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Anonymous writes...

Mary Bromfield has officially ended up like Vandal Savage, Black Adam/Teth Adam, Ra's al Ghul, and Geo-Force/Brion Markov (The heroes who got lost fighting the good fight and become the very thing they fight against) correct?

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Yuko writes...

How old was the dog wingman when beast boy became his owner in 2020 of young justice timeline? Where did Garfield get his dog wingman from?

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, Mr. Weisman,

1.) You once said that for Brooklyn's TimeDancing would take him to feudal Japan, where he would meet his mate, Katana. Does Brooklyn (and Fu-Dog) arrive in sometime in the Sengoku period?

2.) In an old ask, you said Brooklyn meets Katana before AND after his adventures in 2198, which meant he arrived in 2198, then met Katana in feudal Japan (where they were biologically the same age), then got pulled back in 2198, and then back again in feudal Japan. By the time of his second visit to Japan, is Brooklyn still the same age as Katana? I only ask because Brooklyn looks a lot older than Katana does when returns to the Manhattan Clan.

3.) I imagine Brooklyn might've learned Japanese his time in Japan during his adventures and Katana continued his lessons, and since Nashville is also bilingual, we know that Katana taught him, too. If we get a revival, will we get to see Brooklyn, Katana, and Gnash speak Japanese to each other, whether in a casual conversation or to rely a secret message only they would be able to understand?

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Anonymous writes...

1. I love that Miss Martian’s form changes each season, it’s such a fun way to visually depict her character development throughout the years. Was this planned from the beginning, or was it something that came up later on?
2. When the character designer presents options for each new character, are the options radically different or are they pretty similar with minor differences?
3. What makes you decide that a character should have a design change between seasons rather than keeping them the same (for example, Wonder Girl, Static, and Kid Flash get new designs in season 3, but others like Blue Beetle and Nightwing don’t)?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What were Lor-Zod's thoughts on Superboy and Miss Martian's romance?
2. Was Lor-Zod ever worried about if Miss Martian were to come after him for Superboy's death?
3. What does Lor-Zod think about Miss Martian?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Aside from Courtney Whitmore, will we ever see the Earth-16 of other characters from the live-action "Stargirl" TV series (such as Yolanda Montez, Beth Chapel, Rick Tyler, Jennie-Lynn Hayden, Jakeem Williams, etc.)?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Is Dinah Lance's Canary Cry far more dangerous when used against individuals who have super-hearing (like Superman, for example)? I remember the Smallville version of Black Canary did that against Clark Kent in an episode of Season 7, and it caused him so much pain that he collapsed and his ears were bleeding.

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Anonymous writes...

if billy or Mary were to transform and stay in their transformed state for a year and then transform back into their normal state would their body' s have aged a year or would it just remain the exact same age before they transformed?

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Anonymous writes...

Step 1: beg all your fans to do all of the work to keep this series going time and time again and give vague promises that you'll get to certain characters eventually if we keep earth-16 alive to coerce people
Step 2: never deliver on those promises, keep adding more characters, continue to tease people that they'll get to all the characters instead of being honest to keep their hopes up and keep them watching on the slight chance it'll happen
Step 3: rage about fans "BITCHING" when they dare to complain

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Anonymous writes...

lol see your now trying to claim queen bee and noor harjavti are muslims to deflect from criticism about halo when there's nothing to indicate that they're muslim other than the fact that they're arab...you think arab automatically means muslim? you know that's a core component of islamophobia right? everyday you reveal your ignorance more and more, i don't know why you've got this reputation as one of the good white men.

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MadMod89 writes...

Given your previous stance with magus & death/war along with cost in conflict:


Why are we supposed to believe that theres any chance that you might bring wally west back given how he pretty much died under the same circumstances thematically as magus did?

Not only that but others that you work with like Christopher Jones. Have categorically answered that he died when asked similar questions.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

By the end of Season 4, Metron remains completely unaware the the Emerald Eye of Ekron is missing from his vault and is now currently in the possession of Ursa Zod. Once he finally realizes the truth, what lengths do you think he'll go to in order to get it back?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. What is the name of the preschool that Jonny Kent attends in Metropolis?

#2. Was Johnny finished with a day of preschool when he came home with Lois and heard Beast Boy mentioning Superboy in the Season 4 finale?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Is the following familial relationships within the House of El correct from the perspective of the Earth-16 version of Kara Zor-El? If not, please state the correct House of El familial relationships in your response posting.

Zor-El (Kara's father)
Alura-El (formerly Alura In-Ze) (Kara's mother)
Jor-El (Kara's paternal uncle)
Lara-El (formerly Lara Lor-Van) (Kara's paternal aunt)
Kal-El (Kara's paternal cousin)
Lois Joanne Lane-Kent (Kara's paternal cousin-in-law)
Jonathan Samuel "Jonny" Kent (Kara's paternal cousin once removed)
Kru-El (Kara's paternal uncle)

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Will we ever see the Earth-16 version of Apophis (the Egyptian Lord of Chaos); an antagonist from the "Injustice: Year Zero" comics?

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Hannily writes...

What year did Garfield logan's skin turn green in young justice timeline?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Was Kara Zor-El sent to the Phantom Zone because all ships of any kind were banned from leaving Krypton following Jor-El's failed attempted warning to the people of Krypton that the red sun, Rao, would explode and take Krypton with it? If Zor-El sent Kara to the Phantom Zone, was it because he believed that Jor-El was telling the truth, and did Zor-El's wife (Alura El) also supported her husband's decision? Finally, if Kara had presumably suffered from zone sickness for over four decades while in the Phantom Zone, is it possible that the long-term exposure and her own inexperience (due to her youth) warped her mind so severely that it caused her to assume that her entire family had intentionally abandoned her in the Phantom Zone; thus leaving her open to possible further lies/manipulation by Darkseid after she was delivered to him by Vandal Savage? Could this then help explain why Grayven mentioned that Kara was "betrayed"?

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Anonymous writes...

Now that Cyborg is in the JL, can you confirm that his designation as an Outsider was D08?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Now that the SuperMartian ship has successfully went through the wedding phase of their relationship, when can we expect the newly happily married couple to have kids?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Was Superboy's decision to not kill Superman (despite General Zod's direct order) because, in part, due to the fact that Superboy had realized at that very moment (after he reflected on certain memories) how badly Superman's death would have likely affected Jonathan and Martha Kent, as well as Lois Lane and Johnny Kent?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Even though she was not seen using it in Season 4 during the Zatanna story arc, the "Wisdom of Solomon" is also one of Mary Bromfield's powers, correct?

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P.E.T.H. writes...

Hello, first congrats on the fourth season, loved it and hoping for a fifth to be announced.
Second, my question is about the gap between the B and D designations, which I hope you can answer unless you consider them spoiler questions.
For the B designations there is a gap between B33 (Terra) and B36 (Orphan). We know that originally members of the Outsiders had B designations before the change to D designations. Is it possible to speculate that the remaining B designations, B34 and B35, belong to El Dorado and Cyborg respectively?
The other one is that, as we know, there are 3 D designations we don't know. D02, D06 and D15. From what we can speculate, D02 and D06 belong to the original Outsiders, and giving that the ones we know have a similar feel to the order they had as B designations can we speculate that D02 and D06 belong to Wonder Girl and Geo-Force?
Can we also speculate that D15 belongs to Windfall, since she is the only other Outsider we do not know the designation to?

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Kyle writes...

Did Stargirl and J'emm J'axx flirt at Conner and M'gann's wedding?

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Lofgren writes...

Did Garfield logan learn kid flash's name was Wally west before or after Garfield begin living at mount justice?

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Taylor Schwab writes...

if i could pay hbo max to greenlight two more seasons of young justice how much would it take?

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