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Anonymous writes...

1. who is your favorite green lantern? 2. did you guys always know you wanted john to be fhe main reoccuring green lantern for young justice?

i love this show so much. i hope to see more of the gl lore! the bit with hal and john saying no to barry about guy joining the league was really funny.

Greg responds...

1. Charlie Vickers, probably. But there are a ton I like.

2. Always? Not sure. But early on it became clear that John worked best for us in the early seasons.

Response recorded on July 12, 2021

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Christopher writes...

A random thought has popped in my head. What does Wonder Woman think of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream? After all, her mother is a major character in the play.

Greg responds...

One would hope she's benignly amused.

But she knows that the character called Hippolyta in the play is actually not her mother, but her aunt Antiope.

Response recorded on July 12, 2021

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Zerofighter writes...

Hi Greg big fan, especially of Demona
I remember reading she was basically a military adviser to Macbeth, in your own words Secretary of defense.
So here are my questions
1. Where does her combat skills rank? Example is she more skilled then Goliath, below him etc, or how would she compare to Young Justice Characters in combat training

2. She has taken on Goliath once in awhile. Is she as strong as him, or slightly below.

3. Same question but this time for speed. Is she just as fast or faster?

4. How powerful is the Particle Canon she uses? Like could it Destroy a tank?

Anyways, thanks for this Greg, cant wait to see what you have planned

Greg responds...

1. As always, I'm not big on ranking. Demona is a badass warrior. She can go toe-to-toe with Goliath. He has the advantage of size and strength, but she's more vicious and dangerous. As for comparing her to YJ characters... where would I start? She's a threat to anyone. Nuff said.

2. She's not as strong.

3. Shrug. Might be a bit faster.

4. It depends how you define "destroy". It would disable a tank.

Response recorded on July 12, 2021

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Kaylin writes...

1. What's M'gann's birthday on Young Justice?
2. Does she celebrate her birthday every Earth year, every Martian year, both, or neither?

Greg responds...

1. We don't pick actual birth DATES (as opposed to birth years) on the show until we decide to use them in a story.

2. I'd think every Earth year.

Response recorded on July 12, 2021

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fire-fira writes...

Hi Greg, just a couple quick questions (because I'm a language nerd):

1) Are there compiled 'dictionaries' of each of the conlangs used in Young Justice (Atlantean, Rannian, etc.)?

2)If so, are any of them available online?

(I ask this mostly as a fanfic writer who's a massive nerd and would like to have language references beyond what I've scraped together and expanded on.)

Greg responds...

1. I have an abridged dictionary for New Genesian; it's a language I created for another science fiction project, which I coopted to use for YJ. I think Nicole Dubuc has a dictionary for Rannian. For Atlantean, I count on a consultant, Aris Katsaris. For Markovian, I use GoogleTranslate for Latvian. What am I forgetting?

2. I don't think so. Though I think that most of the translations are up on the YJ Wiki.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

This is a very silly question, but when Cheshire told Red Arrow that if he wanted another date he only had to ask: Did they really dated before that?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Fred Flinstone writes...

Good day, Sir.

This is more of a question regarding your policy than one regarding your shows. Your policy regarding not spoiling the details regarding future seasons/episodes of your shows is well documented. But I'm wondering whether or not you feel a freedom to discuss details that haven't yet been depicted on-screen but that have already transpired in-universe and that you likely won't revisit. For example, in between Young Justice Seasons 1-2, there was a substantial time gap in which plenty of untold (to viewers) story unfolded. Viewers got a hint regarding some of what happened, and some more was explicitly stated. But do you feel a freedom to--if asked--go into detail regarding events that occurred during that period but that will clearly never be depicted on-screen or even in the comics (especially considering that Young Justice season 3 looks like it'll occur after yet another time gap)? Do those details count as 'spoilers,' considering that they won't be relevant to future episodes and will likely never be depicted in future seasons?

As always, glad to see the Young Justice comeback and hoping for a season four too.

Greg responds...

You're assuming those things will never be depicted. But, well... FLASHBACKS HAPPEN. So, yeah... SPOILERS.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Nathan Scott writes...

Hay greg big fan of your work I was wondering if you could explain to me why you used a mouthlay format for young justice and spectacular spider man.

Greg responds...

I'm assuming "mouthlay" is a typo, but I can't quite figure out what it's replacing. The closest I can come up with is "monthly," but I don't understand what "monthly format" might mean. Sorry.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Mahir writes...

Hi, Greg! I'm so glad YJ is coming back for a Season 3 (Outsiders) I'm just wondering one thing, as of S2, are the Injustice League active (or still a thing) as no mention of them were in Season 2?

Greg responds...

Not as a regular thing.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Ellie writes...

Hi Greg! First of all, congrats on Season 3! I'm hyped beyond imagination. Full honesty, I've kind of arrived to this party very very late since I literally binge-watched the entire show for the first time only last month. I know, I know, like "Hello, self! Why not watch it before?"

Anyway, the absolute thing I adore the most (you probs get this one a lot) is Wally and Artemis' pairing. They work so well with each other and they are the purest things in my life. This show has brought a huge smile to my face during one of my hardest times, and I am beyond grateful to you and all the YJ team for this. My gushing aside, I really wish we'd gotten to see more of their relationship before what happened in the finale with him, and to me, the simple thought that while everyone else in the team grew over the time skip from seasons 1 to 2, they grew together. I have literally no words for how much I adore them. Fine, here comes the questions:

1. Is there anything, any little teeny tiny breadcrumbs of their relationship that you guys developed in regards of their relationship that weren't shown onscreen? i.e why they decided to get Brucely, something, anything please humor me on this one.

2. What are your opinions on them as a couple? Did you and the writers prepare it beforehand or did it just 'happen' as you went along?

3. Did you guys at the studio use Dick's made up words (like aster, traught, whelmed, etc)? Because I do, and I'm pretty sure the rest of the fandom does as well.

4. What is the thing you as a creator missed the most about writing this show?

Bye! And again, thank you so much, Mr. Weissman. For everything. Really. <3

Greg responds...

1. There are a lot of stories in my head.

2. We saw it coming before they did.

3. Sometimes. Whelmed, in particular.

4. Spending time with our voice cast.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Without naming names, are there any aromantic characters in Young Justice? I'm not sure if you're familiar with the spectrum, but I've heard that at least one character in your past show was confirmed asexual, so I thought this was probably okay to ask. I've always been cool with it as a romance-heavy show, but it'd be nice to think that one or two of the YJ characters might be exceptions and single because of orientation. Love your show regardless, and can't wait to see some of what you've cooked up in the trailer tomorrow!!

Greg responds...

At first I thought you had written "aromatic" and I thought: RUDE!

But, no, "aromantic". The answer has to be No Spoilers, I'm afraid. Sorry.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Vievin writes...

Hello Greg! (And Greg's moderator team!) I love Young Justice and I'm so happy for Season 3. My favourite character by far is Bart Allen aka Impulse aka Kid Flash II, and I'm absolutely elated that he's looking to be a major character in Season 3. That being said, there's not much to know about him, so I decided to ask you about him and the show in general.

1. I read in an earlier response that the Garricks enrolled him to school when he moved in with them. How much formal education had he received before he came to the past?

2. I actually loved the character so much that I read the Impulse comics from 1998 and I noticed that his Impulse costume is slightly different in the cartoon, this sorta arrowed line thing instead of a lightning bolt thing. His hair is also much shorter. Is there any reason behind the change?

3. With Wally's death, was his designation in the Zeta computer deleted or disabled in any way? Especially since his hero handle is now being used by Bart.

4. Speaking of Zeta designations, in season 1 Speedy/Red Arrow just ordered the computer to "update" his designation. Is it really that easy to change your designation, or was he just making a point and had to later update it officially?

5. Secret aka Greta Hayes was a main member of the comic version of Young Justice, but in the cartoon, she's just a one-episode wonder. Is there any reason behind the change?

I'm glad you're doing such wonderful work with Young Justice and I'm looking forward to season 3.

Greg responds...

1. Formal? Not much. You know, with the Reach Apocalypse and all.

2. You'd have to ask character designer Phil Bourassa.

3. Designations don't transfer. They can go inactive and be retired.

4. It's that easy to update YOUR OWN designation. Identity is very personal.

5. She wasn't part of our larger plans.

6. Thanks!

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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EndBringer99 writes...

1. How old was Dick when he became Nightwing.
2. How long did Jason Todd act as Robin.

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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luke writes...

have you ever consider a crossover for young justice

Greg responds...

Yes. With Scooby Doo.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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EndBringer99 writes...

Why did T.O. Morrow want to destroy the Justice Society and the Justice League?

Greg responds...

He didn't like the heroes thwarting his schemes.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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EndBringer99 writes...

Were the members of the Injustice League chosen because they look very similar to the Light's white silhouettes?
* Wotan has Ra's al Ghul's hairstyle.
* Ultra-Humanite's head looks like The Brain.
* Count Vertigo has a slender appearance like Lex Luthor.
* Black Adam is as bulky as Vandal Savage.
* Atomic Skull looks armored enough to pass off as Ocean Master.
* Joker is skinny and has an interesting hairstyle, much like Klarion.
* Poison Ivy and Queen Bee are both token females with long hair.

Greg responds...

Nope. Wasn't a consideration for us.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Michael Graves writes...

Huge fan of your work. I've seen both Gargoyles and Young Justice, and I 'm working my way through the SW Rebels Blu-Rays I recently bought. Anyway, I'm aware your book Rain of the Ghosts is based on a pitch to Dreamworks that didn't end up going to series. Have you ever considered trying to pitch it to Netflix or Amazon and see if it can be realized as a series? Hopefully not too invasive of a question. Thank you in advance.

Greg responds...

I've pitched it all over town. No one's bought it, I'm afraid.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Knight1999 writes...

1. How does Martian shapeshifting influence health? What happens if a Martian is shot? Do they just shapeshift back any damaged body parts?

2. How far have Martians traveled throughout the galaxy?

3. Does Mars have nations or a united planetary government?

Greg responds...

1. It can be useful, up to a point.

1a. With what?

1b. If the injury isn't too devastating.

2. As a society? Nowhere.


Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Jacob Kusnerik writes...

Hi Greg,

Just began watch ing Y.J. in preparation for Season 3. So far, it's AWESOME! Though one thing puzzles me a bit. Now,personally, I didn't really have too much of a problem with it, but I was greatly curious; why WAS Superman so uncomfortable around Superboy when he first met him and for so long afterward.

My personal guess is that in addition to being disconcerted with fact that there was a clone of him in the world, he had had such bad experiences with Kryptonian clones in the past-*koff Bizarro koff*- he wasn't used to the idea that there was actually a clone of him that wasn't trying to hurt him or his family and friends. He didn't know how to act around Conner except with suspicion.

Still, there seemed to be something else. Was there something I missed?

Thanks and good luck with Y.J. Season 3,


Greg responds...

I think your assumption is incorrect, but I think you're both overthinking and underthinking the obvious. Superman's DNA was stolen without his permission and used to clone/create a living being. This is a violation. It's damn disturbing.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Nick writes...

My sincerest apologies if this has been asked before, but I couldn’t find an answer on here or on the YJ wiki so I don’t believe it has. I know J’onn J’onnz was transported to Earth in 1955, but what year did he officially debut as the Martian Manhunter?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Did Miss Martian tell her uncle john that she meet Marie Logan the person who play Megan Morse on HELLO MEGAN and if so what did martian manhunter think about it ?

Greg responds...

1. Yes, at some point.

2. I'll leave that to your imagination until or unless we do a story that shows it.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Fangirl writes...

1. Did Roy knew that Artemis and Cheshire are sisters at the end of season 1? If the answer is no then when he find out?
2. Who told him? Was that Artemis or someoneelse?

Greg responds...

1. Yes, basically. If not by the end of the episode, then shortly after.

2. I don't know.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Let's talk Hawkgirl writes...

Hey, Greg I'm really excited about Young Justice: Outsiders. I loved the first two seasons and I'm a big fan of Hawkwoman. I would love for her to get more development in this season. My question is: What made you choose to put Shayera Thal as the Hawkwoman in your series and not the popular Shayera Hol? Have a nice day!

Greg responds...

We decided that Thanagarians don't change their names when they marry. (We try to do little things to differentiate cultures, here and there.) So "Thal" is, in essence, the equivalent Shayera's "maiden name". But the character we've chosen is basically the Shayera who was Hawkman's wife when the Thanagarian versions of both Katar and Shayera were both first introduced way back when.

Hawkwoman did get a bit more screen time in Outsiders. I hope you enjoyed it.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Soul writes...

Is David Bowie exists in Earth-16? The Beatles?

Greg responds...

Of course Bowie and the Beatles existed!

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

Could Queen Bee's power influence a female who was not conscious of her own same-sex attraction? Or, I suppose, fail to effect a male who was not aware of his own same-sex attraction?

Greg responds...

I would think so. It's bio-chemical. Not psychological.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

Marie Logan seemed annoyed by the team's presence. Was it just because of M'Gann's uncanny resemblance to her, or is she generally unfriendly?

Greg responds...

I think she was simply focused on the health of her animal charges.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

Hi Greg. I'm going to ask for a spoiler only because it is a spoiler you have already given us.

Years ago, you said that a villain from the YJ:Legacy would play a role in season 3 - if it ever happened. Is that still the case? (I'm guessing you were referring to Tiamat as she is the only villain specific to Legacy.)

Also, is the general plan you had for season 3 the same as it was when you completed season 2? I guess you'll be able to talk more freely about this after Outsiders has aired.

Greg responds...

1. There were a number of villains that Legacy and Outsiders had in common. I no longer remember who specifically I might have been referring to.

2. The general plan for the entire series (including S3) hasn't changed.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Jennifer Griel writes...

How would you describe the difference between Atlanteans in a taxonomic sense. Are they different species or different races. Is it like the difference between Homo Sapiens and Homo Neanderthals or is is the difference between Caucasians and Africans?

Greg responds...


Regular humans = Homo Sapiens Sapiens
Atlantean humans = Homo Sapiens Mermanus (or maybe Homo Mermanus Sapiens, I'm not sure which is correct)

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

Some Captain Marvel questions:

1) In Alpha Male, Captain Marvel flies all the way from India to Fawcett City in a few hours. Is it safe to assume Cap can fly at least at the speed of sound and possibly beyond?

2) Does Captain Marvel heal faster than a normal human?

3) Would the courage of Achilles protect Cap from fear based attacks from villains such as Phobia (of the Brotherhood of Evil)?

Greg responds...

1. Back in Season One? Maybe.

2. Good question. Maybe. It just hasn't come up.

3. Sounds like it would, doesn't it?

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

Do Superboy and Superman heal faster than a normal human? Is that part of their invulnerability?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Not exactly. It's part of their solar absorption.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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B_Schwaz writes...

1a. Will Superman and Superboy actually die if they are deprived of oxygen for long enough? Or just be left unconscious?

1b. How long does it take without oxygen for them to die/be left unconscious?

2a. You've said that M'gann and J'onn need to breathe oxygen, but they come from Mars where there is little oxygen in the atmosphere. Is this because they have taken mostly human forms on Earth, even internally?

2b. How do M'gann and B'arzz breathe when they are in their true Martian forms?

2c. Do Martians breathe on Mars, and if so, what do they breathe?

Greg responds...

1a. They must breathe to live.

1b. I don't know.

2a. No. There is oxygen underground on Mars. Less than on Earth. But enough to breathe.

2b. Like Martians.

2c. Yes.

2d. Oxygen.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Clay writes...

I'm so happy that Young Justice is coming back! Here a few age-related questions:

1. How old was Jonathan Lord while filming Hello, Megan?

2. Same for Sandra Stanyon?

3. By the time of their first appearance in the show, how many years (if they've been around for longer than a year, anyway) have the Cult of the Kobra existed?

4. Same for Intergang?

5. How old is Abra Kadabra?

Greg responds...

1. Jonathan Lord was 59 but playing much younger.

2. Sandra Stanyon was 57 but playing much younger.

3. Haven't locked that down.

4. Ditto.

5. Abra was 40 in Team Year Zero.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Emily The Disney Fan writes...

Hello again Mr. Weisman!

I know you've made Radio Plays of Cross overs with Gargoyles, Spider-Man, and Young Justice! Which leads me to this Question if you don't mind!

Is There by chance any Other Particular Disney Animated Series, Like The ones from Disney Channel or any other the other Disney Afternoon shows, That you would like to Cross Over with 'Gargoyles'?

Greg responds...

W.I.T.C.H., probably.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

What was last year did Marie Logan have a job as a actor?

Greg responds...

Not sure. HELLO, MEGAN! was her one big thing, and that ended in 1980. But I'd guess she did a few little things after that. I'm pretty sure she was largely out of the business by 1990.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Fangirl writes...

At what age sporstsmaster thought Artemis to archery?

Greg responds...

From a very early age.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

In the episode Terrors, Ojo is about to blow Superboy's cover. But, before he can do it, Miss Martian telepathically compels him to blurt out the name Tommy Terror instead. Question: did Miss Martian merely use her powers to confuse Ojo who was probably already disoriented because of the fight? Or, was M'Gann exerting some kind of mind control? I wasn't aware M'Gann had mind control abilities. Does she?

Greg responds...

She gave him an unexpected shove.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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BattleBeast writes...

Greetings Greg, as a fan you and your shows I have to ask.
If you could combine Spectacular Spider-Man with Young Justice (or just Marvel and DC in general), what do you think Spider-Man's relationship with each member of The Team and Justice League would be like?
For example:
1) Who would be his best friend on the team?
2) Who would be his Love interest?
3) Who would be his Justice League Mentor?
4) Which YJ villain would be his rival?

Greg responds...

Check out our Gargoyles meets the Spectacular Spider-Man meets Young Justice convention Radio Plays on Youtube:


Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Jeffersons starship writes...

Greg...I am a big fan of Young Justice. And I wanted knows:
1-does the heroes with super strenght are able of holding back even when impaired mentally?
I am asking this because during the Mission on Bee Queen’s kingdom, Conner have punched many soldiers without killing or causing severe damage to them, even in a Berserker like rage. Plus even when mentally controlled, heroes like Clark, Bruce and Barry refuses , even if an subconscious level refuse to break their vows of never takes a life.

2-Is Darkseid enought strong to defeat Superboy with flicker of his finger?
I ask this because on recent midia, Darkseid is depicted as powerful enought to manhandle Superman,and took the entire JL(Clark, Barry, Hal, Arthur, Diana, Bruce and J’onn) to defeat the lord of Apokolips.

3- have the JL fought against Darkseid before the beginning of Young Justice?
I am asking this because nor even Dick( during season 1) shows knowledge of Apokolips existence.

4-during the pilot of Young Justice: Grayson shown surprise on the Watchtower existence, despite his hacker prowess.
This implies Batman’s greatest secrets he hides on his own mind and not leaves them on Computer, where someone could potentially hack information.

Greg responds...

1. I'm not exactly clear what you're asking. Are you asking if any of those soldiers died? Or why they didn't?

2. We haven't seen Darkseid in battle at all. So, No Spoilers.

3. No.

4. Not necessarily. You have to know to look for something to find it.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Fangirl writes...

1.When did Jade found out that her sister is dating kid flash? (I'm not asking about a specific date. I'm asking did she found out like a week after that happen or mount or mounts)

2. What we her reaction? Was she happy? Did she wanted to mess whit Artemis about her dating him?

Greg responds...

1. Haven't pinpointed that.

2. She ALWAYS wants to mess with Artemis.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Anonim writes...

Did Wally and Artemis break up at some point (in 5 years gap between season 1 and 2) and then got back together? Or they stayed together the whole 5 years?

Greg responds...

No spoilers. But they were, at minimum, largely together for the bulk of that timeskip, at least.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Fangirl writes...

So I wonder about something and I decided to ask you but you'll probably say "No spoilers" but I'm gonna try anyway:
1. Was Zatanna Robin's first girlfriend and was Robin Zatanna's first boyfriend? Was robin Zatanna's first kiss?

2. Was Superboy Megan's first boyfriend and first kiss? I think its obvious about superboy so I'm gonna skip him.

3. Was Wally Artemis's first boyfriend and first kiss? Was Artemis Wally's first girlfriend and first kiss?

Greg responds...

1a. Yes.
1b. Yes.
1c. Well... no.

2a. Yes.
2b. Yes.

3a. Well... no.
3b. Well... no.
3c. Um... it depends on how you define "girlfriend" and who's doing the defining.
3d. No.

I mean, I don't know about you kids, but I was playing spin-the-bottle in sixth grade, long before I ever had a significant other.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Jason R. Carter writes...

When did Earth-16 Jefferson Pierce begin as Black Lightning?

Greg responds...

Team Year Two.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

I always imagined Wally and Jade liking each other for some reason, and then it hit me: Jade is like a darker, nastier, sultrier version of Artemis. So, my questions are:

1) Do Wally and Jade like each other?

2) Was it your intention to have the two sisters mirror each others personalities to some extent? Or, am I imposing my own interpretation after the fact?

Greg responds...

1. They don't have much of a relationship, honestly, i.e. haven't spent a ton of time together. But I think they had good days and bad.

2. Both.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Dylan writes...

Hi there Greg in regards to Young Justice, since the cancellation in 2013 and the revival now, have major ideas changed since then? Anything that would be considered a spoiler that you've decided against/change it?

Greg responds...

Our basic gameplan never changed.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

Do you remember Superman: TAS?

There was an episode in which Darkseid creates a nuclear fireball and shoots it towards the center of the world to turn Earth into a second apocalypse. Superman stops the fireball by drilling up and down through the ocean floor around the fireball to allow the salt water to quench the fireball. It was an impressive shot with Superman flying up out of the water and then diving back down again, using his own body as a drill - a real money shot.

Two questions. Do you remember the scene I am referring to? And, is YJ Superman powerful enough to perform the same feat?

Greg responds...

1. I didn't see much of STAS after the pilot. That's not commentary; I simply never had the time. So, no, I don't remember that scene as I'm pretty confident I never saw it.

2. So, since I've never seen it, it's hard for me to evaluate. But from the way you describe it, I'd guess the answer is no. But it's just a guess.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Fangirl writes...

1. Do Artemis and Zatanna still have girls night out? Do they go out with Megan and/or the other girls in the team by the time of YJ Invasion?

2. Did they (Artemis and Zatanna) saw Greta ever again?

Greg responds...

1. Yes and yes.

2. No spoilers one way or another.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old were Artemis and Wally when they had sex with each other for the first time?

2. Did Artemis lose her virginity to Wally a d did Wally lose it to Artemis?

Greg responds...

1. Not gonna reveal that here.

2. I have revealed this at a Blue Mug convention, but I don't want to put it in writing here. Rather tell the story some day in some way.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Jared. L Powell writes...

What has it been like to work on so many different show that so many people remember fondly?
What was your favorite show to work on out of all of them?

Greg responds...

1. It's very cool, honestly. Though, if I'm being even more honest, I do wish that I'd been able to make more of fewer series than so many different series.

2. Choosing between my "children" is not something I tend to do. Ultimately, I truly enjoyed working on Gargoyles, WITCH, The Spectacular Spider-Man and Young Justice as a writer-producer. And although it was never "my" show, the writing team on Shimmer & Shine were such great people, that I truly loved working with them on it.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Jillian writes...

Hi Greg! These are a bit of odd questions, but, I figured they might be fun for you to answer:

1. Does the average speedster need a lot more alcohol to get drunk than a normal human would?

2. What college majors are Conner, M'gann, Dick, and/or Karen going for?

3. Even though I doubt you could actually show it on-screen or in the tie-in comic, do things like the Pokémon franchise, the McDonald's restaurant chain, and Marvel Comics exist on Earth-16?

4. Does the United States (or any other given country) have a department dedicated to superhero/supervillain clean-up on Earth-16? Do some insurance plans cover a certain Man of Steel's heat vision accidently frying a chunk of your car, or a stray Green Arrow's arrow littering the facade of a building?

5. Are November 5th and/or 6th mourned (due to the separate adult and children worlds, where you've confirmed lots and lots of people died) on the same level as September 11th, or December 7th?

Hope you liked these! Have an amazing day/night!

Greg responds...

1. I would think so.

2. Karen is studying under Ray Palmer. So that's um... Physics? Megan double-majored in Psychology and Education. Dick majored in... um... International Relations (maybe). Conner, in Engineering, I think. Having said all that, I won't be bound by any of it. Story in execution will always trump questions at Ask Greg

3. Sure.

4a. Probably.

4b. Probably.

5. Probably.

Pretty fun! Thanks!

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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John writes...

You've answered this type of questions about heroes and their public status, so now I'm asking about some villains and their own public status.

1. Were Mister Freeze and Killer Frost public villains by the time of their appearance in "Independence Day"? I figured Captain Cold and Icicle, Jr. were, due to the dialogue throughout those scenes, with Flash and Speedy saying their names in the middle of the confrontation.
2. Before her arrest in Taipei in front of an audience and Cat Grant, was Cheshire a public villain?
3. What about other members of the League of Shadows, like Black Spider, the Hook, and Professor Ojo? (Before there eventual defeat and arrests, that is.)
4. Did villains like Black Manta and Ocean-Master make the news on the surface world, or were they only known in Atlantis?
5. And, last but not least, were any members of the Injustice League not already known by the general public for their villainy before coming out as the Injustice League all across the world?

Thanks in advance for answering, even if they wind up becoming Spoiler Requests (sorry for wasting your time if they do, though!). I'm so excited for Season Three! :)

Greg responds...

1. Public enough, apparently.

2. I wouldn't think so.

3. Most are not publicly known, though the authorities might be aware of them.

4. Largely the latter, I would think.

5. All were publicly known. Having unknowns would defeat the purpose, from the Light's point of view.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

There have been many superhero stories about killing vs. not killing. (My personal favorite is Geoff John's Black Reign in JSA.) On the one side are heroes like Batman who say that taking a life is never justified even if the result would be good. On the other side are heroes like Wonder Woman who say sometimes the consequences of not killing would be so catastrophically bad that taking a life is sometimes necessary. Taking this further, you have anti-heroes like classic Wolverine who feels that anybody who uses lethal force against him should expect the same in return.

You touched upon the question as to whether the ends justifies the means in M'Gann's character arc in Invasion. But CN and other traditional media are usually very very leery about even saying the words "die" or "kill" in a cartoon directed at a young audience. Certainly, you could not have done a story like Black Reign while YJ was on CN. I mean... you COULD have but it probably would have been dumb because you could not have addressed the issue of murder in an open and honest manner.

So, the question is...

Are the standards of the DC streaming service permissive enough for you to address this issue in season 3 or future seasons? Or, would this kind of subject matter still be prohibited?

I hope you don't think I'm fishing for spoilers because I'm not. I just want to find out what kind of themes and subject matter would be acceptable for your new venue.

Greg responds...

We don't seem to have the same kind of limitations on Seasons Three and Four that we had on Seasons One and Two.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Chronos Typhoon writes...

Hey Greg,
Which animation studio(s) will be providing the animation services for Young Justice S3? Will MOI and Lotto provide the services this time around again?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure MOI and Lotto exist in the same way that they did back during Seasons One and Two.

Animation for Season Three was largely split between eMation and DR Movie, with Studio Mir doing a couple episodes.

Season Four is being entirely animated by Studio Mir.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

It seems to me that you have become more forthcoming about answering questions about the team's sex lives. For example, I believe you confirmed that Wally and Artemis were sexually active. It seems to me that you would never have answered such a question while YJ was on Cartoon Network. Is this new openness because of the change in broadcasters? Will the DC streaming service have less stringent guidelines about depicting sex and sexuality? Or, do you not agree with the premise of my question.

Greg responds...

I think by now you've seen that we did have more freedom in Season Three than we had in the past.

And to be clear, I think I was saying that Wally and Artemis were sexually active in college with each other in a committed relationship. Before that... I'm not confirming or denying anything.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Sally writes...

Why did Artemis in 2010 not find out her fellow student Dick was robin when both dick and robin have the same voice ?

Greg responds...

This is just a why doesn't anyone recognize anyone who has a secret identity. To some degree, you just have to suspend your disbelief and buy into the convention of the genre.

Or not.

But I can't help you.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

In the young justice universe is Miss Martian strong enough to lift and carry a six foot tall 20 year old human man with one hand ?

Greg responds...

What does the age of the man have to do with anything?

You're giving me height but not WEIGHT, which seems like the key point.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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A fan writes...

Hi Mr Greg, so glad to have this chance to ask you a question, and then some.

First, forgive me for my bad English, it's not my first language.

I just wanted to ask, from my understanding of coming from an Asian country, we really don't use terms like freshmen, sophomore, etc. And from my viewpoint (for highschool), 9th grade is freshmen, 10th grade is sophomore, 11th is junior. and 12th is senior (please correct me if I'm wrong). So in the first season, if all the members of the team and a few others had gone to normal high school in the U.S., would this list be correct? :
Freshmen : Robin (Dick), Barbara
Sophomore : Zatanna
Junior : Kid Flash, Artemis
Senior : Aqualad, Miss Martian, Superboy, Rocket

Thanks for your reply :) (if u do)

Greg responds...

During Season One:

Dick, Barbara and Zatanna were Freshmen.
Wally, Artemis and Raquel were Sophomores.
Megan and Conner were Juniors.
Kaldur and Roy were out of school.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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KarrinBlue writes...

So, one of the complaints I've seen come up in discussions about Young Justice is that the villains are too well-prepared for any contingency, beyond what anyone could plan for, and it's hard to root for heroes when they can't make any progress against the villains' plans. And then I realized - well, why are we trusting a bunch of career liars and manipulators to actual say when something's caused them trouble? They'd do everything in their power to make it look like they're in control, always one step ahead, but looking at the actual evidence, we get a different story entirely.

Take Bereft - Superboy escapes capture, the League gets a heads-up that someone in Bialya is messing around with zeta-beams, Sphere is lost, and the Light's top telepath is soundly beaten, and yet none of that matters, because the delivery system was successfully tested... But who ever said the delivery system needed to be tested? It's a boom tube, which the New Gods have been using for centuries, tech that's as tried-and-true to them as anything, and there doesn't seem to be any reason to expect boom tubes to not work if they're being sent to Earth. Saying that it doesn't matter if they lost Sphere because the delivery system works is like saying it doesn't matter if someone breaks into your house and steals your new laptop, because you now know that the postal service that delivered it works fine. But no one in the Light would ever say something like that - they've all been spreading around a reputation of being masterminds, with goals and strategies as inevitable as the tides, so saying anything that would hint at doubt would never happen!

Or, let's look at Downtime and Misplaced. To hear the Light talk about it, getting the entire Starro organism is about the same as getting the sample from the lab, in terms of their plans, so Aqualad didn't really hurt their plans all that much. But looking at it long-term - one member of the Team, on his day off, forced the Light to adjust their plans from 'acquire a nearly endless supply of Starro-samples in one night while no Justice Leaguers are able to interfere, then begin combining it with the Fog, then spend the time until Red Arrow's induction fine-tuning the Starro-tech' to 'wait and plan for months, carry out a massive ritual that draws the attention of every superhero in the world, and in the process bring back the only mystic being that can match Klarion and lose 4 of the Light's top mystic muscle to him, all to acquire a tiny fraction of the original biomass.' Even if in the end they still got the Starro-sample, they still had to go to a lot more trouble and pay a higher price for it.

The Light is a threat, yes, but they're not omnipotent or omniscient, much as they'd like to convince their minions, their enemies, and we the audience otherwise. And I really can't wait to see S3, where they finally have to deal with a Team that can plan and scheme as well as they can.

Greg responds...

Well, I never thought they were omnipotent or omniscient. They're all flawed individuals. But they play a good game, don't you think?

Hope you liked Season Three, and hope that you tune in for Season Four, as well.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Cohn writes...

Has miss martian shape shifting into any of characters from the from the show hello megan other megan morse since she been watching it on mars and on earth and if so which characters other than megan morse did m'gann shape shifting into ?

Greg responds...

I'm not making you a list. Let your imagination run free.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Greg:) Is there a high chance of a new Young Justice game? I could see a Young Justice game being released on the Nintendo Switch.

Greg responds...

I'm unaware of any development of such. Or any interest.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Jack Carpenter writes...

After "Performance," did Robin inform Batman that Jack Haly had deduced his ID?

Greg responds...

Haven't thought about it.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Khaltmaagiin writes...

What is the longest living Martian animal and how many years does it live ?

Greg responds...

I dunno.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Sally writes...

Why did the justice league not tell USA government about the group known as THE LIGHT By 2011 ?

Greg responds...

Well, the League works with the U.N., not the U.S., but what makes you think they didn't?

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Fenneth writes...

Why and when did MARIE Logan learn of Miss MARTIAN's white martian form ? What was Marie Logan's opinion of Miss MARTIAN WHITE Martian form ?

Greg responds...

Not confirming or denying the premise of this question.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Lillard writes...

Why did Miss Martian trust Marie Logan and GARFIELD Logan with her real name as M'gann ?

Greg responds...

Given everything that happened the day they met, that was hardly a big secret.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Carlos writes...

How soon after Garfield started to shape shifting into animals did he start to shape shift into the human-monkey form he is in during young justice invasion ?

Greg responds...

Again, I'm not inclined to tell stories here - or circumvent the telling of stories by spoiling things here.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Vilensky writes...

THIS are Sergeant and Lieutenant Marvel questions What year did they leave the team ? Why did they leave the team ? How did the two Marvels get their powers ? How did they join the team ? Why did they join the team ?

Greg responds...

All stories I'd like to tell some day.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

How did the young justice Megan Morse{M'GANN} get money to pay for her shopping ?

Greg responds...

At what stage of the series?

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Takato writes...

What year did Malcolm begin working for the team ? How Malcolm did find out the team ?

Greg responds...

That's a story I'd like to tell some day.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Kyle writes...

Hey, I'm a big fan of your shows and I was wondering how in-depth you get with certain things regarding timelines, especially in Young Justice. So:

1. For fictional cities - Metropolis, Gotham, etc. - do you have a general outline of the city's history planned out? Or would you only come up/research that kind of stuff if the story needed it? Do you use the same way of thinking when dealing with fictional countries, like Bialya or Qurac?

2. How do you come up with the ages of certain characters? For example, was there a specific reason you and the others working on the show decided to have Dick be 13 in Season One, while Miss Martian and Superboy (who, in the comics, are usually younger, around Tim's age) are 16? (Not that I'm complaining! I really like the change up, and it definitely works for the show, I'm just curious about what made you want Dick to be the youngest on the Team at that point.) Did it just feel right? Or did you base it off Bruce's age? Or vice-versa? (Sorry if this is confusing you. Basically, which elements dictate what the age of a character should be?)

3. For characters like Wonder Woman, Ra's al Ghul, Vandal Savage, Klarion, etc., I know you keep relative track of how long they've been alive, but do you also keep track of what age they are biologically? Rather than chronologically?

4. Are there any real-life incidents that didn't happen on Earth-16? I know you said that 9/11, the World Wars, etc. have happened, but was there any big time incident that didn't? For example: the Titanic, or the Columbine Shooting, or the 2011 Japan earthquake.

5. Not really a question, just me thanking you for you and the Young Justice crew for all your hard work! And thank you personally for keeping up with and adding more of your guys' amazing ideas to your timeline, because, honestly, in my opinion, timelines - especially deciphering them with every little bit of info - is really fun for me.

Greg responds...

1a. No.

1b. Exactly.

1c. Yep.

The only exception is Star City, where I have a little more background info, because I developed my thinking on Star City based on a number of proposals for never-made comic book series that I pitched to DC in the mid 1980s, including the almost-made BLACK CANARY mini-series, a STAR CITY proposal, and a proposal for a new SUPERGIRL character unrelated to Kara Zor-El (during a period when John Byrne didn't want a Kryptonian Supergirl but DC wanted to maintain the trademark name - before Byrne solved the problem himself by creating the Matrix-Supergirl).

2. It mostly just felt right for the show we were developing. A young Dick with the most experience was an important element to the character and the character dynamics of our first season. Generally, I try to make each new character as young as I think I can get away with, given the needs of character and story. This is because we know that, unlike a typical comic book, we're going to let every character move/age through time, so the younger they are when they start, the younger they get to stay (relatively) as our seasons progress.

3. Yes.

4. As far as I know, everything real world also happened on Earth-16. EXCEPT for the 2019-2020-2021 COVID pandemic. Because it began too late for us to incorporate it into Season Four, in my head, the COVID-19 pandemic started exactly one year later on Earth-16 than it did here on Earth-Prime.

5. Thanks for your kind words. We do try our best!

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Fuhram writes...

IN 2010 when M'gann came to earth did she plan to live the rest of her life on earth ?

Greg responds...

To the extent she was planning anything, yes.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Stirewalt writes...

What Megan Morse do for fun during summer vacation
in 2011 ?

Greg responds...

Fun stuff.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Brad writes...

When M'gann begin attending Happy Harbor School as Megan Morse what did the information on her say where she was born at and when she was born and were did the information say were she lived at and who was her legal guardian in the school records ?

Greg responds...

It said everything it needed to say to convince school officials that she was just a normal teenage girl.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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ScavengerOne writes...

Hello Greg,
Regarding Young Justice:
1-Who gets to name the episodes? You, Brandon or the script writer?
2-Is it a team effort?
3-What's the general process? And what exceptions have been made?

Greg responds...

1. It's a mix of the three of us.

2. Yes.

3. It's changed over the years. It used to be more me pushing for one-word titles unless someone had a really good idea that superseded that. During Season Three, because we knew what letter had to start each title, and because we had arcs within the series that each - in theory - had their own title scheme, it was more about the three of us, i.e. myself, Brandon and the writer of the individual script, coming up with the best title of any length that (a) had resonance for the episode, (b) began with the correct letter of the alphabet, and (c) fit the title scheme for the individual three or four episode arc that the episode was part of.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Atti290 writes...

Regarding martians, i see in this unniverse martians are alive and well... i'm curious what are their numbers, thousands? millions? billions?

Greg responds...

Uh... I'm not really sure. I'd guess... Millions?

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Jaden writes...

I know Paula kicked Sportsmaster out of the house, but are they divorced? If not, how come?

Greg responds...

I'd say by now they are.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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ScavengerOne writes...

Hello Greg, I love the show more than any other TV show in the last 30 years! I wanted to ask since we have an uncertainty in the DC wiki discussion boards about Black Manta's nationality. Some users claim that Black Manta is American and all of his crew members as well. We know that it was established in New Earth continuity that he was from Baltimore and his name was David. What is the case for Earth-16?

Greg responds...

He's American. But I'm not confirming or denying his exact place of birth or name at this time.

His crew is exclusively Black, but not necessarily exclusively American.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Owen writes...

Did Noor Harjavti know who Marie Logan was ?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

In young justice does Artemis own and where a baseball cap like her big sister jade does?

Greg responds...

Sometimes, I suppose. It's not a regular style choice for her.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hello again, and good day.

1.) That was indeed during the New 52, though it was late into that era, in 2015, when Duke and the "We Are Robin" crew came into the picture in prominence. Of note, Duke 'was' a Robin, albeit somewhat unorthodoxically so (though as generally proud of being as any of the '4' Robins) and for a relatively brief period during that time frame about a year before Rebirth.

2.) If you find time in your busy schedule, even if just for research (though I would hope for pleasure), I do recommend the "Endgame", "We Are Robin", "Robin War", and "Superheavy" series of books that features the character, among others things and events. Good reads all around.

As always, thank you for your time!

Greg responds...

1. I'm sure you're referring to some previous exchange, but it's been so long - my bad - I don't recall what we were talking about. Basically, I know (and generally like) Duke as The Signal, post ReBirth.

2. I'm way behind on all my DC Comics reading, just trying to keep up.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Catherine writes...

Well, this is more of a thank you for Young Justice, I am SUPER stoked it's coming back, it is a really amazing program and helped me through some tough times when I was a teen, and I remember thinking, "things might be bad, but at least I don't have to save the world as well". And now, I'm enlisting into the US Army as a combat engineer and am thrilled to be starting a new chapter in my life. The excitement of Young Justice will definitely motivate me through Basic. And thanks again for this show.

Greg responds...

Wow. Thank YOU for your service! Glad we could be part of your life!

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Dakota writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman. I just wanna say that I loved spectacular spiderman, gargoyles (as a very young kid) and young justice. Spectacular and young justice have become my favorite cartoons of all time! You sir are awesome and so are your shows

Greg responds...

Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm thrilled you like our stuff!

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Tyson writes...

Why did Batman have that unhappy look on his face when he learn from Martian Manhunter that Miss Martian was born 48 earth years old in Young Justice episode Agendas ?

Greg responds...

I don't think he was unhappy about Miss Martian's age, if that's what you mean. He knew that already.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

I was surprised that this wasn't asked already, but maybe I missed it going through the archives. Was Batman seriously completely unaware that aqualad was a double agent, given that he taught nightwing how to strategize, and was the world's greatest detective? And if he did know, did he support the idea, or help come up with it in any way? Also, did he know black manta was aqualads father bbefore aquaman told him?

Greg responds...

1. He didn't know. And being the World's Greatest Detective doesn't make one omniscient. How boring would he be if he were?

2. Maybe. Haven't thought about it.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Did zatanna go to school at happy harbor high after her dad became doctor fate, or did batman send her to gotham academy

Greg responds...

Neither, initially. She finished her semester at the Catholic school in New York that she had been attending. It was just a zeta-tube ride away.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Arakawa writes...

Why did Megan Morse who is in realty Miss Martian choose to study for a college degree since she can live for at least a another two hundred more years ?

Greg responds...

She values education. What does her lifespan have to do with that?

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Dearka writes...

How did THE villain Queen Bee know the team was at the Logan family home in episode image after Miss Martian use Queen Bee's form in episode Image ?

Greg responds...

Intel from her army.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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King_Joey_3rd writes...

Dear Mr. Wiesman,

You once responded to a question with: Relative to a normal human, yes. Less than a Kryptonian or an Atlantean or an Amazon, but more than a typical human. Of course, it also depends on what form him or her is in and thus the current level of his or her density."

This was a question about Martian super strength.

1. You already stated that atlanteans have super strength ranging from "undetected" to Aquaman level strength (I'm assuming the word undetectable is what was intended for that statement). So my question is can the same be said for the Amazons or is Wonder Woman the only Amazon with super strength do to her unique origin?

I'm only asking because it varies from story to story and the way you said it suggests that all Amazons have some degree of super strength. However it also seemingly suggest that all Atlanteans have some degree of super strength too and Atlanteans with "undetected" (I'm assuming the word undetectable was intended) are basically at surface dwelling human level.

Greg responds...

I think all Amazons are probably a bit stronger than the typical human, but mostly due to training and maybe a bit from the Purple Ray. They're not all as strong as Diana or Troia or Cassie.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Is Queen Miras's magic on the level of wotan? or Zatanna? Or pre Docotor Fate Zatara? Or is she weaker than all three

Greg responds...

I'm not big on ranking. But she's incredibly powerful.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Bykowicz writes...

What was M'gann's age when she first started watching earth tv shows on mars sent to mars by martian manhunter ?

Greg responds...

Pretty young. I first started in utero.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Don Wolff writes...

Did Garfield Logan attend a church after his mom died before he lived at the cave since he is a Christian ?

Greg responds...

I don't think so. He seems pretty secular to me.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Diahann writes...

How tall can Miss Martian make herself using her shapeshifting power?

Greg responds...

Very. Changing her volume is fairly easy. She cannot change her mass.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Inouye writes...

What was Marie Logan's height in episode Image ?

Greg responds...

I don't know. I don't know anyone's height. I just have a notion of how tall they are relative to each other.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

In the Haly's circus YJ episode, was parasite working independently? Would his stolen heat vision and flight go away when superboy used up the shield he had been wearing? And did robin get in trouble for the mission, or did batman not find out.

Greg responds...

1. As he stated, he was working with Intergang.

2. All of Parasite's stolen powers fade away eventually.

3. Batman found out. You can judge how much trouble Robin got in by measuring Batman's reactions to the rest of the Team's missions.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Georgann writes...

After episode IMAGE did M'gann tell her uncle about meting Garfield and his mother witch was the woman miss martian base her human form on ?

Greg responds...

Eventually. But he also had more awareness of her situation prior to that.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Stewart writes...

What is the lifespan of members of Halkman and halkwoman race ?

Greg responds...

Right now, I'm assuming that the Thanagarian lifespan is more or less the same as a human's.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

In the comics Miss Martian gave her story as to how she got to earth, part of which we know was a lie. Later speedy said that she stowed away on manhunters ship. Is speedy completely right, or is what actually happened something between the two stories? And if speedy is right, how did he find out/know?

Greg responds...

Red Arrow was basically right. And he got the truth from Manhunter.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Hayden writes...

Will the complete young justice timeline be revel if all future seasons of the young justice you Mister Greg plan for the show to have are produce ?

Greg responds...

Never. Cuz we'll never run out of ideas for future seasons, and the timeline is constantly growing. Right now it's 694 pages on my desktop computer and 609 pages on my laptop. (I have no explanation for the discrepancy. It's the exact same document. My desktop is much older than my laptop.)

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Is David Hyde the real name of Black Manta in the Young Justice cartoon...?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Olson writes...

When did M'gann started to view or treat Garfield as a brother ?

Greg responds...

Pretty rapidly after Image.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Popstickal writes...

Hi Greg! I'm a HUGE fan of YJ (Congrats on Season Three, sorry if we bothered you too much about it!). I have two questions, but I'm only really expecting one answer.

1- Does Wally West have ADHD? He has a few signs of it (obvious hyperactivity, hyperfocusing on science, often acting immature, sometimes not understanding things, being very impulsive, etc) and I see at lot of myself in him as a person with ADHD.

Greg responds...

1. I'm not qualified to make that diagnosis. But I'm not against the notion.

2. What was the second question?

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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