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Is the French member of the Light suppose to be the Brain?
No comment.
1) Were the twins from Drop Zone, the Terror Twins from your YJ comic?
2) Since you have Shimmer and what is presumably Mammoth, will the rest of the Fearsome Five soon appear?
1. Nope. Drop-Zone featured Mammoth and Shimmer.
2. No comment.
Does Superboy speak Spanish? It seemed like he could understand what Bane was saying when he was listening with his super hearing?
Yes, Superboy speaks Spanish.
Hi, just wanted to ask some questions about Young Justice (which I'm LOVING so far):
1. Do you have an actor doing the noises/grunts/screams for characters like Mammoth or Blockbuster, or is your sound design team just that awesome?
2. What inspired the decision to have Spanish dialogue in "Drop Zone"? Was it out of a desire to be more realistic, or did it just tickle you to have Danny Trejo give a bilingual performance?
3. Did Superboy's smirk at the end of Bane's Spanish dialogue while he was tied up indicate that Superboy knew Bane planned to betray them? If so, why did he decide not to say anything to the others? I loved that moment, mind you, but it's an extremely curious touch.
1. Both.
2. The former.
3. Yes.
3a. That was his choice. It felt right to us.
After watching "Drop Zone" I have only one question:
Why! Greg why! Why did you let them butcher la Lengua de Cervantes like that? Trying to listen to those lines was just painful, the accents alone were impossible to understand and what I could gather from the grammar was... not right.
You seem like a respectful, careful sort, so I need to know, Why?
We tried our VERY best to get the Spanish correct.
Prior to the recording, we got translations from multiple Spanish speakers.
At the recording, we gave nearly all the Spanish lines to two actors who speak Spanish fluently, i.e. Danny Trejo and Nolan North. Khary Payton, who speaks a little Spanish, had one line, but Danny and Nolan were there to make sure he got it right.
So... Maki... are you sure we got it SO wrong? (I'm not saying we didn't. I just know we tried our best to get it right...)
Of course, part of the problem may be that Spanish is spoken differently in different areas of the world. What sounded wrong to a Spanish speaker from Spain might sound right to a Spanish speaker from El Salvador, etc.
Drop Zone was a fantastic episode, keep up the good work.
i just read an episode description for Feb. 11's episode "Infiltrator"
Who are the league of shadow's? are you taking about the league of Assassins? i remember in batman begins, the league of assassins was watered down for audiences.
Who had to drop the ax on the assassins for this instance? Comics fans know that they've always been the league of assassins and when they hear the league of shadow's it will most likely take them out of the moment.
I had assumed that with a pg v rating that your target demographic was young teens, do you have to fight censorship in order to actually take advantage of this rating.
to be real Greg, you and i both know EXACTLY what the kids want to see, blood, excessive violence and sexual innuendo. its just the facts. i have seen tv pg v ratings get way with some of the gritiest, realistic, and schoking material.
How are they gonna screw you on the sensorship? i am a huge fan of the show and your work but im still waiting to see a pg v fight. listen to the devil of your conscious and let the angel take a vacation.
The show is the show. It's set on Earth-16. If comics fans get too fixated on what they assume the series is going to be instead of what it is, there's literally nothing I can do about that -- except shrug.
Personally, I think "League of Shadows" is a BETTER name than "League of Assassins". NO ONE mandated that change. It's an alternate name that I preferred. It makes more sense to me in this world.
And by the way, Logan, I don't agree at all with your assessment of "EXACTLY what the kids want to see". I think they want good stories, well told with interesting characters... but maybe that's just me.
Censorship has honestly not been an issue on this series to date at all. Your assumptions are just wrong -- and I just love that you made them BEFORE seeing the episode. That just makes them even more fun.
And if you assume that censorship was in play, how would my devils or angels have anything to do with anything?
I'm really liking the take on Batman in Young Justice. It's pretty refreshing to see a Batman that isn't completely cold and cruel, and who can actually give out praise when it's warranted. Was this a concious decision?
Yes. But it's based on mine and Brandon's interpretation of the character.
How was Sportsmaster able to detect Miss Martian? Was she not really invisible (just really translucent) or are his senses really good?
She's NOT invisible or translucent, just camouflaged. (Think Predator.) YOU could see her, right?
But, yes, Sportsmaster's trained his senses well.
Related to Bane, did you know that he was going to be in the next Batman movie when you put him in YJ?
Obviously, no.
Ok greg I got a question about an observation I had.
I noticed in independence day pt 2 that when superboy was walking away from the cloning chamber it seemed that aqualad had telepathy and he was talking to superboy but then I thought it was just dubbilex and then I noticed in drop zone that aqualad told speedy to get a running head start on bane to get the trigger in his mind. Ok so I guess my question is does aqualad have telepathy and if he doesn't what was he doing in those examples I mentioned
Aqualad has no telepathy. But Superboy does have super-hearing. And Miss Martian did link everyone up telepathically in Santa Prisca.
Hi Greg
I've just watched "Drop Zone", and I have to say it's much better than the last three episodes. I really thought this episode felt a lot like "Human Target" which is another good TV show based on DC Comics, which airs on Fox. and it's a good thing BTW.
Anyway excellent portrayal of the Kobra organisation, and I hope you'll be able to portray crime families and other terrorist organsations as good as Kobra in future episodes.
Me too.
Well, I just watched "Drop Zone" and I'll give some feedback.
I like how the Young Justice members fought Kobra, the Sportsman and Bane in one episode. Just an odd combo and I love it. I'm glad they're fighting adult super villains.
Charterizations for Robin and Superboy were good. I like how Superboy seems to be portrayed as kind of arrogant and careless with his power.
The color schemes were kind interesting for the villains. Kobras were red and I'm used to them being green from Batman Beyond and Batman: The Brave and the Bold, specifically the prologue to "Requiem for a Scarlet Speedster", an episode you wrote. I thought Kobra was the Crimson Avenger. And I thought Bane was Gene Simmons.
Actually, Bane does look good in this episode. In the comics and his first appearance on Batman:TAS, he looked like a pro wrestler. Then on the Batman revamp on WB (97-99), he wore black leather and had a spiked collar, resembling an S&M character. So, I like the sleek Young Justice version, even though his face is Kiss-like.
Finally, one real complaint. The speech Batman gives at the end where he chews out the kids. He tells them all the things they did wrong, but ends it with a "good job." I've seen that whole "you really messed up...good job!" speech in hundreds of movies and TV shows, to a name a few: Mulan, Patch Adams, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, every episode of "McCloud" and the episode "Initiation" of Justice League.
But overall, it was a good episode.
Uh... thanks.
Are we going to keep seeing the "Hello Megan!" catchphrase in Young Justice? I mean it's a nice catchphrase but if we're going to see it in each episode... Hahah. Well.
Thank you.
Tune in and find out for yourself.
Not a question. I just saw "Drop Zone" and it was great. I especially liked the fact you showed Bane using his wits. Too often he's portrayed as dumb muscle. This was closer to what Chuck Dixon was probably thinking of.
just watched "Drop Zone" wich was epic, btw. i was just wondering about the timestamps- i noticed that the first two were dated in June, although the team wasn't even formed till July, 4th. Was this just an animation error, or some time-travel thing? I just got really confused...
By now, you've hopefully seen the corrections posted here at ASK GREG. (If not, check the Young Justice archives.) I'm happy to say that the timestamps were all corrected for the next time the episode airs.
After last week's somewhat lackluster episode of "Young Justice," I'm happy to be able to say... NOW THAT'S MORE LIKE IT!
The team seems to have come together, and it was cool to see them handle their first mission. I also loved how they determined who should lead. Usually once the leader is selected, he remains the leader for the duration of the series. But Aqualad as a placeholder until Robin is ready to lead is a pretty inspired take.
The character dynamics were fun. Seeing Miss Martian swoon over Superboy, who was being a jerk to her last episode was sadly quite true to life (seriously, do women like being mistreated?), but it was nice to see that Superboy has lightened up quite a bit, and is treating her much better now. He also seems to be developing a sense of humor. Looks like there is hope for him.
Now, to discuss the villains. I thought the timing of this episode was great, since it was only a few days ago that Bane (played by Tom Hardy) was announced as a villain in "The Dark Knight Rises." I also enjoyed this take on him. Smart, cunning, and utterly ruthless. This is a guy who I can see being as smart as Batman, and it was nice to see that take on him since, outside the comics, Bane has never been depicted as all that bright. I also loved Danny Trejo as his voice, perfect casting there.
I've never heard of Sportsmaster before tonight. His name is beyond hokey, but I liked him as an emissary of the Light. I'm sure we'll see more of him. Speaking of the Light, it was nice to get confirmation that Mr. Twister was working for them last week.
And finally, the Cult of the Kobra, who I have heard of. I liked them in this episode, they were fun. Although they felt like an imitation of Marvel's Hydra, but to be fair, they always felt like that. I suppose I could make a joke about GI Joe's nemesis, Cobra, but I won't. Still, as far as comics go, Hydra was always the original ruthless, terrorist organization determined to rule the world. Oops, guess I did make that joke.
All joking aside, I enjoyed Kobra, and his scheme. Mixing the Venom with the Blockbuster serum produced some pretty creepy results. I was surprised to see that much muscle and tissue ripping through torn skin on a cartoon. But I also enjoyed how understated, and calm Kobra himself was (and that was always how I thought Cobra's Emperor, Serpentor, should have been played, but that's another series and era).
The animation remains gorgeous, and I hope it stays that way.
I give this one a solid A. Loved it.
Well, I'm glad we weren't "lackluster" two episodes in a row.
Hi Greg. Hope your 2011 is off to a good start. Gotta question for ya. Are Gargoyles with feathered wings (such as Griff, Zaphiro) susceptible to molting?
Thanks :)
Don't know.
Not that you probably have the time to do it even if you wanted to but... I heard the Peter David will be writing some episodes of Young Justice. Should the opportunity present itself, would you like to write a story in his version of YJ like he is writing in yours?
Uh... just to be clear... you're asking if -- in some strange hypothetical universe -- Peter were to begin writing issues of his old YJ comic again, would I like to write an issue if I had time?
Comics don't really work that way, but sure! Why not?!
how old are flash, batman and superman?
Barry is 35. Clark is 33. Bruce is 32.
I am under the impression that you guys created your aqualad for the show and DC followed suit by introducing a version of the character into it's main Universe. This is correct?
I'm curious about the level of communication between the major parties in the seperate character developments. Did you clearly delineate your origin and characterization to the comics team so that they could purposfully create a different character will only intentional overlap, or was there no sharing (beyond the basic look and powers) so that each team could create their own character without undue influence of the other (kind of like the way you have described avoiding much of the 90s Spider-Man show to avoid influence upon creation of Spectacular Spider-Man)
Yes, that's basically correct, though there was input from both divisions going both directions. There was plenty of communication. No plan on our part for them to take it in a different direction. They picked and chose from among what we created to create their version. And they gave us some good suggestions as well.
Hey Greg one of the stronger internet rumors going around about Young Justice is that one of the main characters is gonna die. This speculation comes from that comic-con video about young justice. Now I seem to be the only person in the world who seems to think that this meant that your show wasnt afraid of killing off characters when necessary. (already in the first episode Mr. Freeze kills a ton of civilians(well I'm assuming they died because you said that your trying to anchor some of the science in the real world))
So I was wondering are we free to keep on speculating about the death of a team member or was this a misinterpretation of informaton given?
You're always free to speculate. How could I stop you if I wanted to?
Hello Greg,
I was watching YJ on Sunday and I was curious as to what brought Mr. Twister (a robot version)to be the villain of the week? Considering the original human only faced Robin Aqualad and Kid Flash once and decades ago.
There are a LOT of reasons, but one was that we thought it would be interesting for our Team to face an updated version of the original Teen Titan's very first opponent. A shout-out, if you will.
How could the bioship have blocked the YJers from Twister's line of site, in episode 3? It's invisible and we see the ground underneath the ship from Twister's perspective and we see Twister through the ship from the YJers perspective. It seems to me that it could have acted as a shield but it shouldn't have cloaked the children who were not inside it.
It's NOT invisible. It's camouflaged. There's a difference.
I heard that there won't be any more two-parters in season 1 of Young Justice. Did you and Brandon Vietti decide to make the series premiere the only two-parter of the season or did Cartoon Network tell you that you could only have 1 two-parter in the first season?
That was our decision - though I'll admit it was at least partially based on the knowledge that networks in general don't love two-parters that much.
I just want to know and im shore you've been asked this before do you see your self ever making another Gargoyles show because I truly admire your work
It's not up to me.
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