A Station Eight Fan Web Site
Displaying 1 record.
So where are we...?
With the start of DC NATION, Episodes 101-119 have now aired.
120-126 are all in the can, and at least the first four of those are scheduled to air this month (March 2012).
Episodes 201 and 202 are in the can.
203 has mixed. We'll do the online tomorrow and then that will be in the can.
204 is in post-production. We locked picture last Friday and spotted the music today.
205 is in post-production. We called retakes for it last week.
206 should come in for post, pretty much any minute.
207-209 have all been fully shipped overseas for animation.
210-214 have also shipped though some of the color work on BGs and models is still being completed here.
215 should ship this week.
216 is in board revision and notes.
217 is in slug.
218-219 boards are going to slug and notes ASAP.
220 clean boards should come in early this week.
The trade collecting issues 0-6 is out, I believe. I have a copy, but sometimes I get my comp copy a week or so early, so I'm not sure.
Issues 7-13 are all out.
Issue 14 should come out very soon.
Issue 15 is being inked.
Issue 16 is being pencilled.
Issue 17 is being scripted.
Issue 18-19 are being plotted.