[SPOILER] The Phantom Zone hasn't been said to exist outside the flow of time in this continuity (as opposed to the Krypton TV series on Syfy), just that no one ages no matter how long they're there. Therefore there's no reason to think opening it in the 21st century would somehow release versions of the cult of Zod who had experienced the 3oth century. How would Lor even get that coordinated? In fact, there'd be little point in giving the prisoners sentences of a specific length if the Zone existed outside of time; the idea is for them to experience that amount of time there (which was accidentally far exceeded because of Krypton's destruction).
Conner and Zod can communicate because it's all by thought in the Zone, Zod probably hasn't been exposed to English yet (depending on how long Kryptonians were aware of Earth before Jor-El decided it was the best place to send baby Kal). [/SPOILER]
posted @ Sun, May 1, 2022 10:35:55 pm EDT from