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WEISMANSWERS 2009-04 (Apr)

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Nobody here but us chickens.

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Spider-man 2099 writes...

If the series have a season 3 theres any chance to see previous spider-man actors like christopher daniel barnes, rino romano or even tobey mcguire.

Greg responds...

I'm not opposed to the notion. In particular, I've worked MANY times with Rino and love the guy.

Response recorded on April 29, 2009

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toxinfan writes...

Hi, any chance of seeing the villain Toxin in the Spectacular Spider-Man show? He hasn't appeared in any animated series yet.

Greg responds...

Still waiting for a pick-up...

Response recorded on April 29, 2009

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Greg Bishansky writes...

No, I still haven't seen "Watchmen". (Edit, I have seen "Watchmen" and it was good) Gotta wait a little bit before I get the opportunity. So, you'll have to put up with another review of "The Spectacular Spider-Man".


"Accomplices" brings back the organized crime element of the series in a major way. Hammerhead representing the Big Man. Sable Manfredi representing her father, Silvio "Silvermane" Manfredi. Dr. Octopus obviously leading the supervillains as the Master Planner. And, Roderick Kingsley.

We open up with Black Cat breaking into OsCorp to steal a data chip, before being chased out by the entire New York underworld. I'll admit, I was hoping for more Black Cat, but plenty of time for her later.

This episode was a fun one. Everyone beats up everyone. Lots of power games and struggles. We also got to know Foswell a little better, and I figured that Patch was Foswell going undercover to get scoops on the underworld.

That being said, last season, Foswell dismissed the idea that L. Thompson Lincoln was the Big Man. I kind of find that a little difficult to believe since that seems to be the worst kept secret in the underworld. Marco and O'Hirn knew he was the Big Man. Those three goons who Goblin outfitted with pumpkin masks knew he was the Big Man. Black Cat referred to the Big Man as Tombstone. Norman Osborn knew he was the Big Man. Harry (if he was the Goblin) knows. How could Foswell, who is undercover as Patch not know?

I still don't think Foswell is the Big Man on this show, and believe me, I am more than cool with that, I love Tombstone in the role. But, the more I think about it, the more I think something must be going on there. Foswell might me on the Big Man's payroll or something. Or not.

I did enjoy finally meeting Roderick Kingsley... who kind of reminds me of Michael Clark Duncan's Kingpin, but with white hair. A lot of money, but he doesn't seem to be the power player the others seem to be. I mean, as Pete said, he owns a perfume company, why is he involved? If he wants to be a real player in the underworld... he's going to need something a little extra. And now, my not so inner comic book nerd who knows where this is likely to lead is shutting up now. ;)

I just want to say that I don't think the Kingsley that cowered before Silver Sable was Roderick. I think that was his twin brother, Daniel, covering for Roddy like in the comics.

Silver Sable was great. I'm sure some people will be annoyed that she was changed into Silvermane's daughter, but I'm not. Actually, it fits in nicely with the whole 'silver' theme that's going there. It just feels a lot more organic and natural. She kicked ass, took names, and, let's face it, Spidey needs more female villains.

I agree with Spidey. Sable and Hammerhead used to date? Ew. I actually said ew a few seconds before Spidey did.

And there's Rhino. I liked him here. He doesn't want any competition. And I loved his brief team-up with Spidey.

Doc Ock mostly seemed to sit this one out. Obviously, he doesn't care if the data gets destroyed or not, he created the process of transforming O'Hirn into the Rhino in the first place. What's to stop him from doing it again? Was also cool to see Vulture still hanging out with him. Oh, and Ock, you devil you. Two dates? He's always been such a player in the comics. Whether it's Stunner, Lady Octopus, or Aunt May... chicks love the good doctor. It's the tentacles.

And Norman Osborn came out the victor here. Gets to keep his tech and do whatever he wants with it, and millions and millions of dollars in a secret account for him. Gee... I wonder what he's going to do here.

Well, looks the groundwork is being laid for an excellent gang war story arc. Harry is jealous that Pete is getting a lot of attention from his dad. Pete still digs Gwen more than Liz. And George is getting really blatant about his knowledge of Spidey's identity.

But, perhaps the biggest mystery of them all? When will Hobie Brown speak???

Tune in next week, same spider time. Same spider channel.


Greg responds...


Thanks for the kind words.

Response recorded on April 28, 2009

Nobody here but us chickens.

Nobody here but us chickens.

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anonymous writes...


Do you think it's likely we can see a Mysterio story from the comic books on your show in the future? Like "Spider-Man Goes Mad!" where Mysterio is Dr. Reinhart, or the story where he makes Spider-Man think he's only six inches tall?

I really love what you've done with Electro. Kind of surprised that it seems he now likes being Electro in season two, though, since he just wanted to be cured in season one. Seems he's literally gone mad with power now. Will Electro ever look human again but keep his powers, or is his "electric being" look permanent for your show? Regardless, hope Electro returns for season three.

Hope that Captain Stacy returns, too. But I don't want him killed off the show just yet. I've read on the internet that a lot of people want to see the "Death of George Stacy" story done on the show, but can you wait bit till you tell that story? I thought Captian Stacy dies when Peter is in college and not in high school, so it's a bit early for that story. Besides, I'm loving what has been done with the character so far.

I also hope Blackie Gaxton and Sha Shan come back for season three. I love how Gaxton's been seen a few times on your show, since he only appeared once in the comics with Doc Ock. Nice to see you've done more with these characters than the comic books ever did.

Thank you.


Greg responds...


Thanks. I'm sure every character you mentioned will return if we get a third season.

Response recorded on April 24, 2009

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Martin writes...

Why so many people dont like Carnage? He's cool, stronger than Spidey and Venom, he got better design, he's a psycho killer. I really dont get it. Anyway, question. Some sites have pointed that Chameleon's real name is Dmitri Kravinoff. Is this true?

Greg responds...


No comment.

Response recorded on April 22, 2009

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Chryse writes...

Hey Greg!

Watched "Gargoyles" as a kid and loved it (it was a lot darker than most cartoons at the time...which I thought was excellent), and have been an avid follower of "The Spectacular Spider-Man" (you really outdid yourself there, gotta say). I'm from Canada, so I've seen the second season already and, as such, have a brief query regarding the look of Gwen Stacy...

In one of the later episodes M.J. gives Gwen a make-over that sticks around (albeit with some alterations) for the remaining episodes. With that in mind, I was wondering if you plan on retaining this design for the proposed third season? I thought the change was excellent, and gave her character a lovely "girl-next-door" look that's very much in line with Romita's work on the series.


Can't wait to see more of your work in the future -- whether it's Gargoyles, Spidey or something entirely new!

Greg responds...


Our plan is for Gwen to keep the long hair and the headband (which will generally, but not always, be black). She'll wear glasses sometimes, contacts other times. Her clothes will obviously depend on the occasion and the weather. But her base model won't change in a proposed Season Three (since all three seasons take place within a span of months.

Response recorded on April 22, 2009

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Greg,

First, i just wanted to say Thank You to your team for making imo the best Spider-man show ever created by far! The animation and fight scenes are amazing, and the storytelling is very well-done. I've already seen season 1 and 2, and now my only challenge is waiting for a season 3 to (hopefully) surface! And also, i'm glad that i hear you do not care much for Carnage. He is a one-dimensional character and imo not deserving of yall's storytelling abilities.
One question. Do you think yall are seriously looking into doing the Clone Saga with miles warren in a season arc? It was a great storyline back in the day, and when they brought it back in the last decade or so in the comics, i thought it just kinda tarnished the memory of old with all the confusing new revelations. I would love to see your group do it right! Do you yourself like the old storyline (i think it ran from Amazing spiderman 129-149)? thanks for your time!

Greg responds...


You seem to LOVE to spread the Carnage rumor. What's your source for this? Seriously, are you making this up?

Response recorded on April 22, 2009

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