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ClarkeC writes...

Hey Mr.Weisman, managed to check out Starbrand and Nightmask and it was pretty good to no one's surprise. Also congrats on a season 3 of Young Justice. I just have two questions regarding that show.
1. You mentioned that there was both a timeline(that only you and Brandon are privy to) and a series bible(with details like Vandal Savage being Attila
the Hun supposedly). In the context of Young Justice, is their a difference or are they more or less the same.
2. You mentioned on this site that you used post cards and a giant billboards with different cards with different colors to establish certain dialogue or plot points. Do you also use them for events off screen such during the time skip or prior to the series?
Thanks in advance for time.

Greg responds...

1. They are two different documents. I'm constantly updating the timeline. The bible, I haven't looked at in five years.

2. Index cards, not post cards. And, yes, sometimes.

Response recorded on February 28, 2017

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Megan writes...

Would it be fair to describe Wally's relationship with Artemis on Young Justice as being an unhealthy one for him? Because as much as I loved Artemis as a character, I failed to see what Wally got out of their relationship that could have been considered beneficial for him over the course of the series. It appeared the entire basis of their relationship as it was portrayed on the show was Wally doing all the work and making all the concessions because only Artemis' wants and needs really mattered within it.

Wally was shown to take the initiative to tell her she was beautiful, tell her she was brilliant, tell her she had nothing to prove, take her hand in support, stand up for her, and show complete trust & faith in her at various points in the episodes "Bereft" & "Insecurity" during the first season to combat her insecurities and their rough beginnings while Artemis was only really shown to think he was a joke and treated him as such unless he was propping her up. Even when the show was having Kent Nelson nudge Wally in her direction in "Denial" she was only shown to think and expect the worst of him in the episode.

So where Wally was shown to like and accept Artemis for who she was by the end of the season, I thought Artemis was just going to reinforce whatever doubts and insecurities he had about himself based on her never being shown to like anything about him on a personal level and their interactions. I just didn't see how her constantly belittling, criticizing, and expecting the worst of him like she was shown to do was a solid foundation for a healthy relationship given his own apparent insecurities. The only thing Artemis was shown to accept was that he thought she was great.

The second season appeared to follow a similar strategy. Wally was once again doing the heavy lifting and making sacrifices for Artemis because she was important to him while she was off "having fun" doing the hero thing like she wanted to do. It wasn't until she began feeling sorry for herself after things had taken a turn for the worse on the mission that she started to doubt her choice if what she said was to be believed. It would have been one thing if she was shown to care about what she was putting Wally through or about what he wanted, but it appeared she only cared about what was best for her in the grand scheme of things.

That was why I thought Wally came across as being more of a tool Artemis could use or toss away depending on what was convenient for her at the time than he did as her partner since there never appeared to be anything equal about their relationship on the show. Wally ended up being an ineffective plot device since Artemis was never really shown to have any real attachment to him or their relationship beyond what he/it could do for her. I know you have said Artemis supposedly loved him, but her actions and the choices she was shown to make over the course of the series made it feel like the show forced her into a relationship her character wanted absolutely nothing to be with. I couldn't help but think Wally deserved better than that.

Greg responds...

Well, I mean I obviously disagree strenuously with nearly everything you've written above. I'm not even sure how to respond to this.

But here are a few examples to refute your arguments:
*Artemis clearly knew she liked Wally long before he realized he liked her.
*She shows her love and care for him the night he comes back from trying to talk to the clone Roy Harper.
*She feels horribly guilty for leaving Wally and risking what they had.

She's not perfect. Neither is he. But they seemed like a great couple to me. And I certainly don't see him as a "plot device" for her. He's a character in his own right. So is she. At least that's my opinion. And it seems to be the opinion of the majority of the fans, who worship at the Spitfire altar. And while that proves nothing, it does suggest that we were more successful demonstrating my take on things than you indicate.

But your mileage may vary. I can't make you change your mind if you're not feeling it. But you're hardly going to make me change my mind either.

It might have helped if we hadn't cut the dialogue in "Endgame" where he says he wants to come out of retirement and go back to the hero life. Have it all with her. We cut it because we thought it telegraphed his death too much. But maybe that was a mistake. It might have changed things a touch for you. Or not. Probably not. But <shrug>, that's all I can think of that we might have done differently. I'm pretty happy with what got on screen.

Response recorded on February 27, 2017

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Thomas writes...

Because the Y.J universe is so interesting

1: Why did Dan Garrett never join the JSA?

2: Just to confirm, the Joker fights Batman primarily right? As this universe is unique, he might be Green Arrow's problem.

3: How many superheroes are based in areas outside of the United States?

4: Did Lex and Clark know each other prior to Clark taking up the cape?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. He might be. (He's not, but he might be.) No spoilers.

3. No spoilers.

4. No spoilers.

Response recorded on February 22, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

First off I would like to say how much I enjoy the tv show Young Justice. I love DC Universe in general and the tv show Young Justice is one of my favorites out of all of them. I was very excited to hear the announcement for the third season. I can't wait to see what your team will come up with! Don't worry I wont ask for spoilers. I read the other comments. I know how you feel about them. But I do have a question. The show doesn't give much on the life of Batman and Robin but there are hints that Bruce is more of a father to Dick at least in his own way. This isn't the case in a lot of other tv shows. In most versions Robin ends up growing apart from Batman. Granted, we don't know what happened in the 5 year skip and I wont ask. But Batman does treat Nightwing as more of a partner. Is there a specific reason for this? Or and I'm going to go on a limb here and may or may not answer my own question, is it because you wanted to focus on the team?

Greg responds...

Well, of course we want to focus on the Team. But we also interpreted the Batman/Robin/Nightwing relationship as a solid one. In my opinion, Dick doesn't have to be estranged from Batman to grow up.

Response recorded on February 21, 2017

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Kolty writes...

So in Young Justice, you cast Bruce Greenwood as Batman, but not John DiMaggio as the Joker. Any reason on ditching that match-up? I find it amusing.

Greg responds...

I don't know why it's amusing. We weren't/aren't in continuity with the Red Hood movie. But we felt Bruce was right for our Batman, and that John's interpretation of Joker wasn't right for our version of the character. Love John's work, however, as any fan of The Spectacular Spider-Man must know.

Response recorded on February 21, 2017

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ShadowKiller2000 writes...

Hi Greg,
I recently finished watching Young Justice and loved it and I have some questions.
1) What was your favorite episode?
2)When did you start reading DC comics? Did you grow up reading them or is it just something you read before the production of the show?

Greg responds...

1. I kinda love them all. But if I had to pick just one, it would probably be "Misplaced."

2. I grew up reading DC and Marvel comics since I was a little kid.

Response recorded on February 21, 2017

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Kevin writes...

1. Did Vandal Savage have multiple children over the years to improve the human race? I am aware he had named children in the comics and I am not asking if they will appear just in general did he decide to improve the human race with his bloodline over the years?
2. Does Vandal Savage have the potential to know every single language since he was born before civilization
3. His incarnation in Young Justice is much more cerebral and more restrained then his previous portrayals what made you decide to go in this direction with the character? In my opinion it should be the standard how you portray lead antagonists.

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. Potentially, all Earth languages, yes.

3. It felt right and true to the character.

Response recorded on February 16, 2017

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Kevin writes...

1. When Klarion called Zatanna spells' baby magic was he referring to her way of using magic speaking backwards or spoken magic in general?
2. Why would some magic users call themselves wizards or witches as opposed to sorcerers or sorceresses for example Wizard as a wizard and Wotan as a sorcerer?
3. How did Kent Nelson get away from Doctor Fate's control since the good doctor seems to be very strict with free will when it comes to fighting Chaos?

Greg responds...

1. Mostly neither, but maybe a little of the former.

2. I'm gonna say that you need to ask them. These may all be synonyms of a sort in the Earth-16 universe.

3. In those days, he took off the helmet after a mission. One day, he just never put it back on.

Response recorded on February 16, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

I have a question about superboy, and I'm sorry if my english is messed up, english is not my native language. I watched and readed all young justice data, and after that I couldn't help but think that superboy is too weak if we compare with the others. I mean, not in terms of power and all, but all the ex-sidekicks had their evolution in some aspects, but superboy was not that good in aspect of evolution, after all, his condition kind of prevents him to get stronger, and I think anyone who watched yj may think that way. On top of that, even wonder girl seems to be as strong as him (or almost), and has her bracelets, lasso and flight. My question is not if he will get stronger (or not) because it would be a spoiler question, but I want to know your opinion about the last superboy that was shown. Do you agree that Superboy was shown a little weak? If not, why do you think that way? i'm not asking you as a creator, but as a viewer, so please, give your opinion about it.

Greg responds...

If by "evolution" you're ONLY talking about his super-powers, than I'll just say he is what he is. He's stronger and more invulnerable than Wonder Girl. But she does have other abilities. He's had extensive martial arts training and can still leap tall buildings in a single bound (more or less). But we're not looking to power him up or over-power him.

As to him being weak: no. I don't think he's weak at all. I don't know why you'd think that.

And, of course, I do think he's evolved a TON as a character. Probably more than anyone else.

Response recorded on February 15, 2017

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Bat-Mite writes...

How smart is Batman? What college degrees does he have? Which subjects does he have degrees in?

Greg responds...

He's smart.

I'm guessing, Bruce Wayne has a B.A. of some kind. And I'm guessing that's all he has, officially. But that doesn't mean he hasn't studied up on a number of subjects that he has no college degree for.

And, by the way, I assume we're talking about YJ's version of Batman. Because otherwise, I'm no more qualified to make pronouncements about him than you or anyone is.

Response recorded on February 14, 2017

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Paul writes...

Hi Greg,
I've heard somewhere (I don't remember where) that Sportsmaster was supposed to have the ability to copy people's fighting styles after watching them (or something along those lines), but I haven't been able to find any source about that. Can you confirm or deny this?

Greg responds...

Nope. Can't confirm or deny. Which doesn't mean it didn't appear in some comic or other. Doesn't mean it did, either.

Response recorded on February 14, 2017

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KOBreezy521 writes...

Hello Greg!

Thank you for all the great work you have supplied to my childhood and young adult life! YJ was a Saturday tradition with my cousins at my great-grandmother's house (even after some of us graduated high school).

Ok I apologize in advance if this has been asked and answered, but..during their encounter in "Infiltrators" was this the first time Artemis has seen Jade since Jade left?

I love their dynamic throughout the series, and look forward to seeing their developments going into Season 3.

And with that: Congratulations on Season 3! Thank you to you and your team for working with the Fandom to be able to see these guys back in action!!!
(Keeping my fingers crossed for more Spitfire, but no Spoiler request here)

Greg responds...

I'm not going to reveal whether or not it was the first time they had laid eyes on each other, but clearly Artemis didn't know about Jade's Cheshire identity.

Response recorded on February 14, 2017

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Paul writes...

1) Hi Greg, now that season 3 is a go, can I just ask: is Troia off-limits again (like she was when you started work on Young Justice), or is she still a character that you can use (should you choose to)?

2) In theory, would DC's insistence on calling Captain Marvel Shazam impact on your use of him or the Marvel Family in future episodes? To put it another way, would the Marvel Family still be called the Marvel Family?

Greg responds...

1. I'll reiterate what I've already revealed. Troia was off limits only at the very beginning of Season One. So we never considered using her in that season. Partway through the season, we were told she was now available, but by that time all our plans for Season One had solidified and it was too late to include her. We had planned on including her in Season Two, at both Raquel's wedding shower and in the final mission against the Reach MFDs. But production concerns - not enough hours in the day - made that impossible. I won't address whether we plan to use her in Season Three, but I will say that as far as I know, there are no off limits characters. At any rate, no one we've asked to use has been vetoed.

2. Have we EVER called them the Marvel Family?

Response recorded on February 14, 2017

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Thomas the Liberal writes...

So thrilled that the show is back. Between the Pokemon spoilers and the election results this is a nice glimmer of hope.

Okay, let's see if I can set up non-spoiler ridden questions.

1: Does the Flash Museum exist in Earth 16? Do any other heroes have museums other than perhaps the justice league's public base?

2: So how did Jay's semi retirement work? Did he not actively patrol the city like a active hero, but would react if he hears about a fire or something?

3: Did any other Society members semi-retire like Jay did?

4: Have the Kent parents ever met other Justice League members?

5: Whose the best dancer in the Justice League?

Greg responds...

1. I'm thinking no.

2. More or less. Or come out when he felt needed.

3. No spoilers.

4. Ever? Probably.

5. Snapper Carr, of course.

Response recorded on February 13, 2017

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Paul writes...

First, I'm very excited that Young Justice is getting a third season!
Second, I've been wondering about this for a while, but the third season prompted me to ask. As Tigress, Artemis uses different weapons (like a sword) and more close quarters combat than she did before-she's more like Cheshire in that sense. Was Artemis trained the same way as Cheshire, or did they have different specialties from the beginning

And this might be a spoiler, but is it safe to say that Artemis is on Cheshire's level now? She wasn't in Season 1, but with age and more experience, are they pretty comparable?


Greg responds...

1. So are we.

2. Artemis and Jade were both trained similarly by their father, at least initially, but they had different specialties. Artemis (relative) lack of physical strength as a pre-teen and teenager, made archery a good choice for her.

3. We'll have to see if they ever have reason to test your theory...

Response recorded on February 13, 2017

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Steven writes...

1. Hey Greg, I've heard you ask what makes the Speed Force a special case, and why is there a speed force but not a strength force, etc. This is because the Speed Force isn't the force behind all speed and momentum in the universe. It is an extra-dimensional energy field that grants some people a connection to it's energy, giving them speed based powers. This is why people like superman are not connected to the speed force even though they have super speed. The Speed Force selects certain individuals. Not sure if this will help you understand the concept of the Speed Force any more than you already do, but I hope it did.

2. Does Deathstroke have any form of enhanced strength, speed, durability, agility, etc, like he does in the comics?

Greg responds...

1. It STILL seems arbitrary. Why not a STRENGTH FORCE that chooses specific folks to have strength? An ACCURACY FORCE that chooses specific people to be great archers? It doesn't change any of my arguments against. But, hell, what do I know? When the concept of the meta-gene was first introduced to DC Comics, I had a similar negative reaction to the creation of something that explained something that required no explanation. And now the meta-gene is ALL OVER YJ. Does that make me a hyprocrite or someone who's opinion is constantly evolving... if slowly?

2. No spoilers.

Response recorded on January 30, 2017

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Kira writes...

Why did JUSTICE League let BILLY stay a member after they found out he was ten years old?

Greg responds...

Presumably, because enough of the members were sympathetic enough to his desire to stay in the League that their votes won out over them being responsible.

Response recorded on January 30, 2017

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Todd Jensen writes...

I thought I'd tell you that I enjoyed your recent response to the question about how the Martians in "Young Justice" feel about depictions of Martians in human pop culture as invaders (whether H. G. Wells' "The War of the Worlds" and its movie adaptations or Marvin the Martian in "Looney Tunes") - especially the bit about Martian Manhunter being bewildered by the title of "Life on Mars". It reminded me of my occasional musings over how Goliath and his clan must have responded to the way that gargoyles are depicted in pop culture - generally the bad guys (particularly in "Dungeons and Dragons"-type fantasy role-playing games) - with more sympathetic portrayals being much rarer (though I've seen a few outside the series, such as the Ultima computer games or the children's picture book "God Bless the Gargoyles"). (Though I won't ask you about the details of the Manhattan clan's response, since those probably fall in the "no spoilers" category.)

Greg responds...

Yeah, it's always interesting (if somewhat dicey) to start playing those meta-fictional games. How does Dr. Watson's published accounts of the adventures of Sherlock Holmes effect his life and methods, etc.

Response recorded on January 30, 2017

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Bat-Mite writes...

Did the Joker kill Jason Todd?

Greg responds...

I assume you're asking about YJ. In which case... No spoilers.

Response recorded on January 25, 2017

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Phil Anderson writes...

Grand Rapids Comic-Con Journal
October 21-23, 2016

This past weekend I spent three days at the Grand Rapids Comic Con where I finally got my chance to meet Greg Weisman. I've been following him at Station 8 for almost twenty years, but I never made it to any of the Gatherings so I had never met him in person before.

After weeks of anticipation Friday came. I took the afternoon off work and set out for the convention center, ten minutes from my house. Comic Con is a different world; there were a lot of people wearing costumes, some quite impressive and others not so much. Harley Quinn (Suicide Squad version) is the most popular this year.

I grabbed a program, checked the map, and made a beeline for Greg's table. I arrived to find him talking to a Penguin. (Not the flightless Antarctic bird, but a man in a tuxedo wearing a pointy rubber nose and carrying an umbrella.) I circled around a few times, watching for my opportunity while trying to remain inconspicuous. The Penguin and his friend finally walked away and I stepped up to the table.

"Hi, I'm Phil," I said.

"Hi Phil," he replied. He pointed out the scripts, books, and posters he had for sale. "Let me know if you have any questions." (Do I have questions?!)

He was responding to an important text on his phone, so I hesitated for a moment. "I'm a big fan. I've been following you on Ask Greg at Station 8 for almost twenty years."

He looked up at me. "Oh, you're *that* Phil." He shook my hand.

I don't remember what I said next. Something fanboy-ish, I'm sure. He smiled. I didn't know what to say next. He didn't seem to know what to say. It was awkward. Very awkward.

I told him I would see him again soon, since I had a lot of stuff for him to sign, and walked away. Then I remembered that I wanted a picture to send my daughters (who were driving home from college to meet Greg on Saturday) so I went back. He came out from behind his table and we took a selfie. He looks a little uncertain in the picture.

After walking around a little more, I left to pick up my teenage son, Henry, from school and bring him back to the Con with me. We explored together, commenting on the interesting and the weird. He seemed a little overwhelmed.

We passed by Greg's table again and met Mara, who was there with Greg. She was easier to talk to than Greg. I introduced Henry, and mentioned that he was a fan of Young Justice. Greg told us about the Young Justice presentation he was doing that evening. Henry looked over the scripts and art prints Greg was selling and determined how much money he would need to bring the next day. Then we continued on our way. It was less awkward this time.

Henry and I went to the Young Justice presentation. To be honest, Young Justice never grabbed me, despite Greg's involvement. (I'm more of a Marvel fan.) But it was enjoyable nonetheless. Greg is much more personable and engaging in front of a group. He talked about the strategy for getting Season 3: binge watch Netflix and buy the comics online (so WB sees the money).

After that, the Con was winding down for the night, so we drove home. Henry asked to watch Young Justice again on Netflix that night, but there was homework and housework to do. He also asked how he could get the Young Justice comics in time for Greg to autograph them.

Late that night my two oldest daughters arrived home from college with five friends. Saturday morning eleven of us were ready for Comic Con (my wife and I, our four kids [three daughters and a son], and five college friends). My girls all wanted to dress up, but there was a bit of conflict over who would be what character. The older and younger ended up both going as Elisa Maza, while the middle one painted a blue fox tattoo around her eye. Henry was planning to wear a Star Wars T-shirt and carry a lightsaber, but his sisters pressured him into painting three red stripes on his face and going as Young Gillecomgain. My oldest daughter's boyfriend wore a Gargoyles T-shirt that we later realized was not official merchandise. We were ready to go.

Upon entering Comic Con on Saturday we headed straight for Greg's table. I introduced my family and Greg seemed a little overwhelmed. My daughters were all speechless and my oldest gave a fangirl squeal. My wife (who only came along so she wouldn't have to spend the day at home alone) asked Greg about his convention schedule and how many he goes to each year. They had a normal conversation, no awkwardness at all.

During the course of the day we stopped back at Greg's table several times. We bought books and scripts and art prints. We had him sign stuff we brought from home: DVDs, comics, a Gargoyles picture book, and printouts of "Three Brothers" and "Hyppolyta" (which Greg said he had never signed before). I tried to get some clarification on the Percival/Duval/Peredur relationship, but all Greg would say is "All things are true."

We went to a panel that afternoon led by Comfort Love and Adam Withers. Greg was participating and when we trooped in a few minutes before it started he pointed us out to his fellow panelists. Later in the day when we walked by Comfort and Adam's table she recognized us as "Greg's posse" which my daughter thought was the best moment of the day.

We couldn't make it Sunday morning, so I missed Greg's presentation on "TV Production from Beginning to End" but I was there in the afternoon in time for another panel with Comfort and Adam. After the panel Greg had to leave soon to catch his flight, so I hurried to his table to buy a couple more things and shake his hand one more time.

Overall it was a fun weekend. Greg Weisman is a celebrity at my house and it was great to meet him. Each time I stopped at his table it was a little less awkward, and I enjoyed talking to him. I still have a lot of questions, but none that I actually wanted him to answer in person. I don't just want to know what happens next, I want to see/read/experience it. So here's hoping for more Greg and more Gargoyles in some form, someday.

Greg responds...

From your lips...

It was great meeting you in person. I hope I wasn't QUITE so awkward or unapproachable. I am better in front of an audience than I am at making small talk. But I get by. :)

Response recorded on January 25, 2017

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Algernon writes...

I don't usually ask YJ questions but I just gotta know something...

What exactly is a Ma'alefa'ak?

Greg responds...

A rabid beast on Mars.

Response recorded on January 25, 2017

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RobinFan writes...

Hi, Mr. Weisman. I've got some questions about YJ.

1) How can Commissioner Gordon afford to have Barbara in a private academy?
2) Does Barbara have any siblings?
3) Are any of the 2 Roy Harpers the chick magnet he is in the comics?
4) Does Conner Kent have a second name?
5) Did Wally and Artemis stay together during the 5 year time jump, or did they ever "take a break"?

Greg responds...

1. Scholarship.

2. Nope.

3. Well, clone Roy seemed pretty magnetic to Cheshire.

4. You mean, like, Superboy?

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on January 23, 2017

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R.I.P. Miguel Ferrer

Just a few words about Miguel Ferrer, who passed away yesterday. I won't pretend I knew him very well, but he was always a pleasure to have in the booth. He was the voice of Silvio "Silvermane" Manfredi on The Spectacular Spider-Man, and Bo "Bibbo" Bibbowski and Tribune #1 on Young Justice.

Did I forget anything? Oh, yes. His brilliant portrayal of Vandal Savage in Young Justice, making him one of the most interesting and complex hero/villains I've ever had the pleasure of working on.

His talent - both in material I was involved in and in the many, many things I simply watched as a fan - was immense.

He will be missed.

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Jon Winsil writes...

Dear Mr Weisman,
I would like to thank you for all the great work you have done in past, and I look foward, as I'm sure many of us do, to seeing it being continued. I would like to, in my question, both ask, as well as show my support and desire for a continuation of the Young Justice series. I really hope that the series will be continued, as many of us do - the statistics around the reception of the show speak for themselves. My question, is as follows:
Why (and I personally belive that this is one of the many reasons why it was so good) did the team behind The Team choose to introduce a heavy emphasis on the interpersonal relationships and the back story's of each character?
Thank you for considering my question,
Kind regards, a loyal fan of Young Justice

Greg responds...

Well, as you probably know by now, we're at work on Season Three.

But I'll admit to being a bit mystified by your question. What else would we deal with INSTEAD of "the interpersonal relationships and the back story's of each character"?

Response recorded on January 17, 2017

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Dane writes...

Hey, got some more questions for this awesome show.
1. What is Icicle Jr.'s ethnicity?
2. Did it annoy Tommy when Junior hit on Tuppence?
3. Every time he hit on Tuppence (in Darkest) or Miss Martian (in Terrors) did he not realize that they weren't interested in him at all or did he just pretend not to notice? Sometimes it seemed like he was absolutely oblivious, even when Miss Martian clearly pulled a face at him in the prison bus or when Tuppence crushed his hand he didn't seem to be discouraged by that.
4. Does the Manta Flyer require at least five people to operate it, or could Kaldur and Tigress have controlled it even with fewer crew members?
5. Cameron seemed to know his way around technology. Did Senior teach him a thing or two growing up, because in the video game Cam was able to operate the machine to retrieve the artifact from the ice?

Greg responds...

1. Um... he's a white dude.

2. Not as much as it annoyed Tuppence.

3. Oblivious sounds about right.

4. It only requires one.

5. He's learned what he needs to know. I doubt Icicle Sr. taught him much about tech. My son teaches me, not the other way around.

Response recorded on January 16, 2017

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