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Marvelman writes...

1) Is Ms. Martian's telekinesis as extraordinarily powerful as her telepathy? Or is it just her telepathy that is unusually strong for a martian?

2) Is Grodd a more powerful telepath than Ms. Martian?

Greg responds...

1. Her telekinesis is average for a Martian. Her telepathy is unusually strong.

2. Jury's still out.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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FallenLegend writes...

Hey Greg I got some questions regarding young justice and Atlantean magic.

On land we know only people born with the talent like Zatanna or Zatara can use magic (not counting artifacts like fate's helmet). Hence the reason Batman is not a wizard.

So my questions are:

1.- Given we have seen plenty more of human civilian magic users on Atlantis compared to land , does this means that all atlantans have the potential to use magic? or They just have a higher amount of talented magicians?

2.- Given Aquaman lacks magic powers and Ocean Master tried to steal Mera's magic, is their lack of magic powers due to lack of study on magic or they just weren't born with magical talent?

3.-Is Mera's magic derived purely on study? With that I mean, not counting her hard work. was she born with her raw power?

4.- Why didn't Ocean Master or Aquaman considered studying magic to gain magic powers like Mera?

Thank you Greg!

Greg responds...

I'm not necessarily agreeing with your starting premise.

1. I know there's no way (back in 2017) that you could have known this, but the answer to this question is actually a direct SPOILER for YJ season four: YOUNG JUSTICE: PHANTOMS. So... Sorry.

2. Reducing this all simply to "born with" and "not born with" is an oversimplification.

3. She was born with considerable raw power, but she also studied a TON.

4. What makes you think Ocean-Master hasn't studied? As for Orin, he had other stuff keeping him busy.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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FallenLegend writes...

Hey there it's me again. Sorry for asking so many things, but I admire your writing and love your shows.

I have two questions regarding your storytelling techniques.

First How do you manage to always see up us guessing? I know you're very protective on spoilers. But I mean, how do you plan these seeds of questions in our minds?

I have a lot of questions you won't answer because they are spoilers. But how do you manage to make us want to know in the first place.

Your questions are like Hydra. Whenever you answer a question we have as fans (like who are the members of the light) two more questions take their place.


I've heard you mention that you would do series forever if you could. But how would you do that with licensed properties?

Specially after you said you do like characters growing.

Sure with Gargoyles you said you could keep the story after Goliath dies and sure you could make a lot of villains and plots. We already got Alexander Xanatos in the future for one.

But what about Spectacular Spiderman? by season 2 you had already introduced like 90% of his most famous villains. How could you've kept things fresh without creating original characters?

And with Young justice, not complaining about time skips, but eventually all of them will become adults right? Wouldn't you be running out of teenage superheros by time skipping?

I know you're skilled writer. But it seems like theres no way on making these lost longer and keep character growing without creating new characters that aren't part of the franchise.

I'm very curious. Thank you greg!

Greg responds...

1. Planning, I guess. (If I'm understanding your question correctly.) We block out our stories beat by beat over an entire season. Some of it's instinct, I suppose. A lot of it is experience. But our rule of thumb is if it intrigues us, it might just intrigue our audience.

2. The DC Universe has been going for over 80 years. The Spider-Man corner of the Marvel Universe has been going for almost 60. No one's run out of characters yet. And as I believe YJ proves, you can age your original leads and still constantly intro new young leads as you go. (We're not even vaguely close to running out of young heroes that are canon to DC.) If anything, I think our audience is sometimes annoyed that we don't focus enough on existing characters and keep introducing more.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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a human Earthling writes...

Do "Martians" as we know them (such as J'onn, M'gann, and B'arzz) have a name that they use amongst themselves to refer their particular species that goes beyond the planetary designation? Humans, for example, could also be considered "Earthlings," but we tend to think of ourselves and each other as "humans" before we think of ourselves as "Earthlings," and I feel as though that still largely applies to Earth-16 despite people on Earth becoming more and more aware of sentient life on other planets. Is there a Martian equivalent to "human" in that sense, or do Martians call each other "Martians" (or, of course, whatever the Martian language equivalent of "person from/of Mars" is).

This same question could apply to any alien species, I suppose (Kryptonian, Rannian, Krolotean, etc.), but with Mars being a populated planet so relatively close to Earth and its inhabitants being capable of interplanetary travel, it makes me very curious how Martians contextualize themselves as a species. If this question crosses into spoiler territory since we've yet to really see Martian civilization in the show, I understand and apologize. Thank you for your time!

Greg responds...

We basically translate the Martian word for what we call ourselves (as Earthlings) "human," as "Martian" (for inhabitants of M'arzz).

It's just hella simpler that way.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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FallenLegend writes...

Hey there Greg I wanted to clarify and fix question I asked you a while back about how making comics more apealing to the general public.

I correct myself as DC's Rebirth is indeed fantastic.

However new 52 was a disaster (their superman was awful) and Marvel is having a crisis of having low sales of these writting. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/07/books/marvel-comics-diversity-thor-hulk.html

The think is comics are very niche.

Best selling comics from the big two are at best on the hunred thousands (if they are lucky). And we are talking big names like Spider-Man or Batman.

They are dwarfed by TV. But not even the convenience of TV being free an accesible is an excuse becuase Manga (aka japanese comics) again dwarf them by selling on the millions range.

There was a time Fawcett sold in the millions. Yet today most people simply aren't atracted to comics.

A big issue in my opinion is how the continuity os a nightmare. Just a glance at the retcons and illy explanations like "superboy punched reality" are a nightmare to follow for new comers.

As an outsider I see chaos and very confusing plotlines. But yes as you pointed out "zooming in" there are plenty of fantastic comics.

So my question is, how would you make comics more appealing to the general public?


How would you fix all these continuity nighmares caused by cosmic retcons like having hundreds of retcons ( superboy prime, antimonitor, etc)

Thank you Greg. Love your shows.

Greg responds...

I'm not entirely sure what you're asking me? How I would fix things if DC and Marvel gave me full and complete power over their respective Universes? That's a massively huge hypothetical, right?

Otherwise, on a somewhat more reasonable level, if you're asking what I would do with, say, my version of the DC Universe, you can see that by watching YOUNG JUSTICE.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Zack writes...

Hi, sorry it's been a year since you responded, but I forgot about this site. When I asked about yj captain atom power compared to yj super man, I meant in terms of physical strength, speed, durability. Stuff like that. Depending on story, atom is shown as slightly weaker JLU, equal (comics)or more powerful ( injustice)than super man .

Greg responds...

Captain Atom's energy blasts can be more powerful than Superman's heat-vision.

Superman is stronger.

Their flight speed is about equal.

Superman's agility is greater.

Response recorded on October 30, 2020

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Jurgan writes...

Young Justice Season One Review

I didn't have to work Labor Day, so I spent it binging the second half of season one. I'm of two minds on the season as a whole. Thematically, it was about team-building, specifically through trust and revealing secrets. M'gann was hiding her grotesque (by Earth standards) real body is the best example I can remember, but there were others. In the last couple episodes they spent a lot of time baring their souls to one another, and they became a stronger team as a result. There were little character traits early on that got expanded over time. M'gann's catchphrase was annoying until we learned where it came from (a sitcom by those hacks Brandon Weisman and Greg Vietti). Red Arrow was obnoxious and I couldn't stand him, but then we find out it wasn't his real personality but conditioning from The Light. It ends on New Year's Eve, a great time for reflection.
On a plot level, though, I'm not as enthusiastic. The individual episodes generally had pretty good plots (the Halloween ghost story was one of my favorites), but the season long arc seemed kind of weak. Mainly, it's that there was a very long build-up to a masterstroke that was resolved very quickly. In the last episode, Vandal Savage and Thom Adcox (I don't remember that character's name) takes control of the entire Justice League. HOLY CRAP HOW ARE THEY EVER GOING TO- the Young Justice team frees them all in about ten minutes. It struck me as an anticlimax. Then Savage just left and talked about "phase two" of the plan. You've often referred to "Big Bads," a reference to Joss Whedon's standard plot structure, but in a typical season of Buffy the Big Bad would be utterly defeated at the end of the season. Maybe The Light are more like Wolfram and Hart from Angel. Well, it's not a big complaint from me. I enjoyed the season by and large, I just felt that they foiled The Light's plan too easily. On the plus side, I love Savage's monologue about survival of the fittest. He also referenced being thousands of years old but didn't explain further. I imagine if I knew DC comics I would know a lot about him, but instead I'm willing to enjoy the ride.
I already have season two, so I'll start watching it soon. Since it's called "Invasion" and Savage ominously referred to "phase two," I'm guessing it involves some sort of alien infiltration and Savage is worried that the Justice League has made humanity too soft to resist. I could be totally wrong, of course, but I'm eager to see where it goes.

Rating: 3.5/4

Greg responds...

Feel a bit damned by faint praise. But I respect your opinion... though I don't really agree with it. Glad it largely worked for you.

Response recorded on October 29, 2020

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BigShadow writes...

How Long did Mark Desmond work at Cadmus before he was recruited b the Light
why did he look so Genomorphy as Blocbuster
an did he know his Intellect would leave him upon his transformation

Greg responds...

1. The Light (through Luthor) created Cadmus, so by definition, he was always working for the Light.

2. Did he? I guess the Blockbuster formula may have a common ancestor out of the genomorph research.

3. Nope.

Response recorded on October 29, 2020

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Kevin writes...

In the rise of tv shows being streamed on individual networks how can we support Young Justice and other shows like it? If this is a really simple solution, I am sorry as supporting shows and comics like this has been really complicated in the past with pre orders and toy lines and I would like a professional in the industry to clarify if it is not too presumptuous.

Greg responds...

Basically, subscribe to the service that carries YJ. Back in S3, that was DC Universe. For S4, that'll be HBO Max. That's the best way.

Buying Blu-Rays and merch helps too.

Response recorded on October 28, 2020

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Jack Carpenter writes...

In "Performance", did Wally deliberately start making a bologna sandwich right before calling Dick SPECIFICALLY so he could make that joke?

Greg responds...

Wouldn't put it past him. Also, he was hungry.

Response recorded on October 28, 2020

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