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It's been awhile, but I'd like to try and continue to post old memos and such from my development file.
This is where we left off in July of 1993...
[2] From: Bruce Cranston 7/16/93 10:57AM (801 bytes: 10 ln)
To: Suzanne Prescott
cc: Greg Weisman, Paul Lacy, Adrienne Bello
------------------------------- Message Contents -------------------------------
In our outline for the Gargoyle's pilot, we refer to a fictional robotics company named CYBERCORP. Adrienne suggested that I have you check that there's no real company by that name. They aren't bad guys or anything. The bad guys steal something from them. But I guess we should check. Does it cost money to check7
It isn't necessary to check it at this point, especially if the clearance fee is more than $100.00 or so.
Please just remember to do a check once we get the go-ahead to production.