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Harlan Phoenix writes...

Only two episodes of your run on WITCH, namely the first and last, have your writing credit (if my research is correct). Was there anything about WITCH's production that prevented you from contributing more scripts personally or was it a creative choice?

Greg responds...

Honestly, I don't remember. Did I really only write two myself?

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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Sophie writes...

I love how badass Aqualad and all the other Atlantians are on YJ! Usually, Aquaman is considered kind of a joke by a lot of people, but you made them so cool and powerful on the show, which is great. I was wondering, was some of the water controlling powers Aqualad use inspired by Avatar: The Last Airbender?

Greg responds...

Well, not really, because I've seen that stuff for years before I was exposed to A:TLAb. For example, W.I.T.C.H. But you know, it's all in there, I guess.

Response recorded on January 10, 2012

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Charlie writes...

Hey Greg
I heard that you wrote the lyrics for the will to love and even though the full song was never released, the lyrics for the full version were released. recently i have been learning the song by ear and have been making a tab for it. the one problem is that even though i can learn almost all of the song from 'S is for Self' the bridge is quite a problem for me. i would be quite happy to create my own chords and melody for it but i would much rather write it with the correct chords and melody. i was wondering if you would know any of the chords from the bridge or know anybody who might know them? just the chords will do because i will be able to create my own melody ontop. Please don't just look over this question as this project means quite alot to me as it is my first one.

Greg responds...

I'm not sure how to help you. The entire song was recorded, even if it wasn't all used. But I don't have a copy of the sheet music.

Response recorded on November 10, 2011

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Harlan Phoenix writes...

Though I know your mind isn't the kind to play favorites, but given how you acknowledge The Mirror as your favorite/the best episode of Gargoyles, I think this might be able to fly.

Do you have any particular episodes of WITCH or The Spectacular Spider-Man that, if it wasn't your favorite necessarily, you felt was the best of those shows? And for what reasons, if so?

Greg responds...

At the moment, I can't think of just one for either series. But it's been a while since I've watched them.

Response recorded on October 31, 2011

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Matthew writes...

This is about pretty much all the series you've worked on. I've noticed that most of your series has a large cast of recurring characters (and that despite this characters tend to be very well delineated.) Now for Young Justice, WITCH, and Spectacular Spiderman that may be just because they were pre-existing properties and already have large casts. However, Gargoyles also had a large cast.

Was this a because of conscious choice?

Do you perfer working with a large cast of characters?

Greg responds...

I do. I like creating worlds that feel real and populated.

Response recorded on October 12, 2011

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Greg Bishansky writes...

I know I wrote to you about a year ago with some thoughts on “W.I.T.C.H.,” but I just went through the series for a second time, and rather than just watch it, I was able to study it, catch all the clues and pieces of foreshadowing and other things that I missed.

Last year, it took me two weeks to make it through the first season, and twenty-four hours to make it through the second season. This time, well, I wanted to let the second season breathe a little more, which is why it took twenty-seven hours to make it through this time.

What can I say, it’s addictive.

I think I’ll start with the large cast, which seems to be a feature in every series you produce. I don’t feel like anybody got the short end of the stick. Will, being the lead, of course got the most time. Everyone else was well balanced also. Casts this big can be pretty hard to juggle. Five main characters, and so many supporting characters, recurring characters, villains, etc.

Irma was probably my favorite of the Guardians. She just had so much spunk. A huge sense of humor. I enjoyed how she often seemed like she would be the most fun to hang out with, but at the same time, probably the meanest when she was in a bad mood. Cornelia at her worst has nothing on a pissed off Irma. Very scary. God help you if you push her to anger. I’ve known people like that in real life, but I find that TV seldom ever does it well. So I have to commend a series that can take someone so likeable and make them nasty without losing their likeability.

The theme of the season seemed to be growing up. Hay-Lin and Taranee change and grow the most this season. Cornelia does well too, learning to be a better sister to Lillian. Will growing in her powers, as a leader, in her relationship with her parents, and their new love interests, and in her own relationship with Matt.
Ironically, Irma seems to change the least over the course of the season, but that’s okay, because she still got a lot of characterization.

Surprising nobody, my favorite character in the series was Nerissa. She always kept me guessing. Going through the series for the second time, I could really see her master plan and all the pipe-laying for her. I probably shouldn’t mention season one, but I paid much more attention to Trill this time, as well as the Mage. Nerissa just seemed to be everywhere, pulling everybody’s strings. I liked the twist that she wasn’t really out for vengeance, which is a twist that made sense. Watching it the first time, I asked myself why would she want to avenge Phobos, she wasn’t there. Well, she was, but you know what I mean. The Knights were all a distraction, and the second time, that seemed much more obvious. But I enjoyed how cold and intelligent she was. She was always scheming; always Machiavellian; and two steps ahead of everyone; all the while carrying around a mountain of repressed guilt. I once described her to a friend with the following words: “imagine if Xanatos and Demona had a baby together, that child would be Nerissa.” I thought Kath Soucie did a magnificent job.

I must also say that the twist that Nerissa was Caleb’s mother was brilliant. As I understand it, this was not the case I the original comic book. But I enjoyed it; I thought it worked quite well. It also made things even more chilling in that, when you think about it, she essentially raped Julian. Rape by deception is still rape, and that’s not something you see often in a cartoon. It almost reminds me of Merlin helping Uther deceive Igraine in order to create King Arthur.

And then there was Prince Phobos. It’s impossible to discuss what was done with him in the second season without talking about the first. I thought he was pretty one note throughout the first season, but season two did something far different with him, and you really felt how this guy could have held the entire world of Meridian under his control for so long.

I felt the same way about Lord Cedric, he got old really fast in the first season, and when he finally gets out of his cell in season two, he’s not doing much that he didn’t do in the first season until what had to be the shock moment of the entire season. I won’t say anymore, but it was nice to see a character I thought so poorly of get that moment. What inspired that twist, I wonder.

The Shagon mini-arc was very well done too. It seems to be a theme in Weisman produced shows to have a character change into something else, all under the control of a villain. David Xanatos turned Derek Maza into Talon; the Green Goblin turned Mark Allan into Molten Man; and Nerissa turns Matt into Shagon. What I also enjoy is just how different each of these scenarios really are. Shagon was a nice personal antagonist towards Will. As I understand it, this is another case where the TV series deviated from the comics for the better. Turning Matt into Shagon just gives that character a lot more chemistry with our heroes than he otherwise would have had.

Would I have liked to see a third season? Sure. But aside from the mystery of who this new teacher was, I thought it was all wrapped up very well, and didn’t leave me “needing” to see more the same way “Gargoyles” and “Spectacular Spider-Man” did. It was great television, and I’m sorry I didn’t get to see it when it was originally airing.

Greg responds...

Thanks. I was really proud of the work we did with WITCH. Tried to stay true to Season One and build in more material from the comic, and take it all to a new level. Would have loved to have done another season, but...

Response recorded on September 22, 2011

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Harlan Phoenix writes...

When working on WITCH, did you ever meet or otherwise communicate with the creator of the original comic?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 16, 2011

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Silly little question- Do you ever feel the urge, (or give into the urge), to slip something into a script purely because you know something about the actor? Like writing a song into a scene because you know the actor sings, (but maybe not telling them that they're going to be doing Sondheim or Gilbert & Sullivan till after they agree to sing 'some ditty'), or make them speak a foreign language because someone is fluent (but perhaps has a horrid accent)? Someone has a great cackle? Find a reason to have it come up. Someone is afraid of canaries? Put on on the character's shoulder for the whole episode. etc The only example I can think of now would be to have M'gan spout a long series of made up equations to see if Danica McKellar's head explodes in the face of nonsensical math. (Or replace of a series of made up equations with her own theorem at the last moment and wait for her to notice.)

Or does "Jalapeno!" qualify as such evil?

Greg responds...

Jalapena definitely qualifies.

Thailog qualifies in general. (How can I write for Keith David and never give him the chance to laugh?!)

I would have loved to do musical episodes of Gargoyles and/or Spectacular Spider-Man, but in the former I couldn't think of a smart way to make it work (pre-Joss Whedon's "Once More With Feeling") and in the latter, we didn't get enough episodes...

But it was fun doing the two musical episodes of W.I.T.C.H.

Response recorded on May 16, 2011

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Jamie writes...

Hey greg,first of all, you're awesome, i remember when i was only 5 and i would re enact your gargoyles haha good times.

If you were to compare Young Justice and your other works, would young justice be in the top 5?

How many views are you having on Young justice ?

Greg responds...

Wow, did you just make me feel old...

Yes, YJ would be in my top five, along with Gargoyles (of course) and in no particular order, Spectacular Spider-Man, W.I.T.C.H. and Captain Atom.

Response recorded on April 21, 2011

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Edward writes...

Is the Green Arrow short in continuity with Young Justice since you were/are involved with both?

Greg responds...

I was also involved with W.I.T.C.H., Starship Troopers, Gargoyles and the Spectacular Spider-Man, and none of those are in continuity with Young Justice.

Response recorded on April 07, 2011

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tomi writes...

I really enjoyed these first preview episodes of Young Justice. And perhaps even moreso than that i enjoyed to hear Crispin Freeman to return back to your services: i think he made fantastic work as both Speedy and Guardian, and eventhough you can still hear a bit that it is the same actor, he made it possible for those two characters to be divided and personified from one and another.

He was excellent as Electro, and i was fan of him before that(i came hooked sometimes around i first saw first few episodes of Wolf,s Rain).

From what i,ve been able to gather, he seems to be not only true professional, but also smart, intelligent guy with great thoughts, coupled with sharp and delightful sense of humor. I have seem him to appear in many of Gatherings(often paired with good old Thom Lexington Adcox), and i,ve heard that he was fan long before your paths crossed, often discussing with his fans about serie,s themes.

If it isnt too much trouble, could you give little bit of greenlight how you two met, and how your cooperation began?

Hopes for better to your work from fan from far-off-land Finland: maybe there arent too many Finnish Gargfans, but i am one of them.

Pidä lippu korkealla!/Keep your spirits high!

Greg responds...

I met him through the Gathering, actually. 2001 in Los Angeles, I believe. He was a guest of the convention, giving his mythology seminar. We first worked together on a pitch for Mecha-Nation, i.e. he did us a favor and recorded a bit of dialogue for us. The first paying job I could offer him was on the very last episode of W.I.T.C.H.

Response recorded on March 17, 2011

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John Derrick writes...

I hate to say it, but I was extremely disappointed in the Young Justice premiere. Don't get me wrong--the animation was gorgeous, the dialogue entertaining, the story intriguing. But the gender imbalance was a huge turn-off for me.

Why was it that the women of the Justice League were only shown in the last five minutes of a two-part pilot? Why did the male sidekicks get to go on a rebellious adventure and force the League to accept them as a team of their own, while the first girl is only added to "Young Justice" at the very end, introduced by her uncle and guardian like some sort of token?

I expect that the women will have a lot more to do in the episodes to come, but I still find it profoundly problematic to introduce the characters in such an unequal manner. I believe there are too many men in the world as it is who see women as mere supporting players in their stories. Why reinforce this stereotype for a whole new generation of superhero cartoon fans?

Greg responds...

It's a legitimate gripe. And I doubt my answer will satisfy you, but it came down to a couple factors that we at least found important: (1) practicality and to a lesser extent - but intertwined with - (2) tradition.

Let's start with practicality.

You asked why there were no female Leaguers until the end. But where would they have fit? There are no female Leaguers with traditional first generation sidekicks. So Batman, Green Arrow, Aquaman and Flash could not be replaced by Wonder Woman, Black Canary or Hawkwoman. That leaves the four Leaguers introduced at the Hall of Justice. I needed Martian Manhunter to be there to set up Miss Martian. I needed Red Tornado there to set up his interest in the teens. I needed Superman there to set up Superboy. That leaves only Zatara. He was certainly replaceable. But then I would have had to hire another voice actress to read ONE LINE. I couldn't afford to do that. We have budgets. (And you'll notice that Red Tornado never speaks in the episode. Couldn't afford giving him a line either. None of which had anything to do with gender.)

There was NEVER any intent to introduce Artemis this early in the season for story reasons. Wouldn't make sense for her character. And I think the reasons why will become clear as the season progresses.

As for Miss Martian, yes, in theory, we could have introduced her sooner. Manhunter COULD have brought her along at the beginning. But then I'd have had FOUR characters running around the first half hour and FIVE in the second. That steals screen time and characterization from everyone. I think the entire production would have been weaker for adding another character -- ANY other character (gender notwithstanding).

Of course, that begs the obvious question - why not ditch one of the boys in favor of her to create a little balance.

But it seemed to us that would create balance at a cost.

There are FOUR TRADITIONAL sidekicks: Robin, Speedy, Aqualad and Kid Flash. To leave one out seemed wrong to us. Which brings in the Tradition argument, which I'll admit is somewhat feeble, but as an old comic book geek, I'll also admit it matters to me and to everyone else here.

The very first Teen Titans story ever in Brave and the Bold featured only THREE heroes: Robin, Aqualad and Kid Flash. Wonder Girl did not join until their second adventure. So we felt there was a precedent for beginning with Robin, Aqualad and Kid Flash and saving the real introduction of Miss Martian (beyond hellos) for OUR second adventure.

For what it's worth, if you give the series another chance, starting with episode three (i.e. the one immediately following the pilot "movie"), I think you'll see that female characters including Miss Martian, Black Canary, Artemis, Wonder Woman and MANY others will be playing ESSENTIAL roles in the show as we progress. I think the balance - and then some - is absolutely present in the first season when viewed in its entirety.

Yes, the pilot was very boy-centric, but that's not the rubric for the series. Personally, I love writing female characters, and if you're at all familiar with my past work, you'll know I have a history of doing them justice. (At least, I think so.) Gargoyles, for example, is FULL of strong female characters, including Elisa, Demona, Angela, Fox, etc. WITCH was nearly ALL female leads. Even Spider-Man had a strong female supporting cast, in my opinion at least.

If we did "reinforce a stereotype" (which I think is overstating it) then perhaps we've lured in kids that we will reeducate over the course of the season - organically without forcing it.

So I'd beg a little patience, a little indulgence... maybe even a little trust that we'll do right by this issue.

But judge for yourself.

Response recorded on December 21, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

Who would you rather be trapped in an eight hour car ride with; Demona; Nerissa; or Green Goblin?

Greg responds...

Nerissa, I guess. She'd have less reason to kill me at random. She might even appreciate the company.

Response recorded on November 23, 2010

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Andrea writes...

Hi Greg, i've heard about some unaired 15-minute pilot episode of W.I.T.C.H. with a different story on halloween and i know they wore made for some test or something like this. I've heard on a topic on a forum that they are on a tape and it was just one copy of that. Now i was wondering if you can tell me were can i find those 15 minutes, because i didn't find anything on internet or maybe you know were it is or you can find that copy and share it with me. I really want to see those 15 minutes.

Greg responds...

Sorry. I don't know where you can find it.

Response recorded on November 06, 2010

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Algernon writes...

Hey Greg,
Long time fan, first time asker. I’ve actually been posting over on in the Comment Room on and off for the past couple of years. I would have posted something here on Ask Greg sooner but frankly I could never think of anything particularly interesting say other then various permutations of “YOU ROCK!”

Anyway I’ve been a huge “Gargoyles” fan since I first saw “Awakenings Part One” waaay back in ‘94, and I loved “The Spectacular Spider-Man” throughout it’s glorious yet tragically brief run. Needless to say, I’m eagerly looking forward to “Young Justice”.

Yet up until recently, I’d been grossly negligent of the forgotten middle child of your career. A few weeks ago I got the chance to watch season two of “W.I.T.C.H.” and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Even going back to watch season one and then re-watching season two all the way through again, just so I had all the back story.

Season two was a wonderfully crafted epic that managed to be true to the established continuity of season one yet at the same time managed to elevate and expand it into something truly astounding. I was especially impressed with the characterisation of Nerissa, she seemed to combined some of the most dangerous qualities of Demona and Xanatos, obsessive and vengeful yet at the same time very cool and calculating.

It really is a tragedy that this show isn’t better remembered, I’ve actually spoken to hardcore “Gargoyles” and “Spectacular Spider-Man” fans who’ve never seen it. Personally, I’d heartily recommend it to anyone who’s a fan of your better known toons.

Greg responds...

Thank you.

We were VERY proud of the work we did on W.I.T.C.H. There was some great story craft there by a diverse group of writers, some of whom would be very familiar to Gargoyles and Spidey fans, including Cary Bates, Andrew Robinson, Kevin Hopps, Greg Weisman, Jon Weisman and Nicole Dubuc. Also involved were Sam Bernstein (writer of the movie Bobby's Girl) and Steve Peterman (one of the show-runners on Hannah Montana). And our great boss Justine Cheynet.

Response recorded on September 03, 2010

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

I’ve heard you mention several times that you have had very good luck with S&P over several series, praising people who really understood the series and were more interested in showing consequence than keeping any violence off screen. When they put their foot down it was generally to avoid what a child can copy, even willing to have a different violent action in place they couldn’t. Did you ever have bad experiences? (Either on a series you were running, or one you freelanced on.)

Greg responds...

Yes, I've had many. Some completely inexplicable. Others explicable, but still wrong-headed.

Taranee on W.I.T.C.H. was a constant problem, as her power was fire and the S&P executive was very uncomfortable with... I'm not quite sure... the notion that we were encouraging child pyromania? The possibility that kids would use magic to generate flames?

I can't think of a really funny example just this second, though God knows I have more than a handful.

Response recorded on August 03, 2010

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sanya writes...

Hi Greg,
i am wondering do you know which singers sang the song The will to love and The demon in me.
both of the songs have been sang in Witch episode s is for self part.

Greg responds...

Jason Marsden, who played Matt Olsen.

Response recorded on June 24, 2010

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Jessica Walker writes...

Greetings Greg!
First off I wanted to say what a huge fan I am of your series. Gargoyles was by far one of the greatest cartoons back in the day. Now that I'm done fangirling, on to my question. I've read up on various sources saying that the comics may no longer be published due to Disney's iron grip on the Gargoyles franchise. I understand that there will no longer be any comics returning any time soon. My real question to you is WITCH related. Is there going to be a season 3 or any continuation of the series? I'm a huge fan of the original comic's and it seems like shame Disney would cancel it.

Greg responds...

I don't know anything about the status of the WITCH comics. The t.v. series was not picked up for a third season.

Response recorded on May 19, 2010

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maritza writes...

hi, mr. weisman if many people sign on sds.org to save witch will it have a chance to go back on tv or witch will be gone forever.

Greg responds...

It's a bit late, I think, to save W.I.T.C.H. (Although I don't know what sds.org is.)

Response recorded on May 12, 2010

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philip writes...

hi greg,did you wrote lyrics "will to love"? ...when i searched the lyrics i found
the the full version...wich is a lot more than it was sang on tv...why? heres the rest of the song:I figured I’d stay on the shelf.
Truth be told, didn’t trust myself:
Always fade, don’t make the grade, too afraid
Of rejection. Oh…

I didn’t think I had the strength
To find a girl on my wavelength.
Just a runt, always punt. No will to hunt
For perfection.

Then everything changes.
She’s there. Life rearranges.
Winged angel from above…
Helped me find the Will… the Will to love…
The Will to love… The Will to love…

Game’s full of surprises.
Live our share of compromises.
Still when push comes to shove…
She’s just the Will to love.
She’s just the Will to love.
I found the Will to love.

And everything changes.
She’s here. Life rearranges.
Winged angel from above…
She is just the Will… the Will to love.
The Will to love… The Will to love… Oh…
The Wïll to love…

Greg responds...

We put as much of the song in the episode as there was time for. And, yes, I wrote the lyrics. The full version can be found in, of all place, the Gargoyles: Bad Guys trade paperback, available now from Amazon.

Response recorded on November 24, 2009

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Ivan Terehin writes...

Hey, Mr. Weisman, I have a question.

You spoke that you still had scenario of 3 parts "W.i.t.c.h.". If the project have closed. You could not give us the scenario? It would be desirable it to study. And fans would be very glad.

I am sorry for the bad English language.

Greg responds...

I did have plans for a third season of W.I.T.C.H., but I'm afraid that was years ago, and I've forgotten most of it.

Response recorded on October 16, 2009

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samuel writes...

ummmmmmmm you probably cant answer this but who is in charge of putting witch back on tv
i was just gonna form a petition and see if we can get it back on the air and i had numerous amounts of ideas for episodes.
how many signatures would be needed to get witch back on the air if u can email that back to me
email is Olasehinde12@gmail.com

Greg responds...

I'd guess it's someone at Disney, if you're talking about the reruns. But I don't think there's any real chance of new episodes getting made at this point.

Response recorded on August 06, 2009

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Matthew writes...

Hey, Mr. Weisman, I have a question.

I know you served as the director for W.I.T.C.H's second and final season. Many people attribute the fact that W.I.T.C.H never really caught on as well as it could have to it's first season, which deviated heavily from the spirit of the source material. As I've heard you made it a big goal to do better with that in the second season, I'd like to ask: if you had been working on W.I.T.C.H from the start (the first season), what would you have done differently? How would the whole Meridian/Phobos/Elyon storyline have gone under your direction?


Greg responds...

I served as Supervisory Producer for the second season of W.I.T.C.H. I was not the director.

Your question is impossible to answer. There are too many "IF"s in that hypothetical. If I had been in charge. If Disney had told me it was a comedy show for the Disney Channel set in a high school with a little magic thrown in and then halfway through production changed their collective mind to make it a fantasy action show with a little comedy for Jetix instead (which is what happened to the Season One producers). Etc.

Response recorded on May 08, 2009

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Simon "writer in training" writes...

Do you think you would ever post the actual scripts of the shows you've worked on? W.I.T.C.H. , Gargoyles, Spiderman ect. I would love to read them. I've never actually seen a cartoon script and I was wondering the major differences format/process wise vs film scripts.(which seem easy to find off the internet, but I don't know any sites that offer libraries of animation and comic formats)Thanks!

PS love the new spiderman episodes!

Greg responds...

Different issues for different shows.

For Spider-Man, the answer for the time being is no. The show is (hopefully) on-going, and posting the scripts -- even first season scripts -- might reveal secrets I don't want revealed.

For Gargoyles, I don't have electronic copies of most of the scripts. Really, I only have "The Journey". And I definitely don't have the time to transcribe them.

W.I.T.C.H. is more of a possibility. But you're asking about Format and all formatting would be lost if I posted the script here at ASK GREG.

Response recorded on April 10, 2009

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Masterdramon writes...

Hi! One of the greatest pleasures of visiting AskGreg when you were rambling about each episode of "Gargoyles" individually was seeing the production memos and other behind-the-scenes documents that gave us all a long peek at exactly what went into producing the episodes that eventually aired.

Given this, I was wondering if you would be willing to post any of the memos that you might have with regards to the production of "W.I.T.C.H." and "The Spectacular Spider-Man." I have greatly enjoyed both shows, and I would absolutely love to see some of the thinking that went into them.

On a related note, since a third season of "W.I.T.C.H." is apparently (and unfortunately) never going to see the light of day, are there any ideas that you would be willing to share as to how Season 3 would have been if you had worked on it? Evidently Raphael Sylla would have been involved, but what other characters/storylines did you have planned?

Thank you for your time, and good luck with your work!

Greg responds...

I'm not going to put up any internal documentation on Spidey while the show is still alive.

Which suggests, I might be willing to do it on WITCH, since it's not. I'll think about it.

I have to admit that my memory on WITCH's never-happened third season are a bit vague now. But Sylla and Riddle were very important, and Taranee and I think Martin and Cornelia would transfer to Riddle's school. The Guardians would take on a temporary new member, as in the comics. There were other elements from the comic, including characters I can now picture in my head -- but whose names I can't immediately call to mind. But Irma's mom would have been very important.

Response recorded on April 06, 2009

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George writes...

Hello.First i sorry for the bad English but I'm Bulgarian and I'm still young.I wanted to ask you if there is going to be a 3th season of W.I.T.C.H. ? i know this question was already asked but i hope Disney changed there minds.This anime is the greatest and i really hope it continues.
George:your biggest fan.
to your work:keep it going YOU ARE THE BEST ;)
and sorry if i didnt wrote something not write

Greg responds...

To my knowledge, there are no plans for a third season. Sorry.

Response recorded on September 22, 2008

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Kiwi writes...

Hi Greg, would you know anything about if Disney truly is planning to release a W.I.T.C.H movie possibly in the next two years and if it will be live action or animated?

Also thank you so much for writing "The Will to Love". It's definitely one of my all time favorite songs.

Greg responds...

I have no information on this one way or another.

Response recorded on August 01, 2008

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save the shows writes...

i know this is not a question but it's a helpful way to save shows. if any one would like to save a show and get it aired again such as *hint hint* WITCH then go on this web http://help.savedisneyshows.org/ and follow the instructions also get as many people as possible to go on http://help.savedisneyshows.org/ and follow the instuctions (it says it was made by a greg, and im not sure if thats coincedental or the same person)
remember save great shows *hint hint* such as WITCH from not being aired ever again thank you

Greg responds...

a public service announcement -- all in lower case to save money, I suppose -- from save the show.

Response recorded on July 28, 2008

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Liz writes...

Hey! just wanted to know if you could talk to disney over making more WITCH or could i a fan do so, also wnated to know that if disney say no could another company make a differnt spin on witch such as jetix, 'coz back here in england WITCH is played on jetix not disney

any help would be appericiated
thanks Liz

Greg responds...

It was Jetix here too. See my previous response.

Response recorded on July 28, 2008

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ollie writes...

orry for the double comment but i just read the rules again, if i broke any sorry! i'm not looking for employment or mascarading any idea's i jus wanna know if W.I.T.C.H is ever gonna continue and if theres any specific reason or any reason at all why
sorry again if i've made a mistake Ollie

Greg responds...

You're fine. See my previous post.

Response recorded on July 28, 2008

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Ollie writes...

Hey Greg, im a fan of another programme you directed called W.I.T.C.H, and I've read the introduction to this website so i know there's a chance that you won't respond, but i might aswell give it a shot! I was wondering if you would ever continue the W.I.T.C.H series and if you would you could use the ideas from the comic books (i can't sure you if you deccide to use the comic ideas as i did not right them). I'm not sure if there is a specofic reason why the W.I.T.C.H series stopped and if it had anything to do wih ideas for the show, anyway i would be really greatful for a reply and if you need any story lines you can contact me (and i promise not to sue!) on my email; mrdudeman@live.co.uk
or if you want to reply to this message seperatly (as it has nothing to do with Gargoyles - which i totaly love aswell!)
Thanks Ollie

Greg responds...

To be clear, I didn't "direct" WITCH. I was the Supervisory Producer, Story Editor (head writer) and I wrote multiple episodes.

I'd love to do more WITCH. I had plenty of ideas (all based on the comics) for a third season. But the ratings didn't support a pick-up, I'm afraid. And just in case it's not clear, it's not up to me whether or not they do more.

Response recorded on July 28, 2008

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Osman Pasha writes...

Hello Greg,
And again there is a quistion about W.i.t.c.h songs "Will to Love" and "Deamon in Me")))
I'm sure you have chords for the songs, sinse it is you who wrote them. Could you please share it? You published the lyrics, and I think publishing chords is not a bigger violation of the copyright than publishing lyrics.
We like the songs wery much and if we could play them ourselves, it would be great! I think Disney must admit that this will lift the popularity of the show and wont do them any harm or disadvantage, sinse they don't profit from keeping chords from public. But I suppose Disney don't read this page, so you can drop the previous sentence.

Greg responds...

I did NOT write the music, only the lyrics to Will To Love. The lyric to Demon in Me was written by Jon Weisman. The music was written by Noam Kaniel. He's French. In any case, I don't know the chords.

Response recorded on June 25, 2008

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wtchluver! writes...

where can u listen the full song of "The Demon In Me"?

Greg responds...

I think the full song is on the episode, isn't it? (Can't remember.)

Response recorded on May 29, 2008

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Benjamin Sharef writes...

Hey, I'm trying to track down a copy of the television show "W.I.T.C.H." for my nieces' birthday. Is it available on DVD in either a season boxset or individual epsidoes? My nieces love it, but the show is no longer on at a good time (3AM I think) so this would make a great gift.

Thanks for any help you can offer.


Greg responds...

Sorry, I have no info on this. Far as I know it isn't available. Wish it was.

Response recorded on April 25, 2008

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Claire writes...

Hey Greg,
This is Claire i am a big fan of your work especially Witch
Gargoyles and other marvelous episodes u make.
I want to know if u are planning to make any new episodes of witch and if they will stop playing the episodes late at night. i have to wait till 3:oo just to watch witch.

Thanx for your time please respond back Hope Witch does not end
Your biggest fan Claire

Greg responds...

I don't think Disney's planning on making any more, but you'd have to ask them.

Response recorded on April 04, 2008

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Cagalli writes...

Are you going to make third season of W.I.T.C.H. i mean it seemed like there was going to be another season i realy like that show but i watched it a million times

Greg responds...

As far as I know, SIP and Disney are not planning a third season of WITCH. I would have loved to have done it, and I'd still be game, although right now I'm heavily immersed in the first two seasons of THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN for Sony, Marvel and KidsWB/CW.

Response recorded on January 23, 2008

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David writes...

Hello Greg,
I know you possibly got pretty stressed out with all of those W.I.T.C.H. questions (especially the ones related to the S is for Self episode).
I understand that you don't have any rights to the songs at all, and are to remain silent when it comes to questions like this...

But I'd like to know if you'd give me any information on who should be contacted in order to discuss the possibility of seeing the W.I.T.C.H. OST(including the songs and the background music from the Animated Series) available for purchase.

Greg responds...

I'm not particularly stressed on this topic.

But I don't know whom you should contact, I'm afraid. But if you succeed, let me know. I'd like a copy too.

Response recorded on January 08, 2008

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Charisma82 writes...

Hey! I just read Bad Guys and have a question about the song "The Will to Love." I watched the Witch TV show (and loved it) and know that Matt wrote this song for Will. In the Gargoyles universe, did Matt actually write this song and was it him singing it on the radio, or was it written and performed by a different singer/group? So I guess the underlined question here is this: do the Witch and Gargoyles universes merge together here like they did for the Team Atlantis show, or not?

Thanks for your time and all that you do.


Greg responds...

Uh... geez... hmmmm.... The WITCH UNIVERSE rules are VERY different from the Gargoyles Universe rules... my gut is that the song is from the WITCH TV SHOW that aired in the Gargoyles Universe... uh... about a decade before it aired here....


Response recorded on January 03, 2008

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Mosaklus writes...

Is there a way to download all original soundtracks and songs of W.I.T.C.H second season or is there album that can be bought from somewhere? If there isn't at the moment will there come anyways for that?

Greg responds...

Not that I know of.

Response recorded on December 20, 2007

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Piano student writes...

Hi, I really like the songs called "the will to love" and "the demon in me". I will not ask if you could put the song online. I'm just wondering if you have the chords or the sheets on them, I would be really thankful if you somehow could put them on line.
It would be really fun to play it.

Greg responds...

Sorry, I don't.

Response recorded on December 18, 2007

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Matthew writes...

I have a W.I.T.C.H. question. I want to know why you chose Sand-pit and Gargoyle to throw in with Raythor and the Guardians. I think it is interesting that you chose the least human of the knights to side with the good guys.

Greg responds...

I chose the ones that I felt would turn. I couldn't see Frost, Miranda or Tracker changing sides. But Raythor cared about honor, and the other two were just along for the ride -- or so it seemed to me. They weren't intrinsically evil.

Response recorded on December 03, 2007

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Alexsandria writes...

Hey Greg
I was woundering since the Winx Club season is over why not reshow W.I.T.C.H on Fox and see how it the audience take it, Besides girls will need to watch something and what better show than W.I.T.C.H its almost like Winx Club. It just an idea to think about

Greg responds...

You know it's totally not up to me, right?

But beyond that, Disney owns WITCH. It seems unlikely they'd let Fox air it.

Response recorded on November 15, 2007

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Meera writes...

Do you know anywhere where we could buy, download or listen to the full songs from WITCH called "Demon in me" and "The Will to Love". I have fallen in love with these songs and any help or advice would be appreciated.

Greg responds...

Sorry, as I've answered before, no.

Response recorded on November 13, 2007

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incastea writes...

Dear Greg, a quote from your answer to a question about songs in S is for Self episode is as "...but I don't know how to put it online. And I'm not even sure if I have a copy." (takes a deep breath) Chances you have the songs, I'm dying to show you how to put it online (technically, of course, since I cannot convince Disney, the copyright holder of the material, to publish it under certain extents). And please, if anyone (inc. you, any collegues you worked with, Disney, SIP, anyone!) has them and there won't be any infringements which may hold anyone into trouble, I'm eventually totally OK with buying it through Disney's Stores or iTunes, etc. for about many "tens of bucks" (could have paid billions for sure if I had any) in case a free offer is unavailable. Thanks in advance.

Greg responds...

Again, I don't have a copy of the finished song. I have a demo, which I wouldn't want to put out there, and I think I have the vocals without music and/or with demo music -- and again, not wild about the idea of work product being out there when the final version isn't available, because then the work product becomes the de facto final product and that doesn't do justice to any of the hard effort put into it.

And ALL THAT is truly secondary to the fact that I don't feel comfortable putting something that DISNEY owns up on line. Seems very illegal to me.

And of course, I don't know how anyway.

Response recorded on November 02, 2007

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Charisma82 writes...

Hey Greg! It's great to be able to ask questions again. Sorry, but this has nothing to do with Gargoyles at all, but with one of your other great shows, WITCH. I just watched the WITCH episode U for Undivided (which is one of my favorite episodes; it also happens to be the one with Brenda and Marco). I had stopped watching WITCH after the 2nd season ended, so this was the first time in a while that I've watched it. It was too bad it wasn't continued, because it was a really good show. If fact, I'd say that it has been one of the best shows to come around since Gargoyles. Anyways, on to my question. In this episode we learn that Cornelia's little sister is the heart of earth and that it was because of this that Cornelia was made a guardian. We also learn that each of the guardians have a reason for being picked to be a guardian, though we only find out why Hay-Lin and Cornelia are guardians, and we are left in the dark about the other three. What I am wondering is, since I've never read the comics, did you come up with this idea or was this an idea that came from the comic books? If it was from the comic books, do you know if they ever mention why the other three guardians were chosen to be guardians? If it was you, did you plan out why the other three guardians were chosen? If so, would you enlighten me on the subject, seeing as there will not be any more seasons of the show?

Thank you for your time and all that you do.


Greg responds...

I think it was me. I had a notion for Irma, involving her birth mother and brothers -- an idea inspired by the comics, but not from them per se.

I had not yet worked out reasons for Taranee or Will, but figured they'd come to me eventually -- had the show continued.

Response recorded on October 12, 2007

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Silmeria writes...

Hey Greg,

Just curious, any chance you'll ever be able to put up an MP3 of The Will to Love, from W.I.T.C.H. Season 02? From what I've heard there's a full version that was written and recorded, but only the first verse/chorus was ever heard in the show.

Greg responds...

There is a full version, but I don't know how to put it on line. And I'm not even sure if I have a copy.

Response recorded on September 05, 2007

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DarkFaye writes...

Is it just me or are there eire simularities between charecters of Gargoyles and charecters of different shows?
Oberon/Inu no Taisho(Inu Yasha's father)
Owen/Cedric(W.I.T.C.H)(Owen just has shorter hair though)
And Puck/Yue(Card Captor Sakura)
It's really quite freaky.

Greg responds...

If you say so.

I'm unfamilar with Inu Yasha's father and Card Captor Sakura. And although I worked on both Owen and Cedric, I helped create the former and didn't have anything to do with the creation of the latter. I suppose I can see some passing similarities, but they don't seem much alike to me.

Response recorded on September 04, 2007

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Alicia Harris writes...

So is anything going to happen with Lilian? Are Nigel and Eric going to find out about W.I.T.C.H.? Is there going to be a season three? Please answer these questions for me. W.I.T.C.H. was my altime favorite series of books and when they came out with the series I was so exited, but I was left hanging at the end of the second season.

Greg responds...

I'm sorry... we were ALL left hanging. But no, to my knowledge there are no plans to make a third season. So your best bet to find out what happens to Lilian, Nigel and Eric are to check out the comics.

Response recorded on August 17, 2007

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Den writes...

Hello Greg. First of all I must apoligize for my horrible english. Im russian, you see, and though I can read and speak english, Im prety bad at typing.
My question - its about W.I.T.C.H., and specifically about some songs in season two. In episode "S is for Self" there were two cool songs "The demon in me" and "Will to love". I realy love these songs, and I have search all over the internet for them. So far I have only found rips from the toon, and I was lucky enough to find full texts of them. After I read full texts I love these songs even more, but I cant full mp3 versions of them anywhere at all. I heard you was author of these lyrics, so I thought you can help me find full version of these two exelent songs.
Please excuse me if my question was already answered - I didnt dint find it, using search and FAQ.. And sorry, if that was dumb thing to ask.

Greg responds...

I wrote "Will to Love" but "The Demon in Me" was written by my brother Jon Weisman.

Here are the lyrics for all the songs in that episode:

"S is for Self"
(Song Lyrics for #219)
W: Jon Weisman & Greg Weisman
SE: Greg Weisman

"The Demon in Me"
(Lyrics by Jon Weisman)
Performed by Wreck-55
Matt - Lead Singer, Guitar
Nigel - Base
Pedro - Keyboards
Joel - Drums

1. (Verse 1)
Didn't know why I couldn't fly
Didn't want to be stuck on the ground
I wanted to soar 'cross the sky
But something was holding me down

What had me cower in fear?
What was it I couldn't see?
The answer near, but so unclear
I was fighting the demon in me

3. (Chorus 1)
The demon in me
The demon in me
The battle weird, over all that I feared
I was fighting the demon in me

4. (Verse 2)
He fell on me when I was weak
Made me feel so lazy and dumb
He talked to me deep in my sleep
My mind and my soul overcome

I started to just let him win
I decided to just let it be
It was up to me not to give in
I was trapped by the demon in me

6. (Chorus 2)
The demon in me
The demon in me
My head in a spin, my strength wearing thin
I was trapped by the demon in me

7. (Verse 3 - quieter)
Asked myself, what did I want?
Kick back or just go for broke?
My dreams continued to haunt
I'd get close - then the demon said choke

8. (building guitar)
Somehow you gotta step up
Stop buying excuses for free
So I went face-to-face, laid claim to my space
And rocked the demon…

9. (Chorus 3 - full blast)
The demon in me
The demon in me
I recovered my spark, got free of the dark
And I rocked the demon in me
The demon in me
I rocked the demon in me…

"I'm Somebody Too"
(Lyrics by Jon Weisman)
Performed by Alchemy & the Grumpers
Alchemy - Lead Singer, Guitar
Bess - Drums
Courtney - Base

1. (Verse 1)
Oooooh, yeah…
You think all I do
Is pay attention to you
Sure it's true I care
But you're so unaware

I build up myself
More than just my health… Yeah!
I like what I see
I glory in me

3. (Chorus 1)
Hear what I say
Be you I pray
But it's 'bout time you knew
That I'm somebody too

Hear what I say
Be you I pray
But it's 'bout time you knew
I'm somebody too

5. (Verse 2)
Y'all have your story
So sweet or so gory
Whether dull or bling bling
I'm sure it's fascinating

But talk ain't so cheap
When you sow but don't reap
I bloom like the lotus
And you're gonna notice

7. (Chorus 2)
Hear what I say
Be you I pray
But it's 'bout time you knew
I'm somebody too

Hear what I say
Be you I pray
But it's 'bout time you knew
I'm somebody too

9. (Bridge)
Anyone can be a critic
But doncha be so

10. (Chorus 3)
Hear what I say
Be you I pray
But it's 'bout time you knew
That I'm somebody too

Hear what I say
Be you I pray
But it's 'bout time you knew
That I'm somebody too

"The Itsy Bitsy Spider"
(Lyrics adapted by Greg Weisman)
Performed by The Dunnsters
Uriah - Lead Singer, Guitar
Eric - Saxophone
Kurt - Drums
Clubber - Tambourine

The Itsy Bitsy Spider climbed up the waterspout.
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain.
And the Itsy Bitsy Spider climbed up the spout again.

Oh, that Itsy Bitsy Spider… he was really small.
He climbed that spout… so that he could feel… tall.
Down came that rain… dude, it was really… wet.
And that spider thought that climb was something to… regret.

He was washed away… washed away… washed away…
He was washed away… washed away… washed away…
He was washed away… washed away… washed away…

But the sun came out and put a hurtin' on the rain.
The spider was cool. Dry and feelin' no pain.
So dude, be like Spider and take it to that spout.
Climb again, cause, babe, climbin's what it's all about.

And don't get washed away… washed away… washed away…
Don't get washed away… washed away… washed away…
Don't get washed away… washed away… washed away…


"The Will to Love"
(Lyrics by Greg Weisman)
Performed by Wreck-55
Matt - Lead Singer, Guitar
Nigel - Base
Pedro - Keyboards
Joel - Drums

So many strangers on the street.
Yeah, nearly everyone you meet.
Can't relate, can't translate, can't create
A connection. No.

Easier to keep your distance.
Tread the path of least resistance.
Don't engage, keep to your cage, stay offstage
For protection.

Then everything changes.
She's there. Life rearranges.
Wingéd angel from above…
Helped me find the Will… the Will to love…
The Will to love… The Will to love…

I figured I'd stay on the shelf.
Truth be told, didn't trust myself:
Always fade, don't make the grade, too afraid
Of rejection. Oh…

I didn't think I had the strength
To find a girl on my wavelength.
Just a runt, always punt. No will to hunt
For perfection.

Then everything changes.
She's there. Life rearranges.
Wingéd angel from above…
Helped me find the Will… the Will to love…
The Will to love… The Will to love…

Game's full of surprises.
Live our share of compromises.
Still when push comes to shove…
She's just the Will to love.
She's just the Will to love.
I found the Will to love.

And everything changes.
She's here. Life rearranges.
Wingéd angel from above…
She is just the Will… the Will to love.
The Will to love… The Will to love… Oh…
The Will to love…
The Will to love… The Will to love… Oh…
The Will to love…

Response recorded on July 17, 2007

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Anonymous writes...

I was just wondering, if there was a Season 3 of W.I.T.C.H., what it would be about? I am also wondering about the end of W.I.T.C.H. Season 2. I was wondering who the new professor was at the end of "Z is for Zenith". Thanks for your help!

Greg responds...

1. A lot. Too much to go into here. I also won't pretend that all my ideas were fully formed, but I had a LOT of ideas.

2. He's the new computer teacher at the girls' school. But if you read the comics, you'll know he's much more than that...

Response recorded on June 24, 2007

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Cboy305 writes...

While working on season 2 of W.I.T.C.H., did you ever think about doing a croosover with Gargoyles? I know it wouldn't have been one of the most logical crossovers, but it still would have been nice to see Gargoyles on the small screen again.

Greg responds...

Well, that just wasn't a practical idea, given the legal set up of the show... and yet...

There's a character called Gargoyle in WITCH. And I created two new characters, Brenda & Marco, who bear more than a passsing resemblence to a certain A.D.A. and her husband.

Response recorded on June 08, 2007

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mage_cat writes...

Just writing to let you know that at least one Gargoyles fan watched the second season of W.I.T.C.H. I have to say I very much enjoyed my little fan-girl laugh in "I is for Illusion" when one of the girls asked "How do we beat up a beach?" The season as a whole was very well done, even more so when compared to the first. The first season was largely a march toward the inevitable. I mean really, who didn't know that sooner or later Elyon would wise up, and Phobos would be defeated? The second season had many more interesting twists and turns. The character development was also fun to see. With such things as the Matt/Shagon situation and the revealing of Lillian as the Heart of Earth, the relationships were much more dynamic. I also loved the choice to make Nerissa Caleb's mother. Since Caleb has no parents in the comic you were free to make his mother whoever you wanted to, and it just fits Nerissa so well. I mean, in her own twisted way, she was working toward the greater good, at least in her mind, and it just makes sense that someone like that would conceive a child just so that child could led a rebellion. I have to admit I didn't think much about the character Gargoyle other than to think that it was strange to go from the clan to this wingless creature roughly the size of a tool shed that didn't speak. In short, great job to everyone who made the season so great, and I hope to see more.

Greg responds...

Thanks! I am exceedingly proud of the work we did on WITCH. I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I'm glad at least a few Gargoyles fans checked it out ...and caught all the in-jokes. (I'm still surprised that I didn't hear more hoots (of pleasure or derision) over Brenda and Marco.

Response recorded on April 13, 2007

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Charisma82 writes...

Hey! For a long time now I've wanted to write and tell you how much I loved the 2nd season of WITCH. That show is great! I started watching it when I heard that you were working on the show. I figured if you could make Gargoyles great, WITCH had to be near its equal. The first season was good. It was interesting enough for me to want to continue watching it. I'm glad I did because you all did an awesome job on the 2nd season.

It's been a while since I've seen the show (I've seen them all), but I have to say that I loved how you put the characters Marco and Brenda (referring to Margot and Brendan) in the episode where Cornelia's sister gets her powers. I'm sure all Gargoyle fans appreciated that one. I also liked how some of the bad guys in the middle of the season (I forget their names) looked like gargoyles. I am referring to their wings and tails. One was an ice guy and the other was a fire girl (I remember the girl reminded me of Hyena).

And you can't forget Matt turning into Shagon. That was pleasantly unexpected. What was better was when he went good again and regained his power. Matt's got to be my favorite character. He really has a better story to him this time around. He wasn't a big character in the first season and I'm glad he grew to a regular character seen in the 2nd season. Plus, I really like the guy who plays his voice. He does a lot of character voices and it is easy to point out his voice because it sounds different than others. He is very talented.

I also liked the fact that you gave Will some power in this season. I used to make fun of her in the first season because all she could do was fly around and create portals (and that power didn't come until the end of the 1st season). I also like that the other guardians have new powers too, though I still like their original powers the best. I also love the fact that you find out that each guardian was chosen for a reason. For example, Hay Lin was chosen because of her connection to her grandma being in the guardian generation before them. Also, Cornelia was chosen to help protect the heart of earth, which is her sister. I have no idea why the other three were chosen, and I can't wait to find out.

Well, here's hoping you continue with WITCH and that the next season is just as good if not better than the last one. You've done a wonderful job with this show just as you did with Gargoyles. Keep it going!

Thank you for your time.


Greg responds...

Ember (the "fire girl") probably reminded you of Hyena because Cree Summer voiced both roles. Tridart (the "ice guy") was voiced by Jim Cummings, the voice of Dingo. Matt/Shagon was played by the amazing Jason Marsden.

I am surprised that more Garg fans didn't notice Brenda and Marco -- one of the things that made me think that most garg fans weren't watching the show. Heck, there's a character in WITCH called Gargoyle. I'm surprised that didn't get any comments.

I'm afraid I won't be doing a season three though. The show wasn't picked up.

Response recorded on March 13, 2007

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Asatira writes...

I wanted to take the opportunity now that the second season of W.I.T.C.H. is finished to give my thanks and comments about the season. I've got to say that this season, in my opinion, was vastly better than the first. While I enjoyed it the first season, I eventually started watching it just out of obligation, namely to see how long before Elyon got her act together. Not so with this season. I looked forward to each episode. The writing and characterizations for the second season seems so much more focused and consistent, and the plot more forward. I especially loved the Will-Shagon/Matt dynamic of the first half or so. (The "I'm so bad, I hate myself" quote stands out). And the last six were the most fun for me, especially "U for Undivided". I still smile when I think of Ed Asner as cute little Napoleon's voice. There are so many things in each episode, I can't possibly list them all.

Hopefully, by the time you get to this we'll know if season three is greenlit. But, just to let you and the rest of the W.I.T.C.H. staff know, thanks so much for such a fun season.

Greg responds...

Thank you. It is much appreciated. I was extremely proud of the work we did on WITCH in Season Two. Wasn't sure that anyone was watching.

Response recorded on March 13, 2007

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Anonymous writes...

When will W.I.T.C.H. season 2 come on Russian Jetix, cause i dont have english jetix, toon dysney or family ABC. I only have Russian jetix configured too English and it only has W.I.T.C.H. season 1.

Greg responds...

I have no idea. Sorry.

Response recorded on February 13, 2007

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Forged with steel writes...

Can you tell me how many new episodes have already shown on W.I.T.C.H, cause i haev only seen the first 4. And wanted to ask if any have come on.

Greg responds...

They made 26 episodes for season one. And then I made 26 for season two. All 52 have aired (at least here in the U.S.).

Response recorded on February 12, 2007

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Anonymous writes...

Level 2
Sweat Hog
Posts: 2 35. Re: W.i.t.c.h. in the U.S.A. | 06/20/2006 7:32am
A hint I would love to give most corporations who are interested in markets by gender on the TV: Despite it being an action based series, with fighting and good verses evil, if it has female main characters, heroes, ect. It has a female audience. Period. There are girls out there who enjoy action, adventure, and seeing their heroines focusing their attention beyond cosmetics and boys. It is extremely biased to assume that all females love to see cartoons on the newest hair accessory. More over, it's biased to assume that only males enjoy action cartoons.

They can keep W.I.T.C.H. as it is, it doesn't need a "makeover" to appeal more to females for merchandising, nor does it need its more female relationship aspects toned down to keep it a male focused show. They tried to tone down the female aspects in Card Captor Sakura on Warner Brothers and look what happened.

Fans would appreciate it if the companies, who are broadcasting the cartoon/animation, would not mess with the original version more then absolutely necessary, and means of marketing are not such reasons.

Understandably this isn't marketed on the main stream Disney because it doesn't follow the same kind of animation produced for the main stream. Its more anime like, and thus gets anime status on a circuit that doesn't show random episodes, but the order of the episodes. Thus Jetix. Cartoon network did something similar with Toonami and the new Maguzi. The problem is they focus on action, and thus assume only male base audiences. The reason why they seem action like is they actually follow a somewhat coherent story, unlike other such shows, like Jake Long and Lilo and Stich, which although they have a story line and an order of episodes, they don't need to be played one right after the other to make sense, they work beautifully as individual episodes. As such they are easier to present to America as very few people have the dedication to actually track a series to find the next newest episode to continue the plot.

The only problem the Fundamentalists running America would have with this show is A: its name (Witches have been their enemies for ages. B: the Elemental basis on power (too earthy and pagan like for them) C: where that power comes from, they weren't exactly born with it, it comes with age, and was not granted to them by a single deistic power. Thus the show must be teaching immoral lessons on power and encouraging some kind of nature worship. In addition there is a female power focus. All the main high power characters in this show are female. The guardians, their mentor, the principal, while the King was bad, the Queen is good ect. A few exceptions, the rebel leader and the Oracle are both male, but you get the gist. Despite all this however they really shouldn't have much of a problem with the show. It's not like the fundamentalists to attack anything unless it shows a considerable threat to their cause (IE Harry Potter).

For fear of rambling I shall stop now. But keep WITCH on.

Greg responds...

It's not up to me. You know that, right?

Response recorded on February 09, 2007

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Ana writes...

hey greg i know this is the gargoylles site but i wandered if i could ask a question about WITCH i love y role as caleb it was fantastic but are u going to continue working in season3 REALLY HOPE SO

Greg responds...

Thanks. I really loved doing WITCH, but the PTB seem to have decided there will be no Season Three.

Response recorded on February 07, 2007

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O writes...

Is WITCH season 2 done already? and will there be a third season? When?

Greg responds...

WITCH Season Two is done and has aired. As far as I know there are sadly no plans for a Season Three.

Response recorded on February 07, 2007

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Aubrey writes...

I know this is mostly for Gargoyles but...will Season One of W.I.T.C.H. be coming out on DVD? Is it already available? I missed this first season and would like to get caught up...

Greg responds...

I'm afraid I don't know. I hope it does, because I'd like to see Season Two on DVD.

Response recorded on January 23, 2007

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mage_cat writes...

I have a W.I.T.C.H. question. You've often said the the one-word episode titles on Gargoyles were the ones you came up with. I was wondering if the current "A-B-C" episode naming scheme on W.I.T.C.H. was your idea as well.

Greg responds...

It was. Helps keep me amused.

Response recorded on January 19, 2007

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Phil writes...

Hey Greg,

In midst of all the Gathering and comic book excitement, I have a question about WITCH. The second season is just getting started, and I'm enjoying it so far. I appreciate that there aren't any huge jolting differences between seasons one and two, and that leads into my question.

I don't know anything about your predecessor on the first season, or why you were brought in to replace him or her for the second season. I'm curious about how you went about taking over an existing property like this and making it "your own" without alienating those who were involved with or were fans of the first season. And how did your experience with Gargoyles vs. The Goliath Chronicles affect the way you approached this task?

You've experienced this situation from both sides now, and I'm looking forward to (someday) reading your reflections on it.

Greg responds...


The first thing is RESPECT. I try to respect the work of those who come before me. The WITCH comics and the previous episodes.

The second thing is MARCHING ORDERS... what do my bosses want me to do. In this case, I was told (in so many words) that the first 26 episodes are canon for the second season. The comics are NOT canon, but there was a definite desire to bring the series closer to (at the very least) the spirit of the comic books and to the stories and characters told there.

The third thing is DETAILED RESEARCH w/lots of NOTE-TAKING... Read all the comics that were available to me at the time (in English). Watch all the episodes. Take loads of notes. Look for hooks in those stories. EMERSION.

The fourth thing is ESSENCE. I try to find the essence of what the series is about, who the characters are, etc. That's what I need to respect the most.

The final thing is WEAVING the tapestry, taking all of the above into account. This is actually the fun part of the job for me. All these characters, all with agendas of their own. All these stories to tell. WITCH season two is over now -- and it doesn't look like there will be a season three -- but when I finished, I easily had enough stories to keep it going for years.

Response recorded on January 19, 2007

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Chris Roman writes...

Greg, as a fellow Disney-ite (well, currently on 'hiatus' as Disney waits to see if American Dragon does well), I was disturbed by your recent complaint about heading up the writing staff of WITCH, but it being 'non-union'. How does that work? Didn't Disney hire you to write for the series, or did the French animation company officially hire you? Isn't this something you could bring up with Steve Heulett and the Union?

Just concerned about Disney's apparent disdain for following Union protocols of late...
-Chris Roman

Greg responds...

Hey, Chris.

I was hired by SIP Animation in Paris. They are my bosses. Thus the show is non-union... and there's nothing TAG can do about it.

Disney subcontracted production of the series to SIP (which they partially own). This, I'm sure, was done for financial reasons, in particular the subsidies that the French government provides for "European content". (WITCH was originally created as a comic book in Italy by Disney Publishing Italy.) The fact that the series would then be non-union was, I believe, a financial bonus for Disney.

Response recorded on October 25, 2006

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Martin Joustra writes...

I'm a fan of W.I.T.C.H. and I'm happy you will start to make the second season. The first one will be aired in April here in Europe.

My question is in how far the second season will resemble to the second arch of the comics. I find this very important to the viewers. The new chapter books in the States already have started this arch.

Greg responds...

Here in America, the second season is airing now. I am truly proud of this work. Best stuff I've done on television, frankly, since Gargoyles or maybe Roughnecks.

We did try to bring the t.v. series closer to the comic books in Season Two, without contradicting established Season One (which I wasn't involved in) continuity.

The thing to keep in mind is that year two of the comics series comprised only twelve comics... and we had 26 episodes. So you'll get the comics and much, much more. Check it out.

Response recorded on October 25, 2006

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ASK GREG will be open up again today (Thursday, June 22) so that questions and especially G2006 CON JOURNALS can be posted. We'll stay open at least until the end of July.

In addition, Gorebash has been working on the site to allow Todd to answer some frequently asked questions for me by searching the archives. We haven't totally got the new system up and running, but the long awaited upgrade to ASK GREG is on the verge of reality here. REJOICE!!!

This should help us get through the queue MUCH faster.

But another thing that would help is still a bit of common sense on the part of posters. Try to search the FAQ or the ARCHIVES first. Ask your question here in the comment room. (And, gang, be nice to the newbies, ignorant or not.) Keep the queue as clean of garbage as possible.

And POST THOSE CON JOURNALS. Cut and paste them! It's important!!!!!

Also, post comments and questions about the new comic book that hit stores YESTERDAY (Thursday, June 21)!!! Copies of the first issue ("Nightwatch") WILL be available at the Gathering this weekend, but as Marty said, anything that can be done to encourage sales at local stores is essential.

[I realize from VERY recent personal experience that this can be frustrating. A drone at MY local comic shop was very insistent yesterday that the comic wasn't out yet. Do NOT let them tell you that. It IS out! Be persistent, insistent, but unfailingly POLITE, as it won't help the cause to alienate the guy who orders books for the store.]

This isn't simply about you guys buying a bunch of copies yourself. If EVERYONE who normally checks out ASK GREG bought ten copies, our sales would still, frankly, suck. Yes, I hope you guys support the book with cold hard cash (though as always I'd never ask you to spend money you don't have and/or need for food, shelter, education, etc.), but what I'm really COUNTING on you guys to do is spread the word. EVERYWHERE. We need to bring in a much larger crowd than simply the hard core fans. Word of mouth to individuals is great, but try to brainstorm ways to reach a lot of people on the net, at conventions, etc. Look at other rabid fandoms that might like Gargoyles, and LET. THEM. KNOW what they're missing! (Let them know.) BRAINSTORM NEW WAYS. NEW. NEW WAYS.

DO NOT TAKE FOR GRANTED that the book will just be an ongoing thing. If sales on the first couple issues suck then don't assume that there will be an issue #3. (That's how we got into the dilemma we're facing with the DVDs.)


Finally, for those of you attending the Gathering this weekend in Valencia: please come up to me and say hello. Many of you know me already. Some of you have met me briefly. Some of you are strangers. I'll admit in advance that though I am fearless when I'm "On Stage," ironically I get very shy trying to conduct small talk. So be patient with me. It usually takes me two cons to remember names and three to really get to know a person. But keep trying. I have made so many great friends at these conventions, and you could be one of them. I really do want to know you all.

It's a very exciting con this year. We've got so many great guests and events planned. Panels with the creators of Kim Possible, Talespin, Darkwing Duck, Ben Ten. Jim Cummings, the voice of Dingo, Don Karnage, Darkwing Duck, Pete, Winnie-The-Pooh, Tigger, Bonkers, etc., etc., etc. will be there. Voice directors, background artists, character designers, film editors, music editors, sound effects editors, storyboard artists, and tons of VOICE ACTORS. Nearly the entire writing staff and Voice cast of WITCH will be there. (And I hope you've been watching the episodes of WITCH that I produced which have been airing on Toon Disney and ABC Family's Jetix blocks.) Frank Paur will talk about Spawn, Iron Man and Dr. Strange. Tad Stones will talk about Hellboy. Keith David, Thom Adcox and Crispin Freeman will all BE IN THIS YEAR'S RADIO PLAY!!! Brigitte Bako, the voice of Angela, is attending her first convention EVER!! (So be extra nice to her.) I'm even doing a seminar on time travel.

So stop by, have fun, enjoy... and SPREAD THE WORD. (Have I mentioned that yet? SPREAD THE WORD!!!!)

Gargoyles is BACK!!!!

Greg Weisman

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Scion writes...

What would be the most effective way of getting Disney to start up a new season of Gargoyles? Money? Petitions? Or maybe a plague of catchy t-shirts featuring the characters?
And how much of that would be necessary?
Also, as time passes, do you feel that a Gargoyle ressurgence is more and more unlikely? How long do you think it would be until it becomes too late?
Would you make another show for Disney, hoping that you can raise the needed funds and influence to continue Gargoyles again?

Greg responds...

The most effective thing is MONEY. Specifically, the best thing that people can do if they have spare cash is to buy one or both of the two DVD sets, especially Season Two, Volume One, to buy the comic book issues as they come out and to spend money to attend the Gathering year after year.

The second most effective thing at this point is communication... not with Disney, but with fellow fans, folks who have seen the show but aren't in the fandom and friends or relatives who know nothing about Gargoyles whatsoever. We need to spread the word BEYOND the immediate hard-core fans.

We need MORE, many more, PEOPLE to buy DVDs, comics and to attend the Gatherings. The larger the fanbase grows, the less expensive it is for everyone while at the same time the more money and attention the property gets. THAT is what will attract Disney's roving eye.

Gargoyles has its BEST shot in ten years RIGHT NOW. But if the DVDs and Comics don't sell... that moment will have passed.

And of course, I'd always be willing to do another show for Disney. In fact, I'm in post-production for W.I.T.C.H. for them right now, and my episodes have already started airing on Toon Disney and ABC Family's Jetix block. If that helps us with Gargoyles great, but mostly I'd refer you up to paragraphs one and two.

Response recorded on June 16, 2006

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W.I.T.C.H. Season Two Premiere

Hey gang,

Season Two of W.I.T.C.H. (i.e. the season that I story edited and produced) is currently slated to premiere with an episode I wrote ("A is for Anonymous") on Monday, June 5th, 2006 on Toon Disney (with a rerun airing on June 10th on ABC Family's Jetix block).

I'm very proud of this season of W.I.T.C.H. It's one of the best things I've worked on since Gargoyles and Roughnecks. I had a great writing staff and an incredible cast, including some familiar-to-Garg-fans voices (Kath Soucie, Thom Adcox, Ed Asner, Bill Faggerbakke, Elisa Gabrielli, Rocky Carroll, C.C.H. Pounder, among others).

If you've read the comic books or seen the solid W.I.T.C.H. first season, I think you'll truly love Season Two. If I do say so myself... IT KICKS ASS!! And if you've never seen W.I.T.C.H. before but are any kind of a fan of my work, please check us out. I promise you won't regret it.

Incidentally, we're having a LARGE W.I.T.C.H. Cast and Crew reunion at the Gathering 2006 in Valencia on Sunday, June 25th. So check that out too.

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C.Kent writes...

Are they any animation projects you're working on now along the gargoyles or goth feel?

Greg responds...

I just finished working on WITCH. I'm not sure how "goth" it is, though there's an entire medieval world that they visit on a regular basis. What it does have in common is great dense stories, a pretty exciting arc, great writing and great voice performances... if I do say so myself. The storyboards and designs I've seen to this point also look terrific. So we have very high hopes for a kick-ass second season.

Response recorded on November 16, 2005

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Pheobe writes...

Dear Greg,

What is next for you?

Greg responds...

I'm currently unemployed. Have a few maybes on the horizon, but nothing definite.

However, in January 2006, the second season of WITCH should begin airing. That's what I've been working on most of the last year. I'm very proud of our work on that show. I wasn't involved with the first season at all, but you might want to start checking that out now, so that you're up to speed for what I really think is a kick-ass second season.

I had a great writing staff and a great cast and voice director working under me. Not to mention a terrific boss, Justine Cheynette at SIP Animation. Love her. And I don't often say that about my bosses.

Response recorded on October 31, 2005

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Emperor Auladarr I writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I was perusing the Hudson archives and read your ramble on "Long Way 'Til Morning," where you invited response to the episode. Of all the episodes of Gargoyles (the REAL episodes, not those GC episodes that made no sense), this is one I remember most vividly as one of my absolute favorites. Rarely do we get to see the elderly character in a series be the hero, or have the spotlight on him for almost every second of the show. It was refreshing to see Hudson as the hero and not some doddering old coot who needs to be saved by his fellows.

The things I remember most about the episode are the good lines the characters had. Some of my favorites from Demona are: "Ciao." (Ms. Sirtis's callous tone there just made it work), and "Your courage is admirable, but ultimately futile." Mr. Asner had the best one's, though: "Just dreaming old dreams, I guess." "I can face her. I just can't beat her." And, of course, his speech to Demona at the end about growing old and waiting.

The flashback scenes are great, too. The planting of the Archmage and that whole plotline was brilliant, as was the Prince's faux pas on "the gargoyles will get you," and the whole snowball effect that had on Katharine.

But, again, above all else, Hudson stands out in this episode. He's not sitting at the clocktower watching TV with Bronx--he's in his element, both in the past and in the present, as a warrior. "He favors speed over stealth, which could mean he has traps waiting for us." Brilliant. His heading underground where neither he or Demona could use their wings--clever.

The whole episode just struck me as excellent because it showed Hudson as a competent, wise, and experienced warrior. I don't know...maybe because my grandfather seems like he knows how to do anything under the sun I took more to Hudson craftiness.

Well...those are just my thoughts. Kudos on one of MANY great episodes.

Greg responds...

Thanks. Working with Hudson was always fun, and working with Ed Asner continues to be a joy. (He just did a voice for me on multiple episodes of WITCH.)

Of course, it was the Archmage's appearance in "Long Way To Morning" that inspired the plotlines to follow. At the time, we didn't know we were laying pipe for the future. Frankly, it was the amazing performance of David Warner that made us feel like we HAD to bring the character back.

Response recorded on October 27, 2005

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Julius Jacobson writes...

First off, thank you for creating a masterpiece. Undoubtedly one of the greatest animated shows of all time.

Now some questions about the TV industry:

1.You are quoted in the FAQ as advising aspiring television authors "If you can be happy doing anything else, do that thing." Working in the industry for all these years, do you feel that most of your peers have taken this advice, or do you feel surrounded by bitter and disillusioned cynics?

2. Why is it that you were given such a position of significant control with "Gargoyles" relatively early in your career, yet have been unable to find a position in similar role since adding that credit to your resume? Despite being a moderate hit, did losing the ratings war with Power Rangers attach a stigma to the show (and thus you) as "not being able to hit a homerun ", making it harder to get future opportunities (you have done some good work since, but nothing with the creative control or depth of Gargoyles)? Or is the industry understanding of what Gargs was up against (A barinless "Pokemon" like monster) and don't disparage it as a "failure" simply because it couldn't defeat a (ratings) behemoth, and your current situation is just the brakes of a volatile industry?

3. I don't necessarily want to be a TV writer (I'm into prose) but I am a big fan of animation. Do you think the FoxBox and the new Ninja Turtles cartoon (the blocks highest rated program by far), in going up against Kids WB, is in the same position Gargoyles and Disney Afternoon was in in 1995/96? Foxbox has moved to Sundays ostensibly to avoid the competition. As a creative Producer once in a seemingly similar situation, could you just objectively tell a worried fan if this is a sign of The End? ( TMNT has, however been signed on for more episodes up to 52, which according to you is succesful in todays market.) As an aside to this question, how much of keeping an animated show on the air has to do with sales of merchandise as opposed to pure ratings?

Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

1. I am indeed surrounded by bitter and disillusioned cynics. Though most of us are pretty cheerful about it.

2. Mostly it's just the breaks. But I have been stigmatized here and there by various individuals who were in power... some of whom are no longer in power. Also there were a unique set of circumstances at Disney at the time of Gargoyles that resulted in me getting so much creative freedom and control. Circumstances that would be hard to duplicate. But since then, I have had substantial control over my ten Roughnecks episodes. I had some control over the first season of Max Steel. And on the show I'm working on now, W.I.T.C.H., I've had more control, more freedom -- and more fun -- than on any show I've done since Gargoyles.

3. I'm just not up to speed on the Fox Box/Kids WB situation, though I know that Kids WB is phasing out their weekday afternoon kids block. As for merchandise vs. ratings... Both can be HUGE factors. A network can't survive on bad ratings, but most shows have trouble making their budgets without merchandising revenue.

Response recorded on September 06, 2005

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Vashkoda writes...

Hey Greg. Concerning all the different series you've worked for and all the jobs you've held in them (creator/producer/voice director/writer/etc.), which do you think actually "sells" your talent to companies to make them want to hire you? Do you feel any particular works of yours outshine the rest and really impress the execs? How well is "Gargoyles" regarded by these company execs, for instance? Or do you think it is instead the fact that you've worked for big name companies in the past, like Disney and WB, that impresses the execs, rather than any particular works you've done? Or when you apply as a freelance writer, for example, do you just submit several sample scripts of your ideas, and they decide from that whether to buy the story or not, regardless of your actual background? I'm just curious how it all works. Thanks!

Greg responds...

Uh.... all of the above, really.

There was a time when clearly Gargoyles was actually a liability for me on my resume. Thankfully, that time has passed, at least for now, and it is once again my biggest selling point and calling card. In part, this is because a new mini-generation of execs has surfaced. The group that I was part of respected my work on the show. But then a slightly younger group came in that didn't know the show and didn't care about it. Now we've got a group that remember it fondly from their youth.

Yes, I'm just that old.

But frankly, my "Resume" is GIGANTIC, and I think the mass of it is impressive to people who value experience and good credits. To people who are intimidated by those who might know more than they do, I think it's a roadblock.

Obviously, everything depends on the job at hand. The folks at Disney (but not SIP) were nervous about hiring me for WITCH because they were convinced I wasn't funny enough. It occured to me that they might not have read my comedy scripts, and so I sent a couple of them over. Having read the stuff, I was funny again -- and hired for the job. So the work itself can help. When asked to submit script samples, I have a ton to choose from. So it becomes a guessing game. I try to get a sense of the project or kind of project they're interested in me working on and then choose scripts that seem to fit ... in tone at least. But you never know if you're sending the right material or not. And sometimes they don't bother to ask for it.

It also truly helps to be able to talk a good game. I give good meeting. I have off days, but I generally do pretty well in a room. That helps. It's ironic, because I'm shy and lousy at small talk. But ask me about creative stuff, and you pretty much can't shut me up -- as anyone who's attended a GATHERING can attest to, including, I'm sure, you, Vash . I am also a pretty consumate bullshitter... and yet not afraid to admit that I haven't figured EVERYTHING out yet.

I think that covers the basics.

Response recorded on August 26, 2005

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Chris Robbins writes...

Do you plan on doing a new series for Disney or any other channel like Cartoon Network.

Greg responds...

Well, I do plan to keep working and earning a living. So... Yep.

Right now, as I've mentioned before, I'm working on the second season of W.I.T.C.H.

The first season (which I was not involved with) is currently airing in ABC Family's Jetix Block and ABC (Broadcast) Saturday Morning. There's some really fun stuff there, so I'd recommend it -- particularly if you want to be prepped for the very cool stuff we have planned for Season Two.

Response recorded on March 03, 2005

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W.I.T.C.H. news

I meant to post this LAST WEEK, but anyway...

A new animated series, W.I.T.C.H., has premiered both on ABC Family's Jetix block and on ABC (broadcast) Saturday Morning block. (Check local listings.)

Of course, I'm biased. I had nothing to do with this first season, but I do think this is a fun series, with on-going continuity, a large ensemble cast and a larger epic storyline that spans the season's 26 episodes.

I'm currently working on the series' SECOND season, which just got an official pick-up for 26 more episodes. They've done some cool stuff in Season One. And my team is doing some very cool stuff for Season Two. This is the most fun I've had working on a series since ROUGHNECKS & GARGOYLES. (My only real complaint is that it's non-union.)

I've got a great writing staff, but none of them worked on the first season either, so I'll save that for a later post.

In the meantime, I heartily recommend that you get in on the ground floor of W.I.T.C.H. now. They'll be airing the second part of the two-part pilot this Saturday. I assume they'll have a recap to bring everyone who missed part one up to speed. (And for all I know, they may still be rerunning part one on Jetix.)

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Frank White writes...

i am a great fan of your work. i know that gargoyles finished along time ago, but i was wondering if there was anything you will be working on in 2003 for disney or anybody else. also could you please give a brief description

Greg responds...

Thanks, Frank.

Of course, it's 2004 now. Here's a sample of how I've been keeping busy:

I worked a bit on "Bionicle: Mask of Light"

I wrote a number of episodes for "The Batman" and a couple for "Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!", plus one for "Alien Racers".

Right now, I'm working on the second season of W.I.T.C.H. (But I had nothing to do with the first season.)

Response recorded on November 19, 2004

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Rita Micozzi writes...

Hello Greg,
I'm a Gargoyles italian fan (and i'm ready to bet, the BIGGEST Italian Fan)
I have many questions to ask, but the most important is about the Movie Status:
- Have you noticed that in this period movies about superheroes, comics/cartoons-heroes and, most of all, Fantasy adventures (some citation: X-men,Spiderman,DareDevil,Hulk,The Lord of The Rings,Harry Potter ecc..) are VERY poular? This could be the right moment to find, at last, a good productor,I think, moreover now that 3D technology is so advanced you cold do great things whit this movie..
Are there any news about this?
If productors think the series is not popular enough, why don't you relance it in television, or at last, have you ever think to make it all in comics? (I mean all the episodes)
I study to become a comic-drower and I know that the italian Disney redaction is actually the most productive in Europe (maybe you already eared about "W.I.T.C.H", or you will..)-If you want some other notice about this, you could contact me by e-mail: ritamico@tiscali.it , or give a look at me and my boyfriend's site: http://pk.immaginario.net
Anyway, I really hope to see soon "Gargoyles The Movie" at my Cinema ;)..Belive me, I perfectly know what it means to create your own characters and see them grow up, wishing them to become famous. So never give up, ok?
Thanks for your attencion,
Rita Micozzi

Anyway, I really

Greg responds...

I'm afraid the ONLY live-action movie news I have is that Touchstone is no longer pursuing the project.

I think you've got an exaggerated view of my power over the project. I'd love to make a movie, a television show, a comic book, ANYTHING.

It took me years to convince them to release the first season on DVD. Buy that in huge numbers, and that'll make convincing Disney to do something else much easier.

It is so funny that you brought up WITCH a full two years ago, long before I'd heard of the property. Now, I've read all 27 issues of that DPI comic book. And I'm producing and story editing the second season of the t.v. series.

Response recorded on November 19, 2004

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Hey gang,

I got a job!!!!

I'll be producing the SECOND season of a series called W.I.T.C.H. for SIP Animation and ABC Family's Jetix block.

I had nothing to do with the FIRST season, but I'm rooting for its success... because frankly if it doesn't do well, then you'll never get to see the neatokeen stuff I'm planning for season two.

The first W.I.T.C.H. "minisode" premieres on Jetix on Saturday morning, October 30th. (Check your local listings.) Again, I had nothing to do with it, but I do think it's fun stuff. (And if you love me, you'll support it ;)

Oh, and while I'm at it, I think my first episode of THE BATMAN, "The Big Chill" featuring Mr. Freeze airs THIS Saturday, October 23rd on Kids WB. (Again, check your local listings.) It features the voice of Clancy Brown (Hakon, Wolf) as Freeze.

And also keep an eye out for the two episodes of SUPER ROBOT MONKEY TEAM HYPERFORCE GO! which I wrote for Jetix. I'm not sure exactly when they're airing, but I'll keep you posted.


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