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I just read through the entire ASK GREG FAQ. WOW!!!!!
Four corrections:
1. In 2198 there are only twelve clans. Queen Florence is added later. Paris, later still.
2. "Hobgoblin of Little Minds" and "The Weird Macbeth" (formerly "Puck's Macbeth") were two different story ideas. The one described in the FAQ is "The Weird Macbeth". So far, I have given no details on "Hobgoblin".
3. There have been at least six writers (that I know of) on the Live Action Gargoyles movie.
4. I never worked on the Disney Tarzan Animated series. I was offered a job on it, but I was busy voice directing 3x3 Eyes at the time, so I had to pass.
But given all that information, I'm amazed that there's so little for me to correct. Again, thank you. (Now, let's hope people look at it.)