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RESPONSES 2001-9 (Sept)

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Thank Heaven...

July (and thus August) ASK GREG questions are done.

Now I'm just over a week behind. I can live with that.

FYI, for any fans living in the Los Angeles area:

Keith David (the voice of Goliath and Thailog and Officer Morgan) is performing live at the Cinegrill (at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel on Hollywood Boulevard) at 8pm on Friday and Saturday, September 21st and 22nd, 2001.

I'll be going on the 21st, and I hope to see at least a few of you there.

If you've never heard Keith sing, you are SO in for a treat. The guy is brilliant.

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Feeling like this is still pertinent...

I'm reprinting this.... and yes, I know that the questions I'm currently answering were all posted LONG before the first time I posted this. But since I cleared the room, I wanted to repost his message so that people keep it square in mind when posting NEW questions....

Paranoia... possibly.

So maybe it's me...

But lately I've been feeling like people are popping in to ASK GREG with the deliberate intent of catching me in a mistake or inconsistency. Like they are trying to trip me [or the series] up.

If not, my apologies.

But if so... CUT IT OUT, OKAY!!!!

It's just not much fun for me.

And before anyone else gets personally paranoid, this isn't directed at any one person. I've just had this general sense that somehow this is the new contest here. Who can make Greg look stupid. Believe me guys, I don't need much help in that department.

If you have a legitimate question you're curious about, then ask away. But if you're just posting to make me look foolish and/or to prove that the show wasn't perfect... well, how 'bout I just acknowledge both things here and now, and we let that drop.


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I've been trying to answer questions here at ASK GREG pretty consistently for the last few weeks.

I'm guessing that the "Latest Response Page" is starting to get pretty unmanagable.

So I've cleared it, despite the fact that I've added to it as recently as yesterday.

So if you missed anything recent, please check the following archive:

RESPONSES 2001-9 (Sept)

That'll only give you questions and rambles from this month.

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Siryn writes...

Hey Greg!

More Vinnie questions..

1. Why did Vinnie call his gun Mr. Carter? Is that an injoke from the voice session?
2. How tall is he?
3. Is Vinnie living on his own in NY? Or is he still livign with his mum and dad?
4. Where was Vinnie when the Mirror took place? ~_^

Thankyou!! ^_^

Greg responds...

1. There's a story behind that, that I don't want to reveal yet. But the reason WE chose the name Carter is because when he said it with his accent, it would sound like Kotter.

2. I don't know. 5'10" ish maybe.

3. He's living in Japan, right now.

4. Haven't thought about it.

Response recorded on September 11, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Are the N'Kai older than the gargoyle race?
What is their natural lifespan?
How did they evolve to have such a long lifespan?
What is their birth rate?

Greg responds...

Yes. They are older than the planet Earth.

Individually? Long. As a race? Even longer.

Time and science.

Haven't given it any thought as yet.

Response recorded on September 11, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Was Pukhan's history (it use to be a fortress that defended Seoul)and proximity to Seoul the reason you chose to put a clan there?

Greg responds...

I'm not confirming or denying anything about this now.

Response recorded on September 11, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Why do the Korean clan have such an obession with justice? Is it part of the legends and myths that the Korean clan was based on?

Greg responds...

Are you asking within the universe of the show or why I/we chose to go that route?

Response recorded on September 11, 2001

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matt writes...

is the Labyrinth that the clones and mutates live in really a labyrinth? it didn't seem too much like a maze whenever we would see it in the series, and lots of characters went down there and didn't get lost or anything.

Greg responds...

It's mostly just a name. But there are tons of corridors, tunnels, etc. Some of them hidden, like the one where Fang found the old Cyberbiotics weapons cache. So you could get lost and you could call it a maze.

And honestly, matt, doesn't this question seem a bit nit-picky?

Response recorded on September 11, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

How did the archmage acquire the grimorum arcanorum?

Greg responds...

In a very entertaining story.

Response recorded on September 11, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

How do the Loch Ness and Pukhan gargoyles absorb sunlight when they live in caves?

Greg responds...

Perhaps they absorb thermal energy. Perhaps they don't sleep in the caves. Perhaps I should stop answering questions tonight, cuz I'm clearly in a bad mood.

Response recorded on September 11, 2001

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