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Hello Greg,
The subject came up in the Adult comment room on the Gargoyles Fan Website, on wether Goliath and Elisa would ever be able to become mates. Physically.
So the main question is, can they become mates, in a physical sense, without physically harming Elisa?
How well endowed is Goliath (beneath the loin cloth)?
How well endowed are Brooklyn, Broadway, and Lex? Yes, inquiring minds want to know *^_^*. If not exact sizes, some general indication would be appreciated.
Thank you for taking the time to consider the question.
Mooncat >^,,^<
and the peeps in
the Adult Gargoyles Comment Room
I think of Goliath (and all the gargoyles) as being proportional. So that would make him fairly well-endowed by human standards. I have no doubt that Elisa and Goliath could become intimate, but I do have some doubts as to whether they could engage in intercourse without harming Elisa physically. But there are of course, many ways to become intimate short of intercourse.
is their going to be another season.
Check the archives or FAQ.
Do you think you will make a gargoyle show on 9/11/01. After all they do live in New York City
I've answered this many times at this point. You couldn't have known this when you typed in this question -- except that you COULD have seen that many people had asked the question before you.
If you're still interested, check the archives.
I am apologizing for posting for the Light Bulb contest WAY TOO LATE. I was just surfing around late one night, and I missed that they needed to be in by September. Hopefully, it will simply be booted before you see it. But just incase it doesn't sorry for posting so late. You clearly had that marked. My bad!
All is forgiven -- and believe me, by this time -- forgotten.
I'll stop by the Station 8 CHAT ROOM this Friday, November 7th, 2003 at 4pm PST. (That's 7pm on the East Coast. The rest of you figure
out your own time zone.)
Please spread the word. (Nothing's more depressing than when the so-called "pro" stops by and there are no fans who want to chat.)
Maybe we can get a big crowd and hang for a bit.
Hope to see you there,
Here's a should not have but couldn't resist:
"Greg Bishansky writes...
Happy Rosh Hashanah Greg. Though it may be closeto Channukah when you read this.
Greg responds...
It's past Purim. Pushing Passover. (Pretty pathetic, huh?)
But thanks!
recorded on 03-04-02"
"Pushing Passover"? Is this some knew social problem that will soon hit the newspapers?: "We just don't know how it happened! One day he steps into a synogogue, and the next he's pushing Passover! What are we going to do with 4 extra sets of dishes!? And the whole family has indigestion from all that matzah!"
Of course it'll probably be Succot before you get to this one :)
sorry about the lack of (relevant) question
And two Succot's later...
Mr. Weisman, just a brief question, was the name Boudicca taken from the Queen of Iceni?
why does Brooklyn always end up alone? Im starting to feel sorry for him.
Well, he doesn't in my mind. He eventually winds up with a Clan Ishimura Gargoyle named Katana. Someone he meets while TimeDancing.
Hey Greg,
How are you?
I'm well, as of today.
I was checking out web sites that had anything to do with Gargoyles and I found one that actually said that Gargoyles is a show that promotes demonology! I'm thinking, 'Whoa! Hold on there.' So, I figured I'd invite this boy/girl or whatever to one of the Gatherings or flame him/her/whatever.
But in all do respect I didn't flame them. I couldn't find the e-mail address. Apparently, I wasn't the only one that wanted to flame them.
Anyway, question, Why did you create Gargoyles? I'm pretty sure that it was not to promote demonology.
See ya, The Cat.
I'm well, as of today too.
Safe bet that anyone who thought that about the series never watched it. I don't actually know much about demonology. Or anything other than the obvious linguistic fact that it's the study of demons.
Where did you come up with such a good idea?
Are you going to start the show up again(If you do will you try toget it put on at a earlier)?
Check the ASK GREG FAQ and Archives.
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