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Anonymous writes...

Thank you Greg, for taking this time to communicate with the fan base.
Your continuing interest in this series is greatly appreciated.

1. What do the Japanese gargoyles' names mean in English? (Kai, Yama, Sora)

2. Why did Thailog want Demona and Macbeth's money for (in Sanctuary)?

3. In "The Green," if Jackal had succeeded in carving Goliath's face into a likeness of his own as Goliath slept (like he planned to do) what would have happened to Goliath when he woke up?

4. Are you willing to tell us some of the times/places you'd have sent Brooklyn to (and any of which events in history his visits would affect)?

5. What is Delilah's intelligence level compared to that of the other clones?

6. Do Una and Leo know where Griff is? (considering he left England at the beginning of Pendragon)

Greg responds...

1. Yama means mountain, I remember that. Story Editor Gary
Sperling told me what the others mean, but to be honest, I've blanked
out on them. Anyone else know?

2. He wanted to be able to build a corporation to rival

3. Death.

4. I've mentioned a few already. Check the Archives. That'll
have to do for now.

5. None of the clones are unintelligent. Rather, their
education is extremely limited. Delilah was "programmed" with better
communication skills, but she's no more or less intelligent than her
genetic make-up allows.

6. He phoned them.

(GDW / 3-24-98)

Response recorded on March 24, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

1)From what I gather on the Phoenix Gate, it is traveling
through time
endlessly, opening in random points. If my assumption is right
wouldin't it
eventually consume all matter within time?

2)Is there a limit to where the gate could go?

3) In the world travel parts, why is it that no one got any
diseases? Most people have to take antibodies to keep from
catching those
when they go to place such as Africa and such.
Thank you for your time and effort.

Greg responds...

1) Why would it do that?

2) Planet Earth.

3) Elisa got amnesia. Is that exotic enough for you? Bronx
risked infection? I don't know how to answer this question, other
than to say that it wasn't a story we were interested in telling.
(GDW / 3-20-98)

Response recorded on March 20, 1998

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Anonymous writes...


I just heard that you and Disney are headed into some sort of
lawsuit. Does
it have anything to do with Gargoyles? If it does, is it
something that you
can explain/talk about? Thanks!

Greg responds...

Some jerk is attempting to sue Disney (not me) claiming to have
created Gargoyles in '93 two years AFTER I can document that my team
and myself created it in '91. It's annoying as hell, but what are you
going to do. That's all I know.
(GDW / 3-20-98)

Response recorded on March 20, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Wiesman,

A question about the limits of the regenerative powers of
the wierd Sister's immortality spell on MacBeth, and Demona.
What are the limits? This spell must have limits to the
amount of damage it can repair. By this I mean if in an
extrem if Demona took a direct hit from a nuke, I'm quite
sure she would be dead for good. I don't think the Wierd
Sisters had nukes in mind when they caste that spell. So
the question remains, how much damage can the spell cope
with before it's limits are reached? Another question,
does Elisa have a dark side to her, if so what would be needed
to bring this
Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

What does it matter whether or not she could survive a nuke if a
nuke never hits her? Besides, I'm not sure I agree with your
assessment. In any case, I've addressed this before too. Check the
As to Elisa's dark side... well, I guess we all have one. But
this is another one of those questions that would require a good 39
pages to answer. Not gonna happen in this format.
(GDW / 3-20-98)

Response recorded on March 20, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Mr. Wiesman! First off, I'd like to start by
congradulating you on
the success of GARGOYLES. Second, I would like to ask your
advice on
something. I am creating an group of fans with the hopes of
GARGOYLES to television. I was hoping you could give me advice
how we should go about doing this. Also, anyone reading this
who is
interested in joining please E-mail me at IAmKeevan@juno.com.
Thank you
for your time.

Greg responds...

Keevan, I've addressed this in detail all over the place. Check
the archives, newsgroups, etc. An organized and respectful
letter-writing campaign wouldn't hurt. But you'll need strength in
numbers. Lots of people participating in unison and individually.
Good luck.
(GDW / 3-20-98)

Response recorded on March 20, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

I'm sorry for not numbering my previous questions, but i will
now. just two quick ones.

1) what's the story behind goliath's name, was there a story
behind it or were you just playing of the "david and goliath"
2) if and when the live-action movie comes out, would you like to see
the original cast or are there others you think should be in the roles? (i.e.
patrick stewart playing someone like oberon, i just find it odd that the
one how has done shakespeare isn't a part of the cartoon.)
thanks for everything!!!!!!!

Greg responds...

1) I wanted a name that connoted strength. A name that had a
certain weight. A name of some classic appeal. A name that we could
believe would be given to a tenth century gargoyle. Goliath seemed
perfect. I could just see humans naming the huge gargoyle Goliath.
They name him for an evil giant, despite the fact that this Goliath
protects them. It spoke immediately to the human/gargoyle
relationship. The idea to give Xanatos the first name David came
later. It was obvious. In fact it was so obvious, I hesitated to do

2) Other than Goliath and Elisa, I doubt any of the other
characters will appear in the movie. Salli would be great as Elisa.
Keith would be outstanding as Goliath.
(GDW / 3-20-98)

Response recorded on March 20, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Greg- I just wanted to say that I love(d) your show! I don't
like to watch much TV, but I like shows that make me think. I could sit and
imagine stuff about gargoyles for hours! I think it can really make you
smarter to watch TV, if you put the show's messages to life! Anyway, I had a lot
of questions when I first found this page, but I had to wait and
try to read the archives first so I didn't ask duplicates. I can't think of
all of them right now, so I'll just post a few.

1) I read somewhere that Elisa's birthday was Dec. 31, 1969.
Did you write that, or is it just a lie masquerading as the truth?

2a) Is there any place in particular at Disney that we should
write to? Any specific department?

2b) Would it be helpful to write to Disney magazines, too, like
Disney Adventures?

2c) Is there anything that Disney stockholders could do? I
know a few. Would their words have more weight? Well, that's all I can think
of right now. I'm sure I'll be back.
Thanks for answering our questions and for creating the only TV
show I've ever become addicted to!

Greg responds...

1) I definitely didn't write that. In fact, Elisa was born in
1968, although I've never bothered to pinpoint the month or day.

2a) It depends what you want to accomplish exactly. I assume
(but am not really sure) that BVTV controls the old episodes. You'd
need a distribution source like ABC to generate interest in new

2b) Again, it depends what you want to accomplish exactly. It
couldn't hurt.

2c) It couldn't hurt for them to send letters, I suppose.
(GDW / 3-20-98)

Response recorded on March 20, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Heya Greg. I love the show, man, needless to say :) Kay, I've got
some questions that I've had tearing through this head of mine for a while.

1) Those gargoyles that Demona led in Macbeth's time, where did they come
from? There seem to be an awful lot for a bunch of stragglers

2) How old is Puck in human years?

3) Okay, okay, this is WAY confusing: If Owen Burnett
revealed his real identity as Puck to Xanatos before the gargoyles
were even brought back to life, and he gave Mr. X a choice as either a lifetime
service as Owen or a wish from the Puck, why did Mr. X choose Owen?
Why didn't he just choose a wish to be immortal like he's always hoped?
It would've saved him a lot of trouble.

4) Why did Xanatos bring the gargoyles back to life anyway?

5) Why did Mace Malone and the Illuminati care about gargoyles, anyway?

6) Why does Bluestone care about the Illuminati? Just some sort of
compulsive disorder or what? :P 7) What does Coyote (the Trickster)
really look like? I've been wonderin' 'cause he's supposed to be
impersonating Elisa's dad in all the eps we've ever seen him in, so what does he
really look like?

8) Lastly, how did you come up with this show anyway?!?
It's so cool! Did you and the other producers sell the rights or were you
already working for Disney or whatever ...

9) BTW, when I grow up, I want to do cartoon animation. How do you
get into the business? Do you have to go to a college? My guess is you
do 'cause I guess they wouldn't just let anyone come in and start drawing.
Thanks, man :D

Greg responds...

1. Remnants from various other Scotish clans. And there
weren't that many. Less than twenty total.

2. Old.

3. But then he wouldn't have had Owen. He wanted both.

4. A multitude of reasons, but the most immediate was there use
as covert operatives for him. They were simply harder to manipulate (or
at least control) than he anticipated.

5. Another source of power and influence. Another random
element to control.

6. That, but also, I don't think Matt likes the idea of someone
controlling people's lives from behind the scenes.

7. How do you define what a shapeshifter "TRULY" looks like?
Do you know what Oberon or Puck "TRULY" look like? Or do you simply
know the form they most often prefer to take?

8. I was already working for Disney. Check the archives for a
more detailed answer.

9. School isn't mandatory, but I sure as hell recommend it. If
you want to draw, learn to do it at a professional level. Me, I can't
draw a lick. But I like to think I can write.
(GDW / 3-20-98)

Response recorded on March 20, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

I enjoy epic tales with heroes to look up to and relate to
in the warrior arts. Thank You for providing my little
brothers and their friends with fabulous heroes in wonderfully woven
tales. A new generation of children have been influenced. They, and my adult
friends always wonder two things: are the creators of Gargoyles
trained in the warrior sciences (oriental or occidental)...and were the stories
created by playing a role-playing game of some sort?
This is not a suggestion to do either and I will not hold You legally
responsible since this is not an original idea.

Greg responds...

(GDW / 3-20-98)

Response recorded on March 20, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hiya Greg!

I was just wondering what are your current projects?
(as in what are you working on now?)
I hope you can answer my question but if not thats ok!
Thanks fo the shows and ideas!

Greg responds...

Can't talk about anything yet. I don't have a go project. I
have done a bit of freelance writing for Men In Black and Disney's
(GDW / 3-20-98)

Response recorded on March 20, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Greg,

First, Thank you for such a creative, engaging,character-driven

My question is: How did Elisa ever explain Derek/Talon's transformation
to their family? I can't imagine a close-knit family like the Mazas
wouldn't "check in" regularly, especially since most of them have such
dangerous jobs as police officers.If this was written into an episode, please let me
know which one.

Greg responds...

When Elisa brought her parents and sister down to the Labyrinth
to see Derek, she and Derek told them the truth -- minus the Gargoyles'
involvement. This was visually hinted at in the last few seconds of
"The Cage".
(GDW / 3-20-98)

Response recorded on March 20, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hi. It's really nice of you to answer these questions.

1. Is Owen Burnette an aide-de-camp or is he a major domo.

2. What is Owen Burnette's job title? Thank you.

Greg responds...

1. Both and more.

2. Executive Assistant.
(GDW / 3-20-98)

Response recorded on March 20, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Thank you for taking time to answer this. It is a great honor. I just
have one simple question...

Phoebe, Selene and Luna-WHO'S WHO?

Thanks again, and may luck be with you in the future!

Greg responds...

Again? I could give one of my standard "Check the Archives"
responses, but it's just as quick to answer the question, I suppose.

Phoebe - Blonde hair.

Seline - Black hair.

Luna - Silver hair.
(GDW / 3-20-98)

Response recorded on March 20, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Okay, I know that I already asked some questions but I thought of some
more. I don't mind if you can't answer some things. Thanks again in

1. I understand that gargoyles mate for life. If so, how would other
clans react to Goliath's relationship with Elisa? (Not counting the
Manhattan Clan).

2. If there are some humans that hate gargoyles, are there gargoyles
that hate humans (not Demona)? For instance, I assume that many humans
would ostracize Elisa for her friendship with the clan. Are there clans
that would ostracize Goliath and company becuase of their friendship?

3. You asked in the archives that we make this a kind of comment
room, too. I was watching my tape and came across "The Mirror." I just wanted to
say that I always liked this episode. As I may have mentioned before
(although you probably don't remember!) I like shows that can make me ponder the
possibilities. I loved Elisa/Goliath's last lines in "The Mirror"
becuase it was the first definite hint that there would be a relationship
between them. I'd suspected all along but I was never quite sure. When I saw
this episode I had lots to think about. Congratulations on a great effort,
even by Gargoyle standards. I guess there's no question here.

4a. Okay, I thought of something else. Why do Gargoyles treat all
hatchlings as their children, instead of a family setting?

4b. Have they always lived this way, or did they change their customs
for some reason?

5. How old was Princess Katharine when Goliath and clan were turned
to stone?

6. How old was Tom (at the same time)?

7. In "The Mirror," Puck said something about Demona "still carrying
a torch" for Goliath. I know people have asked about this before, but I
don't understand completely. What are Demona's feelings for Goliath? (I
don't mind a short answer if this is really long).

7b. Is she really aware of these feelings, or does she just deny

Okay, I guess that's enough now. I'll probably be back later.

Greg responds...

1. Clan by clan, gargoyle by gargoyle, I imagine the reactions
would differ greatly. Though it isn't hard to figure that most would
have a knee-jerk negative reaction to the romance.

2. It's hard for a clan to ostracize you from a great distance.
But yeah, I'm sure there are gargoyles out there who hate humans. They
have reason.

3. That's o.k. I appreciate the comment. "The Mirror" is one
of my all time favorite episodes as well. Everything just seemed to
come together in that one.

4a & b. It is a family setting, but it is a large communal
family. It's considered bad taste to take pride in one's biological
children specifically, since every member of the clan is responsible for
helping to raise every child. Perhaps this is the result of the high
Gargoyle mortality rate. Perhaps it's instinctive.

5. She was eighteen in 994.

6. Eight.

7. Her feelings are confused and unresolved. Goliath has some
closure (with a few loose ends). Demona does not.

7b. Denial. Big time denial.
(GDW / 3-20-98)

Response recorded on March 20, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

I have a question related to the Magus. In the Avalon 3 parter, King
Arthur was awakened from his sleep. According to legend, King Arthur was
mortally wounded and that's the reason why he was sent to Avalon (whether this
is true or not in the Gargoyles continuincy, well, only you can tell us
for sure). So King Arthur's sleep was like a rejuvination, a lazarus
chamber of sorts.
When the Magus "died", he told Katharine that he was very tired. If
the chamber had any magic left in it, couldn't it heal the Magus's
pain/wounds that were inflicted while fighting the Weird Sisters? In my mind, it
makes sense that if the chamber worked for King Arthur and still have magic
in it (and since it's part of Avalon, it probably would) then it can do the
same for the Magus. Is anything that I've said true or is the Magus dead
and that's the end period?

Greg responds...

What you say does make a certain amount of sense. But the Magus is
dead. I strongly believe that war has costs. The Magus' life was the
cost of that war.
(GDW / 3-19-98)

Response recorded on March 19, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg! Thanks in advance for answering my questions.

1) You said in an earlier response that Avalon is part of the earth but cannot be
reached in a three-demensional manner. Does the same concept go for "New Olympia"?
Or is it just a place no human discovered? Or none of the above???

2) I was also wondering if Oberon knows about the New Olympians?

3) Do the New Olympians know about Oberon?(Sorry if someone already asked 2 and 3!)

4) Why did it take Maggie a long time to get used to/trust the gargoyles? It didn't
take a long time for her to get used to Xanatos. Thanks again for answering
all our questions!!!

Greg responds...

1) No. New Olympus (Olympus, not Olympia) is protected by a
shielding device that projects an illusion that has masked its
location. But the Island does have a physical location on our Earth
plane, as Elisa and the Gargoyles discovered while aboard the skiff.

2) I don't know. Possibly.

3) They know of them, I'd think.

4) Maggie had trouble adjusting to strangeness in her life. Xanatos
was human. That made him familiar. The Gargoyles seemed like
monsters to her. She had a lot to learn, obviously.
(GDW / 3-19-98)

Response recorded on March 19, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hey again Greg. Just another question I'd like answering,
thanks for taking the time to do it. I'd just like to know,
if you can't change the past does that mean that the future
can't be changed either? Is everyones future written? Are
their destinies inevitable?


Greg responds...

Check the archives for a more complete response. But the short answer
is that the future's only written if you know what that future is.
And even then, you're only limited by the correct tidbits that you
know. If the information is mistaken, no problem. If there's a way
to work around the tentpoles of your knowledge (as Goliath did in
"M.I.A.") then all you need is smarts, luck and pluck to defy the cast
of that future if not the facts of it.
(GDW / 3-19-98)

Response recorded on March 19, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

I hope I'm correct in saying that Brooklyn's first trip with the
Phoenix gate was to 997(correct me if I'm wrong).

(1)Is it any of a coincidence that the year Brooklyn went back is the
year Constantine's was killed?

(2)On a side note who did kill Constantine(III I do believe), in your
books? Some people say Malcome did it. Others say Kenneth did it. So who
was it?

(3)What inspired you to go into writing(I you haven't answered this
one before)?

Greg responds...

1. Coincidence or destiny. You decide.

2. In my books?

3. Always wanted to be a storyteller. I love stories. Wanted to be
a writer at least since 2nd grade. I did have a number of teachers,
starting with my 2nd Grade teacher SANDY VOYNE who encouraged me a
great deal. I also had two parents who were very supportive.
(GDW / 3-19-98)

Response recorded on March 19, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

This idle Web surfer was attracted to _Gargoyles_ by its incredible
fandom! I stumbled on some fanfic and fan art that was so memorable, I just
knew the show that inspired them had to be something special. Then I found
plot lists, quotes, and screen captures, and now I'm hunting for tapes and
rerun air dates. Wow. This is GREAT STUFF. So I guess this is a double
compliment: To you, first of all, for creating a story that has me eager for more
after a mere glimpse; and to all Gargfans everywhere, for having made a fan
of someone who still hasn't seen a second of the actual show! (This,
however, is a sore lack I intend to remedy very soon.)Now, on to my question:
How are gargoyle wings structured under the skin? Are they batlike,
pterodactyllike, birdlike (I apologize if that's dumb, but I don't
recall what the bones of a bird's wing look like), or something entirely other?

Greg responds...

Thanks for the compliments. (I think they're the first I've received
from someone who hasn't seen the show.) As to gargoyle wings, they
seem to vary greatly. There may not be one answer to that question.
(GDW / 3-19-98)

Response recorded on March 19, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg,

1. Are gargoyle warm-blooded? Their tollerance to weather would
suggest it.

2. Female gargoyles appear to have the same exterior sexual organs as
humans, do they take care of their young in the same way (ie do they
breast feed)

3. Do gargoyles believe in a god? If so who or what?

4. If Demona had a child would it turn into a human during the day
and a gargoyle at night (ie would Pucks spell affect it after it has

4a. How would that work anyway? At night Demona would hae a
developing avian-like egg and at night a human fetus?

5.Demona has been alive for more than 1000 years, does she have any
offspring other than Angela? If so who?

6. When asked if Fox would be alive in 2158 you said no comment, why?
You already told us that Xanatos, a far more important character, would be
dead. Why not tell us about Fox? And by Fox do you mean Fox (Reynard)
Xanatos or Alexander Fox Xanatos? So my question is this: Will a male Fox of a
female Fox be alive in 2158? Ifso which one?

7. What is your favorite play of Shakespeare?

8. Oh and that Dreamworks movie I askedg about was called Prince of
Egypt. I think I said son of Egypt.

Greg responds...

1. I guess so. Is there a third category?

2. Yes. Collectively.

3. Check the archives for a more complete answer. Their beliefs are
both simple and complex. Animistic, pantheistic and yet, ultimately,
monotheistic. But they don't personify their god the way we tend to.
Their god, no surprise, has no name. He/She/It cannot be limited or
defined by a mortal word.

4. I doubt it. A lot would depend on the identity of the biological
father, and, I suppose, what form Demona was in at the time of birth.
Keep in mind, Demona doesn't give herself lightly. And as a gargoyle,
she's only fertile once every twenty years. So this whole discussion
is largely moot.

4a. I suppose their could be a magical "pocket" within her womb.
It's possible that the "baby" wouldn't change with Demona. I really
don't know yet. It's also possible that she'd miscarry, because the
spell didn't account for a pregnancy. Maybe she would need Puck's
help. And Puck is largely unavailable, unless he can use this bit of
magical OB to teach Alex a lesson. Frankly, this is a lesson that I
believe Alex is a little young to learn.

5. No. She doesn't.

6. No comment.

7. Wow. That's a tough one. My favorite character is definitely
Edmund from KING LEAR. But I love so many of the plays. Some of my
favorites are influenced by great productions I've seen. (HENRY V, A
HENRY IV, PART ONE, TWELFTH NIGHT.) Some of them I love because I've
got my own ideas for them. (HENRY IV, PART ONE, KING LEAR, ROMEO &
NIGHT'S DREAM literally turn me on. (I'm sure you didn't want to
know that.) Others simply fascinate me because of the connections
between them. (KING LEAR and CYMBELINE, for example). There are many
I just like a lot (OTHELLO, for example). Others that I find
never seen and can't imagine how they'd work (TIMON OF ATHENS).
Sorry, I just can't decide.

8. Yeah, I know. (GDW / 3-19-98)

Response recorded on March 19, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Just one question I found myself thinking of. When you did "City of
Stone", what was the response of the production team to a version of the
Macbeth story that made Macbeth into a sympathetic figure and Duncan into a
villainous tyrant? Were a lot of the people who worked on it
surprised at the role-reversal from Shakespeare's play in the story? (For my own
part, I had read a fair amount about the historical Macbeth before "Gargoyles"
ever came out, so I wasn't particularly taken aback, but I was curious as to how
the people who worked with you on that story - which I very much liked, by
the way - took it).

Greg responds...

John Rhys-Davies expressed some surprise. Called me
"revisionist" as I recall. I explained that the traditional legend that
Shakespeare followed was in fact revisionist, and that we were hewing
closer to the "historical truth". Once he heard that, he got very
enthusiastic about it. Generally, John loved playing all the history
stuff. I didn't get much response from the rest of the crew on this
point. Most were aware of the research that Monique and Tuppence had
done. It all seemed to fit our series so well, it was like kismet.
(GDW / 3-17-98)

Response recorded on March 17, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Okay, a few quick ones: 1)In "legion" Coldstone says "There is only
one other I have missed more..." Was he talking about Desdemona? If their
in the same head, couldn't they see eachother like in later eps? 2) I've
noticed that the Magus looks a lot like Puck (white hair, blue eyes,
facial structure)and in many shots he has small points to his ears. Noy only
that, but he was able to tap into Avalon magic, which as I understand it one
needs fey blood to use. mmm...okay
I'll come right out and say it. Does Puck have any kids (living or
dead) and do they include the Magus? 3) Another Magus Q; In the USA cut of
Awakening, they put back in the little scene where the Magus is
flipping through the Grimorum. What was he looking for, and does have anything
to do with the spell he casts on the gargoyles? 4) In connection, it appears
to be the Magus that rides out to the Viking cave. Was he in on the attack,
and if so, why? That's all for now, good luck on the mag!

Greg responds...

1) He was talking about Desdemona, but he wasn't yet aware that
she shared bodyspace with him.

2) Puck may have kids, but the Magus isn't one of them. He's
fully human.

3) He was looking for a spell to neutralyze what he perceived
to be the gargoyle threat. He bookmarked the page with the spell. The
counterspell was on the facing page. So when Hakon opened the book, it
naturally opened to the bookmark. Hakon started ripping pages,
beginnning with the counterspell page.

4) No. That was the Captain. Not the Magus. (GDW / 3-17-98)

Response recorded on March 17, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Did any gargoyle (besides Demona) study under the Archmage that the
fans might know? Thanks.

Greg responds...

(GDW / 3-17-98)

Response recorded on March 17, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

(1) I believe you mentioned that, because of other obligations,
Patrick Stewart was unable to contribute his talents to Gargoyles. Had he
done so, though, which part would he have played? Someone during the first two
seasons (like Mace Malone), or someone we haven't met yet (like Mr.
Duval, or the Director)?

(2) In my earlier post, asking whether more "Western" deities, like
Jesus or Buddha (Mohammed being a prophet) were also Children of Oberon, I
didn't mean to imply that the show was condescending toward those that were
so represented, and I apologize. I guess this one wasn't a question.
Thanks a lot for being such a mensch and putting up with all our
obsessive nitpicking. Of course, we wouldn't be doing all this brooding if you
hadn't come up with such creative, compelling stories in the first place. So
maybe you deserve it, after all ;)

Greg responds...

1) That's not what I said. We couldn't meet his agent's
standard price for voice over work. We discussed asking Jonathan or
Marina to make a personal appeal to Patrick directly, but we decided
that that would be an unfair request. We briefly considered Mr. Stewart
for at least three parts. All three were eventually cast with great
people. I have no regrets. Two of the characters were originally
introduced in the first season. One was intoduced in the second.
Frankly, I think at least two of the three are obvious. So let's start
a contest. The first person to name (by posting here at ASK GREG) the
three parts that we considered Patrick Stewart for will win... well, a
lot of personal satisfaction and gloating privelidges. No credit for
partial answers, and I won't be giving hints. Enter as often as you

2) No apologies necessary. I didn't take offense. But it's
nice to have someone point out unconcious biases occasionally.
(GDW / 3-17-98)

Response recorded on March 17, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg, thanks for taking the time to answer our questions. I just
have three morbid questions ;) -

1) In "Long Way To Morning", when the Archmage falls in the chasm
there is a thud sound, as of a body hitting the floor of the chasm. Yet in
"Avalon" the future Archmage saves him and there is a distinct lack of a thud.
What gives?

2) How was evil Lexington able to destroy Demona in "Future Tense" if
she's immortal? Is there a limit to the immortality?

3) Macbeth and Demona's pain seems to affect the other less the
farther away from each other they are (like in "Avalon", Demona says they need to
put some distance between them). Is there is a distance beyond which if
one of them was attacked or killed the other wouldn't be affected?
Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

1) I don't recall the thud, but it might have been the result
of a rock or something hitting the soft dirt. It wasn't the Archmage.

2) It was all an illusion of Puck's.

3) Killed, no. They are destined to die at each other's hands.
But yes, the pain thing decreases the farther apart they are.
(GDW / 3-17-98)

Response recorded on March 17, 1998

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