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Coby writes...

How do you feel about the next DEATH BATTLE episode with X-Men's Beast and Goliath? Who do you think would win?

Greg responds...

I can't figure out why they would fight.

Response recorded on June 24, 2016

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Allen Tomsovic writes...

1a) Would The Eye of Odin have eventually killed Goliath? (It appeared to have been killing Fox.)

1b) (It seems that Avatars to Death Gods tend to die, like The Emir.) Would Jackal have eventually died as a result of being an Avatar?

Greg responds...

1a. Hard to say.

1b. Harder to say.

Response recorded on May 27, 2016

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Jamey Dean writes...

Hey, did you take note that in a recent episode of Once Upon A Time, the Chernabog appeared, and actually looked quite a bit like Goliath?

Greg responds...

No, I missed that. I assume he looked more like Chernabog than Goliath, since Goliath looks a bit like Chernabog (who was one of Goliath's visual inspirations).

Response recorded on May 25, 2016

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Todd Jensen writes...

I've read the synopsis of the radio play crossover you made for "Gargoyles", "The Spectacular Spider-Man", and "Young Justice" (it'd be neat if you could put up the script for it at "Ask Greg" as you did for "Religious Studies 101", and noted that, near the end, you had Batman asking Goliath to join the Justice League. Now, the obvious reason why you had Batman be the one approaching Goliath was for the joke about Xanatos trying to get both Batman and Iron Man to join his club for rich guys with fancy equipment. But I remember how, back when you were making "Gargoyles", you were concerned that people might see it as a rip-off of "Batman: TAS" (to the point where you even drew up a list of differences between the two series); did you choose Batman for that role as a sort of callback to that?

Greg responds...

Not consciously.

Response recorded on April 22, 2016

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Paul writes...

In "Revelations," Martin Hacker told Matt "Your job was to get him (Goliath) there (to the Hotel Cabal). It's not your fault if old Mace couldn't hold him." In fact, since Matt gave Goliath the key and physically stopped Mace from shooting Goliath, it was indeed Matt's fault that old Mace couldn't hold him.

Was Martin unaware of Matt's involvement in Goliath's breakout, or was he deliberately lying to Matt?

Greg responds...

For now, that's up to your interpretation. Matt assumes that no one but Goliath knows about Matt's complicity. Is he right?


Response recorded on February 16, 2016

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Tyler Reznik writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman. Back again.

Something that bugged me a little when I was watching "High Noon" and "The Price"; in both episodes, Goliath wonders how Macbeth could have escaped from the Weird Sisters (of course, Macbeth didn't actually escape, but that's neither here nor there with regards to my point).

Anyway, my question is this: did it never occur to Goliath that the Weird Sisters might have just let Macbeth go? After all, he doesn't really know anything about the Sisters at this point; they're almost entirely an unknown quantity. Did he think that they'd keep Macbeth and Demona prisoner indefinitely (that isn't rhetorical; I really do want to know)?

Thank you for your time, sir. Have a nice day.

Greg responds...

I don't know about indefinitely, but the Sisters didn't take them casually, hence Goliath's response.

Response recorded on February 09, 2016

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Heelmondragon writes...

Hello Greg, Big fan of your work. Met you at last week's Long Beach Comic Con. I have all the Gargoyles dvds and I still have a question about Demona. Hopefully you havent already answered this question.

But what is it specifically that causes Demona to betray her clan? Did Xanatos already influence that decision prior to her being revealed to the clan or was it the fact that Goliath didnt wish to kill anyone on Reinard's ship during their mission together? It would seem that Demona was taken back by Goliath's change in behavior. He wasnt the same gargoyle she knew in 994. Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

Actually, Goliath WAS fundamentally the same gargoyle she knew in 994. She had changed and changed so much, it colored her memories of him. She thought he would follow her lead, be as hateful toward the humans as she was. When he wasn't - and furthermore when he went to see a human instead of staying with her, especially after their less than in-synch mission on Fortress-1 - she decided that Goliath was the problem and needed to be convinced - or eliminated - at gunpoint.

Response recorded on February 05, 2016

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Greg Bishansky writes...

There has been a lot of talk over the years about why Demona told Goliath about the Praying Gargoyle during her gloating in "Hunter's Moon Part Three".

1. The gloating was exactly that, gloating. Like most villains, she had to have a "my brilliant plan" speech.

2. Subconsciously, she wants to be defeated because without humanity around, she'll lose her scapegoat and because she subconsciously knows she needs to be stopped, so she subconsciously handed Goliath the tools to stop her master plan.

3. And this is my interpretation, she actually believed Goliath would let her. After what happened on board the Hunter's airship in "Hunter's Moon Part Two", saying Goliath is thinking like a true gargoyle as he openly demands vengeance, seemingly killing two Hunters with Goliath, and Goliath himself not disagreeing when she says that perhaps they're not so different; she believed he was finally, finally seeing the light, finally coming over to her way of thinking, and... well, since gargoyles mate for life, thinking she might finally have her man back and a human free Earth.

Or maybe it was all of the above or none of the above.

Greg responds...

All of the above. And more. She's a bit of a complicated mess, huh?

Response recorded on November 13, 2015

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Greg Bishansky writes...

This a question about the Weird Sisters. In "City of Stone", they appeared differently to whomever was looking at them. Macbeth saw three crones, Demona saw three gargoyles, Goliath saw three children, Xanatos saw three fashion models, etc...

Was this the case in later episodes. Come "Avalon" and "Ill Met By Moonlight", was Goliath still seeing three children even if we in the audience were not?

Greg responds...

Probably. Although at that point it might not have been necessary.

Response recorded on October 21, 2015

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J writes...

Hello Greg,

I have a question about the Avalon Clan and their biological relationships to the Manhattan Clan. I am going to use the "placeholder names" for those Gargs that don't have given names in cannon.

Can we assume that Hudson does not have any biological children there because Hyppolyta, Broadway, and True are his only three offspring?

You've mentioned before that Angela is the only biological child of Goliath's, and she is no longer there, so none for him either.

Brooklyn had at least one brother, Brooksbro...was he and older or younger brother? If older, then there is a potential for him to have a biological sibling on Avelon...is that the case?

Does Lexington have a younger biological sibling on Avelon?

Does Bronx?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Yep.

3. Brooksbro is older. (But Brooklyn had MANY brothers and sisters. Stop thinking like a human.)

4. No comment on whether or not Brooklyn has a younger biological sibling among the Avalon clan.

5. No comment.

6. No comment.

Response recorded on September 30, 2015

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EXALT writes...

Have you already chosen dates for the following events in the Gargoyles Universe (and of course, if the answer is yes, I'm not asking you to reveal them)?
1)Goliath's death.
2)Elisa's death.
3)Demona's epiphany.

Greg responds...

For all three "events," I have not locked down specific dates, but I know generally where each takes place in the timeline.

Response recorded on July 10, 2015

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Arlo writes...

Titania has clearly gone out of her way to help Goliath and his clan on more than one occasion (i.e. helping him in Ill Met By Moonlight, and then getting his clan reinstated to their home in The Gathering). The only reason she has given so far is to repay a favor rendered, that is, to repay Goliath for his assistance in stopping the Matrix in Walkabout. But this seems a bit much to do to repay a favor. But it seems to me that her motivation is a bit more.

1. Would you say Titania likes Goliath/has a lot of respect for him?

2. If yes, would you say the reason is more because of what she has witnessed of his character firsthand, or because of what Fox has told her about him?

3. Is Titania trying to make up for some of the things Fox and David have done to Goliath and his clan?

4. Would you say Titania's motivations for reinstating Goliath's clan to their ancestral home are more to repay a favor, more because she genuinely likes/respects Goliath, more to make up for what Fox and David have done to his clan, more to establish a good protector for Fox and Alexander, or some combination of the above?

5. You've said that you don't plan to reveal what Titania whispered to Fox because the fan community has built it up so much, that what you had planned would be, in your words, anticlimatic. But wouldn't the fact that you have no plans to use it be a reason to reveal it, since you have no use for it in future stories anyway? I kind of get the impression that the reason you're so steadfast in not revealing it is because you still have plans to use it in some way. Care to give any input?

Thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

1. Likes him, yes. Has respect for him, yes. A LOT of respect for him... well...

2. Neither, really.

3. No.

4. You're leaving out a major factor.

5. No Spoilers.

Response recorded on June 29, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

my question must have gotten deleted last time i asked this, because i cant find it anywhere. it was part of a post with a bunch of questions, but this one is the only one i really want to know about, so i hope this one wasnt the one that made it not go through

after his journey through time, does Brooklyn still consider himself a rookery brother to Lexington and Broadway?
also, since he is a generation older than Goliath, does he still consider himself his rookery son?
would he now technically be a rookery uncle to any or all three of them, and Angela?
if so, how does he view his relationship to Hudson, since they cant technically be rookery brothers? (like cousins mabey?)

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. He never did, so no.

3. No.

4. He still sees Hudson as a mentor/father/grandfatherly figure.

Response recorded on September 03, 2014

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EXALT writes...

I rewatched "Sanctuary" recently, and I have a little doubt. When Goliath sees Thailog, he doesn't seem really surprised (I mean, he is suprised to see him there, but he doesn't seem suprised to see him alive): did Xanatos alert him, somewhere between "Double Jeopardy" and "Avalon Part 1", that their "child" was probably still alive?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 03, 2014

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Chris writes...

After the Wyvern massacre, Goliath sees the remains of a gargoyle on the place where Demona usually perched and thinks its hers. Did another gargoyle take the place she usually took?

Greg responds...

Looks like it.

Response recorded on July 15, 2014

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Charisma82 writes...

Greg Weisman: "I'd like to see a music video from Goliath's POV -- but featuring Elisa -- of "Amazing".

As per request:


I hope it's the right "Amazing." Thank you for your time and the suggestion.

Greg responds...


I'll be honest, I don't actually remember asking for this, so I'm not sure if it's the "Amazing" I was thinking of, but boy it's perfect, isn't it? Anyway, whether or not I was smart to suggest it, you did a fantastic job.

Response recorded on April 08, 2014

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FireBlade writes...

Hi Greg!

I am a long time Gargoyles fan. I grew up with it actually. I've always loved it's depth, characters, story, and emotions. Honestly? Cartoons now-a-days don't even compare.

Anyway, I digress;
I was re-watching the show the other day and a question struck me... Can Goliath and Elisa have kids? I mean, Goliath is humanoid right? So, is it possible?

I hope it is because Goliath has gone through too much tragedy in his life to not be able to have a family with his soul mate I think.

That said, I haven't read the comic but I heard someone say that they break up in it... Is this true?? If it is, I just might cry....

Anyway, even though the series is long over, I still want to compliment you on such a fantastic masterpiece. It is a classic that will endure for a loooonnnggg time. :)

Thanks for your time! I know you are very busy.

Greg responds...

ASKED AND ANSWERED. Check the archives and/or ask the fans at http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/comment/index.php to point you in the right direction. And by all means, check out the trade paperbacks from SLG. I think you'll truly enjoy them.

Thanks for your kind words.

Response recorded on March 19, 2014

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Michael Chabon knows Gargoyles

So in my car, I've been listening to the audio book of Michael Chabon's novel: TELEGRAPH AVENUE, read by the amazing Clarke Peters (of THE WIRE and TREME). I'm a little over halfway through the book, which is set (largely) in a used record store in Oakland in 2008 and revolves around a diverse cast of characters. It's full of all sorts of pop cutlure references, but I was still pretty stunned when suddenly the narrator starts talking about GARGOYLES. Not generic gargoyles, but our GARGOYLES televsion series.

I was going to try to cut and paste the section here, but Amazon won't allow that. So you can check it out yourself here: http://www.amazon.com/Telegraph-Avenue-Novel-Michael-Chabon/dp/006149335X/ref=pd_sim_sbs_b_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=09RDPEC6XPYS8K9E3CQR

Or better yet, buy the book. I haven't finished listening to it yet, but so far it's definitely worth the price of admission.

The GARGOYLES' references begin on or about p. 293. (At least on the Amazon Look Inside function.) It's all pretty cool, and very specific. Though Keith David isn't mentioned by name, Goliath is, and his amazing voice is referenced, along with Goliath's backstory, etc. The character seems to have been part of a significant moment in the life of Julie Jaffe, one of the many protagonists of Chabon's book.

Chabon's written many books, including two particular favorites of mine: THE AMAZING ADVENTURES OF KAVALIER & CLAY and THE YIDDISH POLICEMEN'S UNION. So the fact that our little series registers with him is fairly gratifying.

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Mac Ewing writes...

You have said before that humans and gargoyles are incapable of reproducing together, which I must add is a nice touch. Many xeno-based series throw biology to the wind.
But despite the fact that they couldn't be fertile, do you think that Goliath and Elisa ever got together, just for the heck of it?

Greg responds...

If you're asking if they are or will ever be intimate, I think either (a) I'll leave that to your imagination or (b) SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on October 07, 2013

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Arlo writes...

Hi Greg. Thanks for giving us this great series, and for all you do to help keep it alive. Here's my question:

I've always felt that "Hunter's Moon" was a much darker storyline than any of the other Gargoyles episodes we've seen. I don't know if it's the way all three episodes open with a flashback that involves someone seeking vengeance, or the fact that this is the first time we actually see Goliath wanting to commit premeditated murder (not just "murder in the heat of battle" like before), or the fact that we almost lose two regular cast members (Angela and then Elisa), or the theme of hatred being passed on from parent to child for a thousand years. Maybe it's just that there's hardly any comic relief in these episodes, as almost every scene seems to involve one of our regular cast members going through emotional turmoil in some way.

Anyway, I was just wondering if you were deliberately trying to set a darker tone for these episodes, or if this is just how I perceived them myself. And if it was deliberate on your part, just wondering what your motivation was for that, because these episodes really do stand out to me as the darkest episodes in the series. And if it wasn't deliberate, then is there anything which in hindsight might have contributed to these stories coming out this way?

Also, why is it that you chose for the series finale to be so dark? I'm not criticizing, because I love these episodes and I love Gargoyles, but it just seems unusual (not in a bad way) that in a show where you've said yourself that you wanted Goliath's basic optimism to shine through, the way you chose to write the finale was by telling a story where we see his most vengeful side coming out. Just interested in understanding what your motivation for that was, story-wise.

Thanks for taking the time to read this question, and for all you do.

Greg responds...

It was a BIG story. But to me it seems of a piece with what came before (and even what came after in the comic). I'm not sure - though it was long ago - that we set out to make it darker, though we did set out for it to culminate much of what came before and to resonate with much of what came before too.

In any case, I think the ending of the thing is VERY optimistic. The fact that we put Goliath through the mill - and had him react realistically to that mill - during the three-parter doesn't change that. By the end, Goliath reaffirms his principles.

Response recorded on November 27, 2012

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K. W. writes...

Hi Greg,

I had a quick question. The gargoyles in your gargoyles universe go to sleep during the day and have no control over it. I've learned that Elisa and Goliath become an official couple, but I am curious about the couple seeing much of each other.
If Goliath is "forced" to sleep during the day and Elisa works most nights. When does the couple get to spend time when they are not on duty protecting the world? Wouldn't this put a strain on the relationship emotionally?

I didn't see this question anywhere. Forgive me if it has been asked.

Greg responds...

Keep in mind, Elisa sleeps during the day too. Granted, she has more flexibility, but how is this really any different from any two people working the nightshift. For that matter, how is it that different from any two people who both have dayshift jobs. I'm not staying there's no stress or strain involved, only that it doesn't seem that atypical. There's plenty of stuff that DOES make Elisa and Goliath's relationship atypical, but this seems like the least of their worries.

I mean I would think it would be harder for a couple when one works dayshift and one works nightshift. Then it REALLY seems to me like they'd never see each other.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Battle Beast writes...

I was having a religeous debate at work today with a staunch Christian. Long story short, she got to "Remember David Versus Goliath?" and I said to her, "Hold it. I know full well about them but the only Goliath I care about is eight feet tall and lavender."

And then it hit me: David V. Golaith. I never, ever thought of that connection before... so I check the Archive and sure enough I was right. It was intention, you said.

I get their relationship now on a different level... Very clever! :)

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 08, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1 - Were Angela and Broadway still virgins by the time of "Phoenix?"
2 - Goliath and Demona became mates during "Vows", did they lose their virginity that night?

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. Yes.

(Both of these are canon-in-training answers, of course.)

Response recorded on July 17, 2012

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Sarah Anderson writes...

Hi Greg, thanks for taking the time to answer questions! :-)

In your gargs timeline, who dies first, Goliath or Elisa? And are they still a couple until then? Lastly, will you give a clue about what you had in mind for their deaths?

(Sounds macabre, but I was curious... ;-P)


Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 24, 2012

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