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seth writes...

hey greg. I loved today's episode. Infact watching YJ has made me grew to love DCU and I'm buying like 20+ books from DCnU right now. Anyways, will Zatanna be a series regular? I really hope so.

Greg responds...

Tune in and see...

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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Alyssa writes...

hello! i just finished watching the last episode of YJ titled 'Humanity' and it was great, btw :) but i was wondering when some more episode summaries where going to be released? if at all? thanks!

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what you mean by "episode summaries".

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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Morgan writes...

How old is Zatanna? I thought she was around Dick's age, but I'm not too sure.

Greg responds...

Guys, PLEASE, check the unanswered questions ahead of you in the queue BEFORE posting. You're just bogging down ASK GREG, which causes me to take longer to get to NEW questions!

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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Lauren writes...

Hey Mr. Weisman. Loving the show! Just one question- how old is Zatanna? Really liked the episode Humanity and I hope she shows up again!

Greg responds...

ASKED AND ANSWERED at least twice.

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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Alexia writes...

I noticed that Zatanna's designation to enter the cave is A03.

1) Is the letter "A" a designation given to visitors to the cave?
2) Who were A01 and A02? Red Torpedo and Red Inferno?

Greg responds...

1. Authorized Guests.

2. No!

You've actually met A01. A02 will appear in Season Two, though in a way you've already met A02 also. (Wow, look! I gave a Spoiler hint! That's so unlike me. Well... don't get used to it!)

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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ZatannaGeek writes...

"Humanity" was amazing! Loved Zatanna's depiction!
1. Is Zatanna's hair black or a dark brown?
2. In comics, I've seen Zatanna with both brown eyes and blue eyes. Was there a specific reason behind choosing blue eyes for the Young Justice universe?

Greg responds...

1. Black, basically.

2. I don't know. It's a question for Brandon Vietti and James Peters (our color stylist), who make the decisions on eye color. I'll admit, I've only started paying attention to eye color since all these questions about it started appearing here at ASK GREG. I just never focused on it before.

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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Cassidy01 writes...

From the episode 'Revelation':

"Robin, she's made contact." - Miss Martian.
"Artemis?" - Robin.
"No." - ?

This may be an extraordinarily stupid question but who said "No."?

Greg responds...

Miss Martian.

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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Algernon writes...

Hey Greg,

First off, let me say how much I've been enjoying "Young Justice". "Revelation" is probably my favourite episode yet (though I usually say the same thing about pretty much every episode when it comes out).

Anyway, you've often said that while working on "The Spectacular Spider-Man" you used the original Lee/Ditko/Romita run as your "primary source" while still borrowing ideas and concepts from other corners of the Spideyverse like the Ultimate series.

I was just wondering, where there any DC comics series or runs that served a similiar role for "Young Justice"? I know YJ draws from all over the DC Universe but what particular series or creative teams do you think had the most influence on how you approached the series?

Greg responds...

It's a much wider palette then Spidey was, but I'd say the first two or three years or so of Young Justice and the first two or three years of the original Teen Titans run was the stuff that I focused on research-wise.

But I also drew from all sorts of other sources, since we were tackling the depth and breadth of the DC Universe. So we looked at Justice Leagues of various eras, and Titans of various eras... plus other influences (including old Hanna Barbera stuff) that are just part of all of our geeky backgrounds.

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Why did ya'll choose artemis to be part of the team?

Greg responds...

If that's not manifest from the episodes themselves (both those that have aired and those yet to come), then we've failed and no answer I could give would add any further clarity. I mean either it's already on the screen or it's a SPOILER. Either way, I'll let the work explain itself.

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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Kyle writes...

First off, I'm a fan of Gargoyles, and now a fan of Young Justice.

Now the questions:
1. How do Green Arrow, Red Arrow, and Artemis keep their quivers from spilling? When they fight, they have to move around a lot, usually in acrobatic forms to keep themselves from being hit by whatever is attacking them, but in doing so, they would cause the arrows in their quivers to spill out. Do they have some sort of adhesive or lock to prevent spillage or is it something else that I am missing?

Greg responds...

Yes. ;)

Response recorded on January 25, 2012

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Jarrod writes...

Hey Greg! I think you are doing an amazing job with YJ! You and the entire TEAM!

I just finished revelations, And I LOVED that Wotan Used "Fulminos Venite" (SP?) against Dr. Fate! I greatly enjoyed the Gargoyles Reference :-P

I noticed, as well, that Blue devil was in this episode, and I always enjoyed his character. I was wondering if in this iteration he is the man in the bio-mechanical suit, or the post-Neron deal resurrected actual Demon?

Also I love Superboy's pets. The Sphere and Wolf. Were either of these characters inspired by actual DC figures? Or are the show-specific originals?

And I have to applaud the AMAZING Brent Spiner as The Joker! I really enjoy this take as, what seems to me, a more broody, pathological insanity versus a wacky nuttiness from previous incarnations. And Mr. Spiner is always a great talent to add to ANY project!

Thanks and please keep up such great work and amazing shows!

Greg responds...





Response recorded on January 20, 2012

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Brick writes...

Hi Mr. Weisman!
I'd just like to extend my sincere thanks that you've taken so much time out of you busy schedule (I can only imagine what your day's like) to try and answer some questions from devoted fans. It means a lot to us.
Personally, I adore this show. For one that's only just started and only has a few episodes out, it's taken the cartoon-watching community by storm. Trust me, YJ has gotten popular at an ungodly speed. But that's a good thing.
I don't want to ask too many questions. I'd rather just watch and see the answers unfold in the show and the comics. But I just have one (and don't worry, I scoured the archives, so I hope this hasn't been asked) question:
A while back, there were rumors of an episode 11 titled "Nightwatch" about Robin and Batgirl in Gotham. You don't have to say whether Batgirl's ever going to cameo (I know, I know, "NO COMMENT") but could you tell me what happened to the episode? Has it been scrapped, or has it been reassigned to a different season.
I checked all the episode names for this season and I couldn't find it, so I assumed that you had trashed "Nightwatch". Or maybe it wasn't ever really an episode in the first place?
Thanks again,

Greg responds...

We didn't trash anything. There was never an episode of Young Justice called "Nightwatch". My guess is your rumor was just that. A rumor. And since it was completely false, it was really more of a LIE that someone posted and other folks passed around.

Response recorded on January 20, 2012

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Gabriela writes...

This isn't so much a question as it is utmost praise and appreciation. I love your work on Young Justice everything is beautifully done. My favorite character is Kid Flash and I'm so happy with the way that you portray him on your show.
I'm happy to say that I enjoy all of the characters, and even their little quirks, such as Robin play with the English language, and M'gann's "Hello Meagan!". Personally I don't see why it bothers everyone so much.

So I would just like to say thank you for making such a wonderful show.

Greg responds...

You're welcome. I'm glad you're enjoying it!

Response recorded on January 20, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Howdy Greg,
Just to start off I am absolutly in love with Young Justice. Amazing work. You've said in a couple of your answers that Red Arrow has more money than Green Arrow and I was wondering how that happened. I always thought their relationship was like Robin & Batman's. Sorry if this is common DC knowledge, YJ is pretty much my first expierience with superheros.
Thanks :)

Greg responds...

When Oliver Queen had money, he set up a trust for Roy Harper, who also had a small inheritance of his own. Then Ollie lost all his money. But that didn't effect Roy's trust, which he came into possession of when he turned eighteen.

Response recorded on January 20, 2012

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Eagle-Owl writes...

Hey, just a few questions about YJ's Vandal Savage:

1) How did you guys decide on Vandal Savage being the leader of The Light? I almost expected Lex Luthor to be the leader until I saw Targets.

2) How did you guys decide on Miguel Ferrer's voice being used for Vandal Savage? He is a great voice actor, he's obviously doing his job here well, and I've seen a couple of his roles (Shan Yu, Silvermane) and thought they were impressive, but I couldn't have seen him voicing Vandal Savage until after I saw Revelations.

3) Nice scars on Vandal Savage's face. Is that a deliberate reference to the Hunters from Gargoyles? Or is there something else behind them that would compel you to give me the dreaded "NO COMMENT"?

Greg responds...

1. Vandal is first among equals. The Light was his idea. And he's the oldest.

2. I think Jamie, Brandon and I all just thought that Miguel is tough to beat for this kind of thing. I vaguely feel like I was the one who suggested him for the role in the first place, but that may just be me taking credit for a great idea.

3. Phil Bourassa came up with the scars in his orignial design for the character, declaring they were the result of a fight with a cave bear. They have nothing to do with GARGOYLES.

Response recorded on January 20, 2012

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Demi writes...

Not a question but i wanna say how awesome you are!! I think your a genius and you kinda made me the person i am today;) I love almost all of the shows you've worked on and Young Justice is my favorite. I have truly never seen a show like this. The way the characters act is amazing and you really showed the image of teenagers in an excellent way and the action is also amazing. Please keep up the amazing work(everyone working on the show)On Young Justice. And thank you for bringing us these amazing shows

Greg responds...

You're very welcome. Thank you for the kind words.

Response recorded on January 20, 2012

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Caroline writes...

I know that in the comics, former Female Fury Knockout used to mess with Superboy and call him 'pup'. Any chance of seeing her (and scandal hopefully)? I understand that Roy is super young now but will Lian ever make an appearance?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 20, 2012

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junior writes...

Hi would like to know how old this drawing of Wonder Woman? you said it was 90 in a 90 question was really true?

Greg responds...

I'm sorry. I'm not really sure I'm understanding your question. Wonder Woman is 85 years old in our series. Did I write 90? If so that was either an error or I've revised things since I posted that. If not, I'm just not clear on what you're asking...

Response recorded on January 20, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1. Who knows barry secret id?

2. Who knows hal secret id?

3. Who knows Clark kent secret id?

4. Have any of the main 7 leagures worked together before joining the league?

5. Are the gotham cops corrupt?

6. Were superman, batman, and the other super heroes when they first appeared on the scene considered outlaws?

7. After the 50's did jay garrick ever fought any supervillians?

8. How old is the atomic skull and what's his oroigin story?

9. Besides the league who knows about the team?

10. Are hal and barry friends?

11. What are the leagures religions?

Greg responds...

I haven't given most of this any thought. These answers are off the top of my head, and I won't be held to them, if I change my mind.

1. Iris, Jay, Joan, Wally, Rudy, Mary, most of the League.

2. Barry, Bruce, Clark, Diana, J'onn, Orin, Ollie, Diana. John. Maybe Thom.

3. Bruce, Diana, J'onn, Barry, Hal, Orin.

4. Superman and Batman, once. Flash and Green Lantern once.

5. All of them? No.

6. Some were, some were not.

7. Yes.

8. I'm not getting into his origin at this time, but he's 28 years old.

9. Alfred, Mera, Orm, Rudy, Mary, Iris, Dubbilex, Guardian, Paula, plus the Light and various affiliates thereof.

10. Yep.

11. I'd have to do some research and heavy thinking on this question. Mostly, I just don't know. But most are Christians by heritage if not in practice. The obvious exceptions are Aquaman & Wonder Woman, who are pagans and Martian Manhunter, who worships the gods of M'arzz. Red Tornado is studying multiple religions. I also know from writing the comic book that Captain Atom was raised Catholic, even if he doesn't practice it much. Zatara's probably Catholic too. Hawkman & Hawkwoman worship whatever religion people worship on Thanagar. I think that covers it.

Response recorded on January 20, 2012

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The Batfan writes...

Sorry, sorry, a correction to question number 6. I was asking about the point in "Revelation" where Atomic Skull blasts Kid Flash, not the Flash. Thanks!

Greg responds...

Oh. Uh. I'd need to look at it again, I guess.

Response recorded on January 19, 2012

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The Batfan writes...

Hi! It's me again, and wow, we've had some great episodes since "Terrors." "Home Front" and "Alpha-Male" really served to underline one thing I think is really great about this show: the bad guys aren't go to show the heroes mercy, just because they're teenagers. If these people can stomach killing civilians, they will definitely use lethal force to get rid of a few meddling kids.
...and then there was "Revelation," which blew my already high expectations for this show right out of the water.
It's not just that I think this show is nine kinds of amazing; the thought that keeps crossing my mind is, "This is the definitive animated version of the DC universe." This coming from someone who loved Batman: the Animated Series, and watched Teen Titans, The Batman, and the vast majority of DCAU material. Maybe it's because I'm not as young anymore, and I need a more mature, more plausible, more "complete" world; but while that's certainly a weighty factor in why I like Earth-16, I really think the level of writing and design seen on this show just hasn't been surpassed by any animated DC material that I've seen yet.

Anyway, sorry about that rant of praise. I'm sure you get a lot of it. I do have a few questions:

1. I looked through the archives, and there have been a lot of questions about Robin's - or, more specifically, Dick Grayson's age and grade level. I get that he's thirteen, and a freshman; he's definitely smart enough to have skipped a grade somewhere down the line. My question is this: if he is a freshman, and therefore new to Gotham Academy, why does its gym have his math prizes before he starts going there?

2. Belle Reve seems to hold many criminals who do not actually have any super-powers. Why are they held there, and what do their collars actually do, besides shock them? (I'm thinking more particularly of Riddler - though I know there's a question about him pending - Abracadabra, Ojo, and, with the exclusion of Killer Frost and Icicle Jr., the ice villains).

3. How do the power inhibitor collars have any effect on Mammoth and Blockbuster? Not only is their strength in their muscles (and therefore not a "supernatural" effect that can be canceled unless the collars generate some kind of gravity field - and then they wouldn't be able to move), but the Brain's collars don't seem to do anything to his enhanced animals.

4. How old is Wotan, and *what* is he?

5. How old is Black Adam, and why are his ears pointed?

6. When Atomic Skull blasts the flash, why does he not sustain severe radiation burns?

7. I really, really liked the way you re-introduced the Helmet of Fate. The entrance on that amazing low drone singing. The ethereal, solemn sense of power that created really served to demonstrate that Fate isn't just some hero - he's the physical manifestation of a cosmic entity. Anyway, my question: did you get a singer to vocalize that, or was it done digitally somehow?

8. Speaking of - I'm curious about the music in animated TV shows. Do you record real musicians playing the tracks (orchestras, rock bands, etc.), or is it all done digitally? And if it is all digital nowadays, might you know when the switch was made?

Thank you so much. Looking forward to more great episodes!

Greg responds...

I'll always take rants of praise. Never get enough. Yes, I'm just that shallow.

1. ASKED AND ANSWERED. (It's a six year school. 7th-12th grades.)

2. Riddler's collar does nothing but potentially shock him and keep him in line. But any "super-villain" who could easily escape a standard prison can be housed at Belle Reve, whether they have innate super-powers or not.

3. Brain's collars weren't designed to inhibit, just to maintain discipline (which is another function), so that's an apples and oranges argument. As for Mammoth and Blockbuster, the collars inhibit their muscles. Not 100%, but clearly enough.

4. Old.

5. I've never understood why his ears are pointed. But they are. Black Adam is also old.

6. When did he blast the Flash?

7. I'm pretty sure it's digital.

8. Well, every series is different. Most - but not all - of the YJ music is synth. But of course, "real musicians" did record the synth . But for example, on Spectacular Spider-Man, guitar was such an important element of our score, that although most of the music was synth, the guitar work was always the genuine article.

Response recorded on January 19, 2012

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Steve writes...

I love the show. It's a fanboy's dream. Is the guy who saved the 'copter in "Revelations" Icon. Will we see Deathstroke? Also, more Capeain Marvel please.

Greg responds...

Icon - Yes.

Deathstroke - NO COMMENT.

Captain Marvel - More coming.

Response recorded on January 19, 2012

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the Light writes...

hi i love love love this show and have been wondering who is in The Light? there are rumors that its Vandal Savage, Ra's al Ghul, Lex Luthor, Queen Bee, Ocean Master, The Brain, and Klarion. is this true?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 19, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

In Young Justice, is there an approximated height for each member of the team?

Greg responds...

Of course.

Response recorded on January 18, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Just 1 YJ question. While trying to break out of prison, how did Mr. Freeze use his powers if the collar was supposed to nullify them?

Greg responds...

The collar only nullifies innate powers. Not powers granted by added technology. Mr. Freeze's powers are not innate. (Only his weaknesses are.) The smuggled technology allowed him to freeze stuff.

Response recorded on January 18, 2012

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