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ANSWERVINGS 2011-05 (May)

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Tiffany writes...

I found a cel on Live Auction (it came up in a Google image search for Angela)that shows Thailog with a gun and carrying an unconscious Demona. It said it was from Sanctuary, but I didn't see that scene there or in other guides. Which episode is it from?

Greg responds...

It sounds like it's indeed from "Sanctuary". But without seeing it, I can't be sure. Even if I did see it, I STILL might not be sure.

Response recorded on May 05, 2011

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Tiffany writes...

I'm trying to find out which episode this part I remember comes from. In 1996 I saw part of an episode where Angela and Goliath were chained to the wall in a dungeon or metal room. The shackles were overhead and bolted into the wall, like the ones Doyle's men used on Lexington in Ransom. They were struggling when Elisa ran in and hit a button or switch that released them. "But we weren't able to leave," Goliath remarked. Do you know which episode this is? I've tried looking up guides, but I still haven't been able to find it.

Greg responds...

It's not immediately ringing a bell. It frankly sounds a bit like "Double Jeopardy", but Angela wasn't in that. If it came from Goliath Chronicles (as "Ransom" did), I'm not likely to remember something I wasn't involved in and only saw once back in 1996 or 1997.

My best advice is to ask fellow fans in the Station 8 Comment Room: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/comment/

Response recorded on May 05, 2011

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Melissa Lehman writes...

I really enjoyed "Denial" as I had been unfamiliar with the character of Klarion the Witchboy until that episode aired. Will we get to see more/learn more about him later on?
Thank you!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 05, 2011

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anon writes...

I realize this may have been answered before, but would the manhattan clan be tolerant of homosexuality? What about other clans?

Greg responds...

Dude... if you REALIZE this... why don't you check out the ASK GREG archives and get your answer there - instead of bogging down the queue with already answered questions!

Response recorded on May 05, 2011

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Dan writes...

Hi Greg!
If you saw it how did you feel about Captain Atom and Eiling's portrayals on JLU?

Greg responds...

I saw one episode with Captain Atom. His powers seemed slightly different from when I wrote the comic, but every series has to adapt. I haven't seen Eiling. At least, I don't think so.

Response recorded on May 05, 2011

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Justin writes...

Hello Greg,
Just a musing/ question based on a post of Matt's

<Matt writes...

3. Aside from Hudson, were any of True and "Kermit"'s rookery parents still alive as of 997?
Thanks, Greg!
Greg responds...

3. Potentially.>

My question is this...
Hudson hatched in 878. So as of 997 most of the surviving members of his rookery would be pushing the bio equivalent of 60.

So it stands to reason that the 898 and potentially the 918 rookery generations may also have had eggs lain in 968 resulting in the 978 gen.

Take the Wyvern Cell as our place holder here. We see Second and Sacrifice ( whom we can assume they had there 2nd egg in the 998 rookery as there is a garg on Avalon who looks almost identical to Second)

So again, it stands to reason they wouldn't start breeding on Sacrifice's 2nd heat.
Same I suppose goes for Chomp and Chaw, they most likely had a kid in the 978 and 998 rookeries too.

Just a thought

Greg responds...

I'm afraid I'm not following you.

Response recorded on May 05, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

I was excited to hear that McDonalds was doing a Young Justice promotion but was sad when none of the female characters were included. I would think including a lead character like Artemis or M'Gann would be better promotion for the show than Black Mantra. Are you involved in any of these decisions?

Greg responds...

Nope. I definitely was bummed that Artemis and Miss Martian weren't included. Though I was thrilled they chose to do our show at all.

Response recorded on May 04, 2011

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Grune writes...

I'm sure you get a lot of these, but it's another Artemis question: You recently revealed that she is half-Vietnamese, and you have also stated that she is based on a character from the DC comics; my question is, is she also half-Vietnamese in the comics or was her origin changed for the purposes of the show?

Greg responds...

Depends what you assume you know about Paula Brooks' parents in the comics?

Response recorded on May 04, 2011

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Ankit09 writes...

Hi Greg, I want to ask some questions of Young Justice.
1) Is the team Justice League called "Justice League of America" or "Justice League".
2) Is the mentioned team Dr. Fate "Justice Society" or "Justice Society of America".
3) Is Wonder Woman a Amazon princes from Themyscira(Paradise Island).
4) Is Hawkwoman & Hawkman from Planet Thanagar.
5) Will there be new members joined to Young Justice in 1st season.

Greg responds...

1. Justice League.
2. Justice Society of America.
3. Yes.
4. Yes.
5. "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT." Except, I already spoiled this at a convention, so, yes.

Response recorded on May 04, 2011

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Xera writes...

Does Vogel find Owen annoying at all? I would imagine someone would find their own clone rather irritating after a while.

Greg responds...

Annoying and somewhat disturbing. Couldn't you tell?

(Of course, you're using the term "clone" metaphorically, right?)

Response recorded on May 04, 2011

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