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Anonymous writes...

greg, okay, what were the general circumstances under which you would have had owen and his true love meet? would she have been a former enemy, working for another corporation or what? also, how would that have affected owen's re sponsibilites to xanatos and alex?thanks for your answer!

Greg responds...

I'm not going to answer that one at this time. Sorry.

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Anonymous writes...

ok, heres another Question for you; I've been reading your recent "Gregs Ramblings." I notice that 2 familiar names are in it. Katherin and Malcom.
Is malcolm suppose to be the same Malcolm from Gargoyles (princess kathirens father)?
IF so, does that mean Kathiren (Yikes I'm a good speller =) was named after her grandmother?

Greg responds...

Yes and Yes. (And it's KATHARINE and MALCOLM. See above.)

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Anonymous writes...

In "Avalon" the king of Scotland was overthrown. Was the new king Duncons father? If no, how did Duncon become king? On that note, I f I remember right "mac" is used in Surnames as son. In your rambiling there was a Duff.
is he the fat her of MacDuff (the general of Duncuns son)?

Greg responds...

Constantine III overthrew Kenneth II. The tyrant Constantine was later overthrown by Kenneth III (the sun of Duff) with help from his cousin Maol Chalvim (the son of Kenneth II). Maol Chalvim later betrays Kenneth III and becomes High King. Maol has three daughters, all of whom he marries off strategically. Each daughter has a son, thus Maol has three grandsons (Duncan, Macbeth and Thorfinn) and three potential heirs. In "City of Stone", I had originally planned to include Thorfinn, but I just didn't have the extra screentime to fit in his part of the story.

MacDuff was not the son of King Duff but I'm sure he was related. He might have been a grandson, or a cousin or grandnephew or something.

This seems like as good a time as any to continue the story:

"Once upon a time there were three brothers..." PART THREE

Five years have passed since Duff was crowned High King of Scotland at Scone.
The year is 967 and the kingdom is at peace. But for how long? Duff is 55 years old. He has many, many daughters, but no sons. Word comes from Ireland: Indulf is dead. But Culen is not. Culen seems to get along well with the Irish. It is -- well -- an uncomfortable situation.

An heir must be chosen. And in Scotland in 967, a daughter will not suffice. Duff turns to his thirty-five year old brother Kenneth. Kenneth is strong, faithful. Kenneth also has a five year old son, Maol Chalvim, so succession will be secured into the next generation. Little Prince Maol is told that someday he will be king. Little Prince Maol is quite pleased.

And what of the third brother? Prince Malcolm is thirteen years old. And life for him has improved immeasurably since that frightening day when he was buried alive in Edinburgh Castle. He's been to every corner of Scotland with his brothers. He's seen sorcerers and gargoyles and maybe even a glimpse of the Loch Ness Monster. Katharine, his mother, is honored throughout the land for her intelligence and bravery; in many ways, she is the de facto Queen of the realm. His two royal half-brothers welcome him at every council meeting and even take the time to personally coach him on his swordsmanship.
Frankly, in the Dark Ages, it just doesn't get any better than this.

Which of course means, that it can't last.

Malcolm is riding along the western shores admiring the sunset. By his side, as usual, is his best friend Robbie. Corporal Robert is 21 years old, and has grown into a true bull of a man, complete with a new bushy mustache and a commission in the King's Guard. Malcolm is looking out to sea at the falling sun, but Robbie directs his attention to a cliff a few hundred yards distant. As the sun sinks into the water, the rocks on the cliff seem to move, to flex, to grow. A great collective roar echoes down the coastline. Malcolm's eyes go wide; Robbie laughs. It's a gargoyle rookery, he explains. They're waking from stone.

"Have you been there?" Malcolm asks.

"Aye," Robbie responds. "Even talked with the head of the monsters' clan. I liked him. He's a warrior. You should meet him."

"What's his name?"

"Hasn't got one. None of them do. They're not like the Gargoyles in Scone or Loch Ness. They're rougher. Harder."

"Good peasant stock like you."


"Then lead the way."

They ride on. The moon rises over the hills: a small crescent, a pitiful thing. Nevertheless, its light catches something out in the water. Many somethings. Ships. A fleet.

Both boys see them in the same moment. And in that moment, both boys truly become men. They don't have to talk. They turn their horses in unison and ride off at a full gallop. They'll exchange horses at camp and keep riding.
The King must be told. Invasion.

At the court, there is celebration. Duff's wife has just given birth to her ninth child. But this one is different. This one has a penis. This one will someday be a King. Little Prince Maol is confused by this. He's going to be the King, he knows. But everyone else couldn't be happier, including Duff's brother Kenneth. Kenneth immediately relinquishes his role as heir to the throne. And swears to serve the infant prince until his dying day. Duff is deeply moved and names the boy Kenneth, after his brother and best friend.

Then the shouting starts. Malcolm and Robert burst into the room. Within the hour, the King and his brothers are riding west at the head of an army.
A small army. There has been no warning. There is little time to gather their forces.

Culen, now forty-five years old, leads the Irish troops. He has come, he says, to regain his rightful throne. His armies have swept inland with surprising speed, like a dagger plunged into Scotland's back.

At Gaine, they meet the King's Men.

The first battle is brief and bloody. One would think that God would be on the side of the Scots, but Culen's Irish get the better of it. Duff is wounded in the leg. Nothing serious, but he's carried from the field.
Kenneth fights like a true Thane. Malcolm gets his first taste of combat.
He kills one man. Stands over that man. Wonders if the man's wife has red hair. Corporal Robert uses his shield to block the cudgel aimed at Malcolm's contemplative skull. Robert shoves Malcolm to the ground and kills the attacker. Malcolm stares at his friend. Then nods. Now he understands.
Retreat is sounded. Malcolm picks himself up. He and Robbie fight there way back behind the Scotish lines.

That night, in council, Duff once again names his brother Kenneth as his heir. Kenneth protests: there is a new heir, a new Kenneth. Duff shakes his head. If anything happens to him, the kingdom will need a king, not a wee babe. Kenneth protests: the kingdom will NOT need a new king.

"It might," Duff states. "We're fighting tomorrow."

"You can't walk, Duff!"

"We've ordered a litter. The men need to see their King."

Kenneth, exasperated: "Duff!"

"We've ordered a litter. The men need to see their King." The final word on the subject.

There's fog in the morning. Four huge Guardsmen carry the king on his litter. The battle is joined. Kenneth pushes forward in a berserker rage.
Malcolm flanks him, keeping pace. He kills his second man. His third. His fourth. His.... He realizes consciously that it is time to lose count.
Robert is never far from his friend. NEVER. It's going well. The Scots have rallied. They are going to win.

Suddenly, in the midst of the fighting, one of the King's Guardsmen, the one on the left at the rear, simply steps back and lets go of his burden. Caught off guard, the other three drop the King onto his back. Left-and-Rear draws a dagger, and before anyone can move, before anyone can think to move, he plunges it into Duff's heart.

Left-and-Rear. Nameless. Soon to be quite faceless. What was this man thinking? What was he promised? How did he think he'd survive? We'll never know. He's set upon immediately. Killed. Shredded, practically. But the damage is done. Word spreads like wildfire. The King is dead, betrayed by one of his own. The Scotish line breaks, folds in. Shatters, like a mirror bringing seven years bad luck. (Well, four at least.)

Kenneth, Malcolm, Robert and a handful -- a handful only damnit -- barely escape with their lives. Culen has won. Won the battle. Won the war. Won the kingdom. Allies defect faster than rats off the proverbial sinking ship. Kenneth flees with his extended family down into Northern England. They are not welcomed there, but they are tolerated. Enroute, Malcolm's mother Katharine takes a chill. The chill becomes a fever. The fever, a delirium. And then... she's gone. Malcolm is an orphan.

Frankly, in the Dark Ages, it just doesn't get any worse than this.


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Anonymous writes...

Hello! I just wanted to tell you that "The Mirror" is my all time-favorite ep. But just one question - was it's production rushed? I ask this because Puck's character design seemed to be in flux through out the entire show.
Actually, it still seemed to be changing in his two other eps. (by way of eye size/ height etc...) Was this due to different animators or lack of time to develop him?

Greg responds...

"The Mirror" wasn't anymore rushed than any of our other second season episodes. We were on a very tight schedule in general. We had 10 months to get the first 13 episodes on the air. Then we had 10 months to get the next 52 on the air. We also had to ramp up our staff, since we had only planned on producing six episodes for the second season originally. So time was an issue, although not development time per se. Another issue is that many different artists worked on the show. And although each artist is theoretically working off the same model sheets, their individual styles are bound to shine through a bit. In fact that individualism is probably key to making a character like Puck really come alive in "The Mirror". I haven't noticed a great deal of flux in Puck specifically, at least no more than in, say, Goliath.

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Anonymous writes...

Just another Q from your local Puckateer :-) : You said that Owen *would* have a lovelife, now would she be fae, human, gargoyle or another race I've failed to mention or we haven't met yet? Thanks!

Greg responds...


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Anonymous writes...

This question has been bugging me for god knows how long. First of all, let me make sure I have a few things straight about the restraint on Owen/Puck.
He cannot go back to Avalon- that is what is meant by eternally banished.
He c annot use his powers unless he is prtecting or teaching Alexander. Am I correct, or have I missed something? There are a few details I'm curious about. Alex can only learn so much. I assume that once you've got the basics of magic down, everything e lse, more or less, is pretty much covered. There's only so much you can do. In which case, what is poor Puck going to do when he has nothing left to teach? More or less, he's pretty much stuck as Owen forever. . . Unless, of course, if I understand correctly, Owen is mortal. In which case, if Puck remains Owen for too long, will he die? Will just the Owen facade "die" or will Puck actually die? On the topic of Owen's mortality, if someone were to slice off Owen's head, and working under the a ssumption that Puck dies when Owen dies, who's left to teach/protect Alex? Would Oberon start the whole kidnapping ordeal again, or would he just sort of forget about it?
Speaking of which, does he monitor Alex's teaching, or is that mostly Titania, or is it anybody? Oh, and just a quicky "yes or no" answer; was Fox ever going to learn to use her magic or is she uninterested? Thanks.
Marie Treblast

Greg responds...

It seems you've got the rules straight, but the notion that Alex can only learn so much seems preposterous to me. I'm 34 and constantly learning new things, even new things about things I thought I had wired. Learning is a lifelong process.

Owen is mortal. But everytime Owen becomes Puck to teach Alex something, he kinda resets Owen when he changes back. So Owen's never gonna age all that much. It's a loophole, that allows Owen/Puck to continue to teach and protect Alex as long as Alex lives.

If Owen gets killed (like shot in the back or something) while he's Owen, then both Owen and Puck die. The situational question you ask is tougher to answer, because it depends on what else is going on, how old Alex is at the time, etc.

I don't think Oberon monitors much unless it strikes his fancy. Titania probably plays closer attention.

As to Fox, I think she'd be very interested, up to a point.

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Anonymous writes...

Greetings, Mr. Weisman. One thing that fascinates me most about "Gargoyles" is the attention to, (and characterization of), minor characters. Especially for the gargoyle from the flashbacks of "City of Stone" who wore plates of armor . (I'm assuming he was second-in-command, if Demona even bothered to choose one.) Seeing how this gargoyle was characterized inspired my question. It seems that, throughout the flashbacks, he has something he wants to say to Demona, but is afraid of how she'll react, given how she reacted when he spoke about making peace with the humans. The question is: What exactly was Demona's relationship with the clan that she rebuilt after the massacre at Wyvern? Some seemed afraid of her, and there was one cene in a melee where she said something like, "Come to me, my warriors!", which made it appear as if she owned them. Also, Macbeth once referred to Demona as the gargoyles' queen. Did she rule over the clan? Did she consider those gargoyles as her "l yal subjects,"
or as equals?

Greg responds...

Demona's never been particularly egalitarian. If the question had been posed to her at the time whether she was Leader or Queen, I'm sure she would have said Leader. But I've no doubt, that she acted like a tyrant. I also think the others allowed her to act that way, because the situation was quite desperate, and she was clearly the toughest warrior they had.

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Anonymous writes...

1. Does Demona sleep at all? You'd think that she'd get tired. 2. I understand the divorce laws in France and Italy are pretty stiff. They like a lot of face to face counseling and attempts at reconciliation before a divorce is gr anted. Said rules are doubly ture if the ceremony was Catholic and you have to go through the church. That being said, are Demona and MacBeth still legally married? Somehow, I don't see the two of them going down to a lawyers office together to have th s thing enulled.
Plus, Demona might very well derive some perverse pleasure in forcing MacBeth to remain her legal husband.

Greg responds...

1. Yes. She does have to sleep now, though she gets by on a few hours per day, (I get about five). Doesn't really improve her mental outlook, if you know what I mean.
2. No. The marriage had not been consumated when the bride tried to kill the groom for his money before disappearing without a trace, so getting a unilateral annulment was surprisingly easy. And Demona doesn't get pleasure from a lot these days.

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Anonymous writes...

Greg, I have a weird Q for you. Or actually several. When I really think about Owen's stone arm, I wonder how he would accomplish certain things like putting on his tie, tieing his shoes, drying his back after a shower, cutting hi s food, and stuff like that. In the series, he doesn't seem too bothered by his disability. Were there any plans on showing how it changed his life?

Greg responds...

In a twenty-two minute episode, there isn't much room to depict the daily tasks of a supporting character. But we might have gotten around to it, if there was a story reason. To some extent, I don't know how Owen manages, but there are a lot of people out there with less than two hands, and I'm quite sure that they manage just fine. If we had shown some of the things you mentioned we would have tried to do our homework to make sure we were depicting things with accuracy.

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Anonymous writes...

I have a few questions. 1. Do Robyn and Jason know what their eloquent younger brother has been doing (John Castaway, the Quarrymen)? 2. What is John Castaway's driving force, hate or guilt? Thanks.

Greg responds...

1. Is this a Post-Journey CHRONICLES question? I had plans that they'd find out. I don't know whether the CHRONICLES staff even thought about it.
2. Guilt, then hate.

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Anonymous writes...

Greg, what can I give you in turn for what you've given me through Gargoyles? A kidney I guess. Anyway, I've always thought that for a gargoyle to sleep for a thousand years (or even just a day) without the ability to wake oneself up , could lead to intriguing dreams and nightmares. Recently, you acknowledged that the gargoyles can dream during their stone sleep. Did you ever have plans to include gargoyle dreams in any of your stories?

Greg responds...

I have already, usually as a way of relating flashbacks, but "Future Tense" was one big Gargoyle nightmare -- even if it was inserted by Puck, and I had a few other thoughts as well.

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Anonymous writes...

most people want to know what Demona did during WW II, I'd rather know what Macbeth did during this time and also during WW I. please answer my little question, by the way I thank u greg for answering the questions of fans.
Bryan Ken nedy A.K.A. CoyotexQ

Greg responds...

It's not a little question, Bryan. This isn't the format for telling a novel- length story. Nice try though. (Feignt right, go left, see if he takes the bait.)

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Anonymous writes...

Greeting oh exalted one. Again, a thousand "thank you's" for allowing us the opportunity to ask questions. I only have one question but my mindset does need some explaining. On the surface, Demona hates all humanity and wants to erra dicate it. But, beneath it all, how strong is this conviction? Her hatred of humanity allows her to conveniently overlook her own role in the Castle Wyvern Massacre. Once, the humans are gone, who does she have left to assign blame to? Without this s rvival mechanism to shore up her unstable psyche, Demona is probably finished. During Hunter's Moon she practically tells Goliath that smashing the Praying Gargoyle will stop her plan cold and gives him a clear shot at it. True, this is probably yet an ther instance of the villain being unable to resist filling everyone in on her plan. Still, what security measures did Demona take to assure the fullfilment of a plan she spent 500 years developing. All Demona had with her at the cathedral was just one gun, yet given her past sucess rate and the hunter's still out there, you'd expect a lot more security from someone as paranoid as Demona. Okay, I'm probably over analyzing this but it does seem possible that Demona might be subconciously sabatoging her own efforts. What all of this really boils down to is: Does Demona really have it in her to annihilate 5 billion plus lives?

Greg responds...

Damn good question. I think a lot of what you wrote above makes a lot of sense. But I also think that Demona is capable of extinguishing 5 billion lives and only then turning around and realizing that she's destroyed herself. In other words, she's still very dangerous.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Wiesman, if we [the fans] could do one thing to bring back gargoyles, what should we do? Also, I know sometimes a canceled show will be produced on vidio tapes to be sold, would Disney ever do this? Thank you!

Greg responds...

On-going letter writing campaigns wouldn't hurt, but the biggest thing would be to get more and more people to watch the show. Get cable. Watch Gargoyle reruns on USA. Get everyone you know to do the same. If the ratings on the reruns are ridiculously high, then maybe that would give someone the idea to take another pass at new episodes. Do you know any Nielsen Families?

Disney already put some of the episodes out on video.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Wiesman, I just thought of this. I'm sorry I'm askiing you so much at once. Is there any way to obtain a GARGOYLE script? Also, I LOVE the soundtrack! Would Disney ever sell a copy of it? Thanks Again! Lestat

Greg responds...

Disney would probably sell anything they thought they could make money on, enough money to justify the cost of production. At the moment, I doubt they think they could make enough money by selling scripts or soundtracks.

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Anonymous writes...

Hello. You may have already answered this but I want to be extra sure and precise.Since a gargoyle turns to stone if touched by sunlight why dont they stone up if you shine a bright light on them? (may have in cyberspace Future te nse but not in some others) Also on a related topic if a gargoyle avoids sun wont they stay awake for a while? thanks for reading :) :) -Dak Phoenix

Greg responds...

Gargoyles have internal biological clocks. Sunlight acts as a psychological trigger, but it's really the internal clock that makes the change. A bright light doesn't affect the clock, nor does it act as a trigger. Avoiding the sun, for example by being indoors at sunrise, might have a slight delaying effect but not more than a few minutes, because the clock triggers the change, not the sun. The clock is simply "set" by the sun.

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Anonymous writes...

Greg Hi, You said Brooklyn's mate is Katana. Did you kindy get this of of MORTAL KOMBAT, because in the movie anyways, the princess's name is Kitana???? When was the last time you read letters from MAY? Oh, and to you and eve ryone hoe reads this- AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO HAS SEEN THE FIFTH ELEMENT? IT"S THE BEST MOVIE I"VE EVER SEEN! SO SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Little Demon, Guess what I have a new web page!?*$&#

Greg responds...

No. I saw Mortal Kombat, but not 'til after I had come up with the Katana character. What letters from May?

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Anonymous writes...

Greg here are a couple questions and comments on Gargoyles for you: 1. What happened to Wolf at the end of "Vendettas"? Is he dead? if not what did you have planned for him? 2a. Did the entire Redemption Squad(?) in "Bad Guys" only cons ist of Fang, Robyn, Yama, Dingo and the Matrix? If not who else would be part of the team? 2b. How did Yama and Dingo meet up with the rest of the group? How did Fang get out of the Labrynth? 2c. Did you know the real identity of the Director? if so who was he besides Duval's nemesis? 3. One of my favorite episodes was probably "Future Tense". It had a really dark feel to it and revealed a lot about the true nature of most of the main characters. Even though it was just a dream it seemed like a lot of the a pects of it could have come true. Besides the things that have already come true in the actual show (like the clock tower and the clone wars) what other aspects of Puck's dream would have become a reality? Do you think Lexington would ever have become e il? 4a.Last question: could you please tell me a little about the New Olympian spin-off that you had planned.
What would the two new characters be like? 4b. Did you think Boreas would have had a role? he was one of my favorite Olympians. 4c. Would the New Ol pians bring Gargoyles with them on their trip? 4d. Would they meet the entire Manhattan clan? 4e.Would the spin-off be called New Olympians or did you have another name for it? 4f. How close did this spin-off become to being made? 4g. Would Taurus have been the main character? 4h. Would the island of New Olympus have been revealed to the humans? 4i. Where did the New Olympians get their high-tech technology? Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions.

Greg responds...

1. He's not dead. Ultimately, I planned for him to join the Ultra-Pack.
2a. That was pretty much the team. I'm not saying others might not have come and/or gone, but that's the core.
2b. They were all recruited by the Hunter. The details of the story are my secret for now.
2c. I had a pretty good idea.
3. Heh, heh, heh.
4a. Romeo and Juliet. Sort of.
4b. Yes. Though he wasn't going to be a lead, he was to be a major supporting character.
4c. Which trip?
4d. Uh... maybe?
4f. Not close at all. BAD GUYS came the closest.
4g. Taurus would have been one of four leads.
4h. Yes.
4i. They developed it over the centuries.
GENERAL REQUEST: I appreciate that you numbered your questions, but then you proceeded to ask multiple questions under each number. I added the letters for clarity. In the future, if you have multiple questions, please number every question. THANKS.

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Anonymous writes...

Just one this time: Why were Oberon's Children banished? Who's "fault" was it, or was Oberon just having a bad day?

Greg responds...

Arrogance. His and theirs. (That's the third time I've given the exact same answer to this question.) As to "fault", the immediate blame went to Titania, though what she did was simply the straw that broke Oberon's not-to- impressive patience.

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Anonymous writes...

If you were to start a new series, would you ever cancel out TGC by using the Phoenix gate or something simalar?

Greg responds...

By my own rules, history can't be changed. I'd strive to minimize the damage to my continuity in a number of ingenious ways, none of which I've figured out yet.

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Anonymous writes...

1) If David Xanatos is dead by 2158, what is Owen's purpose in "Future Tense"? 2) How does Xanatos die (old age or something more interesting)? 3) Was he still afraid of death? Thanks for your time Greg.

Greg responds...

1) Alexander.
2) I'm not telling.
3) Good question.

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Anonymous writes...

Okay, a few questions oh great and mighty Greg(Hey, something's on my nose). 1.)Which episodes are Oberon, Titania and Puck in? and can they all be bought/rented on video? 2.)Who let ABC have Gargoyles? On fox it was a cartoon an adult could enjoy. When it went to ABC, it became the Sterotypical Disney cartoon, family values, good over evil, happy ending, blah blah, it sucks. I mean, come on, the only 2 I ever saw, the first one had terrible art, and the second one, Bronx was helping an Amish child. And what the frag is this with All the humans knowing about the Gargoyles and not being scared. I hate the Goliath Chronicles for ruining my favorite cartoon. Damn disney to hell. Mickey needs his kneecaps broken, maybe put some sense into him. And damnit, Let the Rabbits wear glasses. 3.)Who did the voices for Titania and Oberon, I know Data did puck. 4.) Could you describe in words, what Oberon, Titania, Puck and Owen look like, along with clothing?(Sorry for the trouble, but I use the descriptions fora game) 5.)In 1961 Roger Maris led the majors in homeruns. That year, who got hit in the head with the most balls? (Answer : Liberace) Thanks for your time and you tolerating me. C. Spence Roberts "I don't need to drink to have fun; I need to drink to stop the voices in my head."

Greg responds...

1. "The Mirror" - Puck; "Ill Met by Moonlight" - Oberon, Titania; "Future Tense" - Puck, "The Gathering, Part One" - Oberon, Titania; "The Gathering, Part Two" - Oberon, Titania, Puck; "Possession" - Puck. Of course, that doesn't count episodes where Puck appeared as Owen or Titania as Anastasia (unless Puck or Titania also appeared in the episode as well). Also, Titania appeared in some Goliath Chronicle episode. And no, I don't think any of them are available on home video.
2. As I've stated before, I don't see the point in Disney-bashing. You're mad at the company that put Gargoyles on the air, because you believe they screwed it up down the line. Well, maybe they did, but it's not like they were trying to. I think they deserve some credit for doing the show in the first place. And if you ever want to see new episodes of the show again, I don't think that Disney-bashing is an effective way to make that happen. I think the switch to ABC had less to do with the changes you mentioned, then the turnover in creative staff, the lower budget and the abbreviated schedule.
3. Brent Spiner did Puck. He also does Data. (I think it's an important distinction.) Kate Mulgrew did Titania. She also does Captain Janeway.
Terence Mann did Oberon. He played The Beast on Broadway.
4. I could, but I won't. You could do that yourself. You know what they look like.
5. Ouch.

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Anonymous writes...

Hello. I was wondering where Dedemona got her name? Thank you.

Greg responds...

When Marty and Bob wrote the first draft outline of "Legion" they had created a scenario that seemed very reminiscent of Shakespeare's OTHELLO. I don't know if they specifically had that in mind, but I assume they did. Because Gargoyles didn't used to use names, the outline was very confusing to read, so I suggested using the names of the corresponding characters from the play to represent the three gargoyles. Othello (later Coldstone), Desdemona (later Coldfire) and Iago (later Coldsteel) were thus identified for script and credit purposes, but the names were never used in dialogue by any of the characters.

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Anonymous writes...

Can Gargoyles get sick (i.e. colds, the flu, etc.)?

Greg responds...

I suppose, but they heal fast, so they don't stay sick very long.

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman, once again, thank you for taking the time to do this for your loyal fans, who all hope one day all your visions for Gargs will come true. Now, a few questions, numbered for easier answering: 1) I was wondering if you had anything to do with the excellent title sequence that plays at the beginning at every ep, if so, how do you and others choose what goes where? It's very effective in getting one's attention, especially combined with Carl Johnson's outstanding sweeping theme song, with or without words. 2) Not sure if I'll get a concrete answer to this, but what was Owen doing when Demona summoned him in "The Mirror"? I hope he wasn't giving a press conference or in public or something. 3) Are the Sisters more powerful [as in who would win a battle between] than say, the Puck? It seems to me that three magical beings would be better than one.
They can drag the Banshee back without too much trouble seemingly, they seem to be only a bit less powerful than Oberon and Titania. (4) A few comments, as last post you said you would like some. Heh, get ready for alot of mindless praise. Just wanted to say I agree with what you said in your last answer archive about how City of Stone 'has some of our most honest emotions in it' Couldn't agree more, I must admit, that ep is the only cartoon that has ever brought tears to my eyes. Everything works, the animation, the expressions on Demona's face, Marina's voice acting, the music is excellent, [I don't think I've heard the part where Demona is kissing a stone Goliath goodbye in any other episode.] The parts where Demona turns to stone by the beach and then the fade in to the massacre is taking place is very vivid and heartbreaking, as is the part where she gives a tearful kiss goodbye to Goliath before flying away to begin her life of solitude. Oh, and the "access code is alone" line is also very sad, you and the others certainly outdid yourselves with making Demona a tragic figure, she's mostly all we talk about in the comment room. :) Hope your proud. Thanks again for taking the time to answer questions.

Greg responds...

1. I kibbitzed (as did a number of people). Elen Orson cut the title sequence for the first season. Bob Birchard did the recut for the second season. Both individuals are extremely talented editors. Frank Paur and I supervised. Gary Sperling wrote Keith's narration for the second season title, with a lot of imput from me. And of course, Carl's music makes it.
We tried to get striking images that would punctuate the music and vice versa. We also wanted to show the breadth of the series, and still emphasize key elements like "the origin", the "transformations", gliding, climbing, battle and intrigue.
2. Nothing that caused a crisis. Not that Owen couldn't handle a crisis, thank you very much.
3. Who's stronger Hulk or Thing? There's more to winning than strength, but yeah, I think the Sisters combined might is pretty impressive when they really cut loose. Puck's a tough bird to get in hand though.
4. Thanks for your kind words. A lot of credit should go to Michael Reaves, Brynne Chandler Reaves, Lydia C. Marano and Frank Paur (and a lot of other people) who helped make "CoS" what it was. Glad you liked it.

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