Thanks for your compliments on my article, everybody. I actually used to be an S8 regular for a while, and I've loved Gargoyles since the 90s.
Re: Brooklyn and Katana, I think it's a little too...human-centric, to phrase it like they would be more "protective" of Nashville, or more involved, or closer to a child, than gargoyles would be under normal circumstances. That just ties back to the interpretation that gargoyles love their children less because they do so collectively, which isn't true. Love isn't quantifiable.
And, if you want to be scientific about it, I think gargoyles might be instinctively driven to raise children collectively, and it's not something that can be undone by special circumstances.
Amanda Wells - [wellsaj at shaw dot ca]
posted @ Thu, Mar 8, 2018 2:50:10 pm EST from