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GREG-SPONSES 2010-09 (Sep)

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Anon. writes...

Hi Greg!!!! I hear rumors that Harley Quinn will be appearing! Will she? Also, can you give just one exclusive. Anything. Even something small. As long as it's new.

Greg responds...

Please, Anon., allow me to scoop my own material by answering these questions. Please! What? You've changed your mind and don't want the answers? But I'm just dying to reveal everything here and now so that the viewing audience is protected from any surprises whatsoever. Besides, if you let me tell you everything now, it'll allow way more second-guessing and pre-judging of ideas, free of all that pesky execution of said ideas. So how 'bout it? Can I spill? Can I spoil? Ahhh, you're no fun.

[Is it still mean the second time? Meaner? Less mean?]

Response recorded on September 13, 2010

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rex writes...

1.Will Superboy have a love interest?
2.If so who will it Be?

Greg responds...

Please, rex, allow me to scoop my own material by answering these questions. Please! What? You've changed your mind and don't want the answers? But I'm just dying to reveal everything here and now so that the viewing audience is protected from any surprises whatsoever. Besides, if you let me tell you everything now, it'll allow way more second-guessing and pre-judging of ideas, free of all that pesky execution of said ideas. So how 'bout it? Can I spill? Can I spoil? Ahhh, you're no fun.

[Was that too mean? Or just mean enough? I can never tell.]

Response recorded on September 13, 2010

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Oscar writes...

Hi i am a big fan of spider-man and i have a few questions

1)Will the new show for spider-man be starting all over or continue where you left off on the spectacular spider-man?

2)Do you think the new spider man show will better?

3)Are y'all going to use the same characters?

4)Why did the Spectacular spider-man show get canceled?

5)Do you think y'all could have gone far with the spectacular spider-man more than the 1994 series?

6)Last question Do you think there will be ever a chance that they could bring back the Spectacular spider-man if the the new one won't receive good ratings or it crashes like other shows that lasted 13 episodes or less?

Thank you for your time

Greg responds...

1. Ask the new creators. I have no idea, but I can't imagine they'll be picking up where we left off.

2. Not for me to say.

3. I did Spectacular. Ask the new guys about the new show.

4. See the archives.

5. If given the opportunity, we could have kept SpecSpidey going pretty much indefiinitely. But I'm not in competition with any other series.

6. It seems highly unlikely.

Response recorded on September 13, 2010

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Daniel writes...

Hi Greg. By sheer coincidence I decided to watch a DC Animated Movie about a week before I heard of the Young Justice show, and noticed in the interview/trailer that someone had opted to use the Justice League character designs from those films. I think it's a really great look for the show, but was curious to know why it was chosen over a unique aesthetic or the one from the Batman and Justice League cartoons. Was it mandated for visual branding to help sell related products like the movies? Something else? Given the more mature nature of the film I saw, using the same visual style makes me expect a similar tone in YJ (albeit network-safe). I'm looking forward to seeing what you have up your sleeve.

Also in that interview I noticed Gargoyles pictures on one of the boards. Why was it up on the board next to the superhero designs? Borrowing a visual trait for the designs? Motivation while writing?

Thanks for your time!
- Daniel

Greg responds...

Okay, this is another misreport and/or misinterpretation.

We are NOT using the character designs from "Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths". We ARE using Phil Bourassa, the character DESIGNER from Crisis, so obviously there are going to be some similarities in style and design. But not a single character was taken from that DVD in anything but pitch materials, i.e. what we used to help sell the show. EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER has been redesigned for the actual production of Young Justice. Will there be similarities? Of course. Some characters may be more similar than others, but that's it.

We simply love Phil's work. But there was no mandate. We're not in continuity with any past DC/WB animation project. We are not REUSING anything.

None of this is meant to imply criticism of what came before. Rather, I'm simply trying to clarify what's really going on and stop the spread of certain rumors.

The interview I'm assuming you saw was shot in my office. I have all sorts of pictures up in my office. Cool stuff from Gargoyles, from Spectacular Spider-Man, pictures of my kids, etc. Don't read too much into any of it.

Response recorded on September 13, 2010

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Chris writes...

When Demona thought that Macbeth was going to betray her, why didn't she just take her clan and abandon him (or, if she really wanted to make sure he would fall, sabotage Castle Moray's defenses like with what happened to Wyvern)? Why would she work with Canmore, who she hated?

Greg responds...

Did she hate Canmore? Back then?

Response recorded on September 13, 2010

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Algernon writes...

Hey again Greg,
I've recently started rewatching "The Spectacular Spider-Man", and I thought I'd test the waters with a question you probably would never have answered while the show was on the air. If every character from the show was taken from the comics, then who was Hammerhead's female chauffeur?

Greg responds...

We did have some thoughts on that subject, but I'm not too inclined to go into them...

Response recorded on September 13, 2010

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Ashton writes...

Hey Greg,

I noticed in the first look video of Young Jusitce that Artemis in her casual clothes, her jacket sleeves were rolled up. Almost exactly as Black Canary wears her jacket, could she be Olivia Queen. The daughter of both Oliver Queen and Black Canary?
Since you did say that she was not an Amazon, nor Arrowette and neither Speedy. But that she was a DC character. You can now laugh evily because I know that fits perfectly with the characters design and obscurity.

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on September 10, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

Does anyone in your family play Assassin's Creed, Prince of Persia or Uncharted? I only asked because Nolan North had worked in those video games and that you casted him to voice Superboy on Young Justice.

What city is Young Justice going to be set?

Greg responds...

I don't think so.

Nolan was cast because his auditions for both Superman and Superboy were the best. It's not any more complicated then that.

And I'm NOT revealing details about YJ right now.

Response recorded on September 10, 2010

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Celestialien86 writes...

This one here is a very silly question: I was reading information about Thailog and it says that something about Negative Zone, right? Well, I was playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl and a character Luigi (Mario's brother; Super Mario Bros. Series) has a very strong move known as "Negative Zone" and I am thinking if Luigi stole Thailog's Negative Zone thing...oh wait. That was from Fantastic Four...My bad. Anyway, Luigi has taken the Dark Side move and use it for the good side...maybe.

Greg responds...

Uh. Okay.

Response recorded on September 10, 2010

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Ashton writes...

Hi Greg,

Will you see the teens origins as well as the villians in the Young Justice show. Like you did with The Spectacular Spiderman? Showing each villian being created and showing each teens development into heroes?

Greg responds...

You'll just have to wait and see...

(And, guys, I'll say this AGAIN: before you post your questions, you might just think about whether or not there's ANY chance I'll answer. I'm just NOT going to spoil my own show before it airs. I'm NOT.)

If you're familiar with my previous work, you may have a general idea of the kind of thing you can expect. But I'm not going to give details or specifics or confirm or deny whether we're doing X or Y or Z or Q.

Response recorded on September 10, 2010

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Ashton writes...

Hi Greg,

Will you be the supervising director and writer for the show? Also I have another question, but I know you probably cant answer it. But its been driving me crazy to ask. I'm hoping you guys dont kill the new Aqualad character because he's such a cool looking character either it's the cartoon version or the comic version and since you were one of the creaters of the character did you expect the character to have such good feedback from the hardcore dc fans? Seriously every comic board that spoke about the new aqualad they all loved his look and intriguing obscure background story.You've stated in an interview that there were going to be 2 regulars added to the show in first season. So are you still going to be able to maintain the character driven storylines you've created in your previous shows without have too much on your plate. As you said that theres a 16 member Justice League and that this is really a DC Universe show. Will you still have the main focus on these six teens? As the JLU focused on many characters in the dc universe in different episodes which you never got to really grow to and love the characters as fans did with cartoons such as: Batman The Animated, The Spectacular Spiderman, Gargoyles, Superman The Animated Series, Batman Beyond and Static Shock they were all character driven shows. Will the show be similar in tone to the show?

Greg responds...

I'm one of two producers on Young Justice. I'm the writer producer and Brandon Vietti is the directing producer. But both of us work very hard on the entire product.

Has Aqualad had good feedback? Cool!

The focus for the entire season is absolutely on our six leads (Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash, Superboy, Miss Martian, Artemis). And I think our show is very character driven. If you've seen my other work (Gargoyles, W.I.T.C.H., Roughnecks, Spectacular Spider-Man), you must know that I'm accustomed to juggling huge casts without losing focus.

But tone is something different. Every series has it's own unique tone. Or at least it should

Response recorded on September 10, 2010

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Tyler writes...

Hey Greg,

Will Aqualad's mother be in the tv show, just as his father Black Manta will be? Also will the action sequences be as fluid and realistic as well as huge and intense as Gargoyles and The Spectacular Spiderman?

Greg responds...

No comment on Aqualad's mother.

As for the action, I sure hope so. That's certainly our intent: to equal or better the bars set by those and other great animated series.

Response recorded on September 10, 2010

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Loralee Dawson writes...

Hello. I was just wondering if Demona & Broadway were related? And I do not mean though Hudson. They are both the most human looking (besides Goliath & Hudson) their wing talons are the same, neither have horns, or weird face. Also their coulouring is very close. In some episode, even the same colour. I just thought they might be cousins.

Greg responds...

I'm sure they're at least slightly related, but (a) I don't particularly consider them "the most human looking" (maybe humans are the most Demona looking) and (b) I'm probably less interested in distant biological relationships than some of the fans are.

Response recorded on September 10, 2010

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Brent writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Do you know if there will be any presentation for Young Justice at New York Comic Con?

Greg responds...

Not sure.

Response recorded on September 10, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

What year/decade is Young Justice going to be set in?

Greg responds...

The present.

Response recorded on September 09, 2010

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Lia writes...

Hello Greg,
1st I'd like to say thanks for making the best show of my young life and 2nd I'd like to ask you if You R aware that Disney is planing on making a Live Action Gargoyles movie? When I first heard of this I thought I was going to be the Gargoyles you created but instead its going to be a movie that doesn't follow your storyline at all. It's still going to be of Gargoyles set in modern time and turning to stone and even have some history in it. BUT when I found out it wasn't your Gargoyles I could honestly say that I was heart broken along with a lot of my friends. Many of us are outraged that Disney would do this because we know that it will just ruin things to have a REAL Gargoyles movie made with your ideas. I even considerd writing to the produser and asking them not to make the movie unless you worked with them with your story line because I alway felt that Gargoyles would make a great movie. But only if it's the Gargoyles that we know and love. Well anyways sory about my rant and I you ever do make a Gargoyles movie of the greates 90's cartoon, you can bet that I'll be one of the first in line to see it along with the rest of my friends.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 09, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

A question about Batman: Brave and the Bold.

What was your reaction when you found out that Will Friedle and John Dimaggio are working together for the second time in a cartoon?

Greg responds...

I only wrote a couple episodes of B&B (and came up with the story idea for a third). I don't think either Will or John were in either of my episodes. I know John played Aquaman. But I had no idea Will was in the series. So I guess my reaction to it is... to shrug?

Response recorded on September 09, 2010

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Mal writes...

Did Demona really need Thailog to bust her out of that cell? Those bars didn't look like they were that tough, and we saw some great feats of strength from her in other episodes. Like that time she lifted and threw that huge boulder in Temptation and that time in Hunters Moon where she tore that warehouse door out of the building and threw it down the street.

If Thailog never came to rescue her do you think she could have got out by herself?

Greg responds...

In some way. But the bars were obviously strong enough or Goliath and Talon wouldn't have put her in that cell.

Response recorded on September 09, 2010

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Mojo writes...

I purchased the graphic novels since I wanted to finish the stories from the comic books. After reading clan building again it made me try and find news about the gargoyles continuing in some way because I really enjoyed the show/comic. After being disappointed again for lack of good news, I went to imdb.com just to check out some of the actors. After seeing how many wonderful and "big name" actors were involved an idea hit me. So here is my question. I am sorry if it was asked already, is there a way to maybe some of these famous actors could be contacted? Then with some of them on board maybe they in-turn would be able to contact Disney on at least getting the last half of season two released. Maybe it is wishful thinking but it seems that they enjoyed the show as much as the fans did. Plus they have clout that we "fans" don't have. Maybe through their connections we can actually get that little bit of closure. I mean if I could play the game six degrees of Kevin Bacon and get to Robert A. Iger, surely then these actors have a more linear connection that could yield results. Just a thought and hope.

thank you and I hope to see the dvds and more comics/graphic novels

Greg responds...

Actors have WAY less clout than you seem to think they have.

Response recorded on September 09, 2010

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

Hello again Greg,

A while ago, before I got a hold of Clan Building vol. 2, I asked you this question:

<<Following up on what Clark asked, how is it that such a powerful artifact, the Phoenix Gate, is used by such a simple incantation that even Goliath, certainly no trained sorcerer, quickly learned it? Maybe I'm conditioned by role-playing games to assume that more powerful magic will always be harder to learn than relatively weak magic, but it seems quite strange to me that the Phoenix Gate incantation, and for that matter the incantation to enter Avalon, are so quickly learned when they seem to be quite powerful spells.>>

You replied:
<<It has to do with the nature of the Gate and of Avalon. I don't want to go into too many details (particularly on the former) when we're so close to the release of the Trade.>>

Reading the vol. 2 trade paperback nicely cleared up for me why the Phoenix Gate is so easy to use and just how dangerous it is! In fact it makes me wonder whether the "incantation" is really an incantation in the usual sense... However, the other half of my question doesn't relate to the Gate, and if there was something in the trade paperback that answered my question... I missed it. Now that the three trades have been out for a while and the Phoenix Gate's nature has been (partially) revealed, I hope that you are in the mood to answer the other half of my question:

What is the reason that the Avalon incantation used by the Magus and Tom, seemingly a quite powerful spell, is so easy to use and to learn? Angela and Goliath seemed to pick it up rather easily.

Thanks and have a nice day.

Greg responds...

I feel I've pretty much answered this. Reread everything above. All the clues are there. And if the answer isn't clear -- well, then good. ;)

Response recorded on September 09, 2010

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Alan Gavinchki writes...

Dear Greg,

I forgot to ask, when will season 2 of TSSM be released on DVD? I am not patient as you can see. Would the DVD feature any plans you had for a possible season 3? Sorry I forgot to ask you that question in my previous question.

Your fan,

Greg responds...

I have no idea about the release schedule, but I don't see how it could have any "plans for a possible season 3" since I wasn't involved in the extras (if any) at all.

Response recorded on September 08, 2010

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Alan Gavinchki writes...

Dear Greg,
I was really looking forward to a season 3 of TSSM, but due to recent news, I am a little disappointed that we won't see that show again. I have a few things I want to say. Firstly, I want to thank you for this great show. The two year run was my favorite two years yet. I have a few questions.

1. Would we have seen the Punisher? I'm a huge Punisher fan and I would've loved to see him.

2. I already know Scorpion and Hobgoblin would appear, but what other villains would we have seen?

3. Would Sandman become a good guy?

4. In the episode "Accomplices", Roderick Kingsley got away from the fight with Spidey, Silver Sable, and Hammerhead and ended up running away without a coat. But at the parking garage, Kingsley is seen in a different car (his limo was destroyed and appeared to have no other form of transportation) and had his coat back. When he saw Rhino, he seemed less surpirsed rather when he was attacked by Silver Sable. Was this Roderick's identical twin brother Daniel?

5. Speaking of Rhino, I loved seeing him and Spidey team-up. Would Spidey team-up with any other villains?

6. When the symbiote went into the sewer, was it possible that it reproduced and would create the Carnage symbiote?

7. Final question, would Miles Warren become the Jackal? If so, would he do something like the clone saga and make Ben Reilly? I'm a huge Scarlet Spider fan and I was really hoping we'd see him.

That's all I have, thanks again for a great 26 episodes.

Your fan,
Alan Gavinchki

Greg responds...

Alan, I appreciate your obvious enjoyment of the series. But I've pretty much made the decision that there's nothing in it for me to just spit out ideas I had for future seasons. Absent the execution of said ideas, they just become fodder for debate on whether or not they were good ideas. A debate that has little to do with whether they MIGHT have been good ideas if we had had the chance to execute them. So...

1. As I've stated MANY times before, we weren't given access to characters like Punisher. And at this point, it's a little moot to theorize what we might have done had Punisher become available. It was never considered.

2. Some are obvious, given the fact that we had already introduced them in their civilian identities or other hints we dropped. Beyond that, I'm not saying.

3. Things aren't black and white.

4. Again, I'll leave that to everyone's interpretation.

5. I wouldn't rule it out, but that's so specific. We never got into detail breaking down Season Three.

6. And STILL, I'm not interested in using this forum to reveal unexecuted ideas.

7. Ditto.

Response recorded on September 08, 2010

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Young Justice Stats

Statistics interest me. So I thought I'd share some with you guys. (Okay, yeah, I'm procrastinating. But it is my lunch hour, so sue me.)

We have completed (so far) 17 out or our 26 first season Young Justice Scripts. That is NOT the same as completing the episodes. We haven't completed a single episode yet. We don't start post-production until later this month. But we do have 17 scripts in the can.

As of episode 17, we have 147 name characters from the DC Universe. That's an average of introducing 8.6 DC characters per episode. Of course, the reality is that some episodes have introduced many more than that, others fewer. But that's the average.

Our average page count for each script is 33. Our average dialogue count is 235 lines.

We've completed recording on the first 13 episodes. (We've partially recorded episodes 114-116, but are missing a few actors still. We'll record 117 this coming Tuesday after Labor Day.) So the following statistics are only through episode 13:

Total number of actors we've used so far: 47.
Average number of actors we've used per episode: 11.
Of course many actors are in multiple episodes and many are performing more than one character.

Hmm... what else?

All 26 scripts have been assigned to writers. (All 26 premises were written and approved months ago.) As I mentioned above, 1-17 are in the can. Episode 18 is in script. Episodes 19-22 are in outline. Episodes 23-24 are in beat outline. 25-26 are approved premises, waiting in the wings.

We have seven writers, including myself, staff writer Kevin Hopps and our freelancers: Andrew Robinson, Nicole Dubuc, Jon Weisman, Tom Pugsley and Peter David. My fellow producer Brandon Vietti is also heavily involved in the writing process.

Okay, back to work...

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whitney writes...

Is the Gargoyles coming back this year?

Greg responds...

Doesn't seem likely. Not much of the year left.

Response recorded on September 03, 2010

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Jess writes...

Heya Greg! Let me be completely unoriginal and congratulate you on the upcoming Young Justice. I'll definitely be watching. So my question is the pretty simple yes-or-no type: Will you or anyone associated with the show be coming to NY Comicon? No worries if you can't say just yet, but I'd love to get more of a glimpse at what to expect, and of course to see you if I have the chance. Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

I hope so, but I don't know yet.

Response recorded on September 03, 2010

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