A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Seems like a good day for an update on production...
Episodes 101-109 have aired.
Episodes 110-111 are in the can, ready to air in June.
Episode 112 is in post-production. We do the Sound Mix tomorrow.
Episode 113 is in post-production. We should be locking the edit later today.
Episodes 114-119 are in Korea being animated.
Episodes 120-124 are in Korea in layout, while final models are being completed here.
Episode 125's storyboard is in checking and track. It's slightly too long. Brandon and I will be cutting slivers out of it before it ships.
Episode 126's storyboard is in revision.
Episode 201 is in script.
Episode 202's outline is waiting for notes that should come in today.
Episode 203's outline is being edited by me this week.
Episodes 204-210 are in outline.
By the way, in case it isn't obvious: NO, WE HAVE NOT DONE OVER TWO HUNDRED EPISODES. The first digit refers to the season. The second two digits refer to the episode number for that season. So, for example: episode 111 is the eleventh episode of the first season and episode 203 is the third episode of the second season.