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CON-ODYSSEY: ComicCon - Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Geez, I only JUST noticed that my entire previous conjournal entries for the Gathering and ConVergence all have the YEAR wrong. 2008, not 2009.
12am - I'm still prepping for ComicCon.
2am - I watch an episode of the L-Word.
4am - I web-browse, looking for info on my buddy Cary Bates' new comic for Marvel: True Believers.
5am - I go to bed.
10am - I get up, pack, etc.
12pm - I say goodbye to Erin, who is home sick, and head to Ralph's market to buy road snacks.
12:20pm - I finally hit the road. I eat a Butterfinger, Pringles and Evian. I'm listening to Steve Martin's great autobiography Born Standing Up.
3pm - I arrive at the Omni Hotel and check in. My room (non-smoking) smells like cigarette smoke but only in the entry way. I think smokers stood outside the room by the window and some of the smoke seeped through. I'm too lazy to complain or change rooms, but I later bring it to the front desk's attention as I'm paranoid I'll be blamed for the situation and charged a huge "cleaning" fee. Otherwise, the room is very nice.
4pm - I have "lunch" with Michael Vogel, Chris and Mike Ross at Sweetwater in the Hard Rock. I have a number of cokes, a bacon cheese burger and a big pickle. Jennifer Anderson catches up to us.
5:30pm - Jennifer and I go to Mary Janes (also at the Hard Rock) and I have dessert: Apple Pie ala mode.
7pm - We get to the Old Globe Theatre just before curtain. The play is "The Pleasure of His Company". It's a very fun and funny production. I lose a contact part way through the play however. So we head back to my room so that I can change into my glasses. We then head out to meet up with Seth and Sammy, who are at a restaurant. We are warned that it's a "long walk" -- but are not told that it's flat out TOO FAR TO WALK! Eventually, we call and force Seth to come pick us up.
11pm - At the deli, I have an OJ, a French Dip Sandwich and Potato Salad.