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Anonymous writes...

When you answer "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT." it means that the answer WILL come up later in the show/comics or it MAY.

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"Questions that ask me to SPOIL my own show are exasperating. As I've said over and over, I'm just NOT going to do that. Why would I? Even obvious stuff can't be addressed, because if I acknowledge anything, the stuff I don't comment on is spoiled by default. So please, please, please refrain. Any question that falls into this category will simply be answered: SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT."

[Response recorded on March 29, 2011.]

Response recorded on March 03, 2012

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ASK GREG is back, MARCH 3, 2012.

So I've finally gotten through the queue. I could definitely feel myself getting cranky again by the end here, so I'm going to take a short break.

Young Justice resumes airing on Saturday, March 3, 2012, and we'll reopen ASK GREG's question/posting function on the same day.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE follow these simple guidelines BEFORE posting.

1. DO NOT REQUEST SPOILERS!! All requests for spoilers will be met with "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT." Prefacing your spoiler request question by saying, "I hope this doesn't trigger a spoiler alert" or the like doesn't help. THINK BEFORE YOU POST. If you're asking me for information about what is TO COME on a show, it's a SPOILER. And I flat out will not answer. So all you're doing is clogging the queue.

2. CHECK THE ARCHIVES to make sure your question hasn't already been answered. Any question already answered will receive an "ASKED AND ANSWERED" response. Again, this only serves to clog the queue.

3. CHECK the UNANSWERED QUESTION queue before posting your question. I may not have answered it yet, but if you can see that someone's already asked the question, then there's no point in asking it again. All you'll receive is another "ASKED AND ANSWERED" response. Really, the amount of times I was asked Zatanna's age was just preposterous. If I'm taking the time to answer your questions, the least you can do is LOOK to see if your question was already asked before posting and clogging the queue.

4. CONSIDER asking your question from knowledgeable fans BEFORE posting it. For example, the folks at http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/comment/ are very familiar with my work and can usually answer stuff much faster than I can.

5. If you are asking multiple questions in one post, please NUMBER your questions. And if you're asking more than, say... ten... then create a separate post.

6. But please, do NOT flood the queue. Show restraint.

7. Please do not submit any original ideas, notions, concepts, or drawings of original characters. No stories, no fanfic, no teleplays, nothing.

8. No original ideas masquerading as questions. Asking me what Demona did during World War II is fine. Asking me if Demona tried to assassinate Hitler during World War II is an idea masquerading as a question and is not all right. I'm sure you can all see the distinction.

9. No requests for employment. If you want to ask generally about how one might break into the business, I'll try to give my perspective, but this is not an appropriate forum for personal pleas for work.

If these guidelines are followed the results benefit us all:

a. The queue doesn't bog down. I'll get to questions faster.

b. I'll be happier, which means I'm more likely to expand on the questions I can answer, instead of being so fed up that I speed through those too, just to bring down the size of the queue.

I know I must sound like a curmudgeon here. AND THAT'S ONLY BECAUSE THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I AM! (ASK ANYONE!) But you can help reduce my curmudgeonliness by following these guidelines.

Thank you

See you in a week(ish).

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Anonymous writes...

Some of these questions, I just look at and think "there's a NO COMMENT...there's another...and more...haven't they clued in by now?!?!?! (no answer necessary for that one) On behalf of the people who actually try to keep from triggering those, I apologize.

Greg responds...

Thanks. But at this point, I've gotten a LOT of these sympathy posts too. And so now they are ALSO cluttering up the queue. I don't want to seem churlish, since you're trying to be nice. But it would just be better if we ALL stuck to business, so to speak, in order to keep ASK GREG manageable.

Response recorded on February 23, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg,

I need to ask you some things in regards to the answering of questions by you about Young Justice.

What topics do you usually allow to be answered in regards to when we ask questions about...
a. what we already know about the show thus far?
b. what we don't know about the show thus far (which doesn't risk exposing any spoilers)?
c. topics that require your opinions/educated guesses (again, which doesn't risk exposing any spoilers)?

On a side note, my other question is in regard to the first rule of your guidelines which you stated in your introduction page. Does the rule imply you reject the notion of "giving the fans of the show what they want"? Is it because ideas for the show stated by fans usually conflicts with the ideas for the show that you (and your team) work with and have already planned?

Thanks for taking the time to read these important question that I have for you.

Greg responds...

a, b and c are all fine assuming, as you noted, spoilers are TRULY not involved.

But the best way to figure out what I will and won't answer is to read through the kind of questions I already HAVE answered.

As to your side note, you're completely missing the point.

I won't look at original ideas because they could get me in trouble LEGALLY. It has NOTHING AT ALL to do with giving or not giving fans "what they [think they] want".

BUT... even if this weren't a legal issue, fans need to keep in mind is that by the time they see enough to comment and make suggestions, we've already locked our stories down, and I couldn't alter course to give fans what they want. This would be true whether or not I agreed that any given fan had a great idea. It's just too late.

Response recorded on February 15, 2012

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Kevin writes...

Do you get frustrated with some questions being asked over and over again. I asked a question about the speed force that you just answered but at the time when I wrote it there was no archived answer. Thank you for your time and making a great show!

Greg responds...

There may not have been an archived answer, but I've asked over and over again that people check the UNANSWERED QUESTION QUEUE before posting the EXACT SAME QUESTION again. If your answer's coming, why ask again?

So, yes, I do get frustrated. I assume EVERYONE is getting frustrated by the constant refrain of "ASKED AND ANSWERED" and "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT." answers that I give, but it's because folks (including you frankly) aren't following the very simple and reasonable guidelines we've set for the ASK GREG site.

And even THIS question, by the way, has been asked over and over again.

All of which simply bogs down the queue, which is why I keep having to close it off to catch up.

Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Ace Commander writes...

how come my questions are never answered? they always get deleted

Greg responds...

You must be breaking one of the rules, I guess. If they're deleted I don't see them.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

When we post a question we are asked if we've checked the archives first. People just ignore that because they keep asking the same questions over and over. Doesn't the administration here filter these questions? Why don't these repeated question get deleted?

How can you stand answering the same thing over and over again?? Especially when it's "NO COMMENT" or "SPOILER REQUEST"? Do you think fan want to wear you down and you'll spoil away the show?

Greg responds...

It's not the job of "the administration" i.e. Todd to "filter" for these questions. I've asked Todd to do enough just to make sure the rules that I need enforced for legal reasons are being enforced. It's not fair to turn him into an overall Ask Greg Cop. That's NOT what he signed on for.

I'd prefer if posters self-policed anyway.

And by the way THIS issue has been ASKED AND ANSWERED more than once too. So your post, sympathetic as it is, also only added to the problem.

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Silly question: where exactly do you type your answers? Do you write them directly in the answer box (I assume it's similar to our question box), or do you write them on Word and then copy paste them here. I'm curious because I don't believe I've even seen any typo or iffy sentence construction from your answers. And typos are normal to slip by. Do you proofread each of your answers before sending them?

Kuddos on your skills.

Greg responds...

I write them right into an answer box. And I do make every effort to proofread and edit my responses thoroughly before I post.

But if you've never seen any typos, etc., here - then you haven't been looking too carefully. (Which I'm cool with, actually.)

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

If you have gotten this far, I give you virtual cookies and milk. You've been slogging through a lot. They're not as good as real cookies and milk, but I can't send those via Internet yet.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 19, 2011

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Gene writes...

Hi Greg. For some reason every time I make a post to send to you it never seems to show up in the unanswered questions tab. Like I would create a post and send it to you, then, a few seconds later, I would check the unanswered questions tab and it wouldn't show up. I did send one post and the "Name" I used was Kat or Kit and that got sent, but when I tried to make another and send it, it wasn't marked in the unanswered questions tab. (and I did follow all the rules on asking a question) By the way I've been sending all of my posts on my iPod but I don't think the iPod is glitched or anything because I'm still able to send emails and other stuff like that, so I dont know what is wrong. Please help if you receive this. Oh and I have one question that i would desperatly want you to answer please.. if you ever get this message anyway.
1. Do you ever receive hand-written mail that's written by fans of young justice (that may include drawings or other things) that is sent directly to you or where you work? If so, I would like to send you a letter and enclose a few drawings of mine that I created. I would really like you, and the rest of the young justice crew to see it, or at least somebody to recognize my artistry.
Besides you and Brandon V. have inspired me to draw these charactors, although I have been drawing for years, I'm only a freshman in high school. Thank you for time and I'm sorry about your dog, and if you can answer my question, it would make my day, and if not, at least I tried.

Greg responds...

I am the least technical guy I know. I can't help you... cuz I have no idea what the problem might be.

1. Occassionally.

Response recorded on December 12, 2011

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TwEaKz writes...

Hey Greg,
I've been meaning to write you about how some people act towards Young Justice. Then I thought to myself, it's really not worth it. So I'm not going to post a huge thing about it. I'm just going to write a little something instead. I find it somewhat annoying how outraged some people get over things that I feel shouldn't even be a problem. For instance, "Hello, Megan!". Heh. That seems to drive some people MAD. Really? That's what makes you nuts about the show and the character? I think it's adorable and I feel it fits Miss Martian perfectly. But, hey, to each their own.

I'm not saying they don't have a right to voice their opinion but come on. I just think some people really need to relax, take the whole show in and let things unfold the way they are meant to. Another thing that people get worked up about is how Superman treats Superboy. Yeahhh... I'm not even going to touch that one. When I see some of the questions and comments that come your way, I just have to laugh it off and say hmm this person must be young. Now I'm NOT saying that all young kids are simple minded or anything and I'm not trying to put down anyone. It's just that some of these complaints come across a little out there to me and they're not seeing the overall big picture.

What I like about you, though, Greg, is you don't let anyone change or dictate your show in any way. You guys love what you do and you put in what you feel works and that's how you keep it. I applaud that one hundred percent. So, yeah, that's all I'm going to say on this matter and now I'm going to try to end this post with a little something more positive.

Greg, I'm 31 and I absolutely love Young Justice. It brings me such joy. I've been a huge fan of your work ever since Gargoyles and I will continue to be a fan for life. For me, YJ keeps getting better and better with each new episode. I also enjoy the comic tie-in immensely. I feel it really expands the universe you guys have created. The latest episode "Terrors" was fantastic. It was very surprising as well. Did not expect that ending with Superboy and Miss Martian. Not this soon at least. But I loved it.

One last thing I would like to mention is that I even got my Father involved with the show. He's 72 years old and he really enjoys all things superheroes. He grew up with the Golden Age of comics and he just has a real passion for the genre. Now the main reason why I told him he should watch this show? Captain Marvel. He's been a life long fan of Captain Marvel and the rest of the Marvel family. He even has a room that is filled with lots and lots of Captain Marvel related memorabilia. It's definitely a sight to see.

When I first heard about YJ, I told my Dad that hey, you really need to catch this show when it premieres. I said to him that I heard Captain Marvel is going to have some kind of role on there. Needless to say, he was VERY excited. Heh. Even though, Captain Marvel has yet to make any real appearance on the show, he's been hooked since the first episode. He loves the animation, enjoys all the stories that are being told. Totally intrigued by "The Light" and where all this could possibly go.

The moral of my post here? Don't let any negativity bring you down. I see you get frustrated sometimes and hey I don't blame you. Just know that there are plenty of people out there of all ages that love the show and is constantly looking forward to the next episode and issue :)

Take care, man.

Greg responds...

I don't think youth necessarily has much to do with it. I'm sure some of my staunchest critics are closer to your age or mine than to their grammar school days.

But otherwise, I tend to agree with you. Ultimately, what people post on any other site is really none of my business. I may lurk there and find myself frowning, but that's on me. I've been doing this long enough that I can (generally) let most of it wash off my back. Some of the criticism is valid, of course. Some of it is only valid in the moment. Once the critics sees the bigger picture, they may or may not change their minds. Some of the criticism is, in my opinion, flat-out ridiculous. (But that's just my opinion.) And some of it is flat-out wrong, for example when they criticize us for something we literally didn't do, or criticize us for not doing something that we objectively did do.

But all that's fine.

The only three things that really got to me were:

(a) How rude some people were being here on this site (where I can't escape it). You don't have to like the show, but I'm not sure what the point is of being rude about it to one of the creators behind it. They can challenge our choices, but they can't challenge how hard we're working. So I'm not sure what was gained from being mean about it.

(b) When people wrote their criticisms with some kind of expectation that I'd agree with them and admit we had screwed up. That begins to grate. WE LIKE OUR SHOW. We wouldn't have made the choices we made if we didn't believe in them. And what kind of creator would I be, if a post here at ASK GREG would cause me to disavow the hard and passionate work of the many, many creative people (including myself) that went into the making of Young Justice - a show, of which by the way, I'm quite proud.

(c) Just the repetitive requests for Spoilers and/or for answers to questions already asked and answered, which served no purpose other than to clog the site. This is merely annoying. But cumulatively, alongside points (a) and (b) it began to grind on me.

I DO want to reiterate that this was a WAY bigger problem with the questions that came in between March and July of this year. Since the site opened up again this past September, (a) and (b) have all but gone away, and even (c) has reduced down to a much more manageable level of annoyance. I made a plea for just that, and the fans and even the critics seem to have responded. AND IT IS MUCH APPRECIATED.

In any case, I really appreciate your post. I hope you and your father continue to enjoy what's coming. He'll see in episodes that by now I hope you've seen and in some that have yet to air, that the Big Red Cheese is in fact an extremely important character in the series. And if the comic continues long enough, he'll eventually be even more important there.

Response recorded on December 09, 2011

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Anon writes...

Have you ever considered just throwing out questions that ask for spoilers, or that just ask the same question over and over? After all it's already done with questions that violate the guidelines. It would certainly be a less frustrating approach for you.

Greg responds...

It would, wouldn't it. We have considered other options, but I hate to change the format of this forum. It's worked pretty well for us for like over a decade now. And things have gotten (marginally) better since we reopened in September. If it gets worse again, I may have to change the ASK GREG policy, but for now, Gore and Todd and I are keeping things as is.

Response recorded on October 31, 2011

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Gorebash, Todd and I will be opening up Ask Greg for questions and comments again on September 16th, 2011 - i.e. the day that the next new episode of Young Justice airs.

I would, as usual, ask a few favors...

1. Please check the, ASK GREG FAQ, the ASK GREG ARCHIVES AND the questions in the queue ahead of you BEFORE posting. It only slows down the queue for everyone if I get the same question asked over and over again.

2. To save more time, both for you AND for me, consider asking your question FIRST of the knowledgeable fans at the STATION 8 COMMENT ROOM: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/comment/index.php

3. Resist the urge to ask for spoilers. I'm not going to spoil my own show. So asking only slows down the queue.

4. Please be polite. You don't have to like my work, but you should be able to critique it without being rude. And please REFRAIN FROM ASSUMING that your argument is going to be SO convincing that I will admit that my own work sucks. WE LIKE OUR SHOW. You don't have to, but you're not going to convince me that I don't.

101-109 have all aired.
110 was previewed at Comic-Con and will premiere on Cartoon Network on September 16th.
111-119 are also in the can, i.e. totally completed and ready for airing.
120-123 are all in post-production. Today we previewed the music for 120, and spotted the music for 121.
124-126 are still being animated.

201 is shipping to Korea at the end of the week.
202 is in timing.
203 is in storyboard clean-ups.
204 is waiting for board notes.
205-206 are in storyboard.
207 records tomorrow.
208-210 are all in script.
211-220 have been approved into production. Brandon Vietti, Kevin Hopps and myself spent the last week (including Saturday) breaking the last six episodes (one per day). We are pitching the arc of the season to DC, CN and WB this Wednesday. Assuming that goes well, we'll have our first writer's meeting to assign 211-214 on Thursday. I have beatsheets completed on 211-216. Have to write up the beatsheets for 217-220, but I've got all the beats on index cards, so it's just a matter of finding the time to transcribe them into a document.

That's it for now. See you all on the 16th of September!


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SO WHERE HAVE I BEEN? Updates & Debunks

Hello everyone,

Haven't posted here in a while, and since I did a bit of message board lurking this morning, it seems to have led people to believe all sorts of odd things, so...

Where have I been?

Well, in early June, my family and I went to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, Oregon.
We saw seven plays in four days. Six of them (Henry IV, Part Two, The Language Archive, To Kill a Mockingbird, Julius Caesar, Love's Labours Lost and Measure for Measure) were just stellar productions. Everyone was great, but I'd like to particularly single out Susannah Flood in both Language Archive and Mockingbird, Dee Maaske in Mockingbird and Michael Winters as Falstaff in 2HenryIV.

Coming back from that, I was understandably swamped and didn't have time to post.

Next, I went to Minneapolis for the always great ConVergence convention. I did about thirteen panels. Some of which, like Gargoyles and Spider-Man and Young Justice, I felt qualified to be on. And some, like Dexter and Galaxy Quest, my only qualification was being a fan of whatever we were talking about. This was my third ConVergence, and it continues to be the best run convention I've ever attended. And now that the Gathering of the Gargoyles is no more, it has become my FAVORITE convention to attend.

Returning from ConVergence, I then got quite ill. In fact, I'm still home sick today. (Home sick as opposed to homesick, clear?)

So THOSE are the reasons I haven't posted. Nothing nefarious.


We have aired episodes 101-109 (i.e. Season One, episodes 1-9).

(Yes, episode 110 accidentally was posted on Cartoon Network's website, but I'm going to pretend that never happened.)

Episodes 110-115 are in the can, i.e. they are completed and ready to air.

Episode 116 awaits only the final on-line, i.e. the final review of the episode. This has been delayed ONLY because I've been out sick this week.

Episode 117 will have it's sound mix on Friday. (I hope to be back at work by then.)

Episode 118 has been edited and work progresses on scoring and sound effects.

Episode 119 is ready to begin post-production.

Episodes 120-123 are being animated in Korea.

Episodes 124-126 are in layout in Korea, while we finish the final color models here in the States.

Episodes 201-202 (i.e. Season Two, Episodes one and two) - Are fully recorded and are in storyboard. (201 was written by me. 202 by Nicole Dubuc.)

Episode 203, written by Kevin Hopps, is almost fully recorded. We have one actor left to pick up, who has been out of town. It is also in storyboard.

Episode 204, written by me, will record this week. It is also in storyboard.

Episode 205 - Brandon Vietti, has turned in his draft of the script. I have to read and edit it.

Episode 206 - The outline, written by Peter David and edited by me, went out Monday for notes, which are due tomorrow.

Episode 207 - Kevin Hopps turned in his outline, which I need to read and edit.

Episode 208 - I'm writing this one. I'll start the outline, after I've edited the outline to 207.

Episode 209 - Jon Weisman turned in his outline, which I need to read and edit.

Episode 210 - Kevin Hopps is working on his outline.

We do NOT yet have a pick-up beyond episode 210, but our bosses have told us to start blocking out episodes 211-220 in anticipation of one.

Episode 211 - We've broken this story. I still need to find time to write up the Beat Outline, though I have it all on index cards.

Episode 212 - We've got the basics of this one down, but we (i.e. myself, Brandon and Kevin) still need to finish breaking the story.

Episodes 213-220 - We've got a very clear sense of the arc and what things need to happen, but we haven't started on these yet.


Everywhere on the Internet, all I see is that YJ is Greg Weisman's show. That's just blatantly false. This is a VIETTI/WEISMAN production. Just as Spectacular Spider-Man was a COOK/WEISMAN production and Gargoyles was a PAUR/WEISMAN production. I am not, nor have I ever been, a one-man show on ANY project I've EVER worked on. EVER. And in particular, on YJ, it's extremely unfair to Brandon to leave him out of consideration. Brandon is heavily involved in every aspect of production, INCLUDING SERIES DEVELOPMENT AND STORY. He's been right there with myself and Kevin Hopps breaking every single episode. It's been a team effort from day one. Many of the series' best ideas came/come from Brandon. And this is aside from the fact, that of course, Brandon can write - but I cannot draw, which arguably makes him MORE important to the production than I. I am exceedingly proud of this series and my own work on it - though certain very vocal fans seem to think I shouldn't be - but that doesn't change the fact that Brandon and I are a team.

Another blatant misconception. Look, Brandon and I are both perfectionists. Neither of us would deny that we'd LOVE to have more time on each and every episode. But that's not the same as being rushed. Let's make a comparison: on Spectacular Spider-Man, I basically had one week to develop both the series and the entire first season. Then Vic Cook came aboard, and we raced to get into production in less than two months. Brandon and I had seven months to develop the series, break the first season (which granted had twice as many episodes as the first season of Spidey) and head into production. The show isn't and never has been rushed. That's not to say the schedule isn't tight. But we haven't aired a single episode that wasn't ready to air. And we won't.

This is my favorite. I love it the most because the first person I saw who posted this rumor also said that I'd deny it. So here I am denying it, which of course serves to PROVE that he or she was correct, see? Let's be clear: for better or worse, this series is COMPLETELY unaffected by internet criticism BECAUSE of schedule. Everything of any significance was set and DONE before even the pilot movie aired last November, so we couldn't address fan concerns even if we wanted to. And, honestly, we don't want to. We don't in part because there is way less consensus than some people seem to think. For example, for every post I see expressing hatred for "Hello, Megan!", I see a post that likes it. And personally, I like it. Brandon likes it. So why would we change it, even if we could? In fact, even Season Two is moving forward more or less disregarding "fan" criticism. Brandon and I always had very clear ideas for what we wanted to do in Season Two (and even Season Three, should we get one) and those ideas haven't changed. As with every series I've co-helmed, all we can ever do is write and produce to OUR OWN passions - and then just cross our fingers and hope enough people share our passions to make it a success. Anything else is doomed to failure, because if we're not passionate about it, it'll show in the work, and then no one will like it. And just to make it clear: WE LIKE OUR SHOW!! Doesn't mean you have to - but don't try to tell me I don't.

So why aren't we airing new episodes now? That's a fair question that I don't have an answer for. After all, we have six unaired episodes in the can, with four more on the verge of completion. It's a Cartoon Network decision. Some fans have argued that they shouldn't have started airing ANY episodes until ALL episodes were in the can. But that too is a decision above my pay grade.

My best guess - and that's all it is - is that CN will air new episodes - starting with 110 ("Targets") - in September. The good news is that the later they wait, the more weeks they can go uninterrupted by reruns. I do know that Season Two (i.e. "Young Justice: Invasion") will begin airing as part of DC NATION in March of 2012. And by then ALL of Season One will have aired. So do the math.

People have asked me if I'm bummed about losing momentum by this delay. But the thing is we've ALREADY lost all momentum. So as long as they PROMOTE us whenever they finally do start airing us again, then pragmatically I'm good. Yes, I'll admit to a certain level of frustration in that I want our stuff to get out there, but if CN has a plan to make the most of the episodes, then more power to them.

Anyway, I think that's it for now. I'll get back to answering questions on ASK GREG as soon as I can find the time. (But keep in mind that San Diego Comic-Con is fast approaching. Note: Young Justice has a panel scheduled for Sunday, July 24th at 10am, with a signing to follow. I'll also be signing Gargoyles comics (and whatever else anyone might want) at the SLG Booth from 11:30am to 12:30pm on Thursday, Friday and Saturday (July 21, 22, 23).

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The King 171 writes...

OMG i have been reading some of the unanswered questions and i dont understand why people are asking you these questions that they should know your not going to answer... i mean they should know you are not going to spoil the show

so my question is are you able to delete questions instead of answering one that is asking you to spoil the show?

Greg responds...

I can delete any question I want. But that's not policy here. Questions are only deleted if they present original ideas.

I'm considering changing the policy. Haven't decided.

Response recorded on May 26, 2011

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DC Hero writes...

Hey Greg sorry for the spelling mistakes in the past question.

Greg responds...

Uh... okay.

Response recorded on May 26, 2011

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none of my business writes...

OK Greg so I know its none of my business obviously but I was wondering what sort of legal issues could you be talking about when you said Todd Jensen will approve the questions and just who the heck is Todd anyway I just wanna know

Greg responds...

Todd Jensen is a Gargoyles fan, whom I've known on-line for over a decade now and met in person at the 2001 Gathering. He's a VOLUNTEEER, who has kindly agreed to vet questions for me to make sure no one is posting an original idea that I could get sued over. If you want more information on THAT, how about you actually READ the main Introduction page at Ask Greg, which spells all this out in detail:


You know, instead of cluttering up the queue by asking a question you could have EASILY gotten the answer for faster elsewhere.

Response recorded on May 17, 2011

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None of my business writes...

Hey greg why does Todd Jensen approve a whole bunch of questions if you're just going to say no comment. I guess this question is really meant for both you and Todd, so Todd if you're reading this please approve my post I got to know

Greg responds...

Todd's (VOLUNTEER) job is NOT to edit questions, but to kick out questions that break the rules that protect me legally. I don't think it's fair to Todd to ask him to ALSO make editorial judgments about what questions I will or won't answer.

The "No Comment" responses could almost entirely be avoided if people would post with some degree of common sense. That's on them, not on Todd.

Response recorded on May 17, 2011

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We're back, baby!

That's right. The official GargWiki has been down for quite some time with server issues. But Gorebash, our host here at Station 8 has provided a new home for us. So check out: http://gargwiki.net/Main_Page

Most of what you might want to ask me (and thus needlessly crowd the queue here at ASK GREG) about Gargoyles is already easily available in this very smart-looking and user-friendly wiki.

I myself participate in keeping it honest and utilize it as a resource all the time.

Again, that's:


Worth the look.

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Erica writes...

I feel sorry for you, having to answer to all those know-it-all smart asses.
Are u never irritated by that?

Keep up the good work!
Kind regards!

Greg responds...

Obviously, I get irritated. I think I've been incredibly incapable of hiding my irritation recently - even with folks who aren't abusing the system and have really done nothing wrong. And, for the record, I regret that. But I'll admit it has been tough, cumulatively, to stay sanguine on my end. I've been doing this (producing cartoon shows AND answering questions about them) for nearly two decades, and though of course I've dealt with the occasional obnoxious poster here at ASK GREG, I've NEVER faced the overall level of rudeness here that I've faced since Young Justice was announced.

I do not mean to group everyone in with that. Plenty of polite folks have posted too, including plenty who don't love what they're seeing on the series (which of course never thrills me, but doesn't make me crazy). But I'm afraid this time out the polite folk are in the minority. And the rude folk are kinda killing my mood and coloring how I read everyone.

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg. I'm loving Young Justice so far, and was rather surprised with some of the things you've been able to show, especially in the Bane episode. I don't know if the standards have changed recently, but I’m used to seeing grittier subjects being only alluded to. I really like it! I think it makes their circumstances seem more real and dire. Since I’ve already given my favorable impressions in earlier questions, I wanted to mention two things which I have found to be minor annoyances, mostly because they happen so frequently:

The first is Megan’s use of youthful vernacular. It’s awkward. Since you write these kinds of lines naturally for other characters, I imagine it’s intentional to make her seem more alien. I just don’t know if it’s having the intended impact. The strongest example I can think of is after receiving an explanation of something in their plane, Megan responds to herself, “Like, duh, Megan!” Apart from the slightly awkward usage, and her not saying “like,” much, it gives me a negative impression of her when she does that. I tend to associate that kind of speech with bubble-gum, ditz caricatures. This may be contributing to the negative reaction I’ve seen mentioned a lot here towards female portrayal in the first few episodes. Artemis and Black Canary certainly don’t paint any negative pictures about women.

The second thing I've found slightly annoying is Robin picking apart words in every single episode, even if it’s just leaving off a prefix rather than a whole conversation about it. I don't think it would bother me if it happened often rather than always. I look forward to YJ episodes, and never know what kind of story to expect, but I also go in thinking, “Okay, what’s Robin going to say this time?” Since nothing else is so consistent (at least at present), it stands out a lot. It’s not a huge deal, but the frequency it’s used elevates it to catch-phrase notoriety, and it doesn’t seem like the sort of thing I should immediately call to mind when I think of Young Justice (Like Flintstones & “yabadabadoo”). I don’t know how you feel about catch-phrases, though.

I hope this fan feedback is worth something to you, even if you disagree. I’m sure I’m not the only viewer who feels this way. Keep up the good work!

Greg responds...

She never says "Like, duh, Megan!" Never. She says, "Hello, Megan!" Now, you may be shrugging and saying "What's the difference, really?" But there's a big difference. Particularly, since one of your complaints is the "like" which in fact she never says. I think the reason she's saying this is already fairly obvious, but if not, it will be.

And I'll stand by our portrayal of women in this shows (and all my shows) as diverse and not monolithic. You don't have to like everyone of the female characters I write and produce, but I won't be bound or forced to portray them all in the same way in order to avoid any whiff of criticism.

As for Robin, the fact that you're asking yourself "Okay, what's Robin going to say this time?" positively THRILLS me. Catchphrases (assuming these qualify) don't bother me. I like 'em. And they're hardly limited to The Flintstones. Even Gregory House has a catchphrase.

Ultimately, my answer is "WE LIKE OUR SHOW."

By the way, I do appreciate that you were able to write up your criticisms without being rude or obnoxious. I may not agree, but I respect the way you presented your arguments.

Having said that, I am STILL going to ask: DIDN'T YOU SEE THAT BOTH OF THESE THINGS HAD ALREADY BEEN RAISED BY POSTERS BEFORE YOU? Did you add anything to the discussion or just inadvertently hammer me with the same complaints because you didn't follow the guidelines and didn't look to see that others had beat you to it?

Response recorded on April 13, 2011

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charlie writes...

just read YJ #1. can't say i'm a fan of the character design for the "guest star" on the last page. who do we have to blame for that??

Greg responds...

Really, that's how you ask that question? You know just because it's the internet doesn't MANDATE that you HAVE to be rude. It's not like that's a rule or something. I mean think about who you are writing to. One of the creative leads on the show. How did you PICTURE me responding to that characterization. I get that you don't like it. I can even respect your desire to express that, but learn some manners, dude. GROW UP!!

You know I've been doing ASK GREG for over a decade now, and I've had obnoxious posters before on everything from Gargoyles to Spectacular Spider-Man, but I have to say the general rudeness level on Young Justice is just beyond the pale, these days. I don't want to over-generalize. Plenty of folk with manners, too, but the level of some of you is just making me want to stop. The question asking function is closed for now - not for this reason, but to allow me to catch up on the backlog while we're in reruns - but if this general level of rudeness continues when we reopen for questions, I may have to seriously consider changing the rules to this site.

Cuz I'm getting pretty tired of getting annoyed and cranky EVERY TIME I try to answer questions here. And, at this point, if some of you are TRYING to annoy me, cut it out, because (A) it's like shooting fish in a barrel and (B) you're going to ruin things for everyone else.

In any case, what you saw was Mike Norton's interpretation of a Phil Bourassa design. Both of which, I like, by the way. But if you want someone to blame, blame myself and Brandon Vietti, as no design goes through without our approval.

Response recorded on April 08, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Have you ever gotten addicted to anwsering these questions?
This site is similiar in format to formspring, and I know that can get kind of addicting.
Do you enjoy anwsering these questions? Your responses don't always seem happy.
Why do anwser our questions?

Greg responds...

1. No, I wouldn't characterize it that way.

2. I don't know what "formspring" is.

3. I don't always enjoy answering the questions. I think in recent days that's been remarkably clear. But I enjoy it MOST of the time, or I wouldn't continue, of course.

4. See above.

Response recorded on March 31, 2011

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Finally, a word about Ask Greg.

I've asked Gorebash to shut down the question asking function until either (a) I catch up with the huge backlog of questions currently in the queue or (b) we have a new episode airing (whichever comes FIRST).

In the meantime, I'm going to try as usual to wade through the backlog. I'll admit, the questions lately have made me a bit cranky, and I want to avoid that, so I'm breaking down three categories of questions that get on my nerves and will from now on ONLY receive stock answers, both to keep me sane and to speed up the process.

1. Questions that have been asked before are really bogging down the queue. It would be MUCH appreciated if folks would follow the guidelines before posting and try (1) checking the Ask Greg Archives to see if their question has already been answered, (2) check the unanswered questions already in the queue to see if the question has been asked already and will get answered before I get to theirs and (3) try asking the question in the Station 8 Comment Room (http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/comment/). The fans there are VERY knowledgeable and may be able to get you an answer LONG before I reach your question. Any question that falls into this category will simply be answered with the following: "ASKED AND ANSWERED."

2. Questions that ask me to SPOIL my own show are exasperating. As I've said over and over, I'm just NOT going to do that. Why would I? Even obvious stuff can't be addressed, because if I acknowledge anything, the stuff I don't comment on is spoiled by default. So please, please, please refrain. Any question that falls into this category will simply be answered: "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT."

3. Finally, I have NO problem with people commenting on the series. And I get that not everyone is going to like everything (or even anything) that they see. But for some posters, commenting doesn't seem to satisfy. Instead, they phrase their comments in the form of a question, and in essence CHALLENGE me to acknowledge how right they are about their criticisms of the program. But here's the thing... you do NOT have to agree with me, but aside from a few objective mistakes that I'm ALWAYS willing to acknowledge (e.g.. the incorrect timestamps), you have to understand that if Brandon and I put something in the series, the odds are WE LIKE IT. YOU are NOT going to convince ME that, for example, "Hello, Megan!" or Robin's laugh or Superman's response to Superboy or Wally's flirting is bad for the show. Feel free to tell me you don't care for these (or other) things, but stop phrasing these COMMENTS as questions or challenges. It grates. Any question that falls into this category will simply be answered: "WE LIKE OUR SHOW."

Now, I realize that all of the above sounds fairly negative, but that's not the intent. In fact, the intent is to get any and all negativity out of the way HERE, so that the rest of Ask Greg becomes more manageable and pleasant for myself and all of you. I hope that makes sense.

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Apologies for all the typos in my preceding comment. I could have sworn I read it through more than once.

Greg responds...

Don't sweat it.

Response recorded on March 18, 2011

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Random interrogator writes...

I meant answering these questions sorry XD

Greg responds...

See previous response.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Random interrogator writes...

Hey greg I was just wondering if you get a little overwhelmed asking all these questions?

Greg responds...

Nah. I'm whelmed. (Who didn't know I'd say that.)

I'm used to it. I'll admit, I do wish people would check the archives, would refrain from asking spoiler questions that I'm never going to answer, etc. It can get tiresome, but not overwhelming. And if I get tired, I just stop answering for the time being.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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charles.wonsey writes...

also i know since i did not write a question it wont get posted but to the person that sends this to greg please let him get this. its real important to me. thank you again

Greg responds...

Everything comes to me, unless it breaks one of the rules. Doesn't have to be a question.

Response recorded on February 09, 2011

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Rinaldi poet writes...

I would like to know who made this eb site becouse I need a web designer for myself

my email address is viadeicrispolti@hotmail.it

Greg responds...

That would be Gorebash. But I don't know if he's reading this... here. Or if he would be interested.

Response recorded on December 17, 2010

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Emily writes...

Thank you for answering my question about The Lighthouse episode. (I wasn't knocking after school specials in general just the ones that feel force and treats the audience like an idiot.) With the amounts of questions you get I would be surpise if you could answer this, but is there a question you're surpised no one has ever asked and you would like to answer it?

Greg responds...

Nope. I am sometimes surprised that after all this time there are still questions left to be answered at all...

Response recorded on December 10, 2010

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Hey gang,

I'm finally all caught up on the ASK GREG queue. Gonna take a short break, but we'll open the queue again on September 27th, 2010 in preparation for the release of Superman/Batman: Apocalypse which also contains the DC Showcase Green Arrow short that I wrote.

As always, I urge you guys NOT to flood ASK GREG with questions. Check the archives. Check the FAQs. Ask questions of the loyal fans in the Station 8 comment room.

AND, please, THINK BEFORE YOU POST. I am NOT, for example, going to SPOIL "Young Justice" before it airs. I'm not going to SPOIL "Gargoyles" either since I still have hopes of bringing that back. I'm not even going to "SPOIL" Spectacular Spider-Man, because I don't see any real point in revealing future plans and ideas independent of their execution.

Happy to talk process. Happy to talk about what's ALREADY aired or been published. Happy to talk about Mecha-Nation and many other things. But. NOT. GONNA. SPOIL.



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Greg Bishansky writes...

Any chance of bringing back "This Day in Gargoyles Universe History?" We've had more comics since it ended, and two Gatherings since then?

Greg responds...

Not at this time.

Response recorded on July 28, 2010

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Hey gang,

Well, I've finally caught up with the backlog here at ASK GREG. I'm going to take a short Ask Greg vacation, and then we'll be reopening the site soon... i.e. on the Monday (July 26th) AFTER San Diego Comic-Con 2010.

As always, I ask that before you post a question you do your best to make sure it's not a question that's been answered in the archives already AND that it's not a question that someone posted just before you. You can also try asking your question first in the Station 8 Comment Room, as the fans know a LOT of answers already.

We're just trying to avoid flooding the site with so many questions, that I'm immediately backlogged again.

Meanwhile, I will be at Comic-Con next week. Subject to change, here's my current schedule:

10 - 11:30am - Mecha-Nation signing at the Kizoic Booth. (We'll be premiering the first issue.)

FRIDAY, JULY 23, 2010
10:30-11:30 am - Brave and the Bold/Young Justice Panel. (We'll be premiering our first Young Justice footage in a mini-panel jam-packed with revelations!)

2 - 4 pm -Mecha-Nation signing at the Kizoic Booth.

11:30am - 1pm - Gargoyles signing at the SLG Booth.

3 - 4 pm - DC Showcase panel. (We'll be previewing some footage from the Green Arrow DVD short that I wrote.)

5:30 - 6:30pm - DC Showcase signing. (Location TBD).

SUNDAY, JULY 25, 2010
10-11am - Mecha-Nation signing at the Kizoic Booth.

11am - 12:30pm - Gargoyles signing at the SLG Booth.

Please stop by and say hello!

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Whatsit Tooya writes...

*PLEASE READ* Just remembered I forgot to include my email address in my question I asked Thu, November 19, 2009, so in case you were interested but didn't want everybody knowing your email, you can email me here: djsullivan98@aol.com. Trust me, if you accept my offer you will be very happy.

Greg responds...

Sorry, but I don't respond directly to people from this site. Policy.

Response recorded on June 09, 2010

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Paul writes...
2) Is there a voice modulator in the Green Goblin's mask? (Surely there must be, since it's hard to believe that Norman puts on the Goblin's voice himself).

Greg responds...
2. I believe so.

Now how come when I asked that same question, you wouldn't answer? :(

Greg responds...

When did you ask? What had aired at that time?

Anyway, don't take it personally. This site is totally dependent on my whim, my mood, etc. Catch me on a good day, and I can be quite cooperative. On another day, not so much.

Response recorded on May 17, 2010

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Timothy Fackler writes...
Hello again,

you asked "But -- and this is the key question -- are you public domain?"

I'm not really sure what you mean by that, but I'm definitely not copyrighted.
So, I guess, sure, I'm public domain.
If you feel so inclined you could email me at: fackler.timothy@gmail.com

I'd love to hear from you and see if there is any possibility.
Thank your time again.

Greg responds...
I've forgotten what we're talking about, but if you are an individual then in fact you own you. So you're not public domain and not free for me to put into the series (if that's what this is about).

David B. Jacobs pipes in....
Why don't YOU check the archives, huh?


Greg responds...

I got your archives right here.

Seriously, though... under what? Sending me a fragment of a former post, with no clear topic makes it nearly impossible for me to even know which archive to check. Compare that to the previous poster, who asked about the DVDs and about Bringing Gargoyles Back. Two clear archive topics for him to check.

Response recorded on April 22, 2010

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Is there some sort of an "Ask Todd" adjunct to this site? I've had 3 questions that seemed to have been booted. I tried rephrasing them and they've disappeareed off the line again. I'm not sure how they fall afoul of the rules, but I wouldn't mind a shot correcting whatever the problem is.

Greg responds...

I'd check in at the Station 8 Comment Room: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/comment/index.php

Todd is there all the time and can probably give you more specific feedback.

Response recorded on March 30, 2010

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Reopening Ask Greg/Amazing Spider-Man 622

Hey gang,

It caught me off guard, but it seems my issue of The Amazing Spider-Man (i.e. #622) is out. So I've asked Gorebash to open Ask Greg to allow comments and questions about it. Normally, we wouldn't reopen this soon, given that I still am about 200 questions behind -- so don't assume it'll stay open long -- but I figured I should give you all the opportunity.

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Evan Wilder writes...

Hi, Greg. My name is Evan Wilder. I have tried to contact you repeatedly but my efforts had proven unsuccessful. I want to say that you inspired me to create my fantasies into a screenplay. I would also want to work alongside with you on this new concept.

Contact me at

Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

Hey Evan,

Good luck on your screenplay, but I'm afraid I won't be contacting you. It's nothing personal. But I'm not looking for this kind of partnership. And I make it a general policy not to solicit original ideas on this site.

Response recorded on February 22, 2010

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Tyger writes...

Hey! Loved meeting you at the Gathering these last two days. My sister, however, has a conundrum. She was unable to get the books while we were at Con, and she really wants them signed by you. Is there anyway that, after she gets the books, she could mail them to you (with a self addressed, stamped, return package included, of course), and you could sign them for her?

Greg responds...

I'm afraid, I can't give out my home address to strangers. If you know someone on the constaff and want to mail it to him or her and have him or her mail it to me, then the S.A.S.E. thing works, I suppose.

Response recorded on January 06, 2010

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Josh writes...

Could you be more polite? I admire you, but every answer that you give to someone, you clearly seems irritated... we are fans.... just that.. we like what you do... by the way congratulations... i loved the first and second season from SSM.. maybe a third in the next three months?

Greg responds...

Okay, let me be frank. I find your post irritating. I do. I find a LOT of posts irritating. I try to be civil AND polite, but I also try to be honest, and I won't deny that sometimes my irritation is palpable. And frankly, though this isn't per se my intent, I'm okay with that.

And, yes, I get that people who post here tend to be fans, but there are certain categories of posts that do get on my nerves. These include (but are not limited to):

1. People asking questions that I've already answered ad nauseum, because they are too lazy to check the archives -- but feel I'm supposed to just put up with it, as if somehow I'm supposed to be okay with the fact that they're wasting my time even as they refuse to spend any of theirs.

2. People who seem to be asking me to confirm that me or my team screwed up in some way. (Especially when the real story is that their tastes and ours simply don't coincide.) I'm fine with someone who says, "That's not to my tastes." [For example, the previous poster wrote that she doesn't like it when characters break the fourth wall and address the audience directly. Personally, I think it's fun. But I have no problem with her having different tastes than I do. She wasn't telling me it was a mistake. Just that she didn't like it. Which, of course, is her 100% prerogative and just fine.] When someone instead says (even a more polite version of), "Admit it, Greg, that sucked," I do find it annoying. [I'm supposed to change MY tastes to match theirs? I don't think so.]

3. People who state something as fact that is either (a) dead wrong or (b) really just their opinion. Even if I AGREE with them, I find this approach grating on principle.

So yeah, sometimes answering questions here grinds on me. It does. THAT is a fact. But I keep at it, because I value the fans and want to at least try to give something back in some small way. If my means of doing it isn't to your liking... don't read it. That's not defiance. It's just common sense. But telling me to be more polite makes me want to tell you to be less presumptuous. And how does that make you feel? (My guess is, it makes you feel about how I feel right now. Irritated.)

Meanwhile, thanks for your kind words about Spider-Man. Of course, there's no way you'll see a new season in the next three months, or even in the next eight. But here's hoping that sometime in the next year...

Response recorded on December 17, 2009

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David B. Jacobs writes...

And NOW I realize that I already asked about Electro and the gene-cleanser! Silly me!

Greg responds...

Wow. Not only did you not check the archives to see if someone else had posted your question, you didn't even check your own memory to see if YOU had already posted the question?

And people wonder why it takes me so long to catch up on the question backlog.

But you're forgiven. <grumble, grumble>

Response recorded on November 19, 2009

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ASK GREG's question-asking function will temporarily go off line at the end of November to allow me to catch up on the over 400 question backlog.

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BEIJMATE writes...

Do you know any other sites that are similar to Ask Greg such as an Ask Timm site with DCAU questions? Or any other site where you ask director questions?

Greg responds...

I don't, but that does not mean they don't exist. Hunt around, I guess.

Response recorded on October 16, 2009

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Noah Wotring writes...

Dude, Mr.weisman, I totally didn't read the archives and didn't realize how many people asked about season 3 of TSSM, totally sorry. But I was wondering how frustrating it is to deal with idiot fans like me on a daily basis?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 02, 2009

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LOL writes...

hey dude how come you have to take all this "WILL THERE BE A THIRD SEASON?! WILL X THING OR Y CHARACTER BE IN IT?!" crap. i mean seriously. this is GARGOYLES. SPIDER-MAN has no place here. if i were you i'd just put on the front page to stop asking spiderman questions especially about future seasons and characters. this is for GARGOYLES only and frankly i'm sick of them burning you out with questions unrelated to GARGOYLES. so please dude, do yourself a favor and stop answering spiderman questions. thanks and you rock.

Greg responds...

This site is for people who want to ask me questions. The Spectacular Spider-Man is a perfectly legitimate thing to ask me about. I love the show and I'm happy to discuss it. I'll admit some of the questions have gotten repetitive, but that's certainly been true of Gargoyles as well, so I'm not going to rule out questions on Spidey on THAT basis.

Frankly, your heart may have been in the right place, but it's fairly presumptuous of you to declare what is and isn't a legit topic here.

Response recorded on September 17, 2009

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clyde writes...

Hey Greg! Earlier I've asked you if you hate Carnage. You didn't answer my question yet and you don't have to because I heard that rumor was fake. I'm sorry for not checking if my question was answered. So don't when you get my questions, don't answer question #2 but answer all the other questions left. Thanks and I hope this message reaches you before you answer my questions.

Greg responds...

There's no way a LATER post would reach me before the earlier post. That's just not how ASK GREG works.

Response recorded on July 31, 2009

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Joe writes...

this is kinda weird question but when you answer "No comment" is it like "Oh my god, the question is so stupid" (because I've seen some pretty dumb being asked) or "No comment because if I answer I might spoil something"?

Greg responds...

I'm not particularly consistent in my evasions.

Response recorded on July 08, 2009

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Wendy Self writes...

To whom it may concern,

My name is Wendy Self and i am a Second Year Student of Animation and Design at the University of Sunderland, UK. I am currently preparing the research for my dissertation, which i want to base on violence and censorship in children's animation. I was keen on looking at how both aspects are applied to 'message' episodes and mature themed story lines.
I was hoping that i would be able to ask Mr Weisman some questions on the writing and content of the Gargoyles series as it is one of the main examples that i am using for mature writing and intelligent subject matter in a children’s TV show.

I understand that this is probably an unusual request but I would greatly appreciate any help you could offer. However I do realise that Mr Weisman is busy with his own work so if it is inconvenient for me to speak to him directly then I fully understand.
My university contact is wendy.self@sunderland.ac.uk

Thank you very much for looking at my question and I hope to hear back from you soon.
Wendy Self

Greg responds...

You couldn't post your questions here?

Response recorded on July 07, 2009

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ASK GREG is back, MARCH 23, 2009.

Ask Greg will once again open for question submission on March 23, 2009, which is coincidentally the date of The Spectacular Spider-Man's premiere on DisneyXD. (Okay, so maybe it's not exactly a coincidence.)

I would ask -- even beg -- that you carefully read the submission guidelines before posting here. In particular, PLEASE check the archives and the questions-already-asked sections before posting a question that's already been asked and/or asked AND answered. Try to avoid FLOODING Ask Greg, as it will only serve to slow down my ability to respond in a timely fashion. As always, comments are encouraged and appreciated... on Spidey or Gargs or whatever.

Thanks in advance...

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