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J.F.K writes...

I read earlier that you were pretty much going to ignore
all episodes of the goliath chronicles if you ever got to
do Gargoyles again. Personally I don`t think you should
ignore all of them, there were a couple of good ones in
there like the episode where Hudson fought the Quarymen
blind (forget the name of the episode) and the final episode
which I thought was a great episode.

Greg responds...

I'm sorry, but I wasn't a big fan of either of those. Particularly the last one.

Part of the problem was that the staff of Chronicles took springboards I came up with and then went WAY south with them. If I don't ignore those stories, it prevents me from doing the stories I had planned on doing. If that sets us up for comparison with more sophisticated fans who have seen both, I can live with that.

But at the moment, I'm just blue-skying. Haven't made any final decisions. And obviously won't until reality presents itself.

Response recorded on March 19, 2000

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Wing writes...

I'm just responding to your ramblings on 1/24. This is like a conversation type format, right? Just not Novel type.

<<And, honestly, how many of you thought -- even at the very end of "Hunter's Moon, Part Two" -- that we'd REALLY blow up the clock tower? Did you anticipate that the Gargs would wind up back at the castle with Xanatos or was that a surprise? For that matter, in season one, how many of you would have thought we'd have moved them out of the castle in the first place? "Enter Macbeth" represented a defeat of sort for our heroes. Did you see that coming? >>
I'm kind of dense, actually, so I really didn't see that [the blowing up of the clock tower] coming. The first time I saw that it really was shocking. The commercial break was really a good time to think whether or not those missiles were actually going to cause large kaboom of building. Moving out of the castle wasn't as much of a shock, because Xanatos owned it, and as nobody knew gargoyles existed, they couldn't fight his return. As to the means, you caught me there.

As to internet for further Gargoyle explanations, why not? Everybody's going dot com these days. Just put under the big bold Gargoyles in the intro www.gargoyles.com :p

BTW Gargoyles had a sort of Sixth Sense factor that I theorize could've hurt the ratings. The first time you seee an episode everything is mysterious and shocking. The second time around its analyzing everything to see if it flows and everything is accurate. The third time you see if you can catch anything new. The fourth time you sit back and enjoy it. The fifth time it starts to get old, depending on the time gap inbetween four and five. In other words, would you pay to see Sixth Sense much beyond the fourth time? I think if Disney handle Gargoyles like Fox handled the Digimon series it would have lasted longer.
(Show episodes in order on weekdays, with a different running on the weekend. New episodes aired on weekends with commercials at the end of weekday episodes.) Do you agree with my evaluation at any point?

Greg responds...

I've never seen Sixth Sense, though I know the gimmick.

I've also never seen Digimon. And I'm not sure I understand what point you're trying to make about how they air it. We tried as much as possible to air the show in order. Are you saying that was a bad idea? It seems to me that any series might get a bit tired by the fifth viewing (particularly if you just saw it for the fourth time recently). I'm glad that it holds up for four viewings, and is the kind of show that you can come back to after a while and enjoy all over again. Are you saying that Digimon plays better after five viewings? Or are you saying that what works there is that they show new episodes on the weekend? (Cause trust me, I'd love to be making new episodes, but that isn't an option right now.)

Response recorded on March 19, 2000

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Kraken writes...

Hello mr. Weisman!

Some friends and I were discussing about cartoons and animation the other day. They said that they didn't like Gargoyles because there wasn't enough action and it wasn't fast enough. I argued that Gargoyles had great animation and awesome stories. They replied by saying that stories don't sell these days. I had to agree with that last reply; today we see cartoons with little intelligence with lots of violence. It's a shame that they are the ones that are popular.

So I came up with this question, if Gargoyles or any of the spin-offs were to be brought back, would you make any changes to the orginal Gargoyles we knew? Stories will no doubt be present, but will there be more and faster action?


Greg responds...

I hardly think there's a lack of action in the current gargoyles, no matter what your friends say. I love action. I just like it to be intelligent.

And as I've said <sigh> oh, so many times before, I made the show I wanted to make. If I had the opportunity to do it again, I would attempt to do the same. I have no regrets.

As to stories not selling... I don't necessarily agree with that assessment. But even if I did, I wouldn't sink to participating in the deterioration. I'm a story-teller. That's what I do. What would be the point of me doing the show if I wasn't doing that?

"Faster action?"

Response recorded on March 17, 2000

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Man Mountain writes...

I just read your anecdote about meeting Jonathan Frakes and had two questions:
1) Have you ever thought about "recruiting" some of the more notable actors from Gargoyles to help bring the show back? (I realize that its not as simple as it may sound)
2) Is Shiri Appleby as sweet and adorable in person as she appears to be on screen?

Greg responds...

1. Not as simple? I'm not even sure what that means. Explain to me how that would work and I'll dive right in and get started.

2. Well, I can hardly say that I've met her, so I can hardly comment on her personality. I literally bumped into her and she was very gracious during the three seconds I was apologizing. She has a beautiful smile, and I was graced with that. And, yes, I was a bit smitten in that moment. So based on only that, I'll answer, yes. She is as sweet and adorable in person as she appears to be on screen. At least to the best of my knowledge.

Response recorded on March 11, 2000

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Bengali writes...

1.If Gargoyles gets back on the air what are the chances of you becoming the producer again?.
2.Also if it gets back on the air, what are the chances of it having the same voices as the original?.

Greg responds...

1. Very good, I would think.

2. Very good, I would think.

Response recorded on March 11, 2000

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Ashley E. writes...

Hi Greg My name is Ashley and I am the biggest fan of Gargoyles you will ever see. I cried when I found this page I have seen Gargoyle Series every single time it's been out and I miss you guys soooooo Much. I realy hope with all my heart that you guys bring it back. PLEASE!!!!! I thought that this cartoon was the best one ever made. I really want you guys to go on and on and on... How much would it cost to buy the rights from Walt Disney and start it yourself? Was it your baby from the start or was it there Idea? I read what you said about Titus how would I be able to see it and where can I get it??? Anyways I really miss you guys.. My favorite part was "The Hunter" Part 3 Where Alisa kissed Goliath, that was the best!!! Thank you for hours of absolute pleasure.

Greg responds...


What a wonderful post. Thank you.

Disney would never sell the rights, and if they did, lowly me could never afford to buy them. And no one's sorrier about that than I am.

Gargoyles was definitely my baby. (Still is.) Though many, many people participated in raising it to be the child that you saw on television. The basic ideas were mine, but it was very collaborative, extremely collaborative. And in any case, we were all working for Disney, so they own it, lock stock and gargoyle.

As for Titus, well I saw it in a movie theater. It's rated R (or should be) and I don't know how old you are or where you live, so I don't know if it's in your local theaters or whether you should be allowed in or not.

Eventually, it'll be on home video.

Response recorded on March 11, 2000

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Chris writes...

If they were to bring back the series, would it pick up where the last episode of gargoyles left off, or would it be sometime later?

Greg responds...

My current thinking is that it would pick up where I left off. That is in 1996. I wouldn't flag that to new viewers, but you guys could come here and find out approximate dates. Eventually (and relatively swiftly), I'd bring everything current. But I'd hate to miss out telling the stories that would have taken place immediately after "The Journey", and I don't believe that nothing at all happened over the last four years.

And, yes, that's a cheat, but I think it's the best possible solution. At least, the best I can think of now.

Response recorded on February 26, 2000

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Craychek writes...

Hey Greg, if you do manage to get Gargoyles or one of the spin offs(I would prefer Gargoyles 2158, but that's my opinion) would you use the same animation team that did the animation for the first two seasons of Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure we could gather the exact same people. And we had multiple teams in multiple countries. Some did a better job than others. Or are you talking about Pre-Production?

Response recorded on February 23, 2000

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Zephram Cochran writes...

If there's a new series, would Johnathan Frakes and the other voice actors from Star Trek: TNG be making appearances/coming back?

Greg responds...

I would certainly hope we could get all of our old cast back (with the obvious exceptions of the late Roddy McDowell and Ed Gilbert).

Response recorded on February 20, 2000

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Julie Cavignac writes...

Greg, Is it possible to buy ALL of the Gargoyles Episodes? I would like to have the complete colletion in chronological order...problem is, since it now only airs on Toon Disney (which I have no hopes of getting where I live) is there any place I can purchase the aired collection????
PLEASE RESPOND. I want to know if you actually GOT this question. :-)

Greg responds...

I got the question. As to you being able to buy all 66 episodes on video:

Not legally. As far as I know, only the first season is on video tape. The five-part pilot cut together as a movie. And then the following eight episodes on four additional tapes. And finding those five videos might take some effort at this point.

But if you post requests in the comment room, there are, I believe, many people willing to tape the show for you for the price of the blank videos and postage.

Response recorded on February 20, 2000

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Lazarus writes...

Given the recent trend in American animation (more violence and other, darker, elements), if there were to be a new Gargoyles series, would it be darker than the original? Or would it still be targeted for a 16 and under audience?

Greg responds...

I don't agree that you've described the recent trend in American animation at all. Quite the reverse, I think there's been a sad backlash -- caused mostly by video games, etc.

Animation is getting softer, not harder. Lighter, not dramatic. The percieved (not real) failure of Prince of Egypt, convinced everyone that drama doesn't play in feature animation. Anime is still seen as peripheral. And the crossover hit is Pokemon, which is as fluffy and light as things come. I can't sell a drama to save my life right now.

As to how that relates to Gargoyles. It doesn't. Not if I was in charge. The tone wouldn't change in either direction. Because the show I made was the show I wanted to make. And that wouldn't change.

Response recorded on February 20, 2000

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Alan "Ordell" Coleman writes...

Okay, best case senario: you;re given a thirteen episode contract for the restoration of Gargoyles by Disney or any other company airing in prime-time in an hour long format. You get a 2-4 minute intro saying that the series known as The Goliath Chronicles are null and void except for The Journey. My question is: what would you do with your thirteen episodes? Would you carry on the series as it had before, short stories that when looked on afterwards made up a chapter in a much greater tale? Or would you try to cram as much into them as possible, making things possible for the spin-offs and pleasing the fans (Timedancer, Bad Guys, etc.)?

Greg responds...

All right first of all, I love the idea of hour long episodes. I sure as hell don't care whether or not it's in prime time, but it would be great to be able to tell hour-long stories. Hell, I'd be happy doing half-hours as long as I could have as many two-parters as I wanted. (Like for almost every story.)

I'd never want to do something as clumsy as opening with a "2-4 minute intro". See some earlier Ramblings, on my current thoughts on how I'd handle the non-canon material.

But now, on to your either/or question. Although, I object to the word "cram", I'd be attempting to do both of the options you suggested. Yes. Stories that are part of the tapestry. But yes, setting various arcs in motion simultaneously. Mostly to please myself, as I did on my original run, and hoping that, as before, what I want would largely please fans (new and old) as well. Just like I've always done.

Response recorded on February 14, 2000

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Cindy the Werewolfling writes...

Hey Greg . . . I've been having little birds chirp in my ear, they've been saying that Gargoyles is getting made again . . . Do you know anything about it?

Greg responds...

Nope. What birds are these?

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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lisa writes...

on a scale of 1-10 10 being the highest what are the chances of gargoyles ever getting restarted?

Greg responds...

You mean in the short term or long term?

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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lisa writes...

have you gotten any publishers interest in your gargoyles encyclopedia?

Greg responds...

Nope. Do you know anyone?

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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Darkling writes...

Hi Greg,

I just read the post where you said the long term chances for getting a Gargoyles series back on the air were 'good to very good'. Since you've worked on CGI shows now, do you think a future Gargoyles show would benefit from being CGI, or would you prefer traditional animation?

Greg responds...

It would depend on the show.

I think G2158 would be perfect for CGI. But I'd hate to do Dark Ages in CGI, though maybe not for the reasons you think.

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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Jade writes...

Dear Gerg,
1. I think all of us want to know this one question WILL THE GARGOYLES COME BACK ON? If so will it continue with The Goliath C's or with Gargoyles? I've read every thing you wrote and it sounds like you really disliked The Goliath C's. Man I dislike it two I mean one day New York knows not a thing about the Gargoyles then the next they all know to me it just semed dum--sorry.

Greg responds...

Gerg refers you to the "Bringing Gargoyles Back" portion of the archives. And to my various recent "Ramblings".

Response recorded on February 03, 2000

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Aaron writes...

Assuming you could get the show restarted, and you wanted to ignore TGC (except The Journey), why not try the Dallas solution? (ie, the whole season was a bad dream)

Greg responds...

Don't think it's not tempting. See the Ramblings archive for my current thinking on how to deal with TGC. Then let me know if you think it would work.

Response recorded on February 01, 2000

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Spring French writes...

I just want to say i love the show. my children and i watch it together. i love every part of the show. you know how some shows you say to your self man they are crapy to night, well not gargoyles it is truely one of the greats. I write (email) Disney every other day and ask them to bring it back for new seasons. although i bet it wont do me any good.

Greg responds...

It can't hurt.

Thank you for your kind words. Gargoyles is the thing I'm proudest of in my professional life. I'm glad it worked for you as well.

Response recorded on February 01, 2000

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Zeliard writes...

If Gargoyles ever returns (I do mean ever), will you do things differently from your Master Plan?

Greg responds...

From the "MASTER PLAN". No. Not really.

Will some details change? Of course. Maybe a lot of details. Gotta be open to discovery.

Response recorded on January 31, 2000

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Jade writes...

Dear Greg,
I've been waiting sooo long to write to you. First off I would like to thank you for making such a great cartoon! It really helped me though some hard times in my life. And also so I think it's sooo swert of you to be taking your time to anwer all of the questions. So here are mine. 1. Is there any way of getting the Gargoyles back on? If so how, because I've writen many letter trying to get it back on and it does seem to be working?
2. How did you thank up such a great cartoon, I mean it's great-I love it and I'm really upset about it being takein off?
3. What did Micbeth think off the World Wars, did he go in em?
4. Why did Angela choose Broadway over the others was it because she knew he was sweet or was it the chocolates he gave her when he first saw her?
5. Will Angela's brothers and sisters come by some time to say hi or stay at the castle?

Greg responds...

1. Jade, I'm going to suggest you refer to the archives. I've answered this over and over. Try "Bringing Gargoyles Back" in the current archive, or several in depth posts on this topic in the old archive.

2 - 5. You're so enthusiastic about the show and about asking your questions, I hate to respond this way, but we have rules. Questions on separate topics must be posted separately.

Please, post again, and I'll try to be more forthcoming.

Response recorded on January 31, 2000

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My DC Comics editor finally sent me a few copies of that Justice League comic with the Captain Atom/Gargoyles story. I had forgotten just how many Gargoyle in-jokes I put in that story. There's much more there for a Gargoyle fan then for a Captain Atom fan. Though I think the scenes of Cap kissing Bette (and the mention of Las Vegas) would make a couple people (Simon Del Monte, Melissa Page, for example) a bit nostalgic. I think the story turned out pretty well. Anyway, I'm happy. My editor made a couple small changes. He removed the two references to the year the story took place (1991). And he changed the title. It was called something like: "An Exercise in Self-Indulgence". Now it's called "The Flashback of Notre Dame". Both are accurate, but his is much more clever.

Lately, I've been giving away a lot of ASK GREG tidbits for some reason. Not sure why. I'm just in the mood, I guess. But it suddenly occured to me to register this caveat.

There's canon and there's canon.

As far as I'm concerned the only true canon is the 66 episodes of the series running from "Awakening, Part One" through "The Journey". As many of you know, I don't like to consider the other twelve episodes of Goliath Chronicles to be canon, let alone whatever other stories got published by Marvel or Disney Adventures Digest or whatever.

But to be honest, even some of my ASK GREG answers cannot truly be considered canon. They're closer. But I won't be held to them in any absolute sense. Part of the wonder of producing the first two seasons of Gargoyles involved things discovered along the way. I won't etch things in stone (pun intended) just for the sake of making these ramblings and off-the-cuff answers sacrosanct. If I got the chance to produce the show (or one of its spin-offs) again, I'd ABSOLUTELY incorporate much of what's here. But I'd be a fool not to hold everything up to a microscope and decide with consideration what would and wouldn't be best for the new series.

Having said that, I've been giving some particular thought to G2158 recently, studying timelines for example. And I've changed a few things in my head. Nothing major. But certain things have changed that would in turn effect things in TimeDancer and present-day Gargoyles. Maybe even New Olympians and Pendragon. (So far nothing that would alter Bad Guys or Dark Ages.)

The good news is that none of these changes effect our three current contests. (Wouldn't that be an ASK GREG disaster?)

And all this thought has gotten me thinking about how I might handle a couple of thorny problems in any revival of the original series, specifically the time gap between 1996 and whenever the new show hit the air, and/or the existence of those 12 non-canon Chronicle episodes.

And frankly, I think the internet is the answer.

Goliath Chronicles exists. I can't change that. But I think I can ignore it. For example, if I wanted to do my version of the trial of Goliath -- the one where the question before the court is his very sentience -- couldn't I just do it?

New fans wouldn't know about the Chronicles trial and thus wouldn't be upset about it. Old fans could check here and find out why it was being ignored.

That only leaves a small percentage of people, who, for example, see the Chronicles episode on Toon Disney and wonder about it, but don't have the resources or whatever to find a site like this and learn the rationale. Would they be very put off? Is that too selfish an approach for me to take?

Likewise, the time gap. What if in the fist season, I did that Halloween story I've mentioned before. I wouldn't mention what year it was. For a new audience, they'd just assume that the story took place in say, October 2002. No harm done. But I could post here and tell people it took place in 1996. Then, by the end of the first season, I could have the series caught up to 2002, but still have gotten to do the stories that would have depended (continuity-wise) on proximity to the events in Hunter's Moon and The Journey.

What about that?

I'm very interested in all of your opinions on these notions. Please post them here.

Bookmark Link

Siren writes...

With all these novels from movies and television out now a days, has it ever crossed your mind that you might come out with a series for Gargoyles? Can you even if you wanted to? Because Disney might sole rights to the show...not that they use them. *sigh*

Greg responds...

I'd love to write a GARGOYLES novel. Have many ideas for just that. But Disney owns the rights. And it could be tough in a vacuum to get them and/or a publisher interested. Maybe, someday.

Response recorded on January 24, 2000

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Chad Young writes...

I was wandering if you would be willing to start Gargoyles where you left off if a network like Cartoon Network or some other national network would ask you to? Although I don't think it would happen but I would like to see it happen. Thanks for your Time.
Chad Young a Gargoyles fan

Greg responds...

I'd love to pick up where I left off. (See the Rambling I posted earlier today.) Though it's not going to happen at Cartoon Network.

Response recorded on January 24, 2000

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Coolsteem writes...

want to get more ping for the garg?
sell DvD CD,s.

So why don't I see anny?

Greg responds...


Uh, choosing what to sell isn't up to me.

Response recorded on January 24, 2000

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Oberons child writes...

Hi Greg, this is my first time to write a Question to you, so here goes:
If Disney don't intend to use the Gargoyles licence anymore, why don't they sell it to another company so that they can see what a mistake they made by cancelling it? (I would love to see their faces!)

By the way, thanks for a show which was (and will be) as good for the soul as it was for the mind!

Greg responds...

Who said Disney doesn't someday intend to use the property? I never did. As we speak, at least in theory, they are developing a live-action movie based on the property.

And think about what you wrote above. They'd never let anyone have it for just the reason you gave. Why take the chance that someone else would make them look foolish?

And, by the way, you're more than welcome.

Response recorded on January 19, 2000

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Chris Guanche writes...

Hello. With Gargoyles airing on Toon Disney, has there been any renewed interest in the series? Is it getting good ratings on Toon Disney? I'm wondering this because it would be great if Disney could release the whole series on VHS or DVD. I'm sure if ratings were good they might consider releasing a limited edition or something. With Japanese anime so popular now, it would be good to bring back this "American anime" so to speak.

Greg responds...

I don't know what kind of ratings it's getting on Toon Disney. Good enough to still be airing, but not good enough to generate the kind of interest you're suggesting. Too bad.

Response recorded on January 10, 2000

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Airwalker writes...

It's my understanding that you pitched both DARK AGES and GARGOYLES 2158 to CBS and that then CBS did away with it's Saturday Morning schedule and staff thus killing off further interest in either shows. But now that CBS has decided to restore animated shows to it's Saturday Morning schedule, do you think it might be possible to re-pitch those two shows to them?

Greg responds...

I never pitched G2158 to CBS, because everyone I knew there was booted before I got the chance.

And none of them are back, so the idea that the executives (Judy Price, specifically) who asked to see G2158 would now be interested again, since policy has changed somewhat (though not exactly as you have described it above) doesn't follow. Judy is still gone. Disney still owns Gargoyles and now they own ABC. So I don't see Gargoyles appearing on another network anytime soon.

Response recorded on January 10, 2000

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lisa writes...

1.if the show doesnt get any interest renewal would you be able to continue the show on the internet?

Greg responds...

I don't own it. So I'd need to work something out with Disney. I keep trying to come up with some financial model to do that, but I haven't yet been successful.

Response recorded on January 07, 2000

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lisa writes...

1.you mentioned that you were writeing a gargoyles encyclopedia have you gotten any publishers interest?

Greg responds...

I wish. But no...

Response recorded on January 07, 2000

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Airwalker writes...

If Gargoyles was to come back in a sort of comic form, which of the following formats would you prefer and which do you think would be possible to put out without getting cancelled within a few months:

- A regular as usual 32 page Monthly comic book for 1.99

- An Archie Comic-like digest that would contain various short illustrated Gargoyles stories for about 3-5 dollars

- A full monthly magazine with a few illustrated Gargoyles stories, a few Gargoyles text pieces and some other various materials ala historical exploration material on various elements in the Gargoyles universe (Pendragon, Easter Island, etc) for about 6.95 or so

- An every few month's Trade paperback containing a whole storyline and a short text piece ala something like Usagi YoJimbo Trade paperbacks for 15 dollars.

Greg responds...

Well, I'd go for any of the above. Whatever we could get. (Though the last options seems impossible from a deadline stand-point. Are you sure those Trade Paperbacks aren't gathering together previously published stories.)

I guess it's no secret I'd love to publish a magazine akin to your third option. I guess that would be my first choice. Offering the most flexibility.

As for what would survive cancellation. I'm afraid I've been out of comics (both as a professional and as a reader) for too long to pretend any expertise.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

Even with Gargoyles off the air for all this time, do you think that it is still possible to do one of the Spin-offs like BAD GUYS or TIMEDANCER for example?

Greg responds...

Sure. Someday. Maybe. Why not? Who knows?

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

With the rise of shows like BATMAN BEYOND, as well as the reappearance of shows like TRANSFORMERS and VOLTRON, plus the decline of Power Rangers - do you think that the atmosphere for a Gargoyles revival appears to be developing?

Greg responds...

Maybe. Trouble is, in my opinion, Disney's in a rut. They had some real success with a certain kind of show. Now they think that's the only thing that works. Tough to convince them to try to widen their sights at the moment.

But long term...

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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have you thought about selling gargoyles to the "WB" warner brothers?please i need gargoyles back for new seasons.

Greg responds...

Disney owns Gargoyles. Not me. Not mine to sell. And I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for Disney to sell it to their number one competitor.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Era Scarecrow writes...

I was wondering, i have seen most of the first part of the series, and a little of the goliath choronicles, i was wondering if you had the original scripts written as stories, or if there is a way to get a project started so all the episodes are as stories.

I want to read it the way it is suppose to be seen, and i can't find the scripts or certain episodes anywhere.

Oh yes, I love Gargoyles, you did a great job greg

Greg responds...


I have a copy of all 66 scripts in script form.

But I'm not a clearing house and that's not really the way to experience the series anyway. Sorry. I'd recommend posting at the comment room to get copies of the episodes from your fellow fans.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Hi Gang,

I'm back. And determined to pour through these questions. I can't believe I'm still backlogged until JULY!!!

But first, let me give you a quick update on what I've been up to recently.

Post-Production has been completed on my first arc of stories. They are all set on the jungle moon TESCA NEMEROSA. I think they turned out wonderfully. I'm still very proud of the writing, but I'm wildly impressed with the CGI. (And yes, there are a few small things that bother me, but...) Overall, I think it's a very powerful set of stories.

We've completed writing and recording all 13 episodes for the first season. Post-production should begin after the first of the year. The CGI series should premeire in February on the WB's Saturday Morning. And now that the heavy lifting is done, I'm all but unemployed, which means I should have plenty of time for ASK GREG.

A good friend of mine did the English dub for this Japanese Anime series. Thom Adcox does the voice for one of the leads, and I do a few incidental voices here and there. (Yes, the man who brought you "Nice Mask!" and "Father, the rockets aren't working!" is back behind the microphone. God help us all.) It's available on home video in stores starting mid-January.

As many of you already know, I did a CAPTAIN ATOM/JLE/GARGOYLES parody team-up for this comic book. I wrote it a year ago and I still haven't seen the final result, but I'm told it turned out all right. And every copy you buy puts about a tenth of a penny into my pocket... Seriously, it wouldn't hurt if this issue sold out and was followed by a letter writing campaign asking DC to do an actual Gargoyles comic. Don't know if it would work, but it wouldn't hurt.

For those of you living in the L.A. Area, Kevin Hopps and I are teaching a twenty week course on writing for Television Animation through UCLA Extension's Writer's Program at Universal CityWalk starting this Spring and running through the Summer. Hope to see some of you there.

Now, back to your questions...

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Tiffany writes...

Okay, I'm new to the Gargoyles show, but what I've seen so far has got me hooked. I recently found out that the show was cancelled a long time ago and is running on reruns. (new to me) Anyway, I take it you've probably been asked this question a thousand times, but I searched the archives and can't find the answer or question anywhere. So, I have to ask:
What can I or my friends do to help the show get back up and running? Should I get petitions signed and sent to Disney or what? I'd love to help, and can't wait to do whatever I can.

Greg responds...

Tiffany, I love you.

But I don't have any new suggestions to make. (Check the archives again for the old suggestions.)

If ratings for Toon Disney's airings of Gargoyles started going through the roof, that would help a lot. So the best suggestion I can make is to turn all your friends on to the show, particularly anyone with a Nielson People Meter. The more people watching the better.

The other suggestion is to help us all keep an active fandom alive. Get involved and get as many people as you can involved. Come to G2000 in Orlando and get your friends to come. If we all speak with one LARGE voice, we have a chance.

Response recorded on December 29, 1999

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Robin Wynn writes...

ok...a couple more comic-related Q's!

1)What steps would one have to make to try and get the comic back (with a different comic co. preferably. Image has always been my personal fave!)?

2)If, by some miracle, we managed to get the comic up and running again, would you be willing to join up with whoever did the new comic?

thanks again.

Greg responds...

1. I don't know. Most comic companies would not be interested in paying for the license of a series that isn't currently producing new material. As for which company? I don't really care, as long as they can deliver the book on a schedule with solid or better art and decent production values. I'd love to have Dan Raspler at DC Comics as my editor, but that's probably a longshot.

2. God, yes. I'd definitely want to be the writer, if not the writer/editor. It would kill me if someone else got the job.

Response recorded on December 29, 1999

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Kevin writes...

1.As of today, how good are our chances of getting Gargoyles back on the air with new episodes???

2.Do we stand a better chance of getting the regular Gargoyles show or one of your projected spinoffs? (like Timedancer, New Olympians, Dark Ages, Pendragon)

3. Which would you prefer to see made? (spinoff or regular Gargoyles)

Greg responds...

1. Same as they've always been.

Long term - Good to Very Good.

Short term - Not very good at all.

2. No way of knowing, though I'd guess that 2158 has a slightly better chance of going than any of the other spin-offs, with about an equal chance against a modern day setting.

3. Either, both, all.

Response recorded on October 20, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

I know that you were only involved with THE JOURNEY in TGC. But in the episode GENERATIONS, the story had Demona completely alienating Angela, with the ending of the episode indicating that Angela had completely given up on her mother. If you got the show back, how would deal with this, how would you fix this?

Greg responds...

I have and will continue to resist addressing these questions at this time.

Understand, GOLIATH CHRONICLES was very, very PAINFUL for me. Besides "The Journey" I watched each episode exactly once -- a bitter experience each time. (And note: This is not the fault of the people who produced those episodes.)

I have no desire to put myself through additional needless pain.

Now if the show were to come back, the pain wouldn't be needless. It would be worthwhile, and I would gladly watch, even study, each episode again, looking for loopholes, for what I could ignore, etc. etc. etc.

It may sound arrogant, but I have no doubt I could salvage my continuity in its entirety.

But for now...

The only Chronicle that exists for me is "The Journey."

Hope you understand.

Response recorded on September 21, 1999

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Lee writes...

Are you going to bering the show back someday? I really hope so.

Greg responds...

Me too.

Response recorded on August 21, 1999

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--D writes...

I don't suppose you might be able to tell me where I can purchase copies of the original episodes?

Greg responds...

Nope. Sorry.

Response recorded on August 21, 1999

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Leigh Semilof writes...

Dear Greg,
USA Weekend had a favorite cartoon contest in which "gargoyles" was voted the number one cartoon. With recognition like that is there any plans by Disney to revive the series?

Greg responds...

I doubt that contest registered in any real way with Disney. If at all. What makes you think they even know about it?

Response recorded on August 17, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

You mentioned this in the comment room but I'm asking again here so that the answer will be a part of the Archives.

If you continued Gargoyles in comic book form, would you continue from where TGC left off or not?

Greg responds...

I won't be held to this, but....

I think I would skip all of TGC except "The Journey". In a comic book, I'd have the opportunity to include a Text Feature, where I could explain what I was doing and why. That Text Feature would also allow me to bring new readers up to speed on what they need to know. That would give me the freedom to limit cannon to the first 66 episodes as opposed to the whole 78.

Response recorded on August 17, 1999

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Wondering writes...

1. I was just wondering. If Gargoyles hadn't ended, where would Elisa and Goliath's relationship be at now, presently? Would the commitment ceremony you talked about already taken place?
2. Any new news on the live action movie? Any new dates or things to talk about? Thanks!

Greg responds...

1. That's so hypothetical. But, probably.

As per our new rules, I invite you to resubmit your remaining question as a separate post.

Response recorded on August 17, 1999

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