A Station Eight Fan Web Site
Displaying 1 record.
Thanks Gore for getting us back up and running.
Unfortunately, as some of you know, I'm leaving today on vacation, and I don't know if I'll have net access while I'm gone.
So we'll try to get the ball rolling for real in late August.
But I will try to answer a couple questions today.
I'm now going to get TOUGH with you guys.
Although I welcome you to post as often as you like, PLEASE remember to only ask one, two or three questions PER POST. Multiple questions are only acceptable if they are on the exact same topic as the first question.
From here on out, if I receive a post with multiple questions, I will answer the first one and then only answer the following questions if they are on the same topic. Otherwise, I will advise the poster to try again.
(Better be okay, grumble, grumble.)