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Irenerb writes...

Love the show! B)
1) what is sportsmaster origin? How did he become who is today?
2) what county is sportsmaster? His nationality?
3) how old was sportsmaster and Paula when they first meet?

Thanks and the show is awesome B)

Greg responds...

1. I don't use this forum to tell entire stories.

2. County? Did you mean country? Anyway, he's American, born and raised in Gotham City.

3. I haven't nailed down a precise year for when they met.

Response recorded on November 16, 2012

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Lorisa214 writes...

1) How old were Artemis & Jade when Jade ran away?
2) And how old where they when their mom got caught/sent to jail (did it take a year for her to be convicted?)

Greg responds...

1. Jade was 13. Artemis was nine.

2. The same.

2a. She plea-bargained.

Response recorded on November 16, 2012

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Kevin writes...

1. What are the blue crystals in the Blockbuster formula?
2. Why did the Light use Kobra Venom on Poison Ivy's plants instead of the Blockbuster formula?
3. Would the Blockbuster formula have a different effect on Mr. Tawny, Wolf, or the other animals in India?
4. Was Rex the Wonder Dog an inspiration for Wolf?

Greg responds...

1. Don't know. But they look cool, don't they?

2. Kobra-Venom combines Blockbuster with Venom. It's more stable.

3. Yes. It reduces intelligence.

4. One of many, perhaps. But way down the line behind Krypto and Wolf.

Response recorded on November 16, 2012

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Kevin writes...

1. How long does the Parasite have access to someone's powers and abilities?
2. How long does it take for someone to get their abilities after the Parasite takes them? Do aliens have a quicker recovery time?
3. Why did you decide for the Parasite's absorption ability not to have energy effects like he has in other animated incarnations?
4. Why does Red Arrow have different re-curve bows?
5. What were the alter egos of the team the Dangers based on?

Greg responds...

1. It's relatively brief.

2. A few hours to one degree or another.

2a. Apparently not.

3. I don't know what you're referring to.

4. Different from what?

5. What makes you think they were based on anything?

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

At what age did Sportsmaster start training Artemis?

Greg responds...

From birth, in his mind.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Curious writes...

I wanted to ask three related questions if it is not to much trouble.

1. What exactly are the 'lords of order and chaos'? I couldn't really find much information on them (plus this being your universe artistic license could easily rewrite their purpose) and I am curious since two of the characters (Nabu/doctor fate and Klarion) fall into this catagory.

2. What made you decide to make Klarion a lord of chaos? Initially he was a young witch boy from another dimension who happened to be versed in magic (and more than a little bit of a nasty streak) and in a later incarnation he was a rebellious kid from limbo town (witch city under gotham) with a confusingly grey moral chompass.
So I am sorta curious what made you decide to go in the direction of 'lord of chaos' for the Klarion character.

3. If Teekl is Klarions connection to the mortal plain then does that make her Klarion's equivalent to Nabu's helmet of doctor fate?

I appologize if one or more of these questions could be considered spoilers but from looking around, few people have bothered to ask anything in regards to this very interesting character.

Greg responds...

1. I think the terms are fairly self-explanatory. They are personifications of two natural mystic forces in the universe.

2. Clarity, Consistency, Coherence.

3. Yes. In a way.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Someone Not Really Important writes...

please answer my question, and please do not answer my question with another question

In some questions, people asked if we'll see the league's reaction to Robin fighting crime.
In Agendas, we saw that Wonder Woman did not approve of this.
Was the 'spoiler alert'? and if so, is it only a small part of it?

Greg responds...

In "Agendas", you did NOT see that Wonder Woman does not approve of Robin fighting crime. LOOK AGAIN.

And I'd love to answer your question - really. But I honestly do not understand it:

"Was the 'spoiler alert'? and if so, is it only a small part of it?"

What does that mean?!

You went to a lot of trouble to preamble this question with a lot of pleases, etc., and then didn't take the time or trouble to clearly state - or even proofread - your question.

So... sorry. But I can't answer it.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Angela writes...

How is wonder woman able to stay immortal? In the comics she can't age only when she is on paradise island.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Shatter writes...

What Math class is Dick in, in season 1?

Greg responds...

I dunno.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Kittygirl56 writes...

Hi! I'm a big fan of Young Justice! and I have a few questions(well,opinon questions,but a question is a question.)Thank you.

1.Why is Kid Flash considerably slower than Flash?
2.Out of the 4 pairings that were created in the first season,which one was your favorite?
3.If Wolf and Sphere(In super-cycle mode)were to travel the entire way around the earth, which one would win?
4.If you had to choose a battle between the season 1 team,who would fight who?
5.Name your favorite line from Young justice.

Greg responds...

1. It has to do with the nature of their different origins on Earth-16.

2. Do you mean romantic pairings? I don't have a favorite.

3. You mean in a race? Sphere. By a lot.

4. What?

5. I'm not sure I have just one. Maybe, "Dude, that's your sister!"

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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