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Young Justice Stats

Statistics interest me. So I thought I'd share some with you guys. (Okay, yeah, I'm procrastinating. But it is my lunch hour, so sue me.)

We have completed (so far) 17 out or our 26 first season Young Justice Scripts. That is NOT the same as completing the episodes. We haven't completed a single episode yet. We don't start post-production until later this month. But we do have 17 scripts in the can.

As of episode 17, we have 147 name characters from the DC Universe. That's an average of introducing 8.6 DC characters per episode. Of course, the reality is that some episodes have introduced many more than that, others fewer. But that's the average.

Our average page count for each script is 33. Our average dialogue count is 235 lines.

We've completed recording on the first 13 episodes. (We've partially recorded episodes 114-116, but are missing a few actors still. We'll record 117 this coming Tuesday after Labor Day.) So the following statistics are only through episode 13:

Total number of actors we've used so far: 47.
Average number of actors we've used per episode: 11.
Of course many actors are in multiple episodes and many are performing more than one character.

Hmm... what else?

All 26 scripts have been assigned to writers. (All 26 premises were written and approved months ago.) As I mentioned above, 1-17 are in the can. Episode 18 is in script. Episodes 19-22 are in outline. Episodes 23-24 are in beat outline. 25-26 are approved premises, waiting in the wings.

We have seven writers, including myself, staff writer Kevin Hopps and our freelancers: Andrew Robinson, Nicole Dubuc, Jon Weisman, Tom Pugsley and Peter David. My fellow producer Brandon Vietti is also heavily involved in the writing process.

Okay, back to work...