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Warrioress writes...

What's the news on the Gargoyles movie, if it's still going to be done?

What, if any, future plans did you have for Coldstone and Coldfire? And the Avalon clan?


Greg responds...

1. I have nothing new to report on the Gargoyle Live Action Movie front.

2. Questions on separate topics must be posted separately.

Response recorded on December 29, 1999

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Siren writes...

Welcome back Greg! A few questions...
1.) How goes with the Gargoyles movie by Touchstone? Simply, how far into development.
2.) What does Titania whisper to Fox? (One day we'll find out somehow)
3.) If the show continued, would you might have introduced other mythology characters, such as Pegasus, unicorns, dragons, etc. If so, would they be considered New Olympians or Fay?
4.) On Bronx and Boudica (sp?), are the "dog-oyles" rare? Or do they just take longer to breed? Since we only had met two...that I can remember anyways.
5.) Did you ever consider "cat-goyles"?

So far, that's all I can think of. Thanks Greg!

Greg responds...

1. I have no new news.

2 - 5. As per our new rules, you'll have to resubmit these questions on separate posts (by common topic).

Response recorded on September 17, 1999

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kalen writes...

Have you ever thought of making a movie about Gargoyle's.

Greg responds...

Me? Like with my own money?

Sorry. Look, Touchstone has a live-action Gargoyles movie in development. For more info check the Live-Action movie archives below and/or comb through the OLD archives.

And, no, as far as I know, there's nothing new to report.

Response recorded on August 24, 1999

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Alaxk writes...

Greetings Mr. Weisman, just a couple of questions.

1. Can you give us any new information concerning the movie, current script writers or directors (obviously your involved, but from some of your comments, you have led myself to believe that you will not be writing it)?

2. What was the main plot line in Future Tense going to be?

3. By the end of "Journey", does Xanatos realize he has obtained his immortality already through his son or was he going to continue in his attemps to live forever (I realize the two, immortality and living forever are very different which leads me to my fourth question)?

4. Did Xanatos learn from Hudson in "The Price" the difference between living forever and immortality?



Greg responds...

1. As I've stated many times, my involvement is contractual not actual. I'm officially a co-producer on this film with Michael Reaves, but as a practical matter I have not been included in the movie's development. As far as I know there is no director or cast attached. By now, I think they probably have yet another first draft script by yet another writer whose name escapes me for the moment. That's all I know.

As per our new rules, I invite you to resubmit your remaining questions on multiple separate posts.

Response recorded on August 17, 1999

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Entity writes...

Glad you're back, Mr. Weisman! Here are a few questions I've pondered over:

1) If the series had ever shown Merlin, how do you envision his physical appearence? Would he have been along the lines of the white-bearded Disney version from "Sword in the Stone", or the younger, clean-shaven version from "Excalibur" or "Merlin" (the mini-series)?

2) I heard somewhere that you'd written an early screenplay for the GARGOYLES theatrical movie, which was basically "Awakenings" cleaned up around the edges, but that it was rejected on account of being "too cartoonish". Would you be able (and willing) to share with us that screenplay?

3) You mentioned that "Hunter's Moon" was originally going to be a video release (which would explain why so much of Part 1 seemed like a reintroduction to the series). If it had been released on video as planned, would it have been longer than only one hour (3 twenty-minute episodes)? I ask because that seems kind of short for a video, and because out of all the other chapters of the series, "Hunter's Moon" is the only one for which you've revealed full-fledged scenes that didn't make it into the final cut.

Greg responds...

Hi Entity,
1. Not telling this now. Had very specific plans though.

2. Michael Reaves and I wrote a pitch and then a treatment (actually two), not a screenplay. And it would be irresponsible to share it at this point, since the movie is still in development at Touchstone Pictures.

3. The decision not to make it a video came before the script (and maybe before the final draft outline) was written. It would have been at least a bit longer... we certainly wouldn't have had to cut the Jason/Elisa clock tower scene. But beyond that, it's too hypothetical a question for me to answer. We never were given the opportunity to explore that avenue in any real way.

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