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King_Joey_3rd writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman,

I am a fan of your work who frequents this forum and has studied your work thoroughly. I was looking for information to further my understanding and therefore enjoyment of your work on Young Justice. I tried to find the answer to this question but I could not find any response. I am really, really not trying to nit-pick here but this is something that has been bothering me for a while now.

You were once asked "Do you regard Young Justice's magic as following the same "rules" as Gargoyles's, or did you right it differently?" your very cool response was " More or less." In the Gargoyle series it was necessary for human sorcerer to use a "conduit" in order to generate or summon the mystic energy necessary for casting spells. In contrast The Third Race, who were magical beings, could generate mystic energy of their own, but not without limit.

I understand that Klarion and Dr. Fate are magical beings, that can channel mystic energy from another plane of existence into our world through a physical "anchor." Wotan, Felix Faust, and Blackbriar Thorn are all sorcerers that have lived long enough to figure out a way to general/summon/channel mystic energy without to much trouble and the Atlanteans summon/generate mystic energy via their mystic skin icons that also assist in channeling these energies.

1. My question is how is it that the Zatara family members, Giovanni and his daughter Zatanna, are able to summon mystic energy without the use of a conduit? Wizard used a magic wand and Giovanni used a wand on several occasions is season one but Zatanna is constantly casting spells seemingly with words alone.

2. Are they using a conduit we cannot see?

3. Are they somehow magical in nature?

4. Are they somehow just so talented and physically strong that they are able to endure the bodily strain of conducting mystic energy through themselves without a conduit like The Magus did on Avalon? I would think that that would be extremely exhausting even considering they're younger than The Magus was at the time of his death.

5. Could you please explain magical "affinity?" At this point I am running off of the assumption that it means natural-born talent for magic.

I just want to know what's happening. I'm sorry if the magical beings question counts as a spoiler, but I think it is valid in this case.

Greg responds...

1. He's using the words as his conduit.

2. Yes. But you can hear it.

3. Watch Season Four.

4. See above.

5. Largely, yes.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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