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GATHERING 2006 - Con Journal
My usual caveats... I meet so many people at the Gathering that I can't possibly remember all the names. I apologise. I try, believe me. Please, do not be offended if you've slipped my mind.
Monday, June 26
8:30am - Wake up.
9:15am - Staff Breakfast. Good food. OJ, Eggs Benedict, Potatos, strawberries. I sat with Cindy, Sammy, Seth, Carol, Adam and Greg.
10am - "Time Travel in the Gargoyles Universe" This was a fun panel. I discussed BACK TO THE FUTURE and SPEED III: THE LAKE HOUSE first. Discussed my made-up chestnut about the Gettysburgh Address and the classic Kill-your-own-Grandfather chestnut. We talked about Griff and the Archmage, and I even snuck in two fun anecdotes to illustrate how Free Will works.
11am - I went back to my room to begin checking out. Went to the Art Room to collect my kids' unsold pieces. Went back to my room. Checked out. Dropped stuff in my cars. Around here the Goodbyes began.
Noon - My Mug-A-Guest with Tigris, Ed, David, Cynthia, Adriana, Jonathon, Kristen and Cathie. (And I saw Liz hanging out too.)
1pm - Hosting a Gathering with Jen, GXB and Nikki. Looks like we've got serious interest from Chicago in 2008.
2pm - Closing Ceremonies. Art Show awards included a "ZOMG! Improved" ribbon for Benny. Kyt, I believe, took home Best in Show.
4pm - TGIF for an early dinner. Another huge crowd. I sat with Andrea, Tony and Greg. But there were 19 other people there.
6pm - Dead Dog Party with the ConStaff. We watched a big chunk of the G2004 raw footage that the documentary crew shot in Montreal.
8:30pm - Headed home.
Another Great Gathering. I had a total blast, as I am wont to do at these things. For those who came, I hope you had a great time too. And for those who didn't, start planning ahead now for G2007 in Pigeon Forge. Check out the website at www.gatheringofthegargoyles.com.
(Plus responses to the 1st issue of the comic!!)