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Becky writes...

Does Beast Boy know Nightwing was the first hero robin ?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Kevin writes...

In the Young Justice universe do gods such as Zeus and Isis use magic or is it just energy based powers that are their own and is just perceived as such?

Greg responds...

Um... what's the difference?

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Harrigan writes...

Did Garfield live at mount justice for most of the years of the five year gape between young justice and young justice invasion ?

Greg responds...

He lived with his mom in Qurac until she was murdered. Then he lived with Rita and the Doom Patrol until they died. Then he lived with M'gann at Mount Justice until that blew up. Then, after he was rescued from the Reach, he lived briefly in Bludhaven in Nightwing's temporary base for the Team. Then he lived with his step-foster-father Steve Dayton somewhere in Los Angeles. Then after they had made some real money on Space Trek 3016, they moved to Brentwood. Then he legally became an emancipated minor and moved to the Premiere Building in Hollywood.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Guy Bracha writes...

How old Aquaman and Mera was when they became husband and wife?

Greg responds...

I don't seem to have nailed down in the timeline exactly what year they were married. Sorry.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

1) As of Invasion, is Miss Martian able to read peoples minds without them being aware of it? Was it a lack of skill that prevented her from doing so in season one, or is it just not how her power works?

2) Can J'onn read peoples minds without them being aware of it?

Greg responds...

1. Her ability to read a mind without the other person noticing is totally dependent on who that other person is.

2. His ability to read a mind without the other person noticing is totally dependent on who that other person is.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

What are Brandon's responsibilities on YJ, specifically? What does his job consist of?

Greg responds...


In theory, I'm in charge of Writing and Voice. He's top dog on Design and Direction. We both cover post.

But Brandon and I are full partners in every sense. We both break the stories together. And we both write individual episodes. I story edit every script, whether it's written by Brandon, one of our freelancers, or myself. But Brandon gives notes on every script.

We both supervise voice recordings. We both supervise boards, animatics and all designs. We both do post-production together. Because I'm color deficient, Brandon handles Quantel without me. But the rest we do together. Brandon can also draw, so he does some frame corrections and other improvements I could never do.

Plus, he's smarter than I am. He's irreplaceable. I'm largely irreplaceable. Largely.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

1. Did Green Arrow ever go on a cross-country road trip with Hal Jordan?
2. How long have Vandal Savage and Klarion known each other?
3. How old is Starro?
4. Where did Psimon get his powers?
5. Where did Brick get his powers?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers.

3. Which one?

4. No spoilers.

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

1. Where did Red Tornado get the key to the Tower of Fate?
2. Why did Red Tornado just happen to have the key on his person? Was he going to investigate by himself?
3. Is Icicle Jr. technically a metahuman?
4. Did Captain Cold ever form the Rogues?
5. Why did Kid Flash run the heart across America instead of the Flash, who is exponentially faster and could have done it in less time?

Greg responds...

1. From Kent Nelson.

2. He was about to go investigate. Kent had given him the key for safe-keeping.

3. Probably.

4. No spoilers.

5. Batman made a call that he needed Flash on the Ice-Fortress mission.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Heather writes...

Did you have to make changes to the young justice timeline since young justice invasion air ?

Greg responds...

Since it aired? No.

Do you mean "Since we made it?"

Additions, yes. "Changes"? Not really. Corrected some typos. Got more specific about certain things. Etc.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg I wanna say congratulations on season 3 of YJ! It's my favorite show and i'm so excited it got renewed.

1. Is Barry Allen's mother dead?
2. Is Barry Allen's father in jail?
3. Is Plastic Man as ridiculously durable as he is in the comics? i.e. could he survive being scattered across the ocean floor for thousands of years?
4. What does the "G" in G. Gordon Godfrey stand for?
5. Did anyone ever figure out which Wildstorm character made a cameo in season 1? (If not, I swear I will trawl through every single episode until I find them)

Greg responds...

1. No Spoilers.

2. No Spoilers.

3. I wouldn't think so.

4. Glorious, I suppose.

5. Not that I know of.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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