwieldy. This document, which also contains research and other notes, is ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-SEVEN pages long!!
See why I'm intimidated?