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GATHERING 2006 - Con Journal
My usual caveats... I meet so many people at the Gathering that I can't possibly remember all the names. I apologise. I try, believe me. Please, do not be offended if you've slipped my mind.
Sunday, June 25
8:30am - Wake up.
9:15am - Staff breakfast. I was getting a little later everyday, but heck I showed up, so that's something, right? I didn't eat much. Just some O.J. and a couple of croissants. In general, I honestly think I ate less at this Gathering than at any previous Gathering. Not sure why. But I feel like my ConJournals of the past have basically been food diaries. And it doesn't feel that way this time.
10am - First panel of a very busy day was "Gargoyles: the Comic Book" with Dan Vado (of SLG), David Hedgecock (pencil artist), Stephanie Lostimolo (cover color artist) and Marty Lund (of CreatureComics.com). We had a bit of an adventure with the "airwalls" as the two ballrooms weren't properly set up in advance. That forced us to interrupt a church service nearby. A very pleasant guy came over during the hustle and bustle and asked what we were up to. I told him, and he said something like: "Well, we're just over here saving souls."
Moving on...
11:30am - We held a signing for the comic. Signed a bunch of DVDs too. (For a few years there it was starting to look like I had already signed every piece of Gargoyles memorabilia in existance, so it was nice to have some new product, huh?)
12pm - Next up: "Gargoyles: the Voice Acting Process" with Brigitte (Angela) Bako, Elisa (Obsidiana) Gabrielli, Morgan (Petros/Odin) Sheppard, Keith (Goliath) David and Thom (Lexington) Adcox. I meant to bill myself as Commando #2, but I think I forgot. It was a great group. I didn't have to say much unsurprisingly.
1:30pm - Another signing. This time I didn't have to sign much. But I was hardly the main attraction.
2pm - The BIG PANEL. "W.I.T.C.H." Carol and I had gathered a HUGE group of writers and voice actors, etc. for the panel. Elisa (Sarina) Gabrielli, Justin (Eric) Shenkarow, Susan (Cassidy) Chessler, Loren (Julian) Lester, Thom (Sammy) Adcox, Crispin (Sylla) Freeman, Andrew Robinson (writer), Tracy (Bess) Martin, Jon Weisman (writer), Nicole Dubuc (writer), Sam Bernstein (writer), Ginny McSwain (voice director), Candi (Irma) Milo, Liza (Hay Lin) Del Muno, Steve (Blunk) Blum, Marriane (Galgheita) Muellerleille and myself. I screened the third episode of our new season, "C is for Changes" (written by Nicole). A lively Q&A followed, and we even ran long.
3:40pm - Back into the foyer for yet another signing. By this time there really wasn't anything for me to sign. Said hello to the Ben Ten people as they were coming in for their panel.
4pm - Auction. I just peaked in. Gorebash bought my jacket, which pleased me. He's a pal, so I was glad to see it go to him. Over at the art show, Erin bid on and won a shirt from Jade, and Benny bid on and won a piece by Cindy.
6pm - Banquet. A tasty buffet. Sat with Beth, Erin, Benny, Caitie and her dad, Abbie and her dad and one more guy whose name escapes me at the moment.
7:30pm - The Banquet Q&A with myself, Crispin, Thom, Brynne, Michael, Wendy, Dennis Woodyard, Frank Paur, Patrick Archibald (storyboard artist), Sam and Bob Kline.
9pm - Masquerade. Quantity of costumes was lower than average, but the quality was VERY high. The judges were myself, Thom, Sam, Michael, Brynne and Wendy.
1. Fox as Lex.
2. Abbie as Katharine.
3. Becca as Hyena.
1. Benny as the Garghoul.
2. Fusion Demon as Celestial Elf.
3. Erin as La Belle Morte.
1. Victoria as Puck.
2. Brenda as Goliath.
1. Doug as Onyx.
2. Pearl as Pearl.
3. Shara as Gene Simmons.
Cutest Couple went to Thom and Tony, who also won the Thom Adcox Memorial Award for squeezing himself into a kids Chernabog costume.
Revel & Spacie got 2nd place for Cutest couple for playing Brod & Salli.
The Gorelisa Award went to Jason as Ines. (VERY impressive.)
We gave a 1/2 award to Jade for coming as Inuyashi 1/2.
And finally BEST IN SHOW went to a very impressive SET costume and Lance.
Later, there was some dancing and singing, but a number of people wanted to continue the Blue Mug from the night before. So Thom & Michael and I sat down in a corner for that.
12:15am - We ended it, and I went back up to my room.
2am - Lights out.
Tune in tomorrow for my further adventures in Valencia...