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How did proteus escape from new olympus - in seeing isn't believing .
How did proteus kill taurus's father , where , and when .
I've only seen that episode of Goliath Chronicles once. And I have very little memory of it. I don't personally consider it canon.
As for how, where and when he killed Taurus' father, that's an entire story... for another day.
Okay, I looked in the Gargs Custom archive and in FAQ. I cannot find a direct question and answer for what I am wondering recently. Perhaps you did answer it and I missed it somewhere. If I did, I apologize. Let me know and I will do a better search. But here's my questions.
1.)Do gargoyles have a ceremony similar in anyway to a wedding ceremony as humans do?
2.) I remember Goliath and Demona watching a wedding and Demona broke the Phoenix Gate and gave Goliath half as a token of her love, similar to the wedding rings, but was this normal of gargoyle customs?
3.)Or did they simply announce their mate-for-life and go on with their lives?
4.)Or could that even be different from clan to clan?
I doubt very much the ceremony would be as lavish and pomp as human weddings are, but it would probably have been a lot less stressful and a lot more romantic
1. They have a "first mating ritual".
2. No.
3. See 1.
4. Well, yes, certainly. I thought we were talking about Wyvern.
Can you get me info on Maxsteel?
Can you be more specific?
My name is Don and I wanted to ask if you could share some of your memories of working with the cast and crew on Talespin. Up until Gargoyles came along, Talespin was one of the most in-depth shows Disney had done to date, and had a noticably darker tone (such as Kit Cloudkicker episodes) compared to their earlier shows like Rescue Rangers. Any thoughts or comments from your time -and about Ed Gilbert who brought Baloo the bear to life-would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance!
Let me start with Ed, who was great as Baloo. I never met him. Not back in the Talespin days. I only went to some Talespin pick-up sessions, and we had no lines for Ed to pick up.
Of course, I later met Ed working on Gargoyles, where he played the Captain of the Guard at Castle Wyvern. He was terrific. I can't say I got to know him as a person, but I was very impressed with his abilities as an actor.
Anyway, the Talespin days...
When I started at Disney in 1989, production on Talespin was already underway. The big mucky-mucks on that show were Jymn Magon & Mark Zaslove. And I'm afraid I didn't really get to know either of them all that well. I later worked a bit more with both of them, but my job at the time was to give notes (both creative notes and S&P) directly to the individual story editors. I do recall having great sit-down conversations with Story Editor Karl Geurs. Karl really welcomed me to Disney... and we'd sit in his office and talk about the scripts, about animation, about storytelling for ... well... for longer than we probably needed to.
I thought/think that Talespin was a great fun idea. I think some of the episodes are just amazing. There's some really gorgeous stuff there. And I loved Shere Khan. I suppose to Jungle Book purists, it might have been problematic, but if you see the Disney characters evolving into actors, for me it was fun to see them playing different roles.
I was wondering if they were going to make any new Gargoyles shows. I've only just gotten interested in the show about five months ago and its enthralled me quite thourghly. Other sights I've seen had hinted there might be new ones coming out. I was wondering if it was true??
Depends on how medium-particular you are, Samantha.
New "episodes" of GARGOYLES will be coming out in Comic Book form from Slave Labor Graphics and CreatureComics.com. I'll be writing these issues picking up where Hunter's Moon left off.
Watch for the new issues in 2006!
1. In Gargoyles, is the Bermuda Triangle:
a) A natural phenomenon, just like some scientists explained (no mystery, but a scientific rational explanation) ?
b) Something interesting, with a background story, that you came you with ?
2. In any case, will the Bermuda Triangle be part of one of your stories?
1. All things are true.
2. Eventually -- given enough opportunities -- we'd cover everything.
Greg, what is definition of 'magic'?
Check a dictionary.
In "Eye of the Storm" Odin takes two forms. One as an old traveler blindfolded and another as a massive war God. Was his first form just your creation or was it based of seperate myths/characters?
Actually, he took three forms. You're forgetting the one-eyed bear.
And the old man with the cloak of stars is from the myths. But he wasn't blindfolded. He just had only one eye.
Hi Greg!
I am a convention promoter in NJ that is having a show April 17 and 18th 2004 and the focus is American Animation, Sci Fi And gaming. I was wondering if you still had any contact with the voice actors from Gargoyles I could use to contact them and/or if you would be interested in coming to the show as a guest speaker and what your requirements would be. You can view our website at www.empirefanfest.com
Thanks and all the best!
Hey Christina,
Well... It's now well past April 2004... so I'm guessing I'm too late.
I'm always interested in coming to conventions though! (I'm a big ham.) Two years out, if you're still interested in having me attend in 2006, you can contact me by e-mailing Gorebash, who runs this site.
Um Hi. I saw a post about why we like gargoyles? and i wanted to answer..
I like all sorts of 'dark' things i read lots of vampire and witch books and your cartoon was awesome when i was little and i think it was a nice way of introducing those concepts to me. I wish there were more new episodes, and that the show was on lots more. I loved the charicters most of all, i still do. I used to sit in front of the tv and then during the commercials i would pretend i was part of the show then when it came back on i would sit down again. My favorite charicter of all was Brooklyn, he always reminded me of myself, and i would just like to thank you for creating the show.
You're very welcome. I know it's been almost two years since you posted this, but I hope you've stuck around, grabbed up a DVD, and are waiting for the next DVD and the comic series. I say all this not simply to separate you from hard earned cash, but because if you loved the show, it's currently a pretty exciting time to be a gargoyle fan.
Hope to see you at a Gathering too.
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