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Anonymous writes...

I have a few questions about the mentors in YJ

1. even though some of the leaguers are supposed to be each of the characters' mentor (except for Superman at the moment) why haven't we seen them mentoring yet?
2. I saw in a promo that Aquaman had long hair but his hair has been short since the first episode will he let it grow?
3. the league currently has 16 members will additional members be added as the season goes on?
4. since more characters will be joining YJ will they also have direct mentors?
5. will we ever get to see the watchower?
6. and when will it be known whether YJ is beingg picked up for a second season?

Greg responds...

1. Well, we have here and there. But, no, that's just not the focus of the series. We WILL fit it in when we have the screen time, and if you're following our companion comic book, you'll see more of it there, as well.

2. No current plans to change our model. Development artwork used in promotional materials doesn't count as canon.




6. Now. We've been picked up for at least ten additional episodes.

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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Kay writes...

in young justice amazing by the way, great everything. 1Kid flash were him and Robin close in the comics?
cause they have a great friendship in YJ especially when Kid flash tackles robin out of the way in android
2 when is YJ premiering on uk cartoon network? thanks

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Don't know. Sorry.

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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Chip writes...

I was just wondering if you've been reading the Darkwing Duck comics. I know that you know about Goliath's cameo in #6, but I was curious if you were reading the series itself. If so, what do you think of it so far? My current pull-hold list includes Darkwing Duck, Chip N' Dale's Rescue Rangers, and of course, Young Justice.

Greg responds...

I haven't been. I just haven't had time to read ANY new comics these days. I've been reading OLD comics, doing research for Season Two of Young Justice. And of course, I'm still a TAD busy completing pre-production AND post-production on Season One while simultaneously launching Season Two. There just isn't time to follow Darkwing. But I'll always love Darkwing. That was the first television series that I helped develop.

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

I really liked that scene in Schooled where Bruce and Clark talk in the diner, but I was wondering Bruce talking to him was Bruce talking as a friend or as his boss?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Ugh I just saw another person complaining about the spanish in Drop Zone, and as a person who not only learned Spanish as their first langauge, but also studied it in school not out of laziness but for a better understanding of the language, I can assure you that it wasn't half as bad as some people are trying to make it to be.

There were some strange phrasing, but that like you said that's perfectly explained by there being tons of different dialects of the spanish language.
As for the accents not being perfect, I could be wrong but I assumed that for the members of Kobra spanish wasn't their first language.

Greg responds...

Yes! Thank you!

Bane's supposed to be a Spanish-first-language speaker and so is his one henchman (who has one line). But the Kobra Cultist was an Anglo, who spoke Spanish (at least well enough to be understood by Bane).

Again, I'm not saying we didn't screw this up. I really have no way of knowing. But I know we tried very hard to get it right, and I'll admit to being a little stunned at the notion that we got it SO wrong.

So I appreciate the support.

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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Edward writes...

Hey Greg, about the question if you guys did get the spanish wrong, its my first language and yes you guys got it VERY wrong. Yes spanish is spoken a bit different between different countries, I'm familiar with them its not much different than say Brittish or Aussie dialects that its still basically english that an American can understand, not sure where the accent was supposed to be from but grammatically it made absolutely no sense as if they had just used google translator (its actually insulting to google translator) and I had to read the subtitles to understand what they were saying

Now this sounds like I'm upset or bashing that the spanish was wrong, but I'm not I actually didn't think too much of it and I just assumed not much thought was put into it, I'm sure this happens in tons of shows all the time and to me it sounds like perfect japanese/chinese etc while a fluent speaker is going "what?" I'm just surprised that so much work went into something that came out so wrong. So just letting you know. I'd be happy to provide my email and I'd do a much better job and for free, though I assume theres a ton of legal issues not to mention NDA's that probably don't allow it but just in case I could let me know.

Greg responds...

Yeah, that's not going to work.

I don't know what to tell you. My own Spanish is limited to the three years I took in high school in the mid-70s, so all I can do is trust the FLUENT Spanish speakers that we have working on the series. They obviously disagree with you... or they're playing a big joke on me and the production.

Since we're on the topic of language, I've seen complaints on-line about the Atlantean being bad Greek in episodes 108 and 109. But that seems truly unfair. For starters it was NEVER supposed to be modern Greek. It's the Atlantean dialect of ANCIENT GREEK... keeping in mind that the Atlanteans and Ancient Greeks are separated by millennia and that languages are living organisms that change and grow as time passes.

No one's mentioned the Arabic we used in episode 109, which we also tried VERY hard to get right. I don't know if that means we succeeded or what?

Frankly at this point, I'm surprised more people haven't complained that we got the Martian Language wrong in episode 109.

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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lissypooh writes...

Starting with episode 109 of Young Justice, can you list the character you are focusing on each episode?

Greg responds...

Well, it's not as cut and dry as it was from episodes 103-108, where we were making a concerted effort to highlight one of our leads each across six episodes.

As for 109, which has aired, by now you probably know that the focus character was pretty much Miss Martian, though we hope we gave good screen time to all the other leads except Aqualad (who's unconscious for most of the episode).

Cartoon Network has already teased that 110 features Red Arrow.

Beyond that, well... "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT."

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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Bella writes...

Why did Speedy become Red Arrow instead of Arsenal? It makes sense if he broke off from Green Arrow and in not the best of terms he wouldn't be calling himself just like his mentor but rather make a name for himself. Or was it something DC mandated because he hasn't used the name Arsenal since One Year Later?

Greg responds...

There were no mandates. Brandon and I made the choice. Where would the IDEA of "Arsenal" come from at this point? He's not using an arsenal, is he? He's using a bow and arrows.

Red Arrow just felt more natural a transition for him.

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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Brett W. writes...

I've loved what you guys have done with Young Justice so far and can't wait to see what else is to come. I've always thought Batman would make an effective leader for the Justice League, although I can understand why the Justice League/Justice League Unlimited version might have preferred a more isolationist approach. I'm just wondering, is there any particular reason you chose Batman to be your Justice League's leader, rather than Superman who seems to be the "traditional" choice?

Greg responds...

When was the last time Superman led the League? Has he ever, actually? I mean obviously he's an important figure within the League, but leader?

Anyway, Batman seemed the obvious choice - to us at least. He's the strategist.

But keep in mind, it's not a permanent appointment. We've been following the League in the series so far from early July through early September. That's only about two months. Over time, the League will certainly have other leaders.

Response recorded on April 29, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Greg, Hi, Just want to say thanks for being so kind and taking time out of your busy schedule and answering our questions. Really appreciated. If we are impatient and demanding at times forgive us. It just means we are interested and enjoying what you all are doing so far.


Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 21, 2011

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Dew writes...

Is it true that Beast Boy going to be a main charter in Young Justice later on?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 21, 2011

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no. 1 batfan writes...

Hey Greg! I am a big fan of both the Spectacular Spider-Man and Young Justice. I am hoping that Young Justice does not suffer a similar fate that the Spectacular Spider-Man did. Like a lot of people, I am racking my brain trying to figure out who Artemis is. However, instead of simply throwing a name (or group of names) at you and asking you if it's her, since, knowing you, you would probably say "no comment," I thought I'd try a more subtle approach. So here goes:

1.)In the mainstream comics, is Artemis in any way associated with Green Arrow?

2.)Roughly what decade was Artemis first introduced?

3.)Will Artemis's identity be revealed by the end of the first 26 episodes?

These next two questions don't have to do with Artemis, but I thought I'd ask them anyway:
4.)Why did you decide not to have Robin in the episode "Denial"?
5.)Given the current ratings for Young Justice, would you say that the chance that Cartoon Network would order more episodes is good?
I am hoping that you answer each of my questions, even if some of them are no comments. At least that way, I would know that you are taking the time to read my questions. Thanks for your time, and I can't wait for March 4's episode "Downtime"!

Greg responds...


4. First, to establish that these characters have lives outside the Team to varying degrees, and many are still having adventures with their mentors. Secondly, to make it clear that not every character will be on every mission. Thirdly, for the pragmatic reason that one less player means more screen time for the others. As for why Robin specifically was chosen, it was felt that he knew Wally too well and would create a better bridge for him to the rest of the Team. With Robin gone, Wally becomes more isolated - which is good drama, you know?


Response recorded on April 21, 2011

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,
Denial is probably my favorite episode so far. Mainly because I knew who everyone was and I got to hear some claasic Gargoyle voices again! I loved Ed Asner's performance as Kent Nelson and Thom did a fantastic job as Klarion! I really hope we get to see more of him in the future! And I thoroughly enjoyed the story. Very cool, but I have a feeling Wally isn't gonna get to keep the helmet. Oh, and the way you handled the helmet and Nabu-very cool. Keep it up, man!

Greg responds...

Thank you, we'll try.

Response recorded on April 21, 2011

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Doc Ock 2099 writes...

Hi, Greg!

In the episode "Drop Zone", we heard a Light member with a French accent speak to the Sportsmaster near the end. However, the designation number and voice actor were not listed in the credits. Would you please share these? Thanks.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 21, 2011

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British Fan writes...

1) Will we be seeing Captain Marvel Jr (CM3) any time soon? Or Captain Marvel?

2) With the evolution of Speedy into Red Arrow. Would it be possible in future, for other sidekicks to progress to their next stage? I.E. Robin (Dick) to Nightwing? Mostly because I would love to see Tim Drake get entered into the show. I'm a big fan of the Young Quadrilateral (Tim, Conner, Bart and Cass).

Greg responds...


1b. You've already seen Captain Marvel, and - as previously revealed - you'll be seeing more of him.


Response recorded on April 20, 2011

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Pluph writes...

Will Static be making a cameo in Young Justice? Or will Slade Wilson?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 20, 2011

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Pursuing a random theory on the identity of Artemis, (but not asking because there wouldn't be any fun in that)...

Is Artemis her actual name or a code name separate from that?
Is Artemis the name she appeared with in print?
If it is a code name or a replacement name of the print name, is there a clear connection, even equivalency, between her real or original name and code name?

(Problem with trying to match up an obscure character in the DCU is that I don't actually know much about my obscure candidate. I'm basically going on who is pictured holding a bow and arrow and is drawn looking halfway Asian.)

Greg responds...

Moot now, right?

Response recorded on April 20, 2011

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krystal writes...

THANK YOU for throwing in Klarion in that last episode... didn't see that coming... nor him being voiced by Thom Adcox-Hernandez, that was perfect casting! so far I'm noticing that you guys are kinda taking obscure characters here and there throughout the DC universe and making them even more interesting and appealing than I was expecting..

I got into this show because I heard Phil Bourassa designed the characters and I really enjoyed Crisis on Two Earths; I noticed there's a similar art direction. My question is:

1. Did you guys always have him in mind due to his Justice League designs, or did he come to you?
2. Were you playing around with any other looks to the show, before deciding on a more realistic approach? If so, were there any influences?

Just want to say I love your show & the comic, great work to your co-workers.

Greg responds...

1 & 2. Phil was already on board when Sam Register partnered Brandon and myself.

Response recorded on April 15, 2011

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Denis writes...

hi, Greg!
A quick question: Is Eearth 16 the same Earth shown in Crisis On Two Earth?
Black Canary looks the same, so does Martian Manhunter, Red Tornado, etc.
Now I know that both YJ and Crisis share the same character designers, but for the chracters looking almost completely alike, that drove the little cogs in my belgian mind turning.
Anyway, ûber kudos to you and Brandon for this great, great show! (gotta love youtube for international exposure!)

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 15, 2011

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Rudo kariramombe writes...

Hellow Greg Weisman i would like to ask you when the next young justice is continuing in 2011 march

Greg responds...

Uh... well, by now I hope you know we aired episodes eight and nine in March. If you're asking when we start airing new episodes again, I don't know. We're still working on episodes 10-36.

Response recorded on April 14, 2011

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Mari writes...

Just out of curiosity...

Are you enjoying people going nuts guessing who Artemis is? (I know I am. It's funny.)

Greg responds...

It was a head shake to me.

The answer was (as I said many time) so obvious, it seemed bizarre the way some folks were jumping through hoops to come up with these byzantine explanations for why or how she could be this person or that.

Response recorded on April 14, 2011

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Sara writes...

Like the answered poster before me, this is more of a comment (make that plural, 'comments') rather than a question. Firstly, I would like to say that the show has proved amazing, in terms of animation, storytelling, dialogue, and character portrayal. So bravo, and encore! Anyway, there are several issues I'd like to comment on in particular, some positive and some admittedly negative:

1. When I'd heard that Aqualad was going to be team leader, I confess I was upset. But the way that played out was done very well, and I like Kaldur in the role. He's proven to be strong, wise, and levelheaded. If/when Robin takes over, I won't be disappointed to see him bearing the title either (though I hope Kaldur doesn't die in order for that to happen; not that I've seen or heard any hints that say he will, but when dealing with DC Comics, one can never be too careful) -- but in the meantime, I'm impressed with Aqualad as leader.

2. I like Miss Martian's character. I was afraid her personality would be gotten wrong somehow, but you've written her spot on. I was also fearful that her voice wouldn't suit her; however, Danica McKellar really brings out M'gann's naivete and innocence. While I'm at it, the same goes for Roy Harper: he's my top favourite DC hero, and you've really done him justice by bringing out his angry, rebellious side, but also making sure to show that he still cares for his friends. And Crispin Freeman is amazing as Roy.

3. I love the romantic triangle between Superboy, Miss Martian, and Kid Flash (I'm a sucker for romance). But the recent Kid Flash/Artemis hints from 'Denial' are killing me. I'm not fond of Artemis's character (sorry, but there it is), and she and Wally seem painfully mismatched to me. I just can't see Wally with a 'spitfire.' Not a fan...

4. I've heard Wonder Girl is going to show up, and I have my fingers crossed that it's going to be Donna Troy. I suppose it will be exciting to finally see a Wonder GIRL (Wonder Woman's had plenty of screentime) on an awesome show, either way -- that is to say if it's Cassie Sandsmark and not Donna. But I'll still be disappointed if it's not the latter. That said, the hopeless romantic in me also has my fingers crossed to see at least some, if not plenty of, romantic tension between Roy Harper and Donna Troy.

Greg responds...

1. Great!

2. We agree!

3. Sorry, but there is no triangle and there never was. Not in any of the characters (or creators) minds. Kid Flash is oblivious to Miss Martian's interest in Superboy. He doesn't know it, but he was never in the running. Miss Martian is not quite sure what to make of Kid Flash's hitting on her, but she never had any interest in him beyond the platonic. She likes Wally but was ATTRACTED to Superboy (and vice versa) from moment one. I think that's what happens sometimes. Sometimes two people just lock on. I'm not saying it's "Love at First Sight". But it's teen-crush at first sight. And it's moved forward from there. (Deeper feelings may come later.) People have accused us online of following a trope of good girl falling for bad boy, but they're missing that moment in "Fireworks" when they both immediately click. At that moment, M'gann had no idea Superboy was a bad boy. He was - to her, anyway - just, well, hot. Her ideal. As for Supey, Miss M. was pretty much the first girl (as opposed to woman) he had ever seen, and he locked on her as well, though he had no idea what to do with those feelings... and at times acted badly in part because of them (and because of his density). I mean you don't want a girl reading your mind, when what's on your mind is her, and you're not sure if she reciprocates. Every time he behaves badly, he struggles to make it right. And she seems quite empathetic toward his background and baggage, so she gives him a chance.

As for poor Wally and whether or not he winds up with Artemis (whom WE love, even if you don't)... you'll just have to wait and see.


Response recorded on April 14, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

will Roy's drug addiction be shown in the series? and will we ever see him as a civilian?

Greg responds...


2. Eventually. (Technically, this is also a spoiler request, but it's so benign, I figured I'd throw you a bone.)

Response recorded on April 14, 2011

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Sam writes...

hi greg I read somewhere that some characters in the show will die, this might sound bad but I hope those characters are people like Kent Nelson; it's not like I particularly want him dead but I don't want the regulars to die especially Artemis cause that's what my gut's telling me='((

anyway is there any hope that you will comment on whether the regulars will die or not?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 14, 2011

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Greg Bishansky writes...


And with our latest episode, I have realized that I really, really like this show. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the pilot a lot. I didn't much like the third episode, but after that it started getting better and better with every episode. So, now, by episode seven, I can say that I've officially warmed up to "Young Justice." More on this later, now on to the episode itself.

Kid Flash finally receives a much needed episode focusing on him. Okay, we knew he was stubborn, we knew he was a sleaze, but we focus more on these things. His skepticism of the supernatural was front and center. Although, I have seen a lot of people misinterpret what the moral of this episode was. A lot of people saw it as "magic is real" but I disagree, that is a very, very simplistic way of looking at it without putting in any effort to think about it. The lesson of the episode had more to do with being open minded, that there are some things that cannot be explained, and that taking a leap of faith is often necessary. And, once again, I find myself referencing "Babylon 5" with the following quote.

"Faith and reason are the shoes on your feet! You can travel further with both than you can with just one."

And no, that is not about subscribing to a religious belief, hell that quote was written by an Atheist. I myself am Agnostic, I have no actual religious beliefs of my own, I do not subscribe to any, but I still have faith that there are things beyond our understanding out there.

But back to the episode. I will admit to being quite unfamiliar with Dr. Fate. I've seen him on "Justice League" and "Justice League Unlimited" but that's where my knowledge of the character ends. This, however, was an altogether different depiction of him, but I think I liked it a lot more. I loved Ed Asner in the role of Kent Nelson, I loved how affable he was with just about everyone, particularly Madame Xanadu in the teaser.

I also loved Kent's advice to Wally about finding a spitfire of his own. I agree with that one whole heartedly. Again, getting a little personal here, but I am not attracted to women like Miss Martian at all. I don't know why, I'm just not. I've always been attracted to the spitfire types. I love women with fire in them, the type of woman who can and will kick my ass. That's what Artemis seems to be, while Miss Martian (and to be fair, I am probably still underestimating her) is more the type to want to be Superboy's very own June Cleaver. I guess this sums up why I have always preferred Peter Parker with Mary Jane Watson instead of Gwen Stacy (well, Romita's Gwen Stacy).

Okay, on with the rest of the episode.

Doesn't seem like Wally is listening to Kent's advice. But, he's young, he'll grow. One thing that I have seen a lot that does bug me is people saying he has feelings for Miss Martian. Um, no he doesn't. The only feeling for her he has is in his pants. Otherwise he wouldn't have so blatantly hit on Black Canary right in front of Miss Martian (not that she cared) two episodes ago.

Wally wearing Dr. Fate's helm was really, really cool. Although I can't help but wonder about why that thing is on his shelf with his other souvenirs. Shouldn't he have handed that over to the Justice League? And isn't the robotic eye on his shelf a camera feeding images directly back to T.O. Morrow? Doesn't Morrow work for the Light? Yup, there's some pipe laying.

Klarion the Witch Boy was wonderfully creepy as a villain. I've only seen him before in an episode of "Batman" back in the late 90's, when Batman teamed up with Etrigan the Demon. I'll admit, I thought Klarion was quite lame then, and would always change the channel when that episode showed up in re-runs. But I liked him here, he seemed a lot more sinister, and downright creepy. Of course, I also always enjoy hearing Thom Adcox' voice. And, is it just me, but aside from Lexington, he almost always seems to voice bad guys and psychos. Don't get me wrong, he's great at it, but I always think of him as Lexington first... well, I suppose there was evil Lex in "Future Tense." And Thom is kind of a bad boy in real life... ;)

Let's see, in this episode we had Jeff Bennett as Red Tornado and Abra Kadabra; Thom Adcox as Klarion; Cree Summer as Madame Xanadu; and Ed Asner as Kent Nelson. Almost a mini "Gargoyles" cast reunion. Marina Sirtis already confirmed she's appearing down the line as Queen Bee. And I doubt Weisman will resist casting Keith David in this show. So, I'll have my fingers crossed for Jonathan Frakes, Bill Faggerbakke, Salli Richardson, Brigitte Bako, Tom Wilson, Clancy Brown, and... okay, this list is beginning to get comprehensive. You get the idea.

Artemis is really growing on me. I had a feeling I would really like the character before she appeared, and I was right. She's my favorite character on the team. And I love how she is the only one on the team that doesn't let Wally get away with his crap. Hopefully he'll wise up soon and love that too.

This episode hit some personal chords for me, and like I said, finally really warmed me up to this show. Don't get me wrong, I was enjoying it prior to this. But there are shows I enjoy, and shows I warm up to. I enjoy "Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes" but there is nothing really special about it, and it's really, really lowbrow. But I enjoy it. But, after nineteen episodes of that, it's safe to say I'll never warm to it. And I think the big reason why I was hesitant about this series up until now is that I warmed to "Gargoyles" and "Spectacular Spider-Man" right away. I expected the same of this series, but it took longer. Maybe that's because I've spent most of my life as a Marvel Zombie (although Marvel is slowly decapitating this particular zombie). But, at this point, I can safely say that I love this show.

Greg responds...

The robotic eye is non-functional. Give them all a little credit. They'd have checked. And trust me, the League knows where the Helmet is.

Response recorded on April 14, 2011

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James Lawson writes...

Dear Greg,
Apologies if I frame this wrong, but in the Young Justice episode "Denial", the JSA was mentioned. Does this mean the earth the show takes place on had a golden age of heroes?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 13, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg! Will any animation errors be corrected before DVD release of Young Justice? I rarely catch them, but since Kid Flash was talking at the time, it was noticeable. During Infiltrator, while guarding the woman, his goggles switch between on/off his eyes, then back again, while he’s telling off Artemis.

If any others have occurred I missed them all, but someone out there might have spotted something else that pulled them out of the moment. Thanks!

Greg responds...

No. It's too late to correct any animation errors.

Response recorded on April 13, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg. I'm loving Young Justice so far, and was rather surprised with some of the things you've been able to show, especially in the Bane episode. I don't know if the standards have changed recently, but I’m used to seeing grittier subjects being only alluded to. I really like it! I think it makes their circumstances seem more real and dire. Since I’ve already given my favorable impressions in earlier questions, I wanted to mention two things which I have found to be minor annoyances, mostly because they happen so frequently:

The first is Megan’s use of youthful vernacular. It’s awkward. Since you write these kinds of lines naturally for other characters, I imagine it’s intentional to make her seem more alien. I just don’t know if it’s having the intended impact. The strongest example I can think of is after receiving an explanation of something in their plane, Megan responds to herself, “Like, duh, Megan!” Apart from the slightly awkward usage, and her not saying “like,” much, it gives me a negative impression of her when she does that. I tend to associate that kind of speech with bubble-gum, ditz caricatures. This may be contributing to the negative reaction I’ve seen mentioned a lot here towards female portrayal in the first few episodes. Artemis and Black Canary certainly don’t paint any negative pictures about women.

The second thing I've found slightly annoying is Robin picking apart words in every single episode, even if it’s just leaving off a prefix rather than a whole conversation about it. I don't think it would bother me if it happened often rather than always. I look forward to YJ episodes, and never know what kind of story to expect, but I also go in thinking, “Okay, what’s Robin going to say this time?” Since nothing else is so consistent (at least at present), it stands out a lot. It’s not a huge deal, but the frequency it’s used elevates it to catch-phrase notoriety, and it doesn’t seem like the sort of thing I should immediately call to mind when I think of Young Justice (Like Flintstones & “yabadabadoo”). I don’t know how you feel about catch-phrases, though.

I hope this fan feedback is worth something to you, even if you disagree. I’m sure I’m not the only viewer who feels this way. Keep up the good work!

Greg responds...

She never says "Like, duh, Megan!" Never. She says, "Hello, Megan!" Now, you may be shrugging and saying "What's the difference, really?" But there's a big difference. Particularly, since one of your complaints is the "like" which in fact she never says. I think the reason she's saying this is already fairly obvious, but if not, it will be.

And I'll stand by our portrayal of women in this shows (and all my shows) as diverse and not monolithic. You don't have to like everyone of the female characters I write and produce, but I won't be bound or forced to portray them all in the same way in order to avoid any whiff of criticism.

As for Robin, the fact that you're asking yourself "Okay, what's Robin going to say this time?" positively THRILLS me. Catchphrases (assuming these qualify) don't bother me. I like 'em. And they're hardly limited to The Flintstones. Even Gregory House has a catchphrase.

Ultimately, my answer is "WE LIKE OUR SHOW."

By the way, I do appreciate that you were able to write up your criticisms without being rude or obnoxious. I may not agree, but I respect the way you presented your arguments.

Having said that, I am STILL going to ask: DIDN'T YOU SEE THAT BOTH OF THESE THINGS HAD ALREADY BEEN RAISED BY POSTERS BEFORE YOU? Did you add anything to the discussion or just inadvertently hammer me with the same complaints because you didn't follow the guidelines and didn't look to see that others had beat you to it?

Response recorded on April 13, 2011

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Enjoyed the latest episode- Denial. One question- (multiple parts):
What that Madam Xanadu, ~the~ Madam Xanadu of the DCU or just a shout out?
I read the recently ended series, and assuming that the series was not a departure from her previous characterizations, that Madam Xanadu was an immensely powerful magical being from an elder species to humans. (Can't remember what they were called, but they thought Atlantians were newbies, and when humans finally started upright they were primitive animals.) That and also Morgan LeFay's sister.
The lack of the signature "Enter freely and be unafraid" sign would point to a shout out, but the comment about her being ideally suited points the other way. If it is her- is she a young human with magical aptitude or an ancient magical being who somehow seems to have forgotten?

Greg responds...

It was Madame Xanadu... but there's obviously more to her story than we've revealed so far.

Response recorded on April 12, 2011

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StuftZombie writes...

Who's responsible for Wally temporarily becoming Dr. Fate? I would like to give them a hug.

Greg responds...

Me, mostly, though of course Brandon Vietti, Kevin Hopps and Tom Pugsley also deserve mention, as does character designer Phil Bourassa.

But I don't hug zombies.

Response recorded on April 12, 2011

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Grant writes...

Making Klarion, a lord of chaos, did this idea stem from the number of previous chaos lords who were children? Such as:

1) Child from "Hawk and Dove" by the Kessels and Guler
2) the little girl chaos lord in "Sandman" by Neil Gaiman.

Greg responds...

Maybe. I've read both of the above, so the ideas must have been in my head. Mostly, it just felt right.

Response recorded on April 12, 2011

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Ceylan writes...

just saw Denial and loved it! seriously the show is amazing! anyway the spitfire Nelson was talking about is Artemis right?

btw missed Robin this episode

Greg responds...

As obvious as I think it is, I'll leave the answer to your question up to the interpretation of each viewer.

Response recorded on April 12, 2011

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Axe writes...

If a character (like the Joker, for example) appears in the YJ comic book before he/she appears in the show, who designs him/her? The comic book artist or the show's character designers?

Greg responds...

It depends on (a) whether the character is already designed for the show (even if you guys haven't seen him or her yet), (b) the character's significance, (c) how much free-time our character designer Phil Bourassa has and (d) how tight the deadline is.

Joker was designed by Phil, for example. Psycho-Pirate (who is the main villain of the Free Comic Book Day issue) was designed in the basic style of the series by Mike Norton with input from myself, Brandon Vietti and Phil.

Response recorded on April 12, 2011

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Anonymouse writes...

1. will we be seeing a lot of focus on Wally's development in this series of Young Justice, or will his 'time' be coming later? right now he's been coming off to me as the most immature of the cast and pretty self absorbed (like his bad treatment of M'gann, objectifying the girls etc.). I always liked that in the comics Wally got a lot of development on these things (and it's nice you didn't just do a rehash of JLU Wally), but of course it mostly started *after* he was Kid Flash, so I have no idea how that fits into your plans.

2. how much say do you guys have in the tie-in comics?

Greg responds...

1. We plan to develop ALL our lead characters (and many of our supporting characters too).

2. A lot. We're keeping in close contact with DC on issues 1-6 and the Free Comic Book Day issue, all of which are being written by Art & Franco. Issue #0 and issues #7 and forward are all being written by myself and YJ staff writer Kevin Hopps. (The preceding was of course available info from the archives, but I figured I'd answer again as it gave me another chance to promote the book.)

Response recorded on April 12, 2011

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Cal writes...

Hi Greg,
I've just watch the YJ episode "Denial" and I did enjoyed it. Thanks for letting Jeff Bennett reprise his role as Abra Kadabra from B:TB&TB onto YJ. Oh and Kent Nelson seriously does sound like Adam West even though he isn't voiced by him.

Greg responds...

Wow. Uh, I don't think Kent Nelson (i.e. Ed Asner) sounds ANYTHING at all like Adam West. But if that's what you hear...

Response recorded on April 12, 2011

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Ceylan writes...

since it has been said many times that Artemis is not an original character will there be any original characters on the show hero or villian who will have a big role in atleast one episode?

Greg responds...

Yes... depending on what qualifies as original. But not many.

Response recorded on April 12, 2011

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Ceylan writes...

Hello Greg,

1)Why is Artemis' secret identity classified? Would it be too revealing if the viewer know her real name?
2)Is her real identity very obscure and not as known as the rest or did you and rest of the people working on the show have covered it up so perfectly that noone has figured out who she is yet?

Greg responds...

1. Her real name is Artemis Crock.

2. It was beyond obvious from day one, but often fans look for more complicated explanations.

Response recorded on April 12, 2011

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warrior93 writes...

1. Will Lex Luthor appear in young justice if so what will he be like for example would he be president?

2.Will Chris Kent from countdown arena appear in Young Justice cause this earth 16.

Greg responds...


2. "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT." But, honestly no.

Response recorded on April 08, 2011

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charlie writes...

just read YJ #1. can't say i'm a fan of the character design for the "guest star" on the last page. who do we have to blame for that??

Greg responds...

Really, that's how you ask that question? You know just because it's the internet doesn't MANDATE that you HAVE to be rude. It's not like that's a rule or something. I mean think about who you are writing to. One of the creative leads on the show. How did you PICTURE me responding to that characterization. I get that you don't like it. I can even respect your desire to express that, but learn some manners, dude. GROW UP!!

You know I've been doing ASK GREG for over a decade now, and I've had obnoxious posters before on everything from Gargoyles to Spectacular Spider-Man, but I have to say the general rudeness level on Young Justice is just beyond the pale, these days. I don't want to over-generalize. Plenty of folk with manners, too, but the level of some of you is just making me want to stop. The question asking function is closed for now - not for this reason, but to allow me to catch up on the backlog while we're in reruns - but if this general level of rudeness continues when we reopen for questions, I may have to seriously consider changing the rules to this site.

Cuz I'm getting pretty tired of getting annoyed and cranky EVERY TIME I try to answer questions here. And, at this point, if some of you are TRYING to annoy me, cut it out, because (A) it's like shooting fish in a barrel and (B) you're going to ruin things for everyone else.

In any case, what you saw was Mike Norton's interpretation of a Phil Bourassa design. Both of which, I like, by the way. But if you want someone to blame, blame myself and Brandon Vietti, as no design goes through without our approval.

Response recorded on April 08, 2011

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,
Love the newest episode of YJ! Very interesting combination of villains in there; Sensei, Cheshire, Black Spider (right?), and League Asassin Hook (again, right?). I also liked Speedy showing up as Red Arrow, very cool. And Artemis, ooh I like her already. She's a fun character so far and I can't wait to learn her backstory. Please keep up the awesome work.

Greg responds...

Thank you. We'll try.

And, yes, that was Sensei, Cheshire, Black Spider and Hook.

Response recorded on April 08, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Hello,congratulations for Young Justice. I have two questions related with the "Infiltrator" episode:

1) Do the Young Justice members still go to missions with their mentors when they are not acting as a team? If not, what implications have exactly the fact that Artemis is the new Green Arrow's protegee? I ask it because Green Arrow remarks than he took Artemis because Roy wanted to act solo.

2) Why has Speedy/Green Arrow a member name and acces to the Zeta-tube? The numbers had to be given after the Cadmus incident (provided that Superboy is b04) and at this moment Speedy had made the decision of leaving the "group".

Greg responds...


2. There was hope that Speedy would join, so he was authorized. Even fter he turned down membership, some still held out hope.

Response recorded on April 08, 2011

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Jordan W. writes...

1. What was the J.S.A like in Young Justice and why did they disappeared.

2. What happened in Earth 16 during the gap between the 1940's and the 2000's and why there super heroes and villians during that time.

3. Will Alan Scott appear in the show and how will he be different from New Earth Alan Scott.

Greg responds...

1. They were like... good guys. And they didn't "disappear".

2. Lots happened. I'm thinking there's a typo in this question somewhere, cuz I'm not clear on what you're asking.


Response recorded on April 08, 2011

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DC Hero writes...

Hey Greg love it if you can answer my questions.
1.Does Kid Flash(Wally West) have the power to use Speed Force like the Flash, his uncle?
2.Whats the heaviest object that Superboy can lift? Just asking because he can easily pick up a car, no problem, but a bus seems a little too much so if you can tell me whats his limit?

Greg responds...

1. There is no Speed Force on Earth-16. But Flash is considerably faster than Kid Flash, which is something we'll explore eventually.

2. Superboy's strength limit's somewhere between a car and a bus.

Response recorded on April 08, 2011

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ElfGrove writes...

I was wondering if you could tell us what the heights of the primary 7 kids (Red Arrow, Superboy, Aqualad, Miss Martian, Kid Flash, Artemis, Robin) in Young Justice were, or at least list them in order of who's tallest to shortest. Robin seems to be consistently the shortest, but I'm unsure where the rest fall in comparison based on conflicting screen shots. (Silly fan artist likes to know who's taller.)

Thank you!

Greg responds...

Red Arrow is the tallest, followed (in order) by Aqualad, Superboy, Miss Martian, Kid Flash, Artemis and Robin.

Response recorded on April 08, 2011

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Edward writes...

Is the Green Arrow short in continuity with Young Justice since you were/are involved with both?

Greg responds...

I was also involved with W.I.T.C.H., Starship Troopers, Gargoyles and the Spectacular Spider-Man, and none of those are in continuity with Young Justice.

Response recorded on April 07, 2011

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Laura 'a astra' Sack writes...

Another typo- I meant in #5 to say that Kid Flash knew Speedy. sorry

Greg responds...

TOO LATE!!! ;) (Cuz I already made fun of you!)

You can see why Wally's so frustrated.

Response recorded on April 07, 2011

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Infiltrator comments:

1- Last one first- I noticed in the credits that three characters had special creator credits- Batman, Miss Martian and Cheshire. Why do some characters have special credits? (I get that some contracts might have been less 'work for hire' than others, but I can't imagine Kane (or his estate) having more control than Schuster & Segal did back in the day (or their estates now), especially considering that Superboy was not one of the specially credited characters, and IIRC Schuster and/or Segal's family actually won in court that they owned the character and he literally died in continuity until DC could sort that one out.)

2- Artimas' interaction with Cheshire and the Light reminds me a little of Cass (Batgirl) and the League of Assasins. More interesting is that she has some sort of relationship with Cheshire, when in the print universe Roy was err... involved with her.

3- Interesting- M'gan has siblings (of some sort) on Mars. I figure asking if she's a White or Green Martian is a "Wait and see" type of question. Would it be a legit question to ask if Mars has a living population in the YJ universe? (just to be clear, if so, I'm asking that ;)

4- What made you have Roy choose Red Arrow over Arsenal as his new code name?

5- Do I read correctly that Speedy, Robin and Aqualad where aquanted with Speedy before the League membership debacle? They, and by extension the rest of the group, seem to relate to him as a friend and someone they worked with in the past and not someone they crossed paths with once.

6- The destroyed weapon- did the stolen data survive the destruction of the device? I would assume that Star Labs stuff would have been downloaded, but the partial attack on Wayne Industries could still be in the device.

Greg responds...

1. This practice is the call of DC Comics legal department, and I'll admit it's a source of curiosity and sometimes perplexity for us as well. I mean, we'd love to credit EVERY character's creator, but we have so many characters it could get a little crowded on that card. And we're not entirely clear why some get the credit and some don't. Great question, though. If you learn a definitive answer, please let me know.

2. ...



5. Speedy was well-acquainted with Speedy. ;) Anyway, yes, all four of those sidekicks knew each other before. Some were closer than others. Aqualad and Speedy were pretty good friends. Kid Flash and Robin are very good friends. But July 4th was the first time all four of them had been in the same place at the same time.

6. The Wayne intel was not acquired by the League of Shadows. The STAR and MBU materials were.

Response recorded on April 07, 2011

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DC Hero writes...

Hey Greg, I saw the promo cover for Young Justice issue 2 and it seems that the Joker is the main villian of that issue.
1. So my question is, is he?
2.If yes to no.1, will the Joker appear in the series?

Greg responds...

1. In a way.


Response recorded on April 07, 2011

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DC Hero writes...

Is the the reason Superboy doesn't converse with the others on the team (except Aqualad..mostly) is because of his lack of realationship with Superman?

Greg responds...

Super's a boy of few words in general. He's socially awkward, certainly. But I think you're overstating it. And let's not assume we're seeing every conversation on screen. We're not. If you want to see more, supplement your viewing with the new Young Justice in-continuity companion comic book. You'll get more background and even conversation there.

Response recorded on April 07, 2011

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Grant writes...

How many members of the Light are there?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 07, 2011

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