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CON-ODYSSEY: ComicCon - Friday, July 25, 2008
12:30am - Giving up on food, I return to my room to watch some TV and read BONE by Jeff Smith. I had bought the complete one-volume edition earlier that day, breaking my "no purchases at ComicCon" rule.
4am - I turn off the lights to go to bed.
5am - Can't sleep, so I turn ON the lights and read more Bone.
6am - Turn out the lights (just as the sun's coming up).
10am - Wake up.
11am - We have a press session organized by Lindsay Colker for Spectacular Spider-Man. I give a half dozen interviews, as do Michael Vogel, Vic Cook, Sean "Cheeks" Galloway, Jamie Thomason, Josh Keaton, Vanessa Marshall and Ben Diskin.
12:30pm - Spectacular Spider-Man panel w/myself, Michael, Vic, Sean, Jamie, Josh, Vanessa, Ben and Robert Englund. We show the music video, our "Quip Reel" and the preview of our Mysterio and Kraven footage. It all seems to go over pretty well. Vic and I attempt to make shout outs to everyone on the staff that we know is attending. Not sure if we got everyone, but we tried. The Q&A -- in fact the entire panel -- seemed to go pretty well. I judge this by the number of laughs we got.
2pm - We have a Spectacular Spider-Man two-poster/one postcard signing at the Sony Booth. The coolest giveaway is this great spider-signal. Very cool.
3:30pm - Vic and I do one last interview.
4pm - Back to the SLG Booth to sign Gargoyles stuff with Karine Charlebois and Robby Bevard. Jennifer brought me a Pinkberry.
6:15pm - Back to the room.
6:30pm - I get Michael Vogel and Chris into the Jetix party at Stingaree. I make some small talk with Mike Moon, Rich Fogel, Mark Seidenberg, Eddie Gamara, Peter McHugh, Matt Wayne, Nicole Dubuc, Brian Swenlin, among others.
7:30pm - I hook up with Eric Vesbitt, John, Carrie, Karine, Kyt and Jennifer for dinner at Mahoney's. We are literally driven out of the place by the ridiculously high volume of the music - taking our food to go. We ate outside, and the food was actually pretty good (Salad, Club Soda, Philly Cheesesteak Sandwich). But I was still shaking from the volume. So we went to Ghiradelli's for dessert. I had a "Domingo", which is basically a hot fudge sundae (Domingo=Sunday, get it?) with bananas. Afterwards, Jennifer, Kyt, Laura and Julia and I went to a bar. I had another club soda and then called it a night...