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REJOINDERS 2005-10 (Oct)

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The MythMaker writes...

A long time ago, you asked if anyone knew the origin of the "eye in the pyramid" symbol for the Illuminati/Masons/etc. Since I saw no update on it, I thought I would give you the short version (the long version would take several pages).
The pyramid represents knowledge, taken directly from ancient Egyptian mythology (before the whole "Pharoah's Tomb" fiction was created) but the pyramid in the symbol is truncated, representing lost/suppressed knowledge. The eye is the "All-Seeing Eye" (God) and placed in a triangle above the truncated pyramid to point out that no amount of official supression will destroy the knowledge forever, it's still out there to be rediscovered.
The second layer of interpretation is part of where the Illuminati as "bad guys" comes from: they were "enemies" of the authorities throughout history (some rare exceptions) because they had managed to retain the missing/forgotten knowledge, and the authorities (who were seen to not be wise/good enough to be given access to the knowledge/power) were jealous and either wanted the knowledge for themselves or wanted these "outlaw" groups killed, or preferably both. The official church declared them to be Satan-worshippers; these groups considered themselves to be the true believers of God and the church to be full of Satan-worshippers (or at least selfish opportunists). So, the symbol shows that they believed in God (in spite of what the authorities claimed) but also shows their own recognition that they would always be in danger from outsiders who would try to supress the "truth".

Your "grey-area" approach to Duval and the Illuminati is a great way of showing that, in spite of what we are often taught, black and white are ALSO in the eye of the beholder...

Greg responds...

Thanks for the info. This stuff fascinates me.

Response recorded on October 19, 2005

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The Question writes...

Hey Greg seeing how you guys had Captain Janeway and Captain Sisko do the voices of Titania and Nokkar respectively did you guys ever plan to cast the actors for Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, Scotty, Quark, Dax, Odo, Dukat, Bashir or Kira. If you did then for what characters in Gargoyles?

PS I think your show stands out as one of the finest hours of television animated or otherwise.

Greg responds...

Nana Visitor (Major Kira) did voice the part of Fox briefly, but my fellow producer Frank Paur had the roll recast with Laura San Giacomo.

Otherwise, I would have been glad to use all the actors you named, but we had no specific plans for any of them.

Response recorded on October 19, 2005

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Todd Jensen writes...

One thought that I had over the recent questions about the similarity between the Ku Klux Klan and the Quarrymen: while the two groups are certainly thematically similar, I noticed that the Quarrymen's hoods looked different enough from the KKK's as to give them a distinct look. The traditional Ku Klux Klan hood, if I recall correctly, is white and conical, pointing straight up; on the other hand, the Quarryman hoods were blue-colored (I think; it's been a long time since I last saw a "Goliath Chronicles" episode - over six years, to be precise) and shaped (to me, at least) more like executioners' hoods.

Greg responds...

The executioner look was intentional. The KKK was a model for the Quarrymen, but I was never trying to xerox them. I would imagine that many of the people who join the Quarrymen, would never consider joining the Klan. So even from Castaway's pov, it wouldn't pay to be too close visually to the KKK.

Response recorded on October 18, 2005

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mike writes...

Do Female gargoyles go through the same female things that humans do like pms?

Greg responds...

Some things.

Response recorded on October 18, 2005

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Msten7723 writes...

Last night I came up with good Questions about demon and her biology THAT I don't think was ask yet or atl3east i hope it wasn't.

! What effects has puck's spell that turns demona human had on her biologoy? For example can she still have kids becasue althought a gargoyle can lay eggs a human can not. Can she mate with a human when she is in human form and if she can will that baby be a hybrid of human/gargoyle genetics like delilia? Sicne she no longer turns to stone does she still absorb solar radiate that gives a gargoyle there energy or does she know have to sleep like every other human? When she is human does she still have the biology og a gargoyle on the inside or is her transformation a totall change? The list can go on and on so I'm going to end it here


A. Can she still have kids because althought a gargoyle lays eggs a human cannot?

Greg responds...

All this stuff has been asked before. Please check the ASK GREG ARCHIVES.

Response recorded on October 17, 2005

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Sabina writes...

Good Day,

I heard that the first Gargoyles season is coming out on DVD in 2004, now my question is, whether there will be a European release since importing DVD's is a bit risky and rather expensive and I'm very fond of the German synchro


Greg responds...

I don't know the answer. Sorry.

Response recorded on October 17, 2005

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Anonymous writes...

Heis,I'm from Mexico city, here we also like Gargoyles, I've a question that everybody likes the question, bun nobody knows the answer, and I have search, but I can find, sorry if the answer had been answered, but, if you or your partners start again the cartoon, its going to be start by the beginning, remaked, its going to begin after the 2nd season, or it going to count the Goliath chronolitics(I don't remember the real name but I know that it is TGC)sorry if I spell all wrong, I'm good talking english, but no writing in english ^_^'

Greg responds...

There are no current plans to restart the cartoon show as a cartoon show, and any decision would have to wait until there ARE current plans.

There ARE current plans to restart the series as a comic book, and my plan is to pick up where HUNTER'S MOON left off... ignoring the GOLIATH CHRONICLES.

Response recorded on October 12, 2005

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Paul Lalli writes...

I swear I haven't seen this answered anywhere, but I can't imagine I'm the first one to be confused by it.

How long did it take Xanatos to move all of Castle Wyvern from Scotland to Manhattan? Did it take longer than one day? If so, was the spell configured to end as soon as the last stone was replaced onto the newly transported castle? Or was the castle continuously rebuilt after Awakening?

If it did not take longer than one day, how was it possible for Xanatos to install all of the 'modern' components in the castle (elevators and vid screens and communications network etc)?

I guess this just boils down to me being confused as to the timeline of Castle Wyvern's transportation.


Greg responds...

I don't have the exact date, but the scene you saw, where Xanatos orders Owen to purchase Castle Wyvern, took place sometime in the year 1993.

The Gargoyles wake up on October 4th, 1994.

Thus the purchase, deconstruction, transportation and reconstruction of the castle took a minimum of nine months, and maybe as much as 21 months... even with Xanatos' wealth and connections.

Xanatos, following Demona's advice, was careful not to put the gargoyles in place until everything was ready.

Response recorded on October 12, 2005

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Alan writes...

I'm not too sure how much of a hand you had in scripting, but is there one line from the entire series that stands out in your mind as THE WORST? If you could rephrase/reword/delete one line, what would it be?
(I know mine: Eye of the Beholder - "Hey dude! Be cool!" -Guy in the Werewolf costume. <shudder>)

Greg responds...

I don't mind that line at all. It serves its purpose.

There are a few lines that make me cringe a bit when I hear them again. Some of which, I'm sure I was responsible for. But there isn't one that specifically drives me nuts that comes to mind now.

Response recorded on October 12, 2005

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Oberon writes...

In "Eye of the Storm," Odin says something to Goliath along the lines of "I did not draw your craft to this land to suffer defeat."
1. Was Odin responsible for Avalon sending the group to Norway?
2. Do the Children have power over where Avalon sends people?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Not generally, no.

Response recorded on October 12, 2005

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