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WEISMANSWERS 2009-03 (Mar)

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Okay, so the second season of "The Spectacular Spider-Man" will be airing hear in the U.S. in March. However, Canada premiered it today. I saw it, and now I'm reviewing it. How did I see it? ::shifty eyes::

Okay, it's snowing, and I am reminded of why I'm glad I live in Los Angeles and not New York City anymore. I hate that weather. Spidey is pondering what to do about Gwen, when all of a sudden he's attacked by Venom. But wait, wasn't Eddie Brock separated from the symbiote at the end of season one? Yes. This was a nightmare. But a really cool one.

And this week's villain is both one of the cheesiest, and a personal favorite of mine. Mysterio, and I love this take on him as a faux sorceror, complete with "Gargoyles" style Latin incantations. I just love the way he's talking in this. Summoning tiny little gargoyles and holographic wyverns.

"It seems Mysterio is the master of talking about himself in the third person." -Spidey. Yeah... that's Dr. Doom's job.

Spidey jumped into the freezing East River, and I'm getting chills just thinking about it.

Is that Miles Warren? Keep the lecherous old creep away from Gwen, please. We all know what that will lead too.

And Peter gets reinstated in the Conners' lab. Money talks, all Norman Osborn needs to do is speak. I love how he's now playing mentor to a reluctant Peter Parker. This is going to be interesting.

I loved the battle sequences between Spidey and Mysterio. He's so cheesy, he's great. That's what's great about Mysterio, you can just go crazy and have fun with him.

Mysterio shouted "Fulminos venite!" and lightning struck. That made me happy.

The climax, when Spidey unmasks Mysterio, and has no idea who he is had me in stitches. Quentin Beck is more of a ham than Anton Sevarius. Like Mason said, "actors..."

"As the waaaaiiiiiter..." Beck needs to go back to acting school.

Liz is all over Pete, and he hasn't spoken to Gwen yet. Uh oh.

"I figured Jonah would never unclench enough to..." Was there an edit here? Feels like it.

And why is Norman peeling an egg so creepy?

Spot the voice actor: Stan Lee as... himself. Well, Stan the Dock Worker. Loved that.

Greg Weisman as, I assume, Donald Menken... he was Norman Osborn's bespectacled assistant in the comics for a time, and a Hobgoblin suspect. Nice Owen Burnett impression, Greg.

The Tinkerer finally speaks, and he's Thom Adcox. I love Thom, and I'm glad to hear him here. But if the Tinkerer drops his pants and kisses Electro, I'm going home. ;)

Nice cliffhanger with the Master Planner. Either he's Doc Ock like in the comics, or he's the Chameleon. We'll see. I'm hoping for Ock.

A good beginning for the new season.

Greg responds...


There was no edit. Pete was simply interrupted.

Response recorded on March 26, 2009

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Arthur Jr. writes...

Hey Greg, the second season had aired in Canada in January and I was able to see it on YouTube. You even did a good job when you joined the cast as Donald Menken.

Cletus Kasady and Morris Bench were featured in Season Two. While Cletus was featured as an inmate at Ravencroft in "Reinforcement," Morris Bench (voiced by Bill Fagerbakke) was Norman Osborn's demolition expert as seen in "Shear Strength."

If you get the okay to have Season Three made, I'd be interested in your plans for Scorpion and Hobgoblin. Courtney B. Vance was casted as Roderick Kingsley. If you plan Scorpion, I'm guessing Farley Stillwell (the one who created Scorpion on request of J. Jonah Jameson) will also be included.

The spores John Jameson was infected with in "Growing Pains" did occur in the comics. Sometime after that, he found the Godstone (an other-dimensional ruby) on the moon which caused him to turn into Man-Wolf when it grafted onto his throat. When I asked a Man-Wolf-related question which you answered "no comment" to, I was hoping that you might be able to get Frank Welker to provide Man-Wolf's vocal effects since Dee Bradley Baker is already doing Lizard if the Man-Wolf is used in your proposed Season Three.

Greg responds...

Was there a question in there?

Response recorded on March 26, 2009

Nobody here but us chickens.

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Anthony Tini writes...

************* SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN SEASON 2 QUESTION *************


If it's not too much trouble, and you have the script handy, for fun it would be cool to see Mysterio's Latin dialogue and its English translation if you wouldn't mind typing that up for us fans of the Latin language. Thanks.

Greg responds...


Dormite! = Sleep!

Denique diatem efficacem inveni! = I have finally found an effective diet!

Credo Elvem ipsum etiam vivere! = I believe Elvis is alive!

Dormi! = Sleep!

Fulmina venite! = Come lightning!

Tibi gratias agimus quod nihil fumas! = Thank you for not smoking!

Chelicerata. = Spiders (etc.).

Dormite! = Sleep!

Credo Elvem ipsum etiam vivere! = I believe Elvis is alive!

Elvem! = Elvis!

Dorm-- = Slee--

Nullae satisfactionis potiri non possum! = I can't get no satisfaction!

Denique diatem efficacem inveni! = I have finally found an effective diet!

Tibi gratias agimus quod nihil fumas! = Thank you for not smoking!

Fulmina venite! = Come lightning!

Fulmina veni-- = Lightning co--

In toto ancto es! = You're in for a world of hurt!

Dormi! = Sleep!

I won't pretend I personally know for a fact that all of the above is 100% accurate, but we did consult multiple sources on both translation and pronunciation. It's as accurate as we could make it.

Response recorded on March 25, 2009

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Martin writes...

Hi, Greg. Since I'm from Bulgaria I've already watched season 2 of Spectacular Spider-Man - and I must say that you and the whole Spidey crew did AMAZING job. This show actualy got me up every Saturday and Sunday morning, and that pretty hard, believe me. Officialy the best Spidey series ever. Anyway, the finale rocked, and now I have so many questions I dont know where to start. First of all, I'm a lil bit worried about season 3. Does Sony need the ratings for the second season to pick up third or the rating for the first few weeks? Second, can you use Beetle and The Rose in the series? I think Beetle is Spider-Man foe. Third, if the show doesnt get 3rd season will you release the designs for Hobgoblin and Scorpion? Regarding Hobgoblin (personal favourite) I really hope that you will take as source material Stern/Romita Jr.'s run on Amazing Spider-Man. (ASM #238-251). Any plans about this (the Hobgoblin thing).

Thats for now. Again, AMAZING SHOW. Thank you all for doing it.

Greg responds...

I don't have any sort of specific threshold that Disney XD, Sony and Marvel need to renew the show. Obviously, it needs to do well. And I think it will. But in this economy, I don't know what qualifies as "well".

Simply put, I have every reason to think they'll pick the show up, but (a) there are no guarantees and (b) I have no idea when this will happen. But I'll keep you posted here.

I'm fairly certain that the Beetle is not a part of the Spider-Man license. I think the Rose is. But I'm not 100% sure of either statement.

There are, to my knowledge, no designs yet for Hobgoblin or Scorpion. Things were busy enough on the first two seasons, that I doubt Sean ever got around to designing characters that weren't slated to appear yet.

I have a lot of plans for Hobgoblin, but I'm not spoiling them now.

Response recorded on March 24, 2009

Nobody here but us chickens.

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CMoney writes...

I know from various panel reports that you are aware that by now season 2 of Spidey has aired in full in certain non-US countries. If you are unwilling to take questions about episodes that have yet to air States-side, I understand. If not, I'll just say that there are spoilers ahead for anyone who hasn't seen episode 2 of season 2, and for them to stop reading now.

I was wondering what your motivation was for the Kraven transformation in episode two. I'm not complaining about it, and think that it was a nice stepping stone for Miles Warrens' assumed path towards villainhood, but I am definitely curious about the thought process and reasoning that went into the decision.

Greg responds...


Well, that dilemma didn't take long to raise its ugly head.

1. Do I respond to posts about episodes that haven't legally aired in the U.S. yet?

2. Do I delete these posts without responding?

3. Do I let the posts themselves stand, but refuse to comment?

You'd think I'd be ready with a plan -- but I'm not.


Obviously, if you're reading this, I decided not to go with option 2, which leaves 1 or 3.


What the hell!


Frankly, I just liked the idea of a mutated Kraven from Ultimate. Didn't like the Crocodile Hunter pastiche done there, but the animal mutation made sense to me for the character. We tried to design something for the mutation that felt more Kraven-y, and, yes, it did seem to dovetail nicely with our plans for Miles (though I would never have done it for that reason alone). Of course the boarding, direction and animation on the first Spidey/Kravinoff battle came off so well, that mutating him may have seemed unnecessary in hindsight. But even before the episode was animated, we had further (Season Three) plans for Kraven that will make the change seem worthwhile. Well, to me, anyway.

Response recorded on March 23, 2009

Nobody here but us chickens.

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ASK GREG is back, MARCH 23, 2009.

Ask Greg will once again open for question submission on March 23, 2009, which is coincidentally the date of The Spectacular Spider-Man's premiere on DisneyXD. (Okay, so maybe it's not exactly a coincidence.)

I would ask -- even beg -- that you carefully read the submission guidelines before posting here. In particular, PLEASE check the archives and the questions-already-asked sections before posting a question that's already been asked and/or asked AND answered. Try to avoid FLOODING Ask Greg, as it will only serve to slow down my ability to respond in a timely fashion. As always, comments are encouraged and appreciated... on Spidey or Gargs or whatever.

Thanks in advance...

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Latest bit of news...

Hey gang,

Back from WonderCon. Had a nice Spidey panel, among other things. (I enjoyed the screening of the Wonder Woman direct to DVD.)

Also talked to Dan Vado. He assures me that the two trades (GARGOYLES: CLAN-BUILDING, VOLUME TWO and GARGOYLES: BAD GUYS: REDEMPTION) will both be out in time for this summer's Comic-Con in San Diego.

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