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RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, BOOK ONE UPDATE, Chapters Sixteen - Nineteen

RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, BOOK ONE UPDATE, Chapters Sixteen - Nineteen

In my on-going shameless attempt to maintain buzz about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.), I'm updating you on my progress proofreading the proofs of the book. (Yes, it's ridiculous, but I did use the word 'shameless' now, didn't I?)

This is a painstaking process. I'm going through each chapter sentence by sentence, trying to be careful with each word, each punctuation point.

Tonight, I finished proofing Chapters Sixteen through Nineteen, which means I finished, since the book has nineteen chapters.

Here are all the changes I've indicated in these last four chapters:

P. 169
In third paragraph, remove comma after "right waist gunner".

P. 170
In second full paragraph, change "Belle's" to "Belles". All italics. Plural, not possessive.

P. 176
In sixth full paragraph, change "Belle's" to "Belle's", taking the italics off the "'s".

P. 181
In first paragraph, change "Sam" to Sam's".

P. 201
In chapter title, change "Bontemps Rouler" to "bontemps rouler".

Admit it. You're intrigued.