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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Was Kara Zor-El sent to the Phantom Zone because all ships of any kind were banned from leaving Krypton following Jor-El's failed attempted warning to the people of Krypton that the red sun, Rao, would explode and take Krypton with it? If Zor-El sent Kara to the Phantom Zone, was it because he believed that Jor-El was telling the truth, and did Zor-El's wife (Alura El) also supported her husband's decision? Finally, if Kara had presumably suffered from zone sickness for over four decades while in the Phantom Zone, is it possible that the long-term exposure and her own inexperience (due to her youth) warped her mind so severely that it caused her to assume that her entire family had intentionally abandoned her in the Phantom Zone; thus leaving her open to possible further lies/manipulation by Darkseid after she was delivered to him by Vandal Savage? Could this then help explain why Grayven mentioned that Kara was "betrayed"?

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Anonymous writes...

Now that Cyborg is in the JL, can you confirm that his designation as an Outsider was D08?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Now that the SuperMartian ship has successfully went through the wedding phase of their relationship, when can we expect the newly happily married couple to have kids?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Was Superboy's decision to not kill Superman (despite General Zod's direct order) because, in part, due to the fact that Superboy had realized at that very moment (after he reflected on certain memories) how badly Superman's death would have likely affected Jonathan and Martha Kent, as well as Lois Lane and Johnny Kent?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Even though she was not seen using it in Season 4 during the Zatanna story arc, the "Wisdom of Solomon" is also one of Mary Bromfield's powers, correct?

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P.E.T.H. writes...

Hello, first congrats on the fourth season, loved it and hoping for a fifth to be announced.
Second, my question is about the gap between the B and D designations, which I hope you can answer unless you consider them spoiler questions.
For the B designations there is a gap between B33 (Terra) and B36 (Orphan). We know that originally members of the Outsiders had B designations before the change to D designations. Is it possible to speculate that the remaining B designations, B34 and B35, belong to El Dorado and Cyborg respectively?
The other one is that, as we know, there are 3 D designations we don't know. D02, D06 and D15. From what we can speculate, D02 and D06 belong to the original Outsiders, and giving that the ones we know have a similar feel to the order they had as B designations can we speculate that D02 and D06 belong to Wonder Girl and Geo-Force?
Can we also speculate that D15 belongs to Windfall, since she is the only other Outsider we do not know the designation to?

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Kyle writes...

Did Stargirl and J'emm J'axx flirt at Conner and M'gann's wedding?

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Lofgren writes...

Did Garfield logan learn kid flash's name was Wally west before or after Garfield begin living at mount justice?

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Taylor Schwab writes...

if i could pay hbo max to greenlight two more seasons of young justice how much would it take?

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Anonymous writes...

How come non of the Superheroes ever thought of asking Doctor Fate to magically open a portal to the Phantom Zone so that they can save Conner? I mean if Klarion can use his magic to teleport into the Phantom Zone then I'm sure Doctor Fate can do it as well.

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