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Jherti writes...

Clan Contest

1.) Manhatten
2.) Avalon
3.) Ishimura
4.) London
5.) Guatemala
6.) Labyrinth
7.) Sydney
8.) Chicago
9.) Hawaii
10.) New Olympus
11.) Loch Ness
12.) Xanadu, China
13.) Camelot
14.) Easter Island

Greg responds...

Nine full points. One half point.

Response recorded on July 27, 2000

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Isaac Kelley writes...

How 'bout...
1. Manhatten
2. Avalon
3. London
4. Guatamala
5. Ishimura
6. New Olympus
7. The Labrynth
8. A space station
9. Transylvania
10. Mars
11. Underwater
12. China
13. Ireland
14. Egypt.

I think I'm on to something.

Greg responds...

Seven full points but only one half point. Now you're backsliding. Tyca

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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Isaac Kelley writes...

Guess the Clans!
1. Avalon
2. London
3. Guatemala
4. Ishimura
5. New Olympus
6. Manhatten
7. Wyvern, Scotland
8. Nigeria
9. Camelot
10. Isreal
11. Easter Island
12. China
13. Antartica
14. Bermuda Triagle

Thanks for the contest.

Greg responds...

Seven full points. Three half points. You're improving, but you're still behind the pack. tyca

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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Isaac Kelley writes...

Dammit, that's 15!

Let's try...
1. Avalon
2. London
3. Guatemala
4. Ishimura
5. New Olympus
6. Manhatten
7. Babylon
8. Africa
9. Camelot
10. Isreal
11. Easter Island
12. Mars
13. Antartica
14. Traveling the globe

Thanks for the contest.

Greg responds...

Six full points. Two halves. tyca

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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Isaac Kelley writes...

Alright, time to nail down some clans.
How 'bout...
1. Avalon
2. London
3. Guatemala
4. Ishimura
5. New Olympus
6. Clones
7. Babylon
8. Africa
9. Camelot
10. Isreal
11. Easter Island
12. Mars
13. Antartica
14. Traveling the globe

Thanks for the contest.

Greg responds...

You've listed fifteen clans including Manhattan. That's cheating, so I won't score you any points. Sorry. But tyca.

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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the mighty thor writes...

I hope that the contest isn't over but if it is would some one please tell me who the 14 clans are, here is my guess

7.new olympus
8.loch ness
11.athens, greece
13.new atlantas

Greg responds...

Nine full points. One half point. tyca

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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Demonskrye writes...

Arthurian Contest

I'm adding in the reasoning behind my choices, just to make this a bit more interesting.

1. Arthur Pendragon (You already gave us this one. He's already appeared on the show. No-brainer.)
2. The Lady of the Lake (Another one you gave us. Also already showed up.)
3. Merlin (Various references to him in your replies make him an almost certain candidate.)
4. Morgan Le Fey (Some of the Arthurian baddies have to show up <though Morgan falls out of this category if you take the view of her from "Mists of Avalon"> Anyways, Morgan does survive in most versions I've read. And I rather see her than Morgause, especially as written by T.H. White <shudder>)
5. Percival (I didn't consider Percy until he came up in other people's guesses. He's one of the knights who found <or came close to finding, depending on who you read> the Grail. He could still be around somewhere.)
6. Galahad (He's kind of a long shot, but I'm basicly using the same logic I used for Percival. Plus he was considered Arthur's best knight, being Lancelot's son and all. So why not?)
7. Mordred (This one's a real dark horse <Hey everyone, go read "Hellboy"!> but like I said, there's got to be some villains. Plus, you've been talking about how you like the "bastard" achetype and Mordred's pretty much a bastard in every sense of the word.
8. Bedevere (He's the last Round Table knight...I think. Really wish I had a book with me. Anyways, he didn't die and it gives a sort of odd continuity to it. Assuming I've got the right name.)

Greg responds...

Well, this contest was over months and months ago.

Your first five guesses are correct. You're last three are wrong. Galahad ascended after drinking from the Grail. Mordred was killed by Arthur. Bedevere died en route to the Holy Land.

Instead of those three guys we have Nimue, Blanchefleur and the Green Knight.

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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JP12@mail.csuchico.edu writes...

The clans contest (this may be rejeced, but I used to play mastermind):
1. The labarinth (clones)
2. Camelot, England
3. A lunar station on the Sea of Tranquility, The Moon
4. Loch Ness, Scotland
5. New Olympus Clan
6. Manhattan Clan, New York
7. Ishimura, Japan
8. Los Angeles, California
9. The Green, Guatemala
10. Easter Island, The Pacific
11. Avalon, Somewhere
12. Just outside London, England
13. Illuminati base, Rome, Italy
14. Mongolia, China

Thanks for the contest. The puzzle is fun.
John Peacock

Greg responds...

Eight full points. Two halves.


Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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Laura aka 'ad astra' writes...

Clan Contest

As the person who (if I remember correctly) guessed enough to be surprising when first you alluded to this on the old Ask Greg [I was the first to bring up Griff's 'Scottish Stock' comment] I feel I must try- but as I look at the many previous attempts I doubt I can get it. I also have a sneaking suspicion some of your answers where different in different replies. Here goes:

The six we know:
-Manhattan (Goliath's)
-New Olympus
-London (or just outside, but owning the London shop)

Certain to develop-
-Clones- in Manhattan for lack of a better place. The Labrynth if you want more specificity.

Probably existing already-
-Lochness -Griff's comment, Monsters' plot. And narrowed down from Lexy's multiples guesses

Probably revived in future-
-Wyvern Scotland

Now for intuitive guesses-
-Paris- guess
-China [sometimes seems in either or choice with Paris, sometimes not] probably .5, it is a big country. Since the Yetis in that lost World Tour ep were not gargoyles I can't guess Himalayas, (or have to comment on China and Tibet), and nothing else in that part of the world has been hinted to.

-Camelot- know is .5 from Lexy's multiples. If you want ~less~ specificity I'd say another British clan, around that area- Wales? [I've no sense of Arthurian geography].

-Space station- future (I have a vague memory of it being mentioned)

-California- future (a post with it did well)

Ironically, Africa having large undeveloped regions make it a good candidate for gargoyles surviving, but it seems be discounted by process if elimination.

[I put in my reasons so that my most wild suppositions may seem at least partially logical]

Greg responds...

ten full points. two half points.


Response recorded on July 19, 2000

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We have a winner:

Adam writes...


Hyena smiles because she's amused by Elisa's values. Elisa is clearly playing by the "good guy" rules, which
say that you don't shoot someone when you could arrest them, you don't drop Xanatos off the building, etc.
Hyena believes that when it's in your best interests for someone to be dead, you kill them. It's funny to
Hyena that Elisa could be so deluded by ideas of "right" and "wrong" that she would let someone as
dangerous as Hyena live to fight another day when it would be so easy just to kill her and solve the problem

Adam's entry came in first. And I kept waiting for someone to top it, but it never happened. Good work.

I'd like to thank Aaron, Jackal's Love, The Christine Morgan, Derek!, E.J. Kalafarski and Duncan Devlin for entering.

Adam, contact either Gore or Todd Jensen with your e-mail address so that we can arrange to give you your prize. Congratulations.

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