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Cherie writes...

Dear Greg,
I think you did an amazing job on Gargoyles. It really was a great show/movie. As you instructed, I read through the answered questions and I couldn't find the question I am about to ask you.
1. I know that we don't know about any Gargoyle movie coming out anytime soon, but if there are so many fans that really do like it and would like to see it come alive, how would we go about that?
2. I know Disney owns the rights to Gargoyles, but if there was a movie to come out with live action, would you be able to pick the people to play the characters? I hope so since you are the visionary.
I hope that you can answer these questions. I know you are busy just like the rest of the world is and I thank you for taking time out of your day to answer these questions. Have a great day!
Cherie L. R. M.

Greg responds...

1. Buy Gargoyles product. Tell Disney.

2. I doubt it would be up to me. But if they gave me that power, I wouldn't turn it down.

Response recorded on July 09, 2009

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Mike Cucuk writes...

I've read before that Disney rejected the idea of producing a live-action movie of 'Gargoyles' back in 1996. Exactly elements do you believe in the animated series could not possibly merge into live action?

Greg responds...

Huh? I don't understand the question. But in any case you have your facts wrong. Disney pursued a live action Gargoyles from 1994 'til about 1999 give or take. Then they shelved the project.

Response recorded on June 03, 2009

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This is my screen name writes...

This is a question kind of about a Gargoyles movie but not really. I read that back in the 90s one of the reasons a live-action Gargoyles movie wasn't made was because a good script couldn't be found. Not sure if this is true or not but it leads to my question.

Why is it, Gargoyles or otherwise, movie companies contact outside screenwriters to develope a script instead of the creator, if the creator is available for contact (Not dead or no longer working on the project)?

Greg responds...

I assume they think that the creator can't create something that would work for a wide audience because they'd be TOO faithful to their creation. I'm sure in some cases that might be true. But there's also a basic assumption that movie writers are inherently superior to television (and certainly cartoon) writers.

Response recorded on May 21, 2009

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xephier writes...

Curious if there is any recent(within the past year or 2) updates to the 'gargoyles' is there any plans going underway, A live action or even computer animated movie (beowulf style)perhaps? Geting enough from the first and second season to consider releaseing the second part of season 2 or 3, or a new gargoyles tv series?

Thing is, i've seen rumors droped here and there, but most anything ive seen is at least 3-4 years old, so i've been dieing to know.

Ps: I was browseing through some other questions, one with someone askin if there was a washroom in the clocktower, never thought of it meself, always jus assumed they went well in flight :D

Greg responds...

Check the archives here. Plenty of recent answers, and in any case, I'd post any updates I had. I'm not keeping things from people.

Response recorded on October 22, 2008

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Simon writes...

Did you ever thought to approuch people like Jerry Bruckheimer about Gargoyles live action movie?.He seems to be always interested in orginal ideas that Disney put into development like Pirates of the Caribbean and the Prince of Persia so I think maybe he will be able to persuade Touchstone to make The Gargoyles movie.

Did you gave any thoughts how the Gargoyles in live action would look like.I mean in 2D animation they look fine but with CGI technology
there will be many elements that will have to look realistic and therefore affect the original design of the characters.

P.S Sorry about some mistakes in English.

Greg responds...

I've thought a lot about the look of the thing...

But AGAIN, this isn't my property to pitch -- to anyone BUT Disney.

Response recorded on October 06, 2008

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Roky writes...

I know that this question was posted already but I wish to know if did anything change about making the real-life movie of Gargoyles?

And If answer is no, what could fans do about it. There is something we can do or not?

Greg responds...

AGAIN - if there was ANY news, you can be sure I'd TELL the fans. Instead of asking, go to the Live-Action Movie Archive here at ASK GREG and check the latest post.

And I can't think of anything the fans can do, beyond what I've said over and over. SPREAD THE WORD!

Response recorded on September 24, 2008

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cartoonlover writes...

I heard about a Gargoyles live action movie, being made years ago. Is it safe to say its not happening? If so, I'm glad. I can just picture them making signifcant changes, (I can see a bald Goliath and a weird looking Hudson)

Greg responds...

It's not currently in the works. But I'm not glad. I wish they'd do it.

Response recorded on September 10, 2008

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Justin McQuade writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman i dont really have a question but for the last 2 years i have been working on a gargoyle movie based on your tv show i am finished with it and i would like to talk with you about doing a movie i am a big fan like every one else and i want to make this movie a reality and i think with your help we can give the fans a true movie that will live with everyone please respond to this sir i just see movies like transformers and they make a lot of money and i think its time to start a movie please sir i will do whatever it takes to gain your trust on this please email me at mcjam1803@hotmail.com i can send you a copy of the script so you can read it first well thank you for your time sir have a good day.

Greg responds...

Justin, I admire your dedication, but I can't read your script for a number of reasons:

1. I have my own ideas, so I don't read fan-versions of the characters to protect myself legally.

2. There's really no point in MY reading it. I don't control the property; Disney does. I've had numerous discussions over the years with Touchstone (i.e. Disney) features executives, trying to convince them to do a live action movie. There was a period where they actively pursued development of the script, going through at least ten writers (including myself and Michael Reaves), but right now they don't seem too interested. I haven't given up, but reading your script -- no matter how good it was -- could hardly make me more passionate about the property or give me any more ability to convince the powers that be.

3. You're, of course, welcome to try to convince Disney to read your script. But in that case, you're in essence putting yourself in competition with me. A situation, which as you can imagine, I'd be less than thrilled about.

Response recorded on August 06, 2008

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Enterprise writes...

I know you been asked this before but dose disney have a say so or the rights in weather a film could be made out of this spectaculer series

Greg responds...

Are we talking about Spider-Man or Gargoyles?

Gargoyles - Of course.

Spectacular Spider-Man - None at all.

Response recorded on June 20, 2008

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Jackie writes...

Dear heavens that's a lot of red tape just to ask a question. Well, I'm sure my question has been asked many times before, and please forgive me if you find it to be an annoyance (I'm sure I'll politely be escorted to the 'archives' for this one), but I just wanted to know if the creators foresee a film coming out in the near future. I was so very proud of this cartoon. It is quite nostalgic for my younger brother and me. I'd be overjoyed to support this brilliant cartoon on the big screen.
Jackie (Gargoyles fan since I was a youngster!)

Greg responds...

You know, Jackie, I've got no sympathy for you here. You seem perfectly aware of the archives -- perfectly aware that you're asking a question that's been asked before. And yet...

I mean you complain about the red tape and then contribute to the reason we HAVE red tape in the first place.

So, yeah, consider yourself escorted...


Response recorded on June 07, 2008

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