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Ok greg this has been puzzling me for a long time.
What does titania whisper to fox when her and oberon leave back to avalon after they give her baby back? She whispers something to her. First you think it is a kiss. But its a whisper. Now I know a whisper when I hear one. *L*
Can you answer this riddle/question?
Yes, I can.
Hi Greg,
Just wanted to say hi and ask something, I never really "wanted" to ask. I just hope Gorebash lets it in:
Do you still have "hope", and with that I mean are you... well... quite sure, that one day we'll get Gargoyles back? And if yes, do you think that it still will be Disney or maybe an independent corporation?
I just ask because I am quite sure, that Disney are to arrogant to put a show back on, that they just named as a "flop".
Well, Thanks for asking this hard question.
CU, John
Let's start here. I don't think anyone at Disney ever labeled Gargoyles a "flop". They didn't think it was a home run, certainly, and because they had high expectations, they were disappointed in its performance, but no one ever would call it a flop. And in any case, there's an entirely different group of people in charge now.
They still air the show. Daily on Toon Disney. So it must do fairly well for them, even today.
For more details check the archives and FAQ, but, yes, I do think there's a chance that Disney will someday bring the show back in some way, shape or form.
Yesterday, I made the following request at Station 8's Gargoyles Comment Room:
Hey everybody,
I really need some help. Without going into details about the why, I'd love to get the answer to the following question:
We don't need fancy answers -- and of course there's no right or wrong answers -- so don't feel like you need to compose elegant
responses. Just RESPOND, please.
Also, please, spread the word around and have as many fans as possible stop by THIS WEEK and give their answer right here at the S8 Comment Room. It would be much appreciated. Very much appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Greg Weisman
The responses so far have been very gratifying. I'm particularly impressed with how many people have stopped by the Comment Room that usually don't.
But (with good reason) I'm greedy. I'd like to get even more people to stop by. So please SPREAD THE WORD. E-mail/telephone/snail mail anyone you know who was EVER a GARGOYLES fan and ask them to stop by the Comment room and post their own personal top fives. We really, really, really need something akin to 100% participation.
Here's the address:
Thanks again,
a lot of the stuff i see on here i dint understand.Is there a place where i can put all the pieces together!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Yep. The FAQ would certainly help. And so would the Archives.
(I've been told by Lurker, that I've been a bit snippy recently. Gonna try to improve on that.)
Sorry if something is spelled wrong!
Nothing is here.
But thanks for caring. It really is appreciated.
Do some toy companies still make Gargoyle toys? Reach me by E-mail. Spoiltdragon@aol.com
Not that I know of.
And AGAIN -- I don't send responses by e-mail to questions asked in this forum.
I have tried since day one to find out who the voices were for all the Gargoyles. I appreciate all the help you can give me. Thanks for a great page.
Gotta say, you couldn't have tried too hard, since (with the exception of Fox, played by Laura San Giacomo) all the voice actors were clearly credited on the end credits, including which characters they played.
Here are the leads:
Goliath - Keith David
Elisa - Salli Richardson
Hudson - Edward Asner
Brooklyn - Jeff Bennett
Lexington - Thom Adcox-Hernandez
Broadway - Bill Faggerbakke
Angela - Brigitte Bako
Bronx - Frank Welker
Xanatos - Jonathan Frakes
Demona - Marina Sirtis
Owen - Jeff Bennett
I think that Gargoyles do really exist and Greg do you agree
with me yes or no?
How old is Hudson?
As of the end of 1996, Hudson was 1118. (59 years old biologically.)
This is something that came to mind after reading your comments about how you and other folks at Disney were worried that "Gargoyles" might be seen as a rip-off of "Batman: TAS", and which I finally remembered to post something about.
I saw an episode of "Batman: TAS" once (after "Gargoyles" went off the air) called "Avatar" which did strike me as having a certain similarity to "Grief", in which Batman went to Egypt to stop Reis al-Ghul from coming into contact with an undead sorceress-queen from ancient Egypt who had "power over life and death". What struck me about it was the points that it had in common with "Grief": the Egyptian setting, the word "avatar" (in the dialogue in "Grief", in the title of the "Batman" episode), and the ancient being with power over life and death (Anubis in "Gargoyles", the Egyptian sorceress-queen in "Batman"). The similarities could have been just a coincidence, but I thought that I'd mention that here.
The similarities aren't entirely coincidental, in that both were written by Michael Reaves.
As I recall, the springboard for "Grief" was mine, but Michael ran with it -- putting some stuff in "Grief" that he had WANTED to put in "Avatar" but which had NOT made it into the final version of that episode.
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