Craig> In shows like this and most superhero shows, protagonists that are heavily involved in heroics or strangeness outside the norms of everyday life, well their lives outside of heroics or everyday life don't get a lot of focus. Often times it's used to highlight how much the characters have changed and how what used to be their normal life and normal problems aren't as big anymore.
For example, early on in Young Justice there was some focus given to their lives outside of the Team but that decreased more and more as the bigger picture of the plot came into being. The times that it does focus on more than just their lives as superheroes is usually when the weirdness of the other half of their lives comes into the civilian side of things.
The Spectacular Spider-Man might be one of the few series when the two parts of Peter's life aren't entirely excluded and when they do intersect, it's usually for the sake of drama (and not always based around Peter's life, so that's unique).
But for the point with Eliza, I'm not sure if she has many friends outside of her police work. She made detective by 25 which suggests she went straight into being a cop as soon as she was able. Maybe she had friends in college but didn't keep up with them as soon as she started her life as a cop. Mind, this is all speculation.
Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!
posted @ Sun, Aug 20, 2023 10:48:12 pm EDT from