A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Happy New Year!
Gorebash, Todd and I are briefly opening the submit function here at ASK GREG. I plan on posting some ramblings soon on "The Gathering, Part One" and "The Gathering, Part Two" and "Vendettas". And I'd love to get your rambles on those episodes as well.
More than that, I'd like to get your response to the new DVD that came out last month.
I also don't mind getting a few legit new questions, but PLEASE... be reasonable. As of now, I'm still nearly two years behind in answering questions. Gore is planning a major retrofit of the site, but until then, it doesn't help to flood ASK GREG with questions that have already been answered or that could be answered much more rapidly in the comment room.
We'll be closing the submit function down at the end of January, 2006. (I don't want to get too much further behind.)
Thanks and looking forward to hearing from you about that DVD,