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Paul writes...

Hi Greg!

1) Does Green Lantern Forager have a designation, since she was on the Watchtower in "Zenith and Abyss"?
2) Does the Kaizer-Thrall/Danny Chase have a designation, since he was on the Watchtower in "Zenith and Abyss"? He is sentient (and this was known to GL Forager before she brought him to the Watchtower) so I wonder whether he was given a designation when he arrived on the Watchtower, despite appearing to be a floating box to those who did not know him.
3) If Green Lantern Forager and/or Kaizer Thrall/Danny Chase were given designations on this occasion, what are their designations (if you would not mind revealing them, please)? We know that the next designations were A-50 (J'emm J'axx) and A-51 (Phantom Girl), so it seems likely that one or both of the preceding designations (A-48 and A-49) went to GL Forager and/or KT/Danny Chase if they were given Zeta access. Of course, I can't be sure of this since access may have been overriden for them as it was for Cheshire in "Artemis Through the Looking Glass". But I thought this might be worth asking about! :)

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Anonymous writes...

What was the inspiration behind Hawkwoman and Hawkman's accents?

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Marvelman writes...

Christopher Jones has corrected me and a lot of other YJ fans. YJ has not been cancelled. It simply has not been renewed - YET. Apparently there is a difference. I should have known better. Still, I do wonder why a renewal is in doubt. The show was financially successful, so what else matters? Am I wrong?

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Anonymous writes...

What was the inspiration behind Phantom Girl’s accent?

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Anonymous writes...

have you ever considered working with Brandon Vietti on a project not related to Earth-16? trying to pitch something for other companies?
what makes YJ so great is the fact that you guys make a goddamn good duo and I really hope to see you working together for as long as you can work
I'll always keep binging YJ and trying to save Earth-16, but the thing is that, with all this current Warner's merge chaos and disrespect with animation-related workers (I don't know what it will be when you read this, but it's really worrying right now), I fear for YJ characters because they all belong to DC and DC belongs to Warner, so (if I understand this correctly) you couldn't even try to pitch something E-16 related to another company
but maybe we could get the chance of seeing Grandon work together once again with an all-original universe with all-original characters and that would be great

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Anonymous writes...

How long does it take for a New Genesis Bug and Apokolips Hunger Dog to age 1 human year? Also, what are the ages of:
1. Jovita
2. Kreetin

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ForagerIsForager writes...

What are the human equivalent ages of the Bugs:
1. Green Lantern Forager
2. Mantis
3. Mountain Hive All-Widow
4. Red Mountain Forager
5. Blue Mountain Hive Larva
6. Red Mountain Hive Larva

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Forever16 writes...

How long exactly are the lifespans of Martian wildlife, such as:
1. Bio-Ships
2. Ma’alefa’aks
3. Ma’arphin Beasts
4. Ma’arzuu Beasts

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BrainiacFan writes...

I have a few questions regarding the lifespans of some of Earth-16’s alien species. How many years is the equivalent of 1 human year for:
1). The New Gods
2). The New Genesis Bugs
3. The Hunger Dogs

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Anonymous writes...

Please don't let Young Justice be canceled again. We (As in me and the other YJ fans) have been waiting for years for its revival and we don't wanna see go away again. So please do something to make sure it doesn't get canceled and gets renewed for a Season 5 somehow.

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Guest writes...

When Bear said he was about 16,000 years old, does that mean he’s the human biological equivalent of 16?

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Disney Boy writes...

Is it true that Young Justice is canceled again.

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Aj armento writes...

Hay Greg,i know your getting alot of these question but i was wondering if young justice has been canceled or if its still up in the air?

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Earth16Fan writes...

Quick question: Is Cassandra Savage a meta-human? If yes, what are her powers?

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Anonymous writes...

This is a question regarding how M’gann and Dinah conducts their therapy sessions
1. How do they choose who to counsel, is it based on their relationship with the person (e.g can Dinah counsel Ollie being his partner? Or M’gann with Conner), the age of the person, or who the person opens up to the most?
2. Can members of the League, Team and Outsiders choose who they’d rather talk to for their mental health check-in?
3. Can a person be counselled by both M’gann and Dinah at different times? (e.g, is Zatara allowed to be counselled by M’gann after being counselled by Dinah)
4. Do Dinah and M’gann share with each other their counselling sessions?
5. Does Jefferson, being the leader of the League currently, have a say on who is allowed to be on active duty? Or does he trust M’gann and Dinah to make that decision themselves?

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Showviewer writes...

1.What is up with the one shot in 1x10 when Cheshire fights Red arrow and spinkicks him and flips back? because wow someone really made that and it really got on tv lol. Also People keep asking are they ever going to do a shot or scene like that again
2.its cool the animation is mostly the same as s1 and even on teen Titans but it updates the quality was that intentional or just it looks cool. Also how many seasons do you think will happen? Sorry for the long question

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HappyMaskSalesman writes...

If Dick became Nightwing in 2015 and Barbara became Batgirl also in 2015, does that mean they never worked together under Batman and only really worked with each other on the Team?

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NIghtTimeStars writes...

Considering we aren’t getting a fifth season will there be more comics for Young Justice or are we stuck with a cliff hanger that will never be addressed?

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SoraIsTheKey writes...

What does Nightwing do in his life? Is he going to college or does he work in security like he does in some comics? Just curious because we know that Conner makes a living fixing Motorcycles, Megan is a school counselor, and Artemis teaches, so what is Dick’s profession?

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Kaylle writes...

A fan recently asked you on Twitter whether Matt Bluestone is part of the Gargoyle "family" or just a friend/ally, and you replied that he's an ally.

This made me wonder about Elisa. I think all of the Manhattan gargoyles would consider Elisa to be part of the clan, but I wondered if you could elaborate when you think that realization happened for each of them.

Thank you!

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Just a Nobody writes...

I probably know the answer, but I’ll ask anyway given the news that HBO is not picking up season 5. Was there ever any plans or discussion about bringing Wally back?

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SilentStar writes...

1) Is Robin dating Spoiler now?
2) Is Nightwing and Oracle still dating?
3) Even though Robin and Wondergirl broke up are they on good terms with each other or is that relationship still strained?
4) Did Jade ever go home?

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Marvelman writes...

As of this writing, we have been told that Warner Bros. has no plans to produce a fifth season of Young Justice which is just another way of saying the series has been cancelled. It doesn't make any sense. Why would WB not renew a well-performing show?

I understand this decision is above your pay-grade, but can you offer us an educated guess as to why this decision was made? Because it seems illogical to me. Is there any harm in speculating?

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The Space Bunny writes...

What was the name of the horse Vandal Savage was riding as Genghis Khan in "Evolution"

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Anonymous writes...

Is what I've been reading on the internet true? Is "Young Justice" being canceled again for the GODDAMN SECOND TIME?! And it is all because of that GODDAMN WARNER-DISCOVERY MERGER and that GODDAMN BASTARD, DAVID ZASLAV?! Until I've seen official news/confirmation of the cancellation of "Young Justice" on "Greg's Rambles," I am NOT going to believe this complete and utter bullshit!

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

as of the time of this posting, I just read a CBR article on the internet that suggests that "Young Justice" may NOT be renewed for a fifth season. The link is provided below:


My question for you is this: What are you going to do now? You are not going to stand by and just let this happen, are you...? Please tell me you have some kind of contingency plan for this situation and that "Young Justice" will somehow continue in animated form...?

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John Paul Gontor writes...

Is La'gan,Coral and Rodunn's baby a boy or a girl?

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Aaron Neal writes...

What was the date and year Roy Harper, the original speedy, become Green Arrow's partner? What was the date and year Roy was abducted for project cadmus? When is his birthday?

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Anonymous writes...

Since it's implied at the end of Phantoms that White Martians are ancestors of the Durlan species , I wanted to ask if Chameleon Boy, as a Durlan, ages similarly to Martians in the sense he ages slower compared to humans? Or do Durlans age at what we consider an average rate?

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Anonymous writes...

1) Why did no one think to put Arsenal in therapy during Young Justice Season 2? In one of the shows that averts the "There Are No Therapists" trope, it's kind of foolish for them to let him work on the Team and kick him off when he can't cope when he clearly needs psychiatric help. If a guy attempts suicide, you don't chew him out for risking his teammates, you ship him off to Black Canary until he gets a clean bill of mental health and I'm sure Black Canary could've helped Arsenal perfectly (Especially after seeing how she helped Garfield during season 4 in the episode "Forbidden Secrets of Civilizations Past!") and let's be clear that deep down Arsenal still had good in him and that he was never a lost cause who's beyond redemption like that Pure Evil Martian low-life Ma'alefa'ak/M'comm M'orzz and maybe Geo-Force/Brion Markov.

2) While he's still hot-blooded, he seems to have mellowed out a lot during the two-year time skip between Young Justice Seasons 2 and 3. Does that mean Arsenal is now a Jerk with a Heart of Gold (A jerkish character who is deep down a good or at least decent person)?

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Lieutinant Whoareyou writes...

A few questions about Noble Davis?

1) Was he Rocket's fiancee during Season 2: Invasion?

2) How old is he?
2a) Is there some kind of age gap between him and Rocket? In the episode "Encounter on Upon the Razor's Edge", Noble said he knew Rocket when 'she' was Amistad's age, not when they were both Amistad's age. Does that mean he's older than her by a few years, or am I just seeing things?

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Lieutinant Whoareyou writes...

Do you think you'll ever do more stories with the characters from the season 1 episode "Secrets"?

More specifically, Harm and Secret.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. In the Earth-16 universe, are Slade Wilson's combat abilities purely natural skill (with years of training, of course), or are they a result of a failed medical experiment that he volunteered in like in the comics? If it is the former, then please explain in detail as to why the latter didn't seem to make sense to you for the Earth-16 version of the character.

#2. Was Slade Wilson former military like in the comics? If so, what was his highest rank?

#3. When exactly did Slade Wilson become a mercenary in the Earth-16 universe?

#4. When exactly did Slade Wilson first crossed paths with the Light, and what were his initial impressions of the group?

#5. Who is the person responsible from the loss of Slade Wilson's eye, and why exactly did they do that to him?

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Mar writes...

Have you ever thought of doing a Young Justice movie?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Considering the last line of "Young Justice: Targets" Issue #3 is "... it's been Lex Luthor all along," I'm wondering if you got that idea from the "Agatha All Along" song from the MCU TV series, "WandaVision"? Seriously though, the last line makes me want to think up a similar song for Lex Luthor, but I can't think up any good lyrics for the song in my head...

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I'm calling it now: I think that Perdita somehow got switched out with an imposter or robot who is currently posing as her after she got kidnapped in "Young Justice: Targets." The answer as to why this is happening will obviously be answered by the time this posting gets a response, but I'd still like to know as to why you specifically chose to put Perdita through this ordeal; especially since she and Beast Boy are no longer in a relationship by the end of Season 4?

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J writes...

Is there one specific literature classic you wanted to tackle through action cartoons but not had the chance yet?

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Lieutinant Whoareyou writes...

Can you tell us anything about Young Justice's Tim Drake's background before he became Robin that wouldn't be considered a spoiler?

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Anonymous writes...

Did lady Shiva train any other children from an early age either before or after orphan joined the bat family?

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Anonymous writes...

What is the status of the war between the reach and the green lantern corp? Since we haven’t heard anything about it in season 4 is it still ongoing?

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Anonymous writes...

Out of all the worlds in the Earth-16 universe that had a yellow sun in their solar systems, why did Jor-El and Lara specifically sent Kal-El to Earth? I mean, did Jor-El visited Earth before during his youth? Or was it because information via Kryptonian probes sent into space showed that humans were the only race in the universe that were visually identical to Kryptonians (in terms of physical appearances, skin color, etc.)?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the Earth-16 universe, does Jonathan Kent have a brother named Harry Kent, and a sister-in-law named Sarah "Sal" Kent?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

1. In the Earth-16 universe, is Jonathan Kent's full name addressed as Jonathan Nathaniel Kent; like his DCEU counterpart?

2. In the Earth-16 universe, what is Martha Clark-Kent's middle name?

3. In the Earth-16 universe, what are the names of the parents of Jonathan and Martha Kent, respectively?

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, Greg!

I wanted to ask for a little more detail on how the Legionnaires were able to be rescued? I know Brainy said there was a 99.84% chance the timeline was substantially restored, if things were changed AT ALL (Ursa getting away, Vandal getting all the Kryptonians, etc), wouldn't that mean that even if they went back to their era it wouldn't be exactly like they remember? That there would be other versions of them in this new timeline? I know I might be needlessly overthinking, and I'm sorry if this is a bother, but I just wanted to ask for clarification on how it all works since the time travel was more involved in Phantoms than Invasion.

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Zarabi Mizanin writes...

Hi Greg, my question’s in relation to Young Justice S4. It’s not even a plot relevant question, more of a silly one in regards to the finale. As a wrestling fan, I wanna know: In canon, how did Nightwing learn about blade jobs?

1) Stumbled across it on whatever version of YouTube they have on Earth 16?

2) Went through a wrestling phase?

3) Haly’s Circus held a show in a carnival with wrestlers and Dick learned a few of their secrets by watching?

4) None of the above?

Whatever the answer is, thank you for your time. Love this show SO much, thank you and everyone who helped make it.

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Paul writes...

Hi again, Greg! :)

1) In "Depths", La'gaan says to Artemis, "I relish this opportunity to finally fight beside you, archer". Is there an in-universe reason for the fact that Lagoon Boy joined the Team in Team Year Four and Artemis left in Team Year Five but they didn't fight alongside one another in all that time? If so, what's the reason/what happened?

2) The Doom Patrol died in Team Year Five and Beast Boy is on the Team in February of Team Year Five (as he's present in Legacy). It seems a little bit doubtful that Gar would join the Team within a month or so of the Doom Patrol's demise, so I wonder: did Gar join the Team (if only part-time basis) while Elastigirl, Negative Woman and Chief were still alive? After all, you've said that Gar didn't go on every Doom Patrol mission, so it seems plausible that there could have been a time when he was a member of BOTH teams, if only perhaps on a part-time basis. Is this what happened?

3) I'm really curious about the fact that Mary Bromfield abused her powers (by spending too much time as Sergeant Marvel) and M'gann M'orzz was abusing her own telepathic powers by the time of Team Year Six. Possible spoiler request here, but is there a connection between what happened to these two girls in terms of how they abused their respective powers during the five-year gap?

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Anonymous writes...

Why did Roy Harper choose to come to view his clone Will Harper as his brother by the time of young justice outsiders?

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Anonymous writes...

Was the light the one who put deathstroke in charge of the shadows? If the anwser is yes Why did they consider him the most qualifies over other Shadow members like lady Shiva?

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Anonymous writes...

Did the light ever consider that some of their members might need to be replaced before ocean master’s imprisonment?

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Anonymous writes...

1. I’m a bit confused about the YJ version of Ultra-Humanite. Was Ultra-Humanite born as a human male, then transferred his brain to a human woman to extend his life, then transferred his brain again to a gorilla (like in the comics)? Or was he born as a human female who transferred his brain to a gorilla? I don’t think the tie-in comics confirm or refute either scenario.
2. Why didn’t he just stay human? I don’t really see any pros in becoming a gorilla.


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